Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 9: He changed PLANT


Siegel Klein has danced on the edge of a knife all his life.

From planning the independence of PLANT with two friends in the early years, to ZAFT's defeat in the war and being ordered to take over the Supreme Council, every time it was a situation of near death, but every time he was overturned by him, the legendary experience is not much more than that of the protagonist of some novels let. This time, Klein believed that he could successfully overcome the difficulties encountered this time, and the key to opening the situation was the young man in front of him.

"Scholars like Dr. Adrian actually hate me for talking in circles like a politician." Different methods are used to deal with different people, and for a person like Adrian Lingus, it is far more straightforward to get straight to the point than to side-track. "Then I'll go straight to the point. When those two things are delivered in the second half of the year, I hope to invite doctors to PLANT in the name of scientific investigation."

"Why?" The young man in front of him clearly showed a puzzled expression. It is no wonder that, according to the agreement, the two nuclear power Gundams entrusted to Anaheim to be developed will be equipped with small nuclear fission reactors and neutron interference cancellers, so after the current phase of the work, the final assembly and debugging will be completed in PLANT Yes, Dr. Adrian will not be involved in the later work.

"To be honest, my situation in China is not very good recently." For collaborators like Adrian, it is better to directly explain the stakes, and concealing it will make him feel like he is being used, "I wonder if the doctor has seen it. In the news this morning, MP Aznabu has publicly attacked the Speaker's governing philosophy."

"I did see this news." Adrian nodded, "but I thought it was just a case of the media? As far as I know, Senator Aznabu doesn't seem like someone who would say such things in public. ."

"There is indeed a certain degree of out-of-context, but it is true that his political views disagree with me." Klein showed a rare trace of fatigue, "It's not just him, Patrick, ah, Congressman Sarah, and mine. Opinions are also divided. As you can guess, he still can't forget the hatred. Now my position is a little embarrassing."

Char Aznabu, as a star officer who rose all the way from the One-Year War with his illustrious military exploits, quickly entered the Supreme Council with his strong personality and part of the political legacy of the Zabi family after entering politics. He has a reputation in PLANT. Not inferior to his daughter's appeal. This person is ruthless and scheming. Although he is young, even Klein can't see through it. It would be great if such a person were his ally, but the two of them had different political views. Aznabu has a lot of dissatisfaction with the current status of PLANT, and is a slightly moderate reformer.

Patrick has the ability to be his old friend for many years, but he is not stable enough, easy to be emotional and credulous to others. Klein certainly understood the pain of losing his wife he experienced in the one-year war, but the opportunity for peaceful development that he finally won is more important, not an eye for an eye. But Patrick has always been obsessed with the blood-stained Valentine's Day. If he didn't control the situation himself, it would not be impossible for him to restart the war, and Klein, who was his confidant, was not kind. generation.

"Maybe, Dr. Adrian, you don't care much about the Internet. Now, there are a lot of discordant voices on PLANT's side." Klein smiled bitterly, "I'm not afraid that you will make fun of it. Many people on the Internet are spreading the news about my loss of power and humiliation to the country, and begging for a girl. Rong's joke."

"The navy takes the rhythm, and the public opinion builds momentum. This is... Has the conflict between the members of the parliament intensified to this point?" As expected, it is easy to talk to a smart person.

"In my opinion, I'm afraid yes. For PLANT, bilateral denuclearization by neutron jammers is the best outcome in my opinion. The Earth Federation is not monolithic, and Britannia's tail has always been a big one. Problem. In addition, the research on nuclear fusion is still far away, all of which can at least win 50 years of peaceful development for PLANT." Klein has never regarded Adrian as a pure scholar, which has changed since last year. When he talked, he could see that the conversation and insight he showed when he persuaded himself at that time was definitely not a genius scientist who became famous as a teenager. "Fifty years later, with the ability of adjusters, the ability to create new technologies will deter peace is entirely possible."

"What about famine caused by insufficient energy? What about people who starve to death?"

"The past has happened, and the sudden famine has been effectively resolved. It's a bit cold to say that, but maintaining the current situation is far better than a full-scale war."

"Does Mr. Klein believe that he is the maker of peace?"

"Adjusters are naturally not invaders. This is determined by our population, geography and resources." This is Klein's core view all along, and he hopes Adrian can understand, "So in order to achieve peace, it is best to The solution is to create a unilateral deterrence created by PLANT. And in order to achieve this, the most important thing we need now is time.”

"But war, war never changes. Fighting is human nature, and careerists like Kieran Zabi will always be born."

"Eternal peace is something that can only be accomplished by God. I just do what a human being can do. This is both my political aspiration and my ideal in life. I have fought for it for 30 years and have never felt ashamed. "

If it is a confrontation between the two powers, the ideal situation is to complete a political marriage and ease the relationship through a daughter, and time is on your side. Whether it is Patrick's son or Aznabu, they are both good marriage partners. But in such a three-legged situation now, no matter which party you approach rashly with, it will provoke a strong reaction from the third party, and it can only intensify the contradiction more quickly.

Whether for himself or for his family, he needs time. Lux has accumulated a reputation far beyond her own in countless coveted eyes, and it is even more fortunate that she has the same ideal as herself and the ability to surpass herself. Before she grows up, before she inherits her own political legacy Before, he had to stabilize the situation and must not fall. He knows that once he loses power, everything he has built so hard will be destroyed, and for Lux, being a plaything on the couch of a big man is already the happiest luxury. To avoid all this, and to buy time, he needs the support of Adrian Lingus.

The young man in front of him was caught in a long exam, and then asked, "What does this have to do with inviting me to PLANT?"

That's it. Siegel Klein thought so.

Eddie's senses of Lux are quite complicated. He is neither a simple fan nor a simple black, but Siegel Klein has always been just Lux's father to him. It was not until last year that in order to reach a deal with him for a neutron interference canceller, I did a careful study of this person's life. I have to say that he is a great individual. But Klein's speech now makes this person's image really come alive in his mind.

"What does this have to do with inviting me to PLANT?"

"Because of the neutron interference canceller. As I just told you, bilateral denuclearization is the ideal situation for me, and I am firmly opposed to this kind of thing. The neutron interference canceller is Patrick's will. The result, but by the time I found out, I was powerless to stop him."

"It's the perfect fuse for war, isn't it."

"Exactly. With the continuation of peace, the federal military, whose status will gradually decline, and the radical racists hit it off. You know what happened to Commodore Hyman, Doctor." Klein crossed his fingers on his chest, his expression became more serious , "The matter of the neutron interference canceler is already known to some people in PLANT and the upper level of the moon, and it is only a matter of time before it reaches the ears of the Federation. At that time, I am afraid they will take desperate risks, so in order to avoid the arrival of this day, I need-"

"—Suppression, to deter the Federation so that they can't act easily." Ed took over the conversation, he already fully understood what the other party meant, "So I am about to win the Most Outstanding Person Award on the Moon and seem to represent the will of the moon. He is the most suitable candidate. You need me to visit PLANT to create an illusion of closeness between PLANT and the moon for the federation. It’s a good idea, maybe a few years, but what about in a few years?”

"I will do my best in the past few years to make the Supreme Council have only one voice, to make people believe that we have destroyed the neutron interference canceller, or," Klein paused, "prepare for war."

"I understand what you mean." Klein is a complete conspiracy, telling you all the plans, can you be used by me, to be honest, it's hard for Ed to feel bad for him, "But this way If I do, my position on the moon will also be embarrassing."

"Don't worry about this doctor," Klein said with a smile on his face, "All operations are initiated by PLANT. Externally, it is said that the doctor is invited to conduct scientific research exchanges. There are technical problems that require the doctor to personally take action. Today's lunch of ours is also after I heard that the deformable skeleton was completed, I couldn't help but ask the doctor about the progress of our MS. What the doctor needs to do is only when you finally ask for your opinion. Just nod. Even if things come to light later, you are just a naive scholar used by a despicable politician and will only be regarded as a victim."

The arrangement was so perfect that Ed couldn't help laughing along: "Then what's in it for me?"

"Isn't the benefit already given last year?"

"… Neutron Interference Eliminator." Ed sighed, "I'm glad we're not enemies now, and I'm more aware that I don't have the talent for politics. I was still complacent last year for my performance in persuading you..."

"Your speech last year is indeed worthy of praise, and it is by no means meaningless." Klein let go of his crossed hands and took a sip of water from the cup, "Without your speech at that time, we would not be where we are today. conversation. That's why I chose to be open and honest with you, Doctor, and not anyone else."

"In principle, I agree." Although I knew that Klein's words were flattering, I couldn't help but feel happy when I heard it. This is human nature, "But as you just said, I will only end up in the end. Nod and don't do anything else superfluous."

"That's enough." Klein was obviously very happy, and even cut the steak that was almost cold. "The little girl will also be very happy. She kept saying she wanted to see Dr. Adrian."

"Ling Ai would actually say such a thing?" This is flattery again. He has been pretending to be a fan of Lux in front of him. "This is not the same as the image of Miss Lux in my mind."

"You'll know when you see the little girl. I'm telling the truth." Klein is smiling like a kind uncle next door. No one can associate him with a wily politician. " At that time, please be sure to appreciate the doctor and come to my house as a guest."

CC is lying on the sofa with the Harrow pillow and watching TV. The content of the program is quite boring, and it is only time for play. Boredom isn't something she can't bear, she's used to it. Suddenly there was a sound from the entrance, the sound of the door opening.

CC sat up with a snort, looked in the direction of the entrance, and Ed walked in.

"It's been so long this year?"

"No, it's the same as in previous years." Ed threw the bag on the sofa and opened the refrigerator to find something to drink. I was so dry talking to Klein just now that I was embarrassed to drink too much water in the restaurant, "Klein is here and invited me to visit PLANT, he is responsible for persuading the side of the moon, as long as I nod my head at the end. I agree. ."

"Isn't it good, you've been living on the moon for too long, it's time to go out." The bag smashed onto the sofa, and a beautifully packaged gift box slipped out of it. CC picked it up and shook it, "This is What is it?"

"The gift from Klein was specially prepared for me, and I will definitely like it." Ed brought himself a large cup of tea, and the sound of tearing the package came from behind, "What's in it?"

"… "

"What's wrong? What's in there?"

"That's it... I said, no wonder... So you are so good...!"