Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 108: Subdue


At this time, other high-ranking elves and Arman also came, and the elf queen told everyone the decision, but the other elves didn't say much.

Being able to keep this forest and continue to live here is more important than anything else!

Shillong slowly shrunk in size, ordered the captives to lean into a ball, and finally let them hold their heads in their hands, squat on the ground, and then said: "Just now I talked to the Elf Queen and asked her how she planned to deal with you! Guess how she answered me ? She said she would execute you!"


A group of evil dragon servants were shocked when they heard this, and some orcs shouted: "Damn elves! I said you shouldn't surrender! These hateful guys actually want to execute us! It's death anyway! We will fight him!"

After speaking, he stood up, ready to attack the elves guarding him.

But the next moment, a super-strong gravity suddenly descended on him!


He was blasted into the ground.


The orc roared, the huge gravity made him unable to resist, his internal organs seemed to be ruptured, and blood was slowly bleeding from his body...

"The guy who is not polite! I haven't finished my words yet." Shillong said lightly.

This orc has good strength. Although he didn't use his full gravity, it is not something ordinary orcs can bear.

This guy's strength is supposed to be on the tenth level.

"Listen! Merciful metal dragon, Lord Shillong begs the elf queen to forgive you! But you must be slaves and work hard for me! You must be a creature that contributes to the world in the future! Do you understand?"


There was silence.

"Don't you understand?" Shillong asked displeased.

"Yes! All of us are your servants! Respected and great dragon!" An orc shaman said with his hands on his chest.

Those of other races were quick to chime in.

Originally, they were the servants of the green dragon, so it doesn't matter if they change their masters!

"Very good! Who is the leader here? Stand up!" Shillong said.

"I am!"

The orc who had previously fought against the 18th-level elf druid stood up.

"very good!"

Shillong said something again, and then he took out a sheepskin scroll from the interspatial ring.

This parchment scroll was shrouded in an ominous atmosphere, and on the top was the head of a goat-headed devil.

There are some strange tadpole characters written below.

These words seem to have magic power, emitting purple light.

"Come on! Use your blood to sign him, you are my servant! I will let you continue to live!"

The scroll of sheepskin gently floated down in front of the orc leader.


The orc didn't dare to say much, took the animal skin and just glanced at it, all these unknown words were actually understood by him!

It says below.

Cover your mark with blood, and you will become Shillon Soderberry's servant. From then on, you will serve him forever with your loyalty!

Life is his person, death is his soul!

This is a devil's contract!

At this moment, the orc leader understood.

And it's an extremely unfair, completely master-servant devil's contract!

But he has no room to refuse, just now he has seen the other party's strength with his own eyes!

That is the power of a god that is unmatched by mortals!

Even the legendary black dragon is vulnerable to him!

Fall on the spot!

No one dared to touch each other's dragon whiskers!

The orc leader's right index finger lightly touched the sharp edge of the battle axe.


Slight pain, the index finger has been cut open.

He wrote down his name without hesitation.

Cusk. Tomahawk!

The moment he signed his name, he seemed to see the eyes of the sheep-headed devil on the parchment roll light up slightly, and a few whispers rang out in his ears.

Immediately, when he looked at Shillong, a sense of surrender emerged spontaneously.

Let him kneel down on one knee involuntarily: "Respected my lord! Kusk. Tomahawk salutes you!"

"Very good! In the future, when I'm not around, you will be in charge of this army. The leaders of other clans should have no objections?"

When Xilong said this, his eyes filled with golden particles suddenly lit up, and he scanned all the other clans.

Each of these clans quickly expressed their willingness to obey Cusk's arrangement.

Afterwards, Shillong accepted the gifts from the elves and prepared to leave.

The elves didn't keep him either. Although the war was won, the relatives and friends who died still needed to be buried, and those who were alive needed comfort.

The water of the world child tree, which is the daughter body separated from the world mother tree.

This magical tree will secrete some juice every year, which has magical effects.

Now what the elves give is packed in a small glass bottle of about 50ml, and it is in a completely sealed state. It is such a small bottle, at least 200,000 gold coins.

And it’s still priceless.

Seeing this thing, Alman wanted to sell it, but Shillong refused, saying that this is a scarce resource, and it should be kept for now, and we can discuss it later depending on the situation.

Of course, this is rhetoric and only half the idea.

What is the other half? That's because I don't want to sell the gold coins to Arman!

This bastard is always sharing my money!

I don't sell water anymore! This thing belongs to me alone!

Wait until they are separated before selling!

When he was not interested in gold coins in the past, the points were divided, but now, his obsession with gold coins has become more and more serious. This is entirely the result of the will being affected by the instinct of the body!

He is too embarrassed to go back on his word!

This effect is not only that!

There is also a violent, cold-blooded and ruthless side, just like the previous battle, he didn't feel the slightest guilt about killing those orcs, that black dragon, all he had was fun!

It's not just because he hated villains more in his previous life. He thought it would be better if those criminals were pulled out and shot.

There are even more physical effects in this!

The more he used his body's super strength, the more irritable his heart became!

Maybe in the future he will become a dragon that he hates.

Shillong then asked Cusk where the old green dragon's lair was.

Then he was alone and flew over quickly.

The old green dragon's lair was shaped by his own magic, in a giant tree fortress catalyzed by trees.

It is more than one hundred meters high and three to four hundred meters wide.

It looked very delicate. Xilong drilled inside and saw that it was empty, and there was nothing inside.

For this reason, he went back to inquire about the black dragon's lair, and then rushed over to see that there was nothing in the black dragon's lair except for some strange equipment and armor.

In an instant he remembered!

These dragons must have brought their treasures with them when they fought!

While their treasure chests are definitely plentiful, they are very old dragons of legendary rank.

The space ring you have must have a huge space, and then you swallow the ring in your stomach and save it!

After Shillong figured it out, he rushed back to the black dragon's skeleton and started searching for his body, but found nothing!

The space ring was melted by the flame he sprayed before!

Treasures worth at least one hundred thousand and hundreds of thousands of gold coins are gone!

Space rings usually store items in a fixed different space, and the ring is the key to this different space!

Now the key is destroyed!

Shillong will forever lose the chance to obtain these treasures!

(end of this chapter)