Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 111: Vikoff


A bunch of self-proclaimed pretense, I don't know if it makes any sense.

The next step is to introduce the journey of shadows.

First, use a special magic circle to summon the gate of the shadow world, then let the body adapt to the shadow world, and finally engrave the magic circle on the body to maintain the ability to be shadowed at any time.

Looking pretty good, Shillong tossed it to Arman.

"?" Alman was a little confused: "Why? Let me sell it? Can this broken book be sold for money?"

"Let you study hard! I won't be around in the future, so you won't be beaten to death!"

"Why are you saying this? I, Arman, am upright for the dragon. Who will kill me?" He was puzzled.

"There are many! The strength is so weak! You are so stupid, if you don't kill him, who will you kill?"

"You say this, do you want to abandon me? Yilong to make money? You must not want to give me money! Right?" Arman doubted.

Shillong is getting more and more stingy! Now I definitely regret giving me gold coins every time!

"You can't do this! We are brothers!!" He said again.

"You think too much! Although we are brothers, we will definitely be separated in the future! I am really worried about your future! Without me, maybe the next time I see you, I will go to your grave.

And father and mother are separated, as brothers, do you think we can never be separated?" Shillong said.

"Why should we separate? Aren't we doing well?" Alman was puzzled.

"After growing up, we will separate sooner or later! We will find our respective partners, and then spend the rest of our lives with our partners." Shillong said.

"No... Even if we are looking for a partner, why should we separate? It would be good for the four dragons to live together!" Alman said.


Shillong stared at the boy speechlessly: "Okay! I don't want to talk nonsense with you! You just have to listen to me! Listen! Learn the shadow walk for me immediately! Start tomorrow!"

"Oh, okay." Arman also saw Shillong's seriousness, and confessed.

Then Shillong rang the copper bell, and the servants from other rooms came over quickly.

After discovering a dead person, these servants seemed a little panicked, but Shillong comforted him, and told him that it was an assassin, and asked the other party to throw the body out and it would be over.

until the next day.

In a special dark space.

I don't know where this place is, it's pitch black, only a skeleton head is quietly flipping through the books.

The soul fire in his skull is the only means of illumination.

Sha la la, the paper flipped, and there was a clear sound.

Suddenly, he paused slightly.

The air in the space fluctuates.

Another skull wearing a robe appeared here.

This skeleton wears a white robe.

He glanced at the skull before, then walked to his side and sat down slowly.

The bones piled up under his body quickly assembled into a bone chair.

"Teacher, there is news from the Brotherhood that the assassination failed this time."

"Really? I see."

Known as the teacher, Wei Wei paused the movements of his hands, and then said again after a while: "It's expected."

"Oh~ you are indeed a teacher! You are still so wise." The skeleton complimented, and the voice of the soul was full of weird vitality.

The soul fire in the skull flickered slightly, as if very happy.

"Vikoff, stop doing these useless performances, we have no emotions for a long time, you will only make me feel ridiculous! Like a clown wearing a mask." The teacher said.

"No! Teacher! This is not ridiculous! Human emotions are very precious things. Although we don't have them anymore, we can imitate them. This will allow me to go further in the research of spells and alchemy." Vikoff replied .

"Uninteresting thought."

"Teacher! You are so boring." Vicoff said.

Then he took out two cups of brewed tea from the interspatial ring worn on the hand bone, pushed one of them to the book that the teacher was flipping through, and said, "Teacher! Try it, this is my special Zenggu tea, drink it It can strengthen the bone quality after being lowered! It is a very good baby!"

"..." The teacher was speechless, looked at Vikoff quietly, and said after a long time: "No! I don't need these."

"That's such a pity! This is really a good thing! I spent a lot of time researching it! Each cup costs 20 gold coins!" He said, picked up the teacup, made a gesture of sniffing tea, and then praised Said: "Fragrant fragrance! Good tea! Good tea!"

Then he picked up the teacup and held it over his head.

The teacup tilted slightly, and the mercury-like liquid inside slid down the rim.

From the skull, all the way down to the bare feet.

The liquid was attached to the white bones, and was absorbed by the white bones after a short time, making his bones whiter and more translucent.

Da da da, Viktor tapped his bare skull lightly with his bony fingertips, making a crisp sound.

"Teacher! Listen, this voice is awesome!

I'm sure my bones are stronger than those wurm bones now!

It feels really good!

How are you, teacher? Do you want to try it

It will make you as hard as I am! "Vicoff said happily.

"I said... no..."

"Okay! Okay! Teacher, you have been staying here for more than 20 years, have you not left? This is too boring. There is something called a movie in the human world. It is really interesting. Let's watch it together. see?"

"go out… "

"Okay! Then teacher, goodbye! You can rest assured about the dragon of the Soderberry Chamber of Commerce and leave it to me! I think it won't be long before our church will have new members." When his voice fell , the figure has disappeared without a trace.

The dark space returns to tranquility.

The teacher silently looked at the bone-enhancing water that was still placed beside the book.

After thinking for a moment, I finally picked it up and poured it on the bones.

Da da da, he tapped lightly with his finger bones a few times.

It seems... it does harden...

He is indeed my most talented student.

The teacher thought in his heart.

Suddenly, the space fluctuated again.

Vikoff, who disappeared before, reappeared, and he "glanced" at the teacher's desk.

The teacup that was set aside was empty.

The soul fire in the skull beat slightly.

Then the upper and lower jaws clicked and clicked a few times.

Vikoff let out a strange laugh: "Teacher! How effective is my Zenggucha?"


"roll… "

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka—

Vikoff disappeared again.

The eerie laughter echoed in the dark space and lingered for a long time.

After a long, long time, the whole space regained its calm. Not long after, the sound of Sarah's flipping a book sounded.


Andre's house.

At this time Andre and Neferu also knew the news of Shillong's assassination.

For this matter, the two dragons expressed sympathy for the assassin, and the assassination of others might be successful! But assassinate Shillong? Save it!

Thank you [book friend 20170921133004383] for the reward of 100 starting coins.

(end of this chapter)