Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 15: look! I found out who!


Viola cast her eyes on the food Shillong brought, smiled and said: "The triangular giant rhinoceros, the belly meat is fat and tender, and the thigh meat is very chewy. Mom likes it very much."

"Mom, as long as you like it." Shillong said.

"Okay, now it's time to enjoy it."

After Viola finished speaking, she came out of the cave and began to disembowel the Triceratops, and cleaned it up with water magic. Then, she divided the Triceratops into two parts with her sharp claws, and one part accounted for two-thirds. One third.

After Viola pushed two-thirds of the meat to Shillong, she used Frost Breath to freeze her portion of the meat and began to enjoy it.

But Shillong was different. He cut off a tree first, then took a light breath, lowered his head, pointed his nostrils at the tree, and exhaled.

A string of fiery red gas spewed out from his nostrils, turned into flames and ignited the trees, and then Shillong took two-thirds of the triceratops and started roasting them.

Long ago, Shillong discovered that he preferred cooked food to frozen food.

Therefore, in order to be able to eat cooked food, Shillong exercised his control ability severely.

The ability to breathe is just what you have learned from training.

The fiery breath, at the beginning, before Shillong had mastered the power, was powerful enough to burn everything in the cone 50 or 60 meters ahead.

After two or three months of training, Shillong was able to use him to light the fire.

After the food test, Viola and Shillong, the mother and son, finished their food. After that, Shillong bid farewell to Viola, and disappeared in front of Viola in a stream of pure gold.

Viola watched Shillong go away helplessly.

The child was too big, and because of his size, he couldn't step into the lair he had built before.

Logically speaking, this kind of trivial matter is not a problem at all. The inheritance knowledge of the real dragon contains many spells, including the spell of transfiguration.

Generally, true dragons can be used as long as they have passed the young dragon stage.

Arman could use it seven years ago, but Shillong couldn't. Viola didn't understand this problem.

So until now, Shillong has not stepped into his birth palace for more than three years.

Flying at a height of a thousand meters above the ground, Shillong is already familiar with the island he is on, but he will never fly away from the island he is familiar with.

He still retains his vigilance against the unknown.

Finally reincarnated into a very promising real dragon.

As long as you stick to your life, you can become a big boss. There is no reason to go out when you are still weak.

Shillong has always thought so.

He has been soaring on this small island, so that he already has enough knowledge of this island.

This is an uninhabited island full of strange beasts, well, it should be, but Viola has said before that there may be a human mage still there, so it may no longer be called an uninhabited island.

The area of this island is not small, it is oval in shape, the longest point is more than ten kilometers long, and the width is three to four kilometers wide.

Soaring above the island, Shillong felt as if he was inspecting his own territory.

He leisurely observed the ants-sized plants and beasts on the ground.

Suddenly, he discovered an unusual scene.

Through the gaps in the branches, he saw a leopard-shaped beast, hanging from a tree by the grid, struggling hard.

From a distance, in an invisible blind spot, icicles pierced the leopard on the tree.

The leopard was killed in no time. Then a figure appeared under the leopard, slowly releasing the trap, as if wanting to put down the dead prey.

"Is this guy the last human to break into the island? I didn't expect that he is still on this island!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Shillong was a little surprised.

But at the same time, because he hadn't seen a human being in seventeen years, excitement fermented in his chest.


With a roar from the sky, Shillong swooped down, turning into a red golden streamer and falling downward again!

The violent sonic boom continued to roar.

Shillong was getting closer and closer to the ground. It was not until two or three hundred meters later that he extinguished the flame of the tail and fell to the ground with a bang!

A huge deep pit instantly exploded on the ground a hundred meters away from the target.

The ground was shaken violently by this impact, and the old mage Jones, who was still preparing to put the cheetah down, sat down on the ground shaken by the shock.

What followed was the huge wind pressure brought by Shillong's landing! The branches and leaves of the nearby trees swayed wildly, looking precarious.

But Jones was blown backward by the hurricane for several meters, hit the big tree behind him with a bang, screamed, and slipped to the ground before he could hardly observe what happened.

The goal was a mess of trees, but of course none of these could attract his attention.

The figure of Xilong far away in the deep pit held his mind firmly!

Jones swears that, with his extensive knowledge, he has never seen such a big monster!

Judging from its appearance, it should be a real dragon, but this real dragon is not the common five-color dragon or metal dragon.

Jones had no way of knowing what kind of dragon the opponent was, but the opponent's size and the sense of oppression that penetrated into the bone marrow reminded Jones that this was a monster far beyond his imagination!

If you do it, you will definitely die!

Suppressing the horror in his heart, Jones stood up tremblingly, then pulled himself together, bowed slightly to Shillong, and saluted: "Dear Your Excellency, the Great Mage Jones pays tribute to you."

For the archmage who is rich in knowledge and understands the real dragon, the real dragon is a group of life forms with extremely high intelligence and power.

Mages are always full of desire and respect for power.

"Are you the mage who entered this island seven years ago?" Shillong asked, staring closely at Jones with his big eyes open.

His voice is not at all immature like a normal young dragon like Alman, and some are only thick.

"Yes, Your Excellency Zhenlong, but they are not my companions. We just happened to enter your territory together. Please forgive me for coming uninvited." Jones had an old face full of chrysanthemums , with a guilty look.

"The two guys who came with you are dead. They committed a great crime and killed my younger brother and sister." Xilong said.

"It's really a pity. For those two people who committed such evil things, they deserved to be killed by you."

"You should have known those two guys died a long time ago, right?"

"Yes, I have lived on this island for ten years, and I have never met them again."

"It's been ten years, you're still here, aren't you a mage? Why are you still here, waiting to die? My mother has already told me about intruders like you, you can be eliminated immediately. "

Xilong couldn't understand the other party, he dared to live on this island with a few dragons, isn't he afraid of death

Or do you think you have the strength to compete with the real dragon? .

Here I would like to thank the friends who have been voting for me, and the boss who added the book list. Yesterday, there were more than 100 collections in one day, which is more than my previous 10 days. I don’t know if it’s all because of the book list. , Or is there a brother to give me publicity? Anyway, thank you very much, and please add a book list if you have a book list (*▽`*)

(end of this chapter)