Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 18: Every word of mine is heartfelt!


"It's really troublesome!" Shillong muttered, and then said to Jones: "Although you are not strong enough, you are indeed useful. I recognize the value of your life."

"Thank you for your approval." Jones quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, go to your residence for a stroll, I just happen to be fine now."


"What are you doing in a daze? Lead the way!"

"Yes! Yes..." Jones nodded quickly and walked to the front.

Shillong followed behind him, not paying attention to his still naked body.

Anyway, the old man has already seen it, so let him watch it! There is no one else on the island, so there is no need to be shy!

Along the way, the two were a little silent, and after walking around for a while, Jones said: "Your Excellency! I heard that when non-human higher creatures use transfiguration for the first time, they follow their own age and body shape. Transformed into a fixed form, I don’t know if it’s true or not?”

This question has been bothering him ever since.

Because the little boy in front of him looks really small!

If the advanced knowledge of monsters I have seen before is not wrong, then what is this dragon in front of me

"You should be right. The knowledge I got from the inherited memory is similar to what you said. What questions do you have?" Shillong followed Jones, stepping on the ground full of debris with his immature feet.

These sundries did not bring him the slightest discomfort, even if it was a human body, his skin was strong enough to defend against most swords.

"May I ask, how old are you this year?" The old mage pushed aside the rattan in front of him with a cane.


"This year... because it should be considered seventeen years old." Shillong replied after a moment of silence.

"" Jones paused, his thoughts tumbling.

"has a problem?"

"Your Excellency, I looked at your body shape before. It should be the body type of an old dragon of the true dragon family and above. It should be at least 300 years old, right?" Jones said cautiously.

"Do you know our Dragon Clan quite well?" Shillong said with a smile.

"Your Excellency, as a magician walking on the road of knowledge, I am very interested in unknown knowledge, especially about the true dragon race. I have read many classics."

"Then you must know the difference between a genius and an idiot, right? Just like you humans, at your age, a genius mage might already be famous in the continent and become a legend, while an idiot is still unknown." Xilong said finally, laughing Twice.

Hearing this laughter, Jones always felt as if the idiot Shillong was talking about was talking about him!

This stupid dragon! Don't understand the greatness of the great magician at all!

This is a great scholar who can only appear one out of hundreds of mages!

You big lizards who rely on the power of blood do not understand magic at all!

Jones hummed in his heart, but he dared not say anything.

It took a while before he smiled and said: "Your Excellency is indeed the dragon of dragons! You have shown the demeanor of a dragon god at a young age! It has broken my shallow and blind cognition! I feel that I have taken a step forward on the road of knowledge .”

"...Pfft~hahahaha..." Shillong laughed loudly when he heard the words: "I didn't expect you, an old man, to be able to shoot dragon farts! The filming is quite good! I like it!"

"..." Jones coughed a few times in embarrassment, and then said seriously: "Your Excellency's words are wrong, I just told the truth in my heart, what's not to say..."

"Hmph~ I believe it!"

Shillong smiled and didn't continue the topic.

Calm was restored between the two, and they walked for a while, and finally came to a cave.

The cave was surrounded by strips of green vines. Jones pushed aside the vines with his staff and walked inside.

Shillong followed, because the sunlight could not shine inside, and the whole cave was very dark.

Jones walked to the side wall of the cave, and then muttered, Peng! With a bang, a flame appeared on the top of Jones' staff.

Jones raised his staff slightly.


The oil lamps hanging on the stone walls were lit.

Shillong's nose is very sensitive, and after a slight sniff, he smelled a stench.

The grease in this oil lamp was probably made of the beast Jones killed.

After continuing to walk a few steps, and finally reaching the bottom of the cave, Jones lit three oil lamps at once.

The cave became brighter.

Piles of debris are placed throughout the cave.

There are a few big rocks in the middle, and a small creature is lying there.

This creature is only the size of a palm, and its appearance is somewhat similar to that of a real dragon, but it seems to be more Q version, with a faintly cute feeling.

Its eyes were big, and it stared at Shillong blackly. After seeing Shillong's black pupils with strands of golden threads, it backed up a few steps in fear.

"I'm back Patch!" Jones smiled when he saw the little creature, blooming chrysanthemums.

"Welcome back Jones! You came back so early today, um~ who is that human child next to you? I feel a terrible aura from him and I am a little scared." The little creature stared at Shillong and said.

His voice is crisp, like a child's.

"He is His Excellency the Dragon who lives on the island." Jones replied.

"A real dragon?!!!"

The little thing was startled, and jumped backwards with his whole body, jumping onto the animal skin roll in the corner, his body tensed, and he said in horror: "Is it a dragon? Jones! You have been coerced, right?"

"Oh no~ Patch, calm down, I am not being coerced, this Lord Dragon is a pure and kind dragon with a clear distinction between good and evil." Jones said against his will.

"Hello little thing! My name is Xilong!" Xilong said with a smile.

"Hello! Shillong, I'm Patch! I'm not happy to see you!" Patch was still a little vigilant.

Shillong didn't care about this. He was very curious about this little thing, so he asked Jones: "What kind of life is this little guy? It looks quite interesting."

"Your Excellency, this is a ghost dragon, because it looks like a real dragon, so there is a word dragon in its name.

However, they are extremely small in size and low in combat effectiveness, so they are classified as a kind of spirit monster. Paqi is a high-level spirit monster dragon with a wealth of curiosity and an extreme desire for knowledge. At the same time, they also have wisdom that is no less than that of humans. , is a partner of many magicians, and Patch has participated in many of my researches. "

"Research? You just said your research? What are you researching?" Shillong asked with a slight twitch of his hairless eyebrows.

This kind of guy, who is dressed like the Western Middle Ages, also knows how to study

What will they study

Shillong was a little curious.

"Of course it is magic! Magic is the foundation of this world, and everything in the world is inseparable from magic! Magic props and items have changed the whole world! My identity is not just a great magician, I am also an alchemist, I have invented many things before!" Jones looked a little excited.

Hi~ I just found out about the celebrity list in this book, and I am the top voter myself! Awesome! applaud! ~( ̄▽ ̄~)(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

(end of this chapter)