Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 31: Break up


"You little dragon! There is some truth in what you said!

After your modification, I really feel much better! Is this what you mean by immersion?" Andre excitedly asked.

"Good!" Shillong smiled and nodded.

He added the role of the metal dragon in it, or the kind of justice partner, and the favorite tune of the metal dragon like the expert behind the scenes. This is the perfect control of the preferences of the metal dragon. How could this group of guys not like it

"Okay! Then let's start shooting quickly! I feel that I will definitely make money in the future! Every dragon looks at five gold coins! The past few years on the island happened to be during the party year, and many outside dragons have returned. How to say there are six or seven A hundred dragons, a total of three or four thousand gold coins! Hahahahaha... I'm going to get rich!" Andre shouted excitedly.

Three or four thousand gold coins is not a small sum for him.

You must know that as an adult golden dragon, he has traveled abroad for more than 100 years, and his net worth is only 20,000 to 30,000 gold coins! Then making a dozen or twenty movies is much better than having been busy for more than 100 years!

Andre, who didn't think about it carefully, calculated it like this.

"Three or four thousand gold coins? Too little! The money we can earn is more than that! We can continue to show the film in the human world!"

"Yes! It can also be shown to humans! Those nobles must be interested! Although they are a little poor, but there are a lot of them, they can still make a lot of money!" The golden light in Andre's eyes can be compared to a chandelier.

"Of course it is for the common people to see in the human world! How many nobles are there? How much money can they make?"

"Show it to the common people? What do you think, little dragon? How rich do you think the human commoners are? They can't earn a few gold coins a year, so how can they be willing to watch the film?" Andre retorted.

"Then lower the price! Don't you want them to pay a gold coin? The advantage of human beings lies in quantity! We only need them one silver coin or even less, so we can still make money! Think about it, based on the foundation of human beings, even a single How much can we earn by looking at the silver coins once?" Shillong explained.

"..." Andre's eyes widened suddenly, and his soul flew into the sky.

yes! How big is the human population? No one knows about this problem!

There are several countries he has traveled through over the years alone.

Which country's population is not tens of millions, or even over 100 million

Everyone contributes a silver coin, then I can compete for the richest man in the Dragon Clan!

Andre became excited. He strode in front of Arman on all fours. The whole dragon stood up, stretched out its forelegs, and hugged Shillong into his arms. He looked at him with glowing eyes and said, " Let's start shooting! I can't wait!"

Shillong, who was caught in mid-air, did not panic, but smiled: "Of course, but before shooting, we still have a lot of things to do! For example, which story to shoot, how should we split the bill!"

"Splitting the bill?" Andre froze suddenly while holding Shillong's paw, yes! How could this question be ignored! This little dragon still wants to share his money!

His complexion became a little ugly, and he hesitated: "I am 8, you are 2, how about it? Although you provided ideas, I am responsible for everything about the audio-visual stone, and I am the one who pulls the dragon... The most important thing in filming still me."

"That won't work! How much is an empty stone for the audio-visual stone? You actually want to take 80% of it?" Xilong asked.

"... It's not a question of how much it's worth, but that you only provided an idea, and I can share 20% of it with you, which is not bad. If it were replaced by human profiteers outside, they wouldn't give you a penny, say Maybe I will capture you as a slave and sell you!"

The two dragons discussed for a long time, Shillong emphasized to Andre the importance of the director in filming, but still could not convince the other party.

According to Andre's thinking, who is the director? Who can't act according to the story

So in the end, the two dragons broke up unhappy and went their own way.

Flying in the sky, Alman said angrily to Shillong: "Sillong, you idiot! Why did you tell that golden dragon when you had such a good idea? Now that guy wants to grab business from us! We couldn't do it alone at first ?"

Arman couldn't figure it out, how could Shillong, who is usually shrewd, do such a stupid thing

As soon as you notice a business opportunity, you should leave directly. Is it worthwhile to quarrel with that profiteer

Fortunately, I found a competitor directly!

"Don't worry! That guy doesn't understand the true meaning of movies at all! Isn't it a good idea for him to compete with us? It's interesting only when there is competition! Making money is just incidental. Once this kind of industry appears, it will soon be followed by others. There is no dragon that can eat alone, and it is not the same in the end

What a group of dragons compete for is the quality of the film!

We two brothers joined forces, are you still afraid of them?" Shillong stood on Arman's head, clutching his back spine, damn silver dragon! There is no good place to sit on his back!

The thorns from the beginning to the end are so annoying!

It's too far behind my generous back!

Bad review!


"What you said makes sense! With Arman here! No matter what we do, we will not lose!" Arman was silent for a moment, then agreed with Shillong's words.

The original Shillong was just interested. He wanted to make movies, and the money he earned was almost enough, so he originally wanted to take 50%, and part of the 50% would be given to Arman, so if there is less, then It's not enough to watch, but that Jinlong underestimated him too much, and underestimated the importance of the director's position too much.

Although Shillong had never made a movie in his previous life, he had watched quite a few! Finally, I know roughly how to shoot.

And what about the dragons of this world? Is it just based on their experience watching the film

Don't laugh at the dragon!

Even if they take a step back, they can shoot well, it doesn't matter to Shillong.

A big part of his making movies is to make a head start in this world, and then make movies popular here.

In this way, he can retire after success and be a house dragon with peace of mind in the future. Why not watch new movies every day

He just wants to turn this world into a world where entertainment is developed like Blue Star!

This world that lacks entertainment must change! completely changed!

The world cannot be allowed to go further and further down the evil path that only knows the use of violence!

Have fun! This is how the world should be!

Next, Shillong and Arman searched the sky for other dragons.

The entire Dragon Island is huge, but there are many dragons. Arman soon saw a silver dragon with a youthful body, and the silver scales reflected a psychedelic color in the sunlight.

The stunned beard fluttered gently, and the mercury-like pupils were extremely pure!

Looking at the appearance of this dragon, the word "handsome guy" popped out of Xilong's mind!

Xilong, who has the aesthetics of the dragon clan, saw this dragon and felt that this dragon looks very good-looking...

Driving Arman, the two little dragons quickly approached each other, and Arman shouted: "Brother, do you have a video stone? Can you sell us one?"

"What!? Audio-visual stone?" The young silver dragon was shocked, and then panicked: "I don't have it! I don't have it! You go find other dragons! I don't watch such perverted things! I don't know Ann either. Andre!"

After speaking, he ran away in a panic.

For today's second update, I will continue to say: "If you have a book list, please add a book list~"

(end of this chapter)