Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 34: play


The next scene is that Ambriou leaves the nest and flies away freely.

Shillong stood above Arman's head, grasping the audio-visual stone and finding the right angle.

Ambriou quickly strung up into the sky and went away.

Ambrio flew back when it was out of sight.

"How is it? Have you passed yet?" he asked.

Xilong said with a dark face: "Start again! Why did you look at the Audio-Visual Stone in the end? I didn't tell you to watch it, you can't watch it! Understand?"

Ambriou smiled awkwardly and said, "Sorry, I won't do it next time."

This time, it passed quickly.

The shooting of the audio-visual stone is all shot in order.

It is not possible to shoot all the scenes in one location like Blue Star in the previous life.

Because the Audio-Visual Stone does not yet have the editing ability of Blue Star.

All it has is deletion and recording.

The next scene needs a princess.

This scene needs a castle.

There are also castles in Dragon Island.

Some eccentric dragons like to build their lair into a castle and live as humans.

Those who have this kind of habit are above the prime of life, and they may have contracted it while traveling abroad.

Under the leadership of dozens of dragons, Shillong quickly found the main dragon of the castle. After explaining his intention, the other party expressed his interest and took pictures together.

The actors needed here are all human beings, but obviously this is not a problem for the Dragon Clan. They collectively turned into human forms and started filming.

This is also a convenient place for shooting real dragons! What role is missing, just change it yourself!

The daily life of the princess and the king's parents, and the princess secretly took her maid to leave the palace after hearing many outside stories.

Then the king was furious, and news of the princess' escape quietly spread in the palace.

The scene here lasted a full six or seven minutes, and Shillong gnawed three or four times before passing.

As the villain of this game, the evil dragon appeared. In a lush jungle, a green dragon received a message from a human being bewildered by him.

The green dragon is played by a brass dragon proficient in shapeshifting.

Ordinary dragons can only become a few humanoid creatures according to blood inheritance. If they want to become more species, they must study by themselves.

This brass dragon has the unique talent of chattering in the brass dragon family.

When I was traveling before, because I wanted to be able to chat better with intelligent creatures, I focused on learning Transfiguration.

Becoming an evil dragon, even if it was an act, the good dragons had some resistance. In the end, Shillong gave him half an hour of ideological work before he could get rid of the other party.

The green dragon who got the news would naturally not let go of the fleeing princess. In the eyes of the evil dragon, this is a bunch of treasures that can run away!

Without saying a word, the green dragon sent his family members to look for the princess and capture her.

Then he sent envoys to the palace to ask the king to use a large amount of treasure to redeem people.

The time limit is three days later.

The king was furious, and issued a wanted order to reward the green dragon.

Don't ask why the green dragon won't tear up the ticket! Be sure to answer, that is the plot needs!

At this time, our protagonist who went out finally appeared again. After receiving the arrest warrant, he went on the road with a group of mercenaries who wanted to make a fortune.

After coming to the Forest of the Green Dragon, he first fought with the dependents of the Green Dragon.

But apart from the protagonist, how can a mob fight the Green Dragonkin? He was quickly defeated, and finally relied on the protagonist to push all the way.

Leading the crowd to the front of the green dragon, both sides talked a lot.

The green dragon showed its might and severely injured the protagonist group, and finally forced the protagonist to turn back into a dragon.

Under the shocked and adoring eyes of the soy sauce party, he fought the green dragon for 300 rounds, and finally won and rescued the princess.

The princess wants to promise her life, but the protagonist is unmoved, and floats away after taking the green dragon treasure and the king's bounty.

The whole kingdom began to spread the legend of the metal dragon who is good at dragons, and the person who defeated the green dragon and rescued the princess...

The content is all these, it is not a day's work to finish the shooting, the night shooting does not match the plot, and the too dim picture is not very beautiful.

Although the dragons will not be hungry or tired, Shillong stopped filming at night.

A group of dragons originally wanted to go home, but they all stopped because of one move by Ambrio.

He stopped in front of Xilong, stood up, twisted his two dragon claws together, smiled and said: "Director, today's filming is almost done, should you take us to eat?"

The title of director was requested by Shillong.

For things like dinner, the dragon clan doesn't have much demand, and they can eat it for several days, or one meal a day.

But if you want to eat, you have already said that Dragon Island is similar to human society, and you need money!

Don't want to pay? OK! Go hunting yourself!

However, the land creatures on Dragon Island are basically bred by other dragons, as for the sky creatures? There is absolutely no bird feather in the vicinity of Long Island for more than ten kilometers! So I can only go hunting in the sea.

Hunting in the sea is naturally far more difficult than on land.

True dragons belong to land and sky. In the sea, even ice-type silver dragons and bronze dragons that live by the sea will be hindered in their actions.

Ambriou, who begs for food, is usually not interested in anything other than studying magic, and his food needs are as low as possible.

Hunting by yourself? That's impossible!

Buying food? It's expensive! I also use them to buy research materials!

Because of this, Ambrio needs to eat every few days at this time.

He wants to have a meal here in Shillong! Save money when you can! All the savings are research dollars!

When the other dragons heard what Ambriou said, they all stopped and looked at Shillong.

It's not too late to go after a meal!

Shillong: "..."

"Okay, as a director, it's right to invite actors to dinner, but how much do you eat for a meal? Probably count it for me."

Shillong's gold coins are running out, and all kinds of props and clothes were bought from Ambrio.

By the way, his previous leaf clothes have also been improved, and now Shillong is wearing a decent aristocratic clothes.

Um! Originally, Ambrio didn't have the size of Shillong, but as a research dragon, Ambrio's hands-on ability is extremely strong.

He improved it with adult clothes, and it became the suit on Shillong.

According to him, all the fabrics are exclusively used by nobles, so a gold coin is needed.

Believe it or not, Shillong believed it anyway!

As a rich real dragon, it is impossible to wear civilian clothes after thinking about it.

Other miscellaneous things, a total of forty or fifty gold coins went to Shillong.

Now he only has more than 30 gold coins on him, which has not been paid yet!

I didn't expect that the investment in making this movie was quite high!

Now it's too expensive to invite a group of big stomach dragons to dinner!

"This..." Ambrio thought for a while and said, "For me, three or four silver coins are enough."

"That's okay, what about the other dragons?" Shillong nodded and looked at the other dragons.

"My words are at least 7 silver coins! Eat as much as you want!"

"You have a bad stomach! I want a gold coin!"

"I want a gold coin too!"

A group of dragons yelled, as if whoever eats the most is the most powerful.

Shillong was sweating when he heard it.

Even Arman was a little ashamed, usually his mother provided him with food, or Shillong provided him with food.

He didn't need to do anything, he didn't even know that the price of the real thing was so expensive!

Mom only gives two gold coins every year!

Is this the rhythm of not even eating enough

In fact, he didn't know that what these stingy dragons were talking about was the limit of what they could eat. After this meal, they would not have to eat for at least ten or twenty days!

Don't spend your own money, naturally talk more!

However, small dragons like Arman and Shillong really don't have enough money to eat, so why do dragons have big appetites

Compared with humans, if you want to eat a full meal, I am afraid it is worth three to four months of food for humans.

There will be a second update today, please ask for a recommendation ticket. (*/ω\*)

(end of this chapter)