Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 369: Supernova explosion!


Since I was a child, I have liked the energy of evil things very much, but it is a pity that I was too young to absorb this energy too wantonly.

But it is different now, this energy has no side effects at all for him, and at this time it is still absorbing the original gray energy of Leviathan, or the power of evil spirits.

This kind of power is unimaginably delicious for Shillong. After absorbing this kind of energy, every cell in his body seems to be cheering! All moaning!

His spirits are so high!

Want to kill into that body as big as a star, and devour it wantonly!

But Leviathan also noticed something was wrong, the huge tentacles wrapping Shillong fell off and fell downwards.

In His countless eyes, the color of anger became stronger.

They are obviously some mortal things after chaos, why? Why can restrain his strength.

For the first time since birth, Leviathan felt real anger and doubt in his heart.

The densely packed mouths on His body kept roaring and roaring, and the voice became louder and louder!

The invisible and strange ripples kept rushing towards the distance.

The gods who were still resisting the endless rays suddenly discovered that infinite black shadows appeared in the distant sea!

In the entire sea of the universe, monsters born from the power of the evil spirit of Leviathan rushed over!

Until then, Leviathan regarded the gods as real enemies!

"Everyone! We should also use our real skills! Don't let this evil creature look down upon us!" Mystra shouted loudly.

Behind many gods with great power, a phantom like a phantom appeared directly, which was their projection of the kingdom of God.

Everything around the gods began to change, becoming the law of the illusion in line with their will and power.

Up to this moment, the gods with great divine power have increased their power by several tenths, and they have begun to exert part of their power in the kingdom of God.

The terrifying divine power erupted like an endless starry sky, instantly tearing apart all evil around it.

The pillars of divine power blasted towards Leviathan, fully suppressing the opponent's rays.

Rumbling explosions continued to erupt on Leviathan's body, making his body look like the surface of the moon, with potholes everywhere.

But it is a pity that the effect is still limited. The gray evil power is constantly repairing his body, and the destruction and regeneration are constantly reincarnating on the surface of his body.

This kind of attack is not painful to Leviathan!

But immediately, the giant dragon that he loathes has completely digested his entire tentacle, the power of evil gods permeated his body, his golden eyes stared at him tightly, and let out a silent roar!

Leviathan hated that kind of gaze very much, it was like staring at prey!

Seeing the little dragon turn into red gold streamer and charge towards him again, all the mouths on Leviathan screamed again.

The neighing this time was much louder and weirder than before.

The space that had been blasted into a vacuum was overwhelmed and shattered like a mirror.

The terrifying and strange sound waves directly overwhelmed Shillong, making him pause for a few seconds, and then his tentacles twitched, sending him flying a million kilometers away like a black ball!

The other gods were also immobilized for a few seconds, and the terrifying tentacles slammed down. The bodies of several non-dragon gods were blown up on the spot, while Bahamut and Tiamat were also blown away despite the shocking defense of the dragon body. Millions of kilometers, sprinkled with the blood of the Dragon God!

Many great divine powers that were blasted wanted to use their divine power to reorganize their bodies, but the gray evil power entangled their divine power, so that even if they reorganized their bodies, their combat power would drop by about two layers!

The two dragon gods are also entangled in the power of evil gods, and their combat power has weakened a lot!

Until this moment, the gods really felt the difficulty and strength of Leviathan, this evil creature, extremely restrained their gods!

Billions of years ago, because of the serious disaster in the star world, they had no time to care about Leviathan in the sea of the universe, which made them misestimate the strength of each other!

At this time, Shillong finally stopped flying backwards, he exhaled fiercely, roared, and the tail flame behind him was stretched for a few minutes again.

Charged towards Leviathan again.

And Leviathan naturally didn't want to be approached by Shillong.

He neighed, and one by one evil spirits emerged from his body, rushing towards Xilong.

All the huge tentacles blasted towards Shillong.

While Shillong opened his mouth during the flight, a red golden light ball was quickly formed inside.

Then he spat it out.

call out!

When the pure golden light ball came into contact with the first batch of evil spirits, it immediately turned into a ball of white light.

The terrifying heat wave vaporized everything within a radius of ten thousand kilometers in an instant.

But for Xieyi, this is just a drop in the bucket.

Endless evils are still surging forward one after another.

Shillong's mouth was even more like a machine gun, continuously spraying red golden light balls.

A large number of evil spirits were evaporated.

Huge tentacles smashed down one by one, and the plutonium stars around Shillong blasted out together, blasting a tentacles instantly, while avoiding the side attack of the tentacles at a shocking speed.

His progress did not stop at all, and it seemed that only Leviathan's huge body was in his eyes, constantly rushing towards it.

All the monsters and tentacles standing in front of him couldn't stop him for a moment.

The distance is constantly drawn in.

"Gah... chirp..."

Another roar sounded, and the same mental shock as before raged.

But Shillong's body was only stiff for less than 0.01 milliseconds, and he moved to avoid a huge tentacle that was drawn towards him.

The sharp claw blade pierced into the tentacles, and slammed into Leviathan's huge body fiercely all the way.

As soon as he entered, Shillong felt a huge pressure rushing towards him.

All the evils in Leviathan's body were squeezed up, this is to squeeze him out!

But Shillong found that he was really restrained from this guy, and the energy oven in his body was running crazily.

Endless flames emanated from his body, and the pieces of flesh that squeezed him were quickly melted and sucked into Shillong's mouth.

He rampages and devours Leviathan's body.


A strange sound resounded from his soul, and he felt a certain switch in his body was turned on!

There was an inexplicable change in the perception of the world at this moment.

The absorbed evil spirit power turned into a fantastic nutrient

The body actually began to expand and shrink...

Cycle over and over again.

The density of the body, various strengths, began to rise continuously...

This power is not absorbed from Leviathan alone.

And it was more like what he had himself, after the power of the evil spirit entered his body, it opened up the potential of his body with countless times of efficiency!

It's like opening your own genetic code lock!

"Chir... qua..." The weird hiss kept lingering in my ears.

All kinds of attacks are attacking him violently, and these attacks can indeed cause a lot of damage to him at first.

But as he continued to expand and shrink, these attacks became weaker and weaker.

He is constantly becoming stronger in a way that surprises him!

In the outside world, Leviathan neighed crazily after being penetrated by Shillong.

The gods on one side were all taken aback when they saw Shillong's daring rush into Leviathan's body.

Is this guy so brave

It actually went straight into Leviathan's body

The power of the evil god there is so strong that it shocks the gods. He, an evil dragon, really won't be affected

Don't turn around at that time, just kill them directly!

The gods were worried, the moment they were polluted by the power of evil gods just now, they had already realized the true horror of this power.

Naturally think more.

They are even ready to fight Leviathan for several years, decades, hundreds of years...

The divine power attack and the dragon god's breath bombardment were still constantly bombarding Leviathan's body, but they didn't dare to get too close to Leviathan.

But looking at the Leviathans who are neighing non-stop now, it seems that their attacks are not bad

Thinking about it this way, the gods attacked even harder.

As for Shillong in Leviathan's body, although his body is a hundred kilometers long, Leviathan's body is equivalent to a star with a diameter of more than one million kilometers!

The length of a single body is more than ten thousand times that of Shillong!

The difference in volume is more than billions of times!

Shillong kept devouring the opponent's body, just like a little ant that got into a villa and devoured everything inside! For Leviathan, it was nothing!

I don't know how long it took, when the Leviathan's hissing in his ears made him a little tired, the whole nearby flesh twisted.

When Shillong wanted to devour it again, he suddenly found himself on top of a sarcoma made up of disgusting and evil.

The land is full of ferocious mouthparts, sharp teeth, eyes, snake heads are dancing, and crow-like voices are neighing.

This place is like a cage, and the four walls are full of such hideous evil.

The entire cage is very large, with Shillong's eyesight, the distance between the four walls is at least hundreds of millions of kilometers!

Neighing evil creatures were everywhere in the void. Xilong opened his mouth and sucked in a large amount of evil creatures.

The power of evil gods contained in these evil spirits is extremely low.

Then a strange expression appeared on his face, the power of the evil spirit contained here is so low! It is as indifferent as the ordinary evils encountered in the star world.

If it is compared with the evil power of the evil body.

Devouring the body of the evil thing is like taking a stimulant.

But ordinary evil spirit power is already as weak as plain boiled water.

Swallowing it has almost no effect on oneself.

It is really tasteless.

Shillong wants to leave here, he wants to use the teleportation spell, but unfortunately, this space does not support his use at all.

He wanted to use his claws full of fusion power to tear apart the space.

But it's a pity that the torn space is also full of neighing evil spirits.

Shillong drilled in, and found that there was also an endless world of evil flesh walls inside.

This made him have to give up and return to the original space.

Looking at the zenith, a red golden light sphere condensed.

This pure golden light ball is more solid and shining than before.

It was directly spit out by Shillong and blasted above the zenith.

hum! boom! ! !

The flesh walls of the whole world are shaking, and Xie Yi is roaring loudly.

The meat wall hit by Shillong's super fusion breath didn't even have the power of the evil spirit left, and evaporated directly.

The fleshy wall above the zenith is too thick, even after being blasted out of a pothole tens of thousands of kilometers deep, it only recovered to seven or eighty-eight in the blink of an eye.

Shillong continued to spit here, and the pothole was expanded crazily, but it was expanded to hundreds of thousands of kilometers at most, and the entire flesh wall would be repaired, making it impossible for Shillong to continue to expand the pothole.

This let Shillong know that if he wanted to escape from here, he had to burst out the limit energy far beyond what this space could bear in order to have any hope.

This is also not difficult for him!

Shillong's claws were held in a false grip, and a fiery red spot appeared.

It began to expand at a terrifying speed.

One kilometer... one hundred kilometers... ten thousand kilometers...

The fiery red ball turned into a huge fiery red planet-like sphere.

But its growth has not stopped.

Every piece of scale armor on Xilong's body is absorbing the power in this evil space, and then transforming it into its own power, injecting it into the fiery red sphere.

This sphere is completely a small sun.

And through the continuous injection of power through Shillong, its diameter becomes a hundred thousand kilometers... a million kilometers... millions of kilometers!

It turned into an incomparably huge real sun. The terrifying gravitational force captured all the evils in the entire space, and let these evils fall into the sun like moths to the flame.

And then burned to ashes!

The sarcoid walls on the four walls of the zenith are melting, and Xie Yi is twisting and roaring crazily.

The huge sun occupies a small half of the entire evil space, and it is bigger than the sun of Xilong's previous life Blue Star! Even scarier!

This is a great celestial body!

A true star born entirely on the power of Shillong!

Xilong's body stood above the sun, and the repulsive force was activated, causing the sun to fall fiercely towards the fleshy wall below!

Chi la la ~~~~~~

As the sun went down, the evil screams on the meat loaf below became even more miserable. After touching the sun, it began to melt on a large scale.

In this way, the sun slowly sank into the sarcoma until it was completely swallowed by the sarcoid below.

Shillong can feel everything about the sun, and the sun is completely under its control at this moment. He can even make the sun explode with just one thought!

And Shillong obviously has this plan, as the sun is swallowed by the flesh wall, Shillong controls the expansion of the sun

Endless expansion until it reaches its breaking point

Afterwards, the core of the entire sun split open, and an endlessly bright, extremely bright light burst out!

hum! boom! ! !

The entire sarcoid space turns from gray to eternal white at this moment, which is caused by the purest brightness, hundreds of billions of times the brightness of the general sun!

This star continuously releases energy, and the energy that can be released by tens of billions of energy is released in an instant!

This is a true supernova explosion!

All the filth disappeared under this terrifying pure light!

The evil neighing sounded extremely powerless and weak at this moment, and everything dissipated under the terrifying heat and impact!

This is a terrorist attack enough to destroy the entire star system! A catastrophe capable of destroying everything within a few light-years.

The sarcoma space is nothing in front of him, the space is torn apart, and the evils of the cracks are also constantly being destroyed!

On the other side of the space, Shillong, who is at least hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the sun, was also impacted by this energy.

Thank you [Gudongdongdongqiang] for rewarding 1000 starting coins! Thanks!

(end of this chapter)