Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 38: Enemy situation


This huge figure is the mother of Shillong and Arman, Viola.

When the four dragons landed, Shillong and Arman called their mother.

Seeing this, Neferu and Ambrio hurriedly called Big Sister.

Viola nodded with a smile and said, "Sillon, Arman! Why don't you introduce your partner to Mom?"

"Mom! This is Sister Neferu!" Arman raised his foreleg and pointed at Neferu.

Then he pointed to Ambriou and said, "This is Uncle Ambriou, who made a movie with us."

"Hello, both of you, thank you for being with my child." Viola smiled, and then Lombok looked at the corpse of the sea monster carried by the two dragons and said, "This is it?"


Neferu put down the sea monster's body, raised his eyebrows at Viola and said, "This is a sea monster that Shillong personally hunted, and it was placed on the coast. We will help him transport it back."

When Neferu said the word "in person", she obviously emphasized the sound of the word, and with her raised eyebrows, it seemed to be implying something.

Viola glanced at Shillong, then at Neferu, who was still smiling and raising eyebrows at her, and said with the same smile: "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome! You're welcome!" Neferu hurriedly waved his claws.

"Mom, why are you waiting for us here?" Shillong couldn't help asking.

He knew that his mother had just finished telling her what she wanted to tell her yesterday, so she probably wouldn't come to them again today if she had nothing to do.

"This matter is related to your filming." Viola said: "Didn't you tell me before that Andre knew about the filming? He finished filming this morning and invited many dragons to watch it."

"Huh?" Neferu raised his eyebrows: "How come there will be dragons making movies besides us?"

"It's Shillong!" Arman said, and couldn't help but cast a reproachful look at Shillong.

Shillong, who was standing on Arman's head, shrugged his shoulders and explained helplessly.

The two dragons listened to the explanation.

Neferu sharpened his sharp dragon teeth angrily, and said, "Andre, that golden dragon's shame! It's not enough to buy that kind of movie! How dare you make the same movie as us! It's really disgusting! What about our movie? ah?"

The tail behind her also began to slap the ground anxiously, and a lot of gravel was smashed by her.

"That can't be helped. Things are like this. It's enough for us to try our best to do our own thing well." Ambriou said.

"He shoots as soon as he shoots, that's not the point! The point is what story did he shoot? How is the quality? Mom, have you ever gone to see it?" Xilong looked at his mother calmly.

"I've seen it! In order to find out information for you, my mother still went to watch it! They filmed a novel called Gray Boy. I don't know how to describe the quality. It feels weird." Viola thought I want to say.

"Strange?" Shillong said to himself.

Movies are such a new thing, and it is understandable that Viola, the dragon mother who saw it for the first time, could not tell why.

"Then do you think the five gold coins are worth it?"

"It's not worth it! Mom regretted it to death! This is 5 gold coins! It's enough for me to give you a year's pocket money and there is still more! Every time I think of this, my mother's heart hurts!"

Viola let out a wail regardless of her anxious image, and covered her chest with her right foreleg.

Dragons: "..."

Mother! Pay attention to the image! Mother!

Arman's eyes fixed on Viola.

"Then do other dragons see a lot?" Shillong continued to ask.

"Well, there weren't many people with me at the time, probably only six or seven dragons."

"What happened to them after watching it? Did you share your impressions after watching it?"

"They also seemed dissatisfied, and felt that the film was not very good. One little dragon even yelled at Andre to refund the money."

"This shows that their quality is not good!" Shillong affirmed.

"As long as the quality is not good, there won't be too many people watching their movies! There's also the money refund incident that Mom you just mentioned! Their movies are finished!"

"Why is that?" Arman asked.

The other dragons also looked at Shillong, waiting for his answer.

"That's the key to quality! If you think it's not worth it after reading it, you will definitely tell your relatives and friends, let alone those who ask for a refund? If that little dragon doesn't get a refund, he will definitely promote Ender crazily. The fact that Lie’s movie is rubbish! Although the whole Dragon Island is big, how many dragons are there in total

Everyone is related, even a little bit of bad reviews can ruin a film, let alone such one-sided bad reviews

So, their film is over! Tomorrow maybe not even a dragon will go to see it! Shillong replied confidently.

He has been in Blue Star's network for so long in his previous life, so he is still clear about this!

When the other four dragons heard Xilong's words, they all felt very reasonable, and they all nodded in agreement.

In fact, Shillong is still a little puzzled. What kind of gray boy did that guy Andre go to shoot

How can this kind of movie be as refreshing as the movie of Dragon Quest? It is in line with the refreshing point of the dragon family

But what Shillong didn't know was that Gray Boy was the most popular book in the places Andre traveled and bought books at the time...

"Mom! Come and take a look at our film, and compare it with Andre's!" Shillong said and took out the audio-visual stone to play.

The departure of the dragon's nest at the beginning attracted Viola's attention.

The young dragon travels to the longing human continent.

As a mother, Yinlong's eyes were filled with reluctance.

What a perfect scene!

Viola couldn't help being brought into the role of mother, sighing in her heart.

The plot went down one scene at a time, and everything fell into place. Viola felt that this was what the other dragons saw when they first traveled to the mainland.

All this was recorded by the audio-visual stone!

All the plots are not unnatural when watching Andre's movies before!

Until the end, the protagonist defeated the green dragon and obtained the treasure.

Viola couldn't help but leaned back, squatted on the ground, clapped her two forelimb paws together, and applauded.

She was pleasantly surprised: "Xilong! This movie is really great! It feels so realistic to me! It's like a certain dragon recorded bit by bit with an audio-visual stone when it traveled to the mainland!

I'm sure everyone will love this movie!

Especially the moment when the green dragon was finally defeated and the treasure was obtained! I seem to remember my childhood dream again! "

"Hey! Big sister! Did you see that princess? I acted it! What do you think of the acting?" Before the other dragons could speak, Neferu said proudly.

"It's great! It's exactly the same as the princess in the human world!" Viola admired, and looked at Ambrio again and said: "And the protagonist, Ambrio, is also very good!"

When Ambriou heard this, some Burmese smiled, pawing the ground lightly with their four paws.

"Then mom, do you think these 5 gold coins are worth it?" Shillong asked.

"It's worth it! It's very worth it!" Viola affirmed.

"And how do you think it compares to Andre's film?"

"Compared to the ones made by our little one, Andre's movie is like the excrement of the little kobold! It's still the kind that has been exposed to the sun for several months! It stinks!" Viola recalled that Andre's movie was full of face disgusted.

(end of this chapter)