Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 41: gap


Just as Andre was thinking this, a silver dragon flew by in the distance.

Andre didn't recognize this silver dragon, but the next moment another brass dragon appeared in Andre's vision and flew towards the silver dragon.

Andre knew this brass dragon, it was the one who watched his video yesterday.

After the brass dragon appeared, it ignored Andre, who was hundreds of meters away, and flew straight to the silver dragon, blocking the way of the silver dragon: "Pruss! The scales are so bright today. What are you going to do?"

"Hmm! I'm going to go wandering in the sea with Lina Ann today." Yinlong replied.

"Swimming again? That's so boring! Pruce! I have good news for you! Do you know that there is a movie on our island? It's super good! After watching it, I feel that my spiritual world is richer! It's like being outside. Decades of traveling!" said Brass Dragon.

In the distance, Andre had been listening to the conversation between the two dragons. After hearing this, Andre's dragon showed a knowing smile on his face!

I'll just say it! How could the movie I made by Andre be bad

It must be that those dragons didn't understand it before!

Isn't there a dragon recommending my movie

"Movie? I seem to have heard of it, but it is said to be super ugly." Silver Dragon Prouss said in surprise.

hateful! Another dragon is spreading rumors about me! Andre gritted his teeth.

"You heard it right! But it was a movie made by Andre, and it was really bad!" The brass dragon turned its head at this point, looked at Andre in the distance, and threw a Contemptuous eyes.

Andre was suddenly confused, what does this guy mean? My movie sucks? Then who were you praising just now

Is there still a dragon filming

Andre suddenly remembered Shillong before.

It must be the little dragon!

"Whose movie are you talking about?" Pruss asked.

"I'm talking about a movie made by a little dragon named Xilong! His movies are really good! I vouch for my Longge! Absolutely worth the money! Watching it with your Lina Ann, isn't it better than swimming More romantic?" Brass Dragon said.

"This" Bruce hesitated.

"Let's go! When did I cheat you? You still don't believe my brother?"

"Okay! Let's go! I'll call Lina Ann first." Yinlong finally agreed, and the two dragons left quickly.

Andre gritted his teeth while watching!

Damn it! That little dragon! He actually stole my business!

no! I'm going to investigate the information! Why do other dragons say his movies are good-looking! And despise my movies!

Andre made up his mind to pay attention, the dragon's body flashed golden light, and quickly transformed into a handsome blond man, and then quietly followed behind the two dragons.

Andre followed them at a distance of one kilometer.

This is to prevent being discovered by the other party.

After all, the sense of hearing and smell of dragons is too developed.

Andre watched them pick up Lina Ann, and then flew all the way to the place where the movie was played, which was Shillong's residence.

There are already more than twenty dragons here at this time.

The addition of three dragons did not attract much attention.

After Andre arrived, he looked at Shillong in front of the mountain, and his brother Arman. The two little dragons looked at all the dragons present with a smile, and signaled everyone to wait a moment, and the broadcast will start after there are 30 dragons.

Andre waited quietly like this, but in the process of waiting, Andre found that Xilong, the little dragon, looked at him frequently, which made him a little nervous at that time!

It won't be exposed, right? As a competitor who also made a movie, I ran to watch it myself. If I was discovered, it would feel so embarrassing!

But it's because I think too much!

How could this little dragon find him

Now he looks like after transformation, and not the original human form!

It's what it looks like after another change!

Compared with other dragon races, Jinlong's inheritance of transformation spells is very good. Not only can they transform into various humanoid forms, but they can also transform into various animals!

This is entirely due to Golden Dragon's natural instinct of pretending to be weak when traveling across the continent, and then attacking evil.

This kind of brilliant transformation technique, ordinary mages and dragons can't see through it!

Not to mention a little dragon

Qunlong didn't have any problem with waiting, and waited for more than ten minutes. After a group of dragons came, a group of dragons flew away, and there were more than 30 dragons left.

Shillong stated the rules again, and then began to play the film.

Andre is below, watching the first scene of parting from the dragon's nest, he knows that this is about Dragon Quest.

In Andre's eyes, it's not a particularly popular novel.

Everyone watching it is relatively quiet, and it is completely two extremes when watching his movies!

Andre analyzed the difference between himself and the other party.

He watched the lifelike performance in the audio-visual stone, and thought about the half-baked movie he shot, and suddenly found many problems.

His movies, actors act stiff! Talk without emotion!

And what is in front of you? It's like a story that really happened in the human continent, so the characters are all vivid!

Comparing the two sides, there is a huge difference!

The more I watch Andre, the more I realize that my movie sucks!

Everyone said he was bad before, but now he really can't refute!

After watching a movie of this level before me, how can I catch my own eyes

No wonder that brass dragon looked down on me so much!

The progress of the film is slowly advancing. When he saw the protagonist transform back into a dragon body and fight the green dragon, he found that his mood also changed with the progress of the film. At this moment, his heart was stirring!

This is indeed a good movie!

I am not wronged to lose!

Andre commented in his heart, until the end of the movie, all the dragons received rave reviews.

After more than ten minutes of admiration, the dragons were quiet, and then, under Xilong's signal, they began to pay the money.

Andre followed the team obediently and paid the money.

In the process of paying the money, Andre found that the little dragon Xilong was smiling at him.

This smile is different from Shillong's smile when facing other dragons before, this smile has a little teasing taste in it.

"How is it? Is my movie not bad?" Xiaolong asked.

"Not bad!" Andre said.

"Do you understand how to make a movie?" Xiaolong said again.

When Andre heard this, his heart skipped a beat. The little dragon really found out his true identity!

He smiled awkwardly and said, "I see!"

"It's good to understand it! I look forward to more and more good movies in the future!" Shillong laughed.

Then he took Andre's gold coin and let Andre run away as if fleeing.

Arman was watching the chat between Shillong and the blond man, and he was a little confused. So, how could it be changed to this transformed blond man, and Shillong had said so much to the other party

After Andre escaped, he flew back to his lair again. He didn't intend to give up the movie, a new product that was very profitable!

The previous failure was only temporary! I already know my shortcomings!

Just correct it next time! You can also be like the other party, and have endless money!

It’s 85,000 words, and I haven’t signed a contract yet. I don’t know why. I can only apply for 100,000. Before 100,000, there will be two changes every day. Hurry up and apply. By the way, I’m asking for a recommendation ticket. I’m a bit depressed. The list disappears, and the favorites may be lost every day in the future, a day full of negative emotions.

(end of this chapter)