Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 45: cooperate


"I'm not short of that little money now." Shillong said.

"No chance at all?" Andre was unwilling.

Shillong stared at each other quietly for a moment, and Andre tried to open his eyes to make himself appear more sincere.

"You have no chance on Long Island!"

"." Andre was a little discouraged, and his head drooped all of a sudden.

"But we can cooperate in other places!" Shillong said again.

"Other places? Tell me!" Andre regained his energy. Now he dare not underestimate the other party!

Before, because I underestimated the other party, I almost regretted it! This opportunity must be seized!

"Human world! There are no movies there, are there?"

"The human world? I can use my own directly there!" Andre said.

"Are you sure you want to use your own? Are you sure you can succeed? Think about why you failed in Dragon Island!"

"I" Andre's complexion changed. If he hadn't experienced the failure of Long Island, he might think that he would succeed in the human world, but after experiencing this failure, he is no longer as confident as before!

He was even afraid of failing again!

"People who watch movies have very high requirements for movies! They will not allow themselves to pay gold coins to see shabby movies, it will make them feel that the money they spend is not worth it, and they have been cheated! They will hold grudges because of this you!

Then spread the word about how bad your movie is! So making a movie is not easy! He does not allow failure!

Do you think what you shoot can be compared with mine? Shillong narrowed his eyes slightly.

"." Andre said silently for a moment: "My film is still not as good as you. I filmed two films. Although the second film has improved, I still obviously feel that it is not as good as you."

"So you will still fail!" Shillong affirmed.

Here, Shillong actually lied, but after the failure of the Dragon Island movie, Andre was not as confident as before, so he didn't refute Shillong's words.

In fact, in the human world, those people have never seen a movie. As a new thing, the audience will be more tolerant.

As long as there is no impact from a good movie like Shillong, movies of Andre's level can at least run wild outside for a while.

Even if others follow suit, they may not be as good as Andre!

So Andre will probably experience a period of chaos outside, and then see if he has directing talent. If not, it will take three to five years before he will be compared. At this time, he can make a lot of money.

But Shillong can't explain everything to the other party, and he still wants to use the other party to make money for him from the outside world!

"Because your film quality is not high, you will still fail!

How about it? Want to consider working with me? Use my videos directly! You have also seen my success, so you shouldn't doubt whether you can succeed in the outside world, right? "

"What kind of cooperation method?" Andre was finally moved.

"You take my film to the outside world and find a way to play it yourself. The money you earn will be 73 points for us, 7 points for me, and 3 points for you!" Xilong said.

"7, 3?" Andre frowned.

"What? Too little?" Shillong smiled: "Before you wanted to come with me at 8 or 2? My 7 or 3 should be quite interesting! If you switch to other dragons, they can do what you are doing now! You It’s fine if you don’t want to.”

"No! I do!"

Andre hurriedly said, what Shillong said is not a problem at all, his position can be replaced, 7, 3 open, the opponent is indeed very interesting.

Then the two began to discuss the details.

After some discussion, Shillong also has a certain understanding of Andre.

This guy has a certain background in the outside world and knows many wealthy businessmen in the human world, which will allow him to quickly develop in the human world.

Another important point is the ticket price of a movie in the human world!

For this reason, Shillong asked Andre about the purchasing power of outside gold coins.

He only knew that 1 gold coin equals 10 silver coins = 1000 copper coins, but the purchasing power of these currencies is still not very clear.

After Andre's explanation this time, I learned a lot.

First of all, among the outside food, black bread is the cheapest and most filling food. One piece of black bread is enough for one person, and the value is only 1~2 copper coins.

A piece of white bread, 5 copper coins.

Meat, sausage, cheese, etc. are all relatively expensive items.

A pound of common and cheap meat costs 40-50 copper coins.

The price of a pound of sausage is slightly lower than that of meat, about 30 copper coins, while cheese is very expensive and costs about 80 copper coins.

An adult man's annual income is only about 2 to 3 gold coins.

Such a precious commodity as meat is rarely eaten in a year.

The nobles are different. Their ranks are from high to low, generally duke, marquis, earl, viscount, and baron.

Even the lowest-ranked baron would earn tens or hundreds of gold coins a year.

The wealth of the nobles far exceeds that of the common people.

This was somewhat beyond Shillong's expectations. The commoners did not have the ability to watch movies at the price of 1 silver coin as Shillong said before!

So Shillong finally decided to continue to cut prices! 1 silver coin is not enough, then 30 copper coins, 20 copper coins!

Be sure to set the price within the acceptable range of the public!

After everything was finalized, Andre rushed to take Shillong's film to the human world to open up the market.

But was rejected by Shillong.

Just kidding, there is only one film now, too few!

With the speed of filming by the dragons, a few more films will be made for Andre, so that he can develop well in the outside world.

After everything was settled, Andre went back happily.

The next day, Shillong met Neferu who came to visit.

Neferu told him that besides Andre, other dragons had already finished filming, and began to pull dragons to watch.

For this, Shillong had already prepared in his heart, and just took Arman and Neferu to the broadcasting location of the follower dragon.

The location of the screening was on a plain. Shillong, Neferu, and Arman saw everything below from a distance, and stopped in the air for a while to watch.

A silver dragon was lying on the grass, and next to him was a huge stone platform, on which was placed an audio-visual stone. Since Xilong and the other dragons were facing each other's backs, they couldn't tell what was playing.

Of course, it is impossible for him to go around and face Yinlong directly. Although he can see the broadcast content, Yinlong will also find Xilong and other dragons. The most important thing is that he has to pay to see the content!

The three dragons don't want to send money to each other!

Especially after last night, Xilong, who already knew the value of gold coins, was even more reluctant to waste gold coins like this!

The money that ordinary people earn in two years! Just to watch a movie? Only a giant dragon with strong earning ability, local tyrants and Xiaobai can do it!

However, it is estimated that it is only temporary. After watching more, the price will definitely be reduced!

And Shillong doesn't need to see what's playing, he just needs to look at the expressions of the watching dragons to know whether the movie is good or not!

There are still three chapters today, and there are still a few chapters that you hate to read. If you really don’t want to read it, save it for now.

(end of this chapter)