Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 46: snow boy


Shillong looked at the giant dragons watching the movie in the distance. The expressions of these giant dragons were very flat, some even laughed out of boredom, and some looked around.

There are more than ten dragons in total, but few of them are watching seriously.

One of them looking around suddenly raised his head, and with his excellent eyesight, he spotted Xilong and other dragons in mid-air. Excited, he suddenly stretched his limbs and flew towards Xilong with a flick of his wings.

His actions naturally attracted the attention of other dragons, and several dragons flew away with him.

The other dragons and the giant dragon playing the video just glanced at them and didn't pay much attention to them.

Several dragons stopped flying in front of Xilong, flapped their wings in the air, and after stabilizing their bodies, one dragon said happily: "Director Xilong! When will your next movie be made! I've been waiting for it!" Bitter!"

"Didn't you just watch a movie about other dragons? Why did you think of Brother Shillong?" Neferu said, with a little displeasure in his words.

Apparently the dragon watched other dragon movies, which gave her the idea that it was a renegade dragon.

The talking dragon may have also seen Neferu's displeasure, and smiled wryly: "I regret it! The movies made by other dragons are so boring! They are completely incomparable with those directed by Shillong! So you should hurry up and shoot The next one! I can't wait!

I was fooled by them, so I went to see it! "

"Hmph! Now you know how good the movie we made is!

Let me tell you, you have to look for movies in the future! Hardware coins once! Can you watch movies made by casual dragons? "Nefel's expression softened slightly.

"I will only recognize movies directed by Xilong from now on! I swear!" the dragon swore.

Several other dragons followed suit, and they didn't know that they didn't know that the quality of the movie they watched for the first time was really high!

Look at the current movies, can you watch the quality

One gold coin is too much to see them once!

Shillong was very satisfied with the attitude of these dragons, and smiled and said: "Don't worry, brothers and sisters! We will be shooting a new movie in a few days, so you just pay more attention to our bulletin board on Central Island!"

"Brother Xilong! Can you invite me to make a movie! I'm very interested in this!" Yilong said.

"If there is a chance, definitely."

"Then it's a good deal! I live on the southeast coast of Island No. 2 in the west. If you have a chance, you must find me!"

Shillong: "..."

"There is a chance."

"Then I'm leaving! I also invited Katrine to have a big meal together, goodbye Director Shillong!" The dragon bid farewell to Shillong, and then flew away.

The other dragons also heard the news that Shillong will start filming in a few days, and left happily.

Shillong also learned the news that the quality of the opponent's film was not high, and Arman left with Neferu, who was in a much better mood.

After waiting for two more days, Shillong called up the filming team and started shooting "Snow White Boy". The scenes of this show are basically in the forest.

The personnel requirements are not high, and eleven or twelve dragons are enough to handle everything.

At the beginning, it mainly tells the story of the hero, a boy like Snow White, and a few dwarf girls living in the forest.

This drama has a lot of routines, basically in the early stage, 8 actors will go abroad together.

In the mid-term, I met a female knight. The female knight was beautiful and carefree. She was injured in the forest, rescued by the snow boy and the dwarf girls, and then recuperated.

During the recovery period, the two had a spark of love, but the good times didn't last long. When the snow boy went out to collect medicine with a dwarf girl, he met a mage.

When the mage saw the snow boy's beauty comparable to that of an elf, he became jealous. The original mage always thought that he was the most perfect man among humans, but after seeing the snow boy, he became suspicious.

And asked himself the omniscient mirror obtained from the abyss, who is the most perfect man in the kingdom of Nora? When he was told that he was a snow boy, jealousy distorted his mind.

The mage cursed the snow boy.

The snow boy fell into the arms of the female knight whose injuries were gradually healing. Then the female knight investigated the murderer and finally fought the mage, but she lost to the mage. knight, and eliminated the evil mage.

The snow boy woke up. Finally married a female knight, it turns out that the female knight is actually a nobleman.

In order to thank the dragon who saved them, the two asked a master to carve a statue of the dragon in their territory, and asked someone to write a story about the dragon's pure kindness for future generations to admire!

Shillong is very serious about shooting, ng more times than before, he wants to make the best movie.

Too many mistakes are not allowed, and he can see that although giant dragons are willing to spend "huge sums" of money to watch movies, their tolerance for bad movies is far worse than ordinary people!

So there is nothing to lose in every film!

The total shooting time was more than 3 days, but Shillong did not directly play it at this time, but continued to shoot. He wanted to shoot a few more films, and then asked Andre to take it to the human world to make money.

For the next month, Shillong continued to make movies. A total of nine movies were made, and the assets were basically exhausted.

In the days of Shillong filming, it is worth mentioning that there are other dragons filming.

This time they are very smart, knowing that the film they made cannot compare with Shillong, so they will fight on price!

Watching their movies only costs three gold coins!

This naturally attracted many giant dragons.

The dragon who made this film made a lot of money.

However, his film reputation is still not very good.

After all, Shillong's pearls and jades are in front.

However, this incident caught Andre's attention. He imitated the example, and took out the films he had made before that Long didn't watch, and invited Long to watch them at the price of three gold coins.

But still no dragon looked at him, and then reduced the price by one gold coin! It was considered a dragon look, which made him recover a little bit of blood.

But this also allowed him to see the gap between himself and Shillong, and the whole dragon was a lot more honest.

Afterwards, Shillong's movie registration, he still pays the price of five gold coins per dragon, but these dragons don't mind, they are willing to spend this money!

And they were very enthusiastic. On the first day of the broadcast, two or three hundred dragons came to watch it, and in the next three or four days, one after another, almost all the dragons on the entire island watched it.

However, Shillong is not in a hurry to continue to launch his own films, so that the audience can relive the films. If they continue to release films with high intensity, I believe these dragons will get tired of them soon.

Every at least ten days, it is best to let the dragons have some sense of anticipation.

This kind of money-making speed has made many longan popular, but their films are incomparable with Xilong's!

He could only watch the other party make money, and listen to other dragons complimenting Xilong.

The prices of the films I made dropped again and again, and there were still rave reviews...

Forty-five days passed like this. At noon on this day, Shillong, who was still free, stayed on the top of the mountain basking in the sun, while Arman rolled a bed of gold coins on the ground beside him.

A dragon shadow came from the distant sky.

(end of this chapter)