Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 50: opened


After the transaction between the two dragons and Burt was completed, they went straight to the rented house near the inner city, and the movie theater in the future.

This rented house occupies a large area, the size of two or three basketball courts, and is built similarly to a church.

The two dragons walked inside, and it was empty.

But Andre didn't care about this, he checked the whole house, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Then he went to the Furniture Chamber of Commerce to buy a large number of seats.

There were hundreds of them in total, and it cost Andre several gold coins.

The cost of these gold coins will be deducted from the movie dividends.

After buying the seats, Andre and Neferu went back to the cinema with the caravan sent by the store.

The caravan transporting the seats used a horse-drawn carriage, and a large number of seats were piled up in the iron frame behind the goods and tied with ropes.

There are several carriages in total. When we return to the cinema, all the seats are arranged.

Andre was not in a hurry to pull people to watch the movie, but waited slowly.

Until the night is getting late, because it is the inner city near the Marquis of Raging Waves, the living standards of the residents here will be much better than those in the outer circle.

There will also be many entertainment activities at night, and the lights on both sides of the street are bright.

After a tiring day, groups of residents walked on the street in a relaxed manner, looking a little lazy.

At this moment, Andre stood at the gate of the cinema and shouted: "Don't miss it when you pass by! Residents of Hailan City! Quickly gather your eyes! I have good news to tell everyone today!"

This way of speaking is relatively new in this world, and it was taught by Shillong to Andre.

The wandering residents immediately cast their eyes on Andre obediently.

After seeing Andre's clothes, he immediately pointed at him and whispered something.

"Everyone! We are from the Soderberry Chamber of Commerce! Today is our first day in Hailan City! Our chamber of commerce will bring something unheard of to all residents called a movie! Everyone just sit and watch, You can see some legendary stories, which will definitely bring you an unprecedented experience!

Since today is the first day, we have a free viewing opportunity here! But there is only one chance, and there can only be one hundred people in total!

Interested friends, don't miss it! "Andre said loudly.

"Movie? What's that? Have you ever heard of it?"

"I've never heard of it. It's quite novel. Why don't you go and see it? Anyway, it's free."

"I think I can take a look."

"No, I still want to go to the opposite street to gamble."

A group of residents discuss.

"That guy actually said that he can see the legendary story? Can he see it? Is it a video stone? Do you want us to see that thing?" A young man said softly. After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but glance around and saw several faces. When she was not a bad woman, she couldn't help swallowing.

It caused those women to cast contemptuous glances at him, and even the women directly wanted to leave this place of right and wrong.

Regarding this, Andre hurriedly said: "Please don't misunderstand, although our movie uses audio-visual stones, it is definitely not that kind of movie, it is a brand new movie! Everyone has heard the story of Snow Boy, right? Our movie is to shoot this story, as long as you see it, you will definitely think that our movie is what a snow boy should be!"

"Snow boy? Take it out? I think I get it!"

"It sounds good, I really want to see it!"

"I want to see! Get out of the way! Let me go in and see!"

While everyone was discussing, a young man suddenly appeared, squeezed away the residents in front, and said to Andre at the front.

This is a babysitter!

"Okay! You are the first one." Andre said with a smile, stepping aside slightly to let the man enter.

Andre followed behind him. Before entering the cinema, he turned to Neferu and said, "One hundred people, watch carefully!"

"Why do you want me to watch? My duty is to watch you!" Neferu said.

"Your duty is to see if I'm greedy for money, and now it's free to watch here! Why are you still following me? Work hard! You have to be worthy of the salary that Shillong gave you!" Andre finished He walked in without looking back.

Neferu curled his lips in displeasure.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the rest of the residents were immediately aroused, and many people hurriedly followed in.

Neferu kept counting until one hundred, and she stopped anyone who wanted to enter after that.

A few men were a little upset because they didn't squeeze in, and they squeezed in after it was full, but they were all stopped by Neferu.

These men originally saw Neferu as thin and small, and wanted to squeeze in with their own size, but the slender arms standing in front of them were like iron pillars, and even those men couldn't squeeze them with all their strength. In the end, these men were stared at by Neferu, and they were so scared that they almost peed their pants on the spot.

At that moment, they seemed to have come to the wild at night, surrounded by a group of ferocious beasts, surrounded by green eyeballs!

When the cinema was almost full, Andre walked to the front and took out the audio-visual stone. He pointed the screen in front of the audience, and then took out two alchemy items.

Then open the audio-visual stone, the content inside is directly enlarged and projected onto the wall in front.

The screen was enlarged ten times at once, and even the audience in the last row could see it clearly.

The sound also came from the two alchemy items in the same box, several times louder.

These two items were naturally also requested by Shillong to be added when the movie was played.

Humans are different from giant dragons. Their eyesight is not as good as that of giant dragons, and they will not be able to see clearly if they are a little further away. Naturally, they need the assistance of alchemy props at this time.

So at that time, Shillong asked Andre if there were any items similar to projectors and loudspeakers, but he did not expect that there were.

This facilitates the way of the two dragons in the film company of the outside world.

When the projected object projected the contents of the small audio-visual stone on the wall, a handsome man appeared.

Beside him were seven dwarf girls of small stature.

At this moment, the residents in the cinema couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Is this the audio-visual stone? Only nobles are qualified to see it!"

"That's right, this is the Audio-Visual Stone, but not only nobles can watch it! Let me tell you, I've seen it before! The content inside is very exciting!"

"This feels really good! It's really interesting to see those seven dwarf women!"

"That man is so good-looking! I don't think he's any worse than our Polish lord!"

"Everyone be quiet! This is a movie theater! Everyone should be elegant and quiet like nobles!" Andre couldn't help reminding the residents who were about to quarrel again.

When these residents heard that they looked like nobles, they unexpectedly quieted down miraculously.

Um! We are not nobles, but we can be like them!

Everyone watched the movie quietly, their moods fluctuating with the plot in the picture.

The warm daily life of the snow boy and the seven dwarf girls made them smile and feel a lot more comfortable for no reason.

Many people who encountered troubles in the morning felt more relaxed.

(end of this chapter)