Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 79: dragon


Many knights who were ready to die with honor and defend the princess to the death felt relieved.

Perhaps, there is no need to explain here today

But are we implicated

Involved between the Cult of the Dracolich and the dragon

As a royal family, Lucia naturally knows about the church of the dracolich.

There are not many records of this church. It belongs to an unpopular church, and the traces of the founder have basically been erased from the history books.

However, there are still some faint records of the purpose of the church. This is a church dedicated to transforming giant dragons into liches.

They worship the power possessed by giant dragons. The top leaders of this church are all liches. They hate the living, so the dragons must be liches.

The lich that the giant dragon turns into is a dracolich!

In the eyes of the dracolich church, the dracolich has an immortal life, tyrannical power, and is a perfect creature!

However, the giant dragons despise dracolich extremely, whether it is a five-color dragon or a metal dragon, they all think that they are not worthy of being called dragons at all!

After they degenerate into dracolich, their strength will be greatly reduced, and at the same time, their minds will be imaged by the physique of the undead, their personalities will be distorted, they will start to hate creatures, their feelings will become indifferent, and everything in life will become irrelevant.

This is something the dragons with deep memories and full of emotions can't bear!

After becoming a dracolich, it will be another existence!

As time goes by, I will become not myself!

However, it is said that most dracoliches are evolved from five-color dragons, and some old or dying dragons will actively seek out the dracolich church...

"Unfortunately... It's not up to you to choose! Look at your flesh! It's so disgusting! I really want to peel them off your body inch by inch! Then slowly admire your perfect skeleton!"

The purple fire in the eyes of this lich-like fellow seemed to be even more intense at the end of his speech!

His mood fluctuated slightly at this moment.

"Lich! You have successfully angered us!" Neferu said at the end, and he had already left the crowd a little bit. After twisting his body for a while, a giant beast with a height of more than ten meters and a body length of fifteen or six meters appeared!

Most of her body is like a gray rock, and there are golden lines on her neck!

It was a young bronze dragon!

When Lucia's knight camp saw this giant beast, they all panicked slightly!

The height of ten meters is really too big!

This size is already comparable to a three-story villa!

"Roar!" The giant dragon roared, and the dragon's power spread out towards the surroundings!

Because Longwei does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, the knights who bear the brunt instantly feel their hearts beating like drums, and their legs tremble!

This is the dragon! Everyone present, except the captain of the knight who was lucky enough to see the dragon once many years ago, was the first time for everyone else to see it.

Some ordinary sixth- and seventh-level professionals have even collapsed to the ground!

In fact, if calculated according to the level of the human adventure book, Neferu in front of him is only level 12!

But the dragon's level 12 is undoubtedly the strongest level 12 among creatures! Their power crushes humans, and their scale armor has high magic resistance!

If a 12th-level fighter can fight against more than 20 6th and 7th-level professionals, then the dragon will increase this number by seven or eight times! Even more than 10 times!

Dragons are not afraid of group attacks!

The overwhelming Longwei greatly reduced the fighting strength of the allies, but the group of cloaked men on the opposite side didn't react much, but looked at her even more hungrily!

"Idiot! Put Long Wei away!" Andre said quickly when he saw this.

"Oh..." Neferu also found that the situation was wrong, and she didn't dare to continue to show her dragon majesty, so she quickly put away her dragon power, and a group of people returned to normal.

"Roar!" In this gap, Andre also roared, and his body quickly turned into a giant golden beast with a height of about 17 meters and a length of more than 24 meters.

The scales of the giant beast were a little dazzling in the sun, and the long beard fluttered under the forehead, showing a calm and calm look.

Looking at his allies, he couldn't help feeling a little more at ease.

Golden Dragon! Metal became the head of the dragon clan, famous in the human world, and is synonymous with strength, wisdom, and justice!

Didn't expect to be with us all the time! It's still that naughty Andre!

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka ~"

The upper and lower jaws of the lich-like skull collided with each other, making a sound that seemed to be laughter: "Very good! Very good! One adult golden dragon, one young bronze dragon! What are the two little guys?"

touch! Andre swayed forward on all fours, took two steps and made a loud noise: "Shillong! Arman! And everyone else! Get out of here quickly! Run as far as you can!"

In Andre's eyes, the strength of these humans is only level 10 at most, and they are too weak without equipment, so they might as well run away. As for Shillong and Arman

These two little guys are too small! Even if Shillong had demonstrated impressive arcane skills, it was not in Andre's eyes.

Because Arcane is not as strong as Elemental Mage in combat!

How strong can an Arcanist in his early 10s be

"Want to run? That's impossible! Everyone will sacrifice blood to our lord today!" The black blood beast believer who had been standing next to the lich spoke!

He suddenly pulled the cloak on his body, revealing the real face inside, a strong body, with a necklace of animal teeth hanging around his neck, a tattoo of blood-stained animal claws on his chest, and wearing a pair of bell-bottom pants made of unknown animal skin. Hanging by his side, he was carrying a giant ax more than one meter long!

The giant ax looked very extraordinary, blood flowing.

At the moment when his real body appeared, the believer exerted force on his feet, and slammed towards Neferu! His target is the knights behind Neferu!

At this moment, Andre also acted, he was the most powerful on the scene.

Well, he thought.

He was also the first one to react, and his tail instantly twitched towards the believer holding the axe.

"Hahahaha~" The believer laughed wildly, looked at the tail in front of him that was bigger than his whole body, and roared, "Rage!"


The believer's muscles swelled in vain, his eyes were blood red, and the giant ax in his hand smashed at the dragon's tail!


There was a loud bang.

This believer was thrown away by the dragon like a cannonball!

Flying seventy or eighty meters

Peng! He broke a tree and fell on a branch.

"Well~" There was a trace of blood on the corner of the believer's mouth, but a wild smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "As expected, it is an adult golden dragon! Its strength is far beyond what I can match!"

This believer is divided according to level, there are 18 levels! Be a fighter.

And being a savage, their strength is undeniably enormous among ordinary people.

But with his size, how can he compete with a monster of 17 meters when he is about 2 meters

Or in the process of head-to-head

Even if the berserk is turned on and the power is greatly increased, the gap is still too big!

(end of this chapter)