Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World

Chapter 1: Very hungry leopard


Rong Mingshi failed to track his prey for the 17th time. The small figure crouching on the rock watched the faraway rabbit leap into the grass and disappeared.

There is no more food to eat today, he probably starved to death, and then was weathered into a leopard on this stone...

Rebirth after death is naturally the luckiest thing, but if you are reborn as an animal, your luck will be cut in half.

Rong Mingshi, a young snow leopard the size of a kitten, crouched on a rock, raised his leopard's head to look at a bird flying by the sky, supported his head with his paws, slightly stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, then single paw. Covered on his stomach, hungry...

But hunting or something is really difficult for a cub who can't walk steadily.

After Rong Mingshi's seventeenth attempt, he planned to abandon this physically exhausting pursuit-style hunting method.

Rong Mingshi really had no strength. He crouched on the stone and narrowed his eyes. During the process of recharging his energy, he thought in a daze that he would go to look at the simple traps he made before, hoping to gain something.

Rong Mingshi moved his weak paws to get off the stone and walked slowly towards the stream.

The clear water can reflect the white leopard shape of Rong Mingshi at this time, but Rong Mingshi has no time to look at his current cute state, and his existence as an extremely rare protected wild animal at this time. Drink plenty of water this self-soothing way to fill up.

After drinking the water, Rong Mingshi shook off his wet thick claws, rubbed a handful of wet face hair, and turned to check the trap he had made with great effort, hoping to catch one or two prey, so he Startled by a sudden bang, Rong Ming slid into the grass, and after a while, he raised his head and looked in the direction of the bang.

Not too far from where Rong Mingshi was, something hit the top of the mountain. There was already a flame and thick smoke, and some explosions were heard from time to time.

Is it a plane crash

Rong Mingshi just thought so, when suddenly a black beast jumped out of the thick smoke.


Rong Mingshi was stunned, even more surprised than when he saw his leopard claws and touched his leopard ears.

Rong Mingshi blinked, raised one paw to support his head, wondering if he was starving, otherwise how could he see a black dragon flying in the sky at this time

The black dragon fanned its huge dragon wings and swept high into the sky, and then stopped there out of thin air. Its sharp claws began to tear off the scales on its body, and at the same time it made a faint groan and low roar, and the obsidian-like scales mixed with blood fell from the sky. , the powerful tail swung, making a rustling sound.

The black scale was pulled off by the dragon's claws and smashed to the ground. The unlucky little leopard couldn't react, and was hit by a dragon scale on the tail. Rong Mingshi gasped in pain and hugged his tail, his eyes Suspicious traces of water appeared.

This made Rong Mingshi sure that he really saw a black dragon that was going crazy in the sky

After the black dragon tore at himself for a while, he suddenly let out an uncontrollable low whistle. He turned his head and spewed out a flame in the direction of the mountain. The scorching high temperature instantly burned the plants on the mountain to ashes, and even stones were worth it. With signs of melting, the fire quickly spread.

The black dragon that spewed out flames froze for a moment, then stretched out its dragon claws to tear its scales even more harshly.

Until it was exhausted, the dragon claws fell down, and the black dragon turned uncontrollably and fell straight from the air.

The huge figure of the black dragon gradually approached the ground. At this time, when he raised his head to look at the black dragon's nervous (very powerful) Rong Ming, he realized that the situation seemed to be a little bad. come.

The little leopard ran out of the grass with all his strength and ran hard in one direction. The shadow cast by the black dragon blocking the sun was almost on top of his head.

Then, the shadow suddenly shrank, and at the same time, behind Rong Mingshi, there was a sound of landing.

The sound is not too loud, even a little light because Rong Mingshi ran out of these distances, it is not the roar of the giant beast hitting the ground as imagined.

Rong Mingshi's claws softened when he was relieved of the crisis, and he fell to the ground, his eyes were full of gold stars, and after a long breath, he managed to stand up and turned his head to look at the place where the object fell.

There are no black dragons.

Rong Mingshi tilted his head slightly, a little puzzled, slowly raised his thick paws, and walked quietly towards the position where the falling sound was heard.

Then he saw a man in a black and silver-edged uniform lying there near the grass by the creek where he was hiding before.

Rong Mingshi stopped his claws, and a shrewd light suddenly flashed in the leopard's eyes as clear as the starry sky.

This should be considered... prey, right? !

Rong Mingshi looked at the prey over there, stepped on the soft fur paws again and walked over step by step, doing psychological construction as he walked.

He is now a leopard, a beast, or a beast that has been hungry for a few days. In the eyes of beasts, any non-kind should be used as prey. The world of beasts does not have the social view of human beings. The strong eats the weak and fills the stomach is the key!

After gradually approaching, Rong Mingshi leaned over slightly, and fluttered at the dragon man's side dexterously, staring at him.

Very good, the self-abuse is so powerful, I'm already dizzy.

Then, Rong Mingshi began to pull at the black uniform of the strong-looking man, carefully looking for the place to lower his mouth.

The clothes on this dragon man must be made of special materials. They were torn apart by the dragon's claws for a long time. Although they were torn apart, almost all of them were torn by the dragon's claws, and there was no place that was broken due to the change of body shape, so This person switched between a black dragon and a human, but he did not turn into a human body.

But the exposed skin was also smeared by his own dragon claws.

If it was a normal beast, it should have aroused the appetite immediately, but in Rong Mingshi's eyes, it was really hard to say, even if a certain little snow leopard had been hungry for a long time.

Then, Rong Mingshi's gaze fell on the dragon's hand.

This man's hands were very broad, slender, with clear knuckles, and no blood stains. They curled slightly towards the palm of his hand. Rong Mingshi leaned in and arched hard, tilted his hairy head, opened the leopard's mouth, and forced himself to open his mouth and bite it. up the man's finger.

He's always going to live, isn't he...

After a while, Rong Mingshi brewed in his heart for a while.

It's no big deal, as long as he closes his mouth, the sharp leopard teeth can definitely pierce the flesh.

As a beast, it is inevitable that the hair drink blood! Maybe this dragon man will eat himself when he wakes up.


Rong Mingshi squatted down beside the dragon man's arm with a deflated buttocks, looking down at the man's arm with his head lowered.

Although he is a beast now, or a juvenile leopard who cannot catch prey by himself, it is really hard to let him eat people.

Rong Mingshi didn't realize it. At this moment, the half-lying man suddenly opened his eyes. After a round of stern and forbearing golden vertical pupils, he landed firmly on his drooping hairy ears, his head drooping. on the furry snow-colored leopard.

Heilong Aojia was in a manic period at this time, and his consciousness was a little chaotic, but he still felt that the beast licked his fingers just now, and the sharp deciduous teeth were stuck on his knuckles.

Is this little beast trying to wake him up

Such a small one, at most one of the paws when he was in the shape of a beast, looked unusually desolate and pitiful.

Is it a minor, or an emotionally frustrated juvenile

The orcs of the entire empire generally have a kind of mania, which will cause the orcs to show two extreme conditions.

One is when emotions are agitated, especially when they are in estrus, they will turn into adult beasts. In this state, their consciousness is uncontrolled, and they will destroy and destroy everything around them.

Another situation is that the mood is abnormally depressed and frustrated, and the orc becomes a juvenile, very vulnerable and helpless.

Even Aojia, who has excellent self-control, can't avoid the emergence of this kind of mania. When he realized that he might enter a manic state, Aojia tried his best to suppress it and ran to this star that marked the desolate star on the star map. Come on little planet.

So, what kind of situation is this little beast in front of you

This thought was just overwhelmed by Aojia's mania in an instant. The clarity of Aojia's golden vertical pupils gradually lost, and his consciousness gradually became confused. He knew that he was gradually losing self-control.

This little beast is very dangerous by his side!

So, Aojia stretched out his palm and landed on the little leopard's hairy head.

It was warm and soft to the touch, and the fine fluff was very comfortable. Aojia's large palm, which was shaking slightly because of suppressing mania, rubbed a handful of the little leopard's hair, and then slid along his head to the back of the little leopard's neck. Then, firmly grabbed the fur on the back of the little leopard, and threw the little leopard out.

Snow Leopard... Belongs to the feline orc... The body is the most flexible...

Throwing him out with this strength and height... shouldn't be hurt, right

In the moment before the mania broke out again, this thought flashed in the black dragon's head, and then he completely lost his self-control and turned into a black dragon behemoth again. Dragon scale, restraining his desire to spit out dragon breath.

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