Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World

Chapter 2: Delicious eggs


At the moment when the flesh on the back of his neck was stabbed, Rong Mingshi felt a strange sense of security, and this sense of security formed an extremely strange thinking in his head... After being hungry for so long, he was finally going to be killed by his mother ( Crossed out) The illusion of a mother beast taking home!

Rong Mingshi unconsciously arched his back and tucked his tail, his head and limbs drooping down obediently.

Then, a docile little leopard with snow-white fur and black markings flew up and went straight to a lush tree not far away.

The sudden weightlessness made Rong Xiaobaozi wake up in horror. This is the sense of security of a leopard's claws!

Seeing that it was about to hit the treetops, Rong Xiaobaozi struggled hard, and after smashing through a dense leaf, he landed firmly on a soft place.

Heilong Aojia can still see the surrounding environment even when he is not too conscious. Some huge bird's nest in a dense tree.

At this time, the little leopard Rong rolled unscathed into the bird's nest covered with thick thatch and soft feathers. The whole body was covered with fine fluff, and one or two got into the nose. The little leopard could not bear it. Hold, a sneeze came out, and a piece of fine fluff flew away, revealing two blue-striped eggs in the huge bird's nest.

The surprise came too quickly, Rong Xiaobaozi was stunned for a while, and then swooped over, and the two leopard claws hugged the largest bird's egg.

He knew that there must be eggs in the bird's nest on the top of the tree!

The little leopard, who had been hungry for a few days, suddenly had such a big meal, and his eyes were turning green.

Rong Mingshi had seen this bird's nest before, but the tree was too high, and the tree was smooth and hard. Even if his leopard claws were sharp, he had nowhere to go. Therefore, he tried many times before but failed to climb up. , In addition, he just guessed that there will be eggs in this big bird's nest, and he is not sure if there are really any, so in the end he can only watch the big bird flying around the treetops, and he is very greedy.

Now holding these two eggs, Rong Mingshi felt like holding the whole world.

However, the eggshell was round and heavy, and it was not as easy to open as it looked. Rong Xiaobaozi held the egg with his head tilted and his mouth opened. The sharp leopard fangs stuck on the eggshell for a while, but he couldn't get the egg to open. The eggshell is bitten off.

Rong Mingshi raised his head, rubbed his sour chin with his paws, wiped away the bird feathers stuck to his face, and impatiently stretched out his leopard's paw to pat it, and patted it for a while, but the solid eggshell was still missing. half a gap.

Rong Little Leopard stared at the two eggs coveted, and could only give up temporarily. He stood up and stepped on the thick feathers to inspect the bird's nest to see if there was anything in the bird's nest that could be used for him. He stretched his head to look at the ground.

There are many stones below, and it seems that they can only go down and smash them open.

It was difficult for him to climb up the tree, but it should be alright to go down the tree, just slide down backwards, but how should this egg go down

Rong Xiaobaozi concentrated on trying to find a way, wholeheartedly wanting to eat these two eggs, but he didn't pay any attention to the black dragon who was still masturbating in the air, but he could still see that the black dragon seemed to prefer to abuse himself. He didn't intend to destroy it wantonly, so Rong Xiaobaozi didn't notice that the black dragon over there was so clear in the pain after tearing the dragon scales for a while, and his golden eyes looked here.

Aojia first made sure that the little beast was not injured, and then saw the white little beast dealing with the two eggs clumsily. It was rare for Aojia to have such a smile when his mania broke out. Intention, fanning the dragon wings, slightly approached the big tree.

Rong Xiaoleopard, who suddenly smelled the blood, turned around knowingly. The clear leopard's eyes looked at the huge black dragon that was approaching silently. He moved his claws silently and stepped back. It is also too big, and the pressure on his cub is still very heavy!

Aojia didn't have time to talk to this little beast. He wasn't sure how long he could maintain his clarity, so he stretched out his dragon claws and grabbed the edge of the bird's nest. swept up into the sky.

Although the mania of the imperial orcs is terrible, but fortunately there is a time limit, and Aojia also wears an energy stone that can calm down the mania to a certain extent.

It's just that with the improvement of his strength, the effect of the energy stone he is wearing now is not so obvious on him, so he will repeatedly appear uncontrolled interlacing of human and animal shapes.

Even this energy stone was carefully crafted in the shape of a beast by the most prestigious master sculptor in the entire empire.

Rong Mingshi stood in the bird's nest on the ground, stared at the black dragon flying away, and the black dragon fell to the ground again embarrassedly, this time it hit the ground in the form of a black dragon, so the sound was very loud , the huge faucet is facing the direction of Rong Mingshi.

Before the black dragon man turned into a human, he could not restrain a little dragon breath, igniting a small pile of flames, and the orange flames were extraordinarily warm in the gradually darkening sky.

Compared to the fire that was still spreading on the hilltop in the distance, this small fire looked very harmless.

Rong Mingshi looked down at the bird's nest that was firmly on the ground, and then looked at the bloody people by the fire over there, then stretched out his claws and began to scratch the two eggs, struggling to get them out of the bird's nest. , rolled and pushed all the way to the front of the Heilongren.

Rong Mingshi stretched out his head and looked at the man. After confirming that he was not dead, he turned around to dig a pit beside the fire, and then pushed the two eggs into the pit and buried them. Then, Rong Mingshi endured hunger and threw the Some dry twigs stacked in the nest brought the fire to the top of the soil layer where the eggs were buried.

Rong Little Leopard squatted beside the burning fire, the orange flame reflected on the white fur, like a golden light film, smudged a very warm color.

After the fire above the soil layer burned for a while, the little leopard led the fire to the other side, staring at the burned ground, endured for a while and waited for the soil layer to finally stop burning. Pulling away the soil layer, the white leopard claws were dyed black by the remaining grass ash.

The black leopard's claws finally reached the hot bird's egg, Rong Mingshi licked his lips, carefully got the bird's egg up from the pit, squatted on the ground, and smashed the stone with his front paws.

The cooked egg was not so hard anymore, Rong Xiaobaozi smashed it open smoothly, revealing the white egg white inside, and Rong Mingshi buried his head and started to eat with satisfaction.

As for why the little leopard didn't eat the bird's egg raw, of course, he had the conditions to eat the boiled egg, so why should he eat the sticky raw egg

Rong Xiaobaozi put aside without hesitation the argument he had comforted before that beasts naturally drink blood.

A hot bird egg went down, Rong Xiaobaozi felt comfortable all over, and then looked at the other one in the pit with some hesitation.

... Forget it, this black dragon man is quite pitiful, leave it to him.

Rong Xiaobaozi scratched the soil and buried the bird's egg.

After a few days, he was finally half full. Rong Xiaobaozi turned his head and glanced at the person lying beside the fire. He moved his body and approached the person's arm. Looking at the firelight with some distress, he yawned. With the firelight, he didn't have to hide in the crevices of the stones.

The author has something to say: hey hey~!