Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World

Chapter 4: Lonely leopard


The tired little leopard got back to the comfortable and warm position under Heilong Aojia's arm again, closed his eyes and fell asleep, the weight of the black dragonman's broad palm on his back was surprisingly reassuring, as if he hadn't been so stable for a long time. Got some sleep.

The little leopard in his sleep shook his ears, and vaguely felt some images. The situation was like something he had experienced before, and it was blurred through a layer of veil.

In that situation, there were many people who came and went around him, and vague words rustled in his ears.

"Lord Duke, the beast core in this child's head is much larger than the beast core of the same clan when he was born, suppressing his brain, causing a natural defect of consciousness, and only then can he become a beast, even the highest level of solid color. The energy stone may not be cured, and I am afraid that it will maintain the state of the juvenile body for a long time in the future, and even if it grows up, it will be mentally insane."

After that, the little leopard was taken away by a smart housekeeper and lived in a house. Everything was taken care of by the smart housekeeper. He hadn't seen anyone for a long time. The smart housekeeper taught him how to speak and teach him some things every day common sense.

Of course, this process is one-sided indoctrination.

Then he and the robot butler spent a long time in the cold, inorganic room.

Until one day, the smart housekeeper received an instruction to take the little leopard out of the house where he had lived for so long, and boarded a small aircraft. At the beginning, the destination of the aircraft's route was set to the imperial capital.

It's just that for some reason, the smart butler suddenly changed his destination, landed on this planet, left him here, and left him a lot of nutrients in a crack between rocks and a calm mechanical sound. Said a word to the little leopard.

"The imperial capital is dangerous, I can't take you there, you have to live on your own from now on."

Then the smart housekeeper stretched out the robotic arm and touched his head, turned around and drove the aircraft away.

The solitary little leopard wandered ignorantly in an unfamiliar place, got lost, rolled down from a height, and hit his head on the tree with a huge bird's nest. The accident made the ignorant little leopard suddenly break the restrictions, and his consciousness suddenly became clear...

At this time, Rong Xiaobaozi, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up, opened his eyes slowly, and raised his head from under the arm of the black dragon Aojia. The clear leopard's eyes looked at the fire with a little fire, and then suddenly stretched out his paws. He covered his face and buried his head in it.

I can't believe that for many, many years in this rebirth, he has been a stupid little leopard who is unconscious.

For a while, the mourning little leopard forgot, and his claws pulled the grass and wood ash before turning it into gray-black, and this time, a little leopard's face was smeared black.

Rong Xiaobaozi sighed, looking at the gradually whitening sky, he got out from under the arm of the black dragon man, and then took brisk small steps, running towards the direction of the huge stone in his memory.

The distance is not too close, and I don't know how I foolishly wandered so far.

It took Rong Mingshi a while to finally get there. He looked at the well-stocked nutritional supplements in the cracks and turned around with satisfaction. With these things, he probably won't need to work hard to hunt his prey for a long time. Rong Mingshi opened his mouth, took a few bags and flung his hairy tail, and returned along the way he came.

Rong Xiaobaozi walked back, and halfway through, he heard some breaking sounds in the air. He looked up, and an aircraft in the sky was gradually approaching him.

Rong Mingshi was stunned for a while, and a hint of doubt flashed in Leopard's eyes. Could this be the return of the robot butler

However, he soon gave up the idea, because the flying machine was so fast that it was not coming in his direction at this time, but in the direction of the black dragon man lying on the ground.

The aircraft gradually landed, and the little leopard bit the nutritional supplement and lay on the ground, claws clenched the ground, so as not to be blown away by the air current of the aircraft landing.

Then, Rong Mingshi watched helplessly as a few people jumped out of the aircraft, and quickly and carefully brought the black dragon man lying on the ground to the aircraft, and then the aircraft quickly started, swept to the sky in a blink of an eye, and blinked. There is no shadow.

This action was fast enough that Rong Xiaobaozi, who was observing from a distance, was stunned for a while, staring blankly at the sky, and the nutrients in his mouth fell to the ground.

Is this gone

There was a moment of loss in Rong Mingshi's heart.

The black dragon who slept with him all night and brought him down from the bird's nest at the top of the tree, he thought he could stay for a while.

Now that the people are gone, there is no need for Rong Mingshi to return to the position just now. In addition, he was half full last night and was already hungry, so the little leopard lowered his head and bit away. A nutritional supplement bag, bury your head and start eating.

It's just that the taste of this nutrient is really not unpleasant, and the taste is particularly bad, just like eating mud.

The nutritional supplements made by the robot butler are equipped with various nutrients suitable for him, but they have not adjusted the taste at all.

After eating the small bag with difficulty, Rong Xiaobaozi decided to get the egg out.

At this time, among the aircraft that had entered the space route, the accompanying physicians quickly treated the wounds on Aojia's body. After the treatment, they injected a dose of medicine into Aojia's body.

"Doctor, how are your symptoms, sir?" the guard Calante asked cautiously in a low voice.

The doctor frowned slightly and was very puzzled. Their manic episode this time was obviously much faster than the last time he recovered.

The doctor looked at their commander's armband. This armband was originally the most sturdy and sealed configuration on Aojia's body, but no matter how strong this thing was, it couldn't resist Aojia's black dragon claws. When Aojia suppressed his mania, this The armband has been scratched by him, otherwise the black dragon energy stone inside will not fall out.

The doctor stretched out his hand and opened the broken armband on Aojia's left arm, and took out the black dragon energy stone that was in its rudimentary form and was re-corrected by Rong Mingshi.

For a time, several people around were stunned. The most familiar thing to all the orcs in the empire is the energy stone, which is the only way to cure the mania of the orcs.

There are three levels of energy stones, low-level three-color energy stones, middle-level two-color energy stones, and high-level solid-color energy stones.

The higher the level of energy stone, the better the effect on mania. Of course, the premise is to carve the energy stone according to the beast shape of the beastman.

For powerful orcs like their superiors, the low-level and middle-level energy stones have no effect, and only high-level energy stones can be useful.

However, the engraving of energy stone is not simply to carve the stone, but requires the sculptor and the energy stone to establish perception, and use the perception to catalyze the power of the energy stone. The more thoroughly the perception is integrated, the more power it can stimulate. , the energy stone carved out is closer to the orc form.

Therefore, energy stone carvers have two necessary conditions, one is the craftsmanship of carving, and the other is perception.

The higher the level of energy stone, the stronger the perception is needed. However, there are still very few people who can carve high-level solid-color energy stones, and there are even more carvers who can mobilize the power in high-level energy stones. not enough.

Therefore, at this time, this one of their officers' armbands can only be done by people at the master level.

Could this be the newly configured energy stone by their chief this time

It's really thanks to this black dragon energy stone, otherwise the officer's injury this time is probably more serious than the last time.

When several people were amazed at the master's skills, Aojia suddenly opened his eyes, looked around with sharp eyes, did not see the little white beast, frowned suddenly, and sat up.

"Sir!" Several people saluted.

At the same time, the doctor handed over the black dragon energy stone in his hand, "Sir, this time your situation is much better than last time, thanks to the master's skills."

Ao Jia took the energy stone, and his pupils shrank slightly.

This is not the energy stone he got from the master. The size and shape are completely different, but he can see that this stone is still the one he had before.

Aojia held the energy stone in his hand and turned to say, "Where's the person?"

"..." Several people looked at each other, who

"Where's the little leopard?"

"?" A few of them didn't even know what their chief said. None of the guards were in the shape of a leopard, and, little leopard... It was impossible for their chief to call any of them that.

Aojia took a breath, so these people left the little leopard on the deserted star

Aojia glanced at them, stood up and walked directly to the control room.

Several guards and the doctor immediately followed, seeing that their commander directly asked the pilot to move out of the way, sat in the driver's seat, turned the aircraft, and swept toward the former star again.

At this time, Rong Mingshi was pulling out the pit with his claws, to get the bird egg left for the black dragon out of it.

So when the aircraft came back, the little leopard was very disheartened, and was almost thrown into the pit by the airflow of the aircraft.

Ao Jia stepped out of the aircraft, and what he saw was a pitiful and desolate little beast, staring back at him with two star-like blue leopard eyes.

The author has something to say: There may be bugs in this chapter. Catch them at night. Anyone who sees it can tell me! ~