Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World

Chapter 42: Emotional?


As soon as Rong Xiaobaozi finished his sigh, he received half of the deposit paid in advance by the buyer, and also received a message from the buyer.

"Hello shop owner, the engraving I want to order is from my husband, the animal shape of my husband is a tiger, and there is a three-dimensional image provided by me at the back, but, I'm sorry shopkeeper, my high-level energy stone is not available yet, please The owner waits a few days."

Rong Xiaobaozi raised his paws and responded by pressing the text on the interface, "Yes, you can provide energy stones whenever you want."

The customer is God, Rong Mingshi can naturally agree to this small request.

"Thank you, shopkeeper! At most three days, the energy stone will be sent there."

The Imperial Foreign Minister's wife, who was on her way to the Duchess of Oran's birthday dinner, closed her mind happily.

At the same time, she was very fortunate, fortunately, she was bored on the way to the banquet, and wanted to read the information about the Peacock actor, but I happened to see the actor live in this store, and saw such superb skills.

This is much better than what the masters of the Oran Carving Company can do.

The Foreign Secretary's wife intends to propose to the Duchess to withdraw the high-end engraving orders at the Oran Sculpture Shop after the dinner. Although some liquidated damages are required, it also refutes the Duchess's face to a certain extent, but so what, nothing More important than her husband's life.

Rong Xiaobaozi naturally didn't know what kind of background he was as a buyer of the custom auction. At this time, he was pulling the stone and preparing to carve the seal first.

While observing the selected stones, he pondered the composition.

Among the buyer's images he received, the fragility of the white seals was too poignant. Rong Mingshi planned to incorporate the shape of the seals into the sculpture.

That means there are two animal figures in the same carving, one adult and one juvenile.

If the state expression is not good enough, it will form the feeling of father and son beast, which is not what Rong Xiaobaozi wants to express.

He wanted the juvenile seal and the adult seal to have the same aura, dispelling the brokenness and panic in the eyes of the juvenile seal in the mania outbreak.

Slowly, Rong Xiaobaozi had an idea.

The whole white stone is a snow-white iceberg. There is molten water under the iceberg. The black and oily seal in the water drills out of it, with its forelimbs clawing at the ice, its head raised, and its black eyes looking at the snow-white iceberg.

On top of the iceberg is a little seal rolling in the snowdrift, with fluffy white fluff all over, and the fat and white one rolls into a ball there. Black bright eyes looked in the direction of the seal.

After forming the idea, Rong Mingshi started to carve.

The whole stone is equivalent to being divided into three parts, seals, small seals and snow-capped mountains.

The smooth lines well outline the majestic body of the seal, the raised head and upper body, the powerful tail fin, and the black and determined eyes of the seal.

Rong Mingshi paid special attention to the carving of baby seals.

The round body with fluffy snow particles, and the slightly tilted rear fin when lying on its back, although the body is round and can't see any physical lines, but through the slightly tilted tail fin, it seems to be able to feel this. The little seal is still a little serious and wants to turn over, it will just be tired... Take a break.

Rong Mingshi spent more time showing the ice and snow. In order to create the feeling of snow, he needed to use a fine sharp knife to chisel the white part of the stone little by little to form a very fine snowflake shape.

As for the melting snow, Rong Mingshi chose to use the black part of the stone, and outline the water pattern on it. Those white parts mixed in the black stone formed the white foam that the seals hit when they jumped out of the water.

After the shape is carved, it needs to be polished very carefully, especially in order to show the texture of the seal's skin, as well as the icy transparency of the snow, which all need to be polished to varying degrees on the surface of the texture.

After the whole work was completed, Rong Mingshi carved his signature in an inconspicuous place under the snow-capped mountains.

At this moment, Aojia, who had completed his official business at a high speed and rejected the invitation of the Duke of Oran, pushed the door and entered.

The diligent little leopard was crouching on the table at the moment, carefully carving, and even the tip of its thick tail was slightly hooked.

It doesn't look like something happened...

So, what are the three inexplicable problems of the little leopard before

A certain big black dragon took a faint breath and walked over.

Rong Xiaobaozi raised his head when he heard the movement, his blue leopard eyes looked into Aojia's deep gaze, he couldn't help but moved his thick tail slightly happily, and his thick paws pointed to the seal that had just been carved, " Aojia, do you look good?"

Only then did Aojia's eyes turn from the little leopard to the carving beside his claws.

It's strange that a certain big black dragon suddenly sees an elite scout under his command...

Aojia stretched out his hand to pick up the seal. The entire carving was no bigger than a fist. There were two seals, one big and one small, one under the ice and snow, and the other above the ice and snow.

The sculptor is naturally as exquisite as ever, and the most unusual thing is the eyes of the seal and the eyes of the little seal.

Because of the angle of the carving, two seals, one big and one small, can project the other's reflection from each other's eyes.

It's like a mirror image, the seal sees the juvenile self, and the baby seal sees the adult self.

Therefore, there is nothing to fear, any ice and snow will pass, and the powerful seal does not hate the fragile and broken juvenile body. The little seal has enough rest, it can turn over again, and it can become stronger again.

Ao Jia, who had seen this scout mania juvenile body, was touched, mania can infinitely expand the mental trauma of soldiers, and sometimes it really makes those who have experienced the battlefield helpless.

Ao Jia reached out and rubbed the little leopard's head and put the carving on the table, "Great."

It is indeed right for the military information center to grab the order of the little leopard.

Rong Little Leopard flicked his tail, quite happy.

Then, Rong Xiaobaozi stretched out his leopard claws and pointed at Aojia's armband, "Give me your high-level energy stone, and I will continue to improve it."

Aojia raised his hand to open the armband, and took out the only prototype energy stone outlined by the little leopard inside with dragon scales in his mouth.

Rong Xiaobaozi looked at his original configuration and carefully studied it.

It's a pity that this high-level energy stone was carved by another sculptor at the beginning, and he used half of the energy stone after being shattered for rough carving.

During this time, this energy stone went through the situation where Aojia almost broke out in the academy, so the quality of this stone at this time is far inferior to the previous fire fox's energy stone.

Rong Xiaobaozi activated the leopard claw tool, and could only carve the stone more finely according to the previous idea.

This is his first work since he came to this world, and it has obvious shortcomings. For example, the shape of the black dragon is not smooth enough, and some details are a little bit deviated from the initial prototype.

Therefore, the entire trimming process is very laborious, but after many experiences in carving black dragons, the stone was finally completed beyond imagination.

Rong Xiaobaozi looked at the majestic black dragon flying and was quite satisfied.

He pushed the black dragon energy stone in the direction of Aojia with his claws, and watched Aojia put the stone into the armband.

He wants to save money for Aojia to re-carve one, using better materials than the red fox!

Ao Jia reached out and rubbed the little leopard, "Very good, the little leopard has made great progress."

Rong Little Leopard grinned, revealing smug little leopard teeth.

Then he avoided Aojia's palm, jumped off the table, and pulled out the matching energy stone from Aojia's clothes on the ground.

He wanted to give it a try, maybe he could stab the stone again...

It's just that it's absolutely impossible here. It's embarrassing to change in front of Aojia without clothes.

So, when the big black dragon picked up the clothes, Rong Xiaobaozi picked up the stone first and ran all the way back to the bedroom.

As for the angle, Aojia didn't see the little leopard biting the energy stone in his mouth.

Looking at the little leopard who ran away, Ao Jia slightly moved the corner of his mouth, and always felt that today's little leopard was strangely cute.

Aojia put the clothes back on the hanger, and then followed the little leopard all the way back to the bedroom.

Seeing that little leopard jumped onto the bed, tore off the quilt, crawled in, squatted inside, and left the back of his head outside.

A certain big black dragon walked over and wanted to make the bulging quilt for the little leopard.

Mental exhaustion is too frequent for the little leopard, and physical strength is also a problem. The little leopard has carved the energy stone, and it is probably sleepy.

At the same time, Rong Xiaobaozi, who was hiding in the quilt and slashing at the energy stone, was repelled by the power of the transparent energy stone after drawing a smooth line, and made a bang inside the quilt.

Aojia frowned slightly as he looked at the quilt that was suddenly agitated.

This action feels like the little leopard is kicking the quilt, venting his anger...


At this time, Rong Xiaobaozi suddenly appeared from the quilt with a hairy leopard face, with two claws on the quilt, looking at him with clear eyes, "Ao Jia..."

There is no emotion at all, and there is no sleepiness in the eyes...

Aojia sat down beside the bed and looked at the little leopard with the quilt in it, thinking about whether he had left the little leopard alone at home for too long, which affected the little leopard's mood.

After all, the little leopard lived in such a small place for nearly 20 years, and now he definitely wants to go out for a walk.

So, Marshal Heilong, who thought he had touched the point, said, "Little Leopard, do you want to..."

The words suddenly stopped there, a certain black dragon stared closely at the little leopard at this time, the dragon scales all over his body loomed in an instant, his pupils instantly turned into golden vertical pupils, and a kind of swelled out in the whole room. The smell of burning flames.

At this time, Rong Mingshi held the energy stone that he had crossed twice, tilted his head slightly, and looked at Ao Jia with clear eyes, "What are you thinking?"

How can the marshal still say anything!

This handsome and clean young man with proud and sly eyes just raised his chin slightly, grabbed the edge of the quilt with both hands, and lay in front of his eyes, what else could he say.

… all his sanity is in control of his power!

If the little leopard hadn't carved the energy stone for him in advance, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to control it himself.

Looking at the black dragon scales that Aojia had stretched to his neck, and the vertical pupils that were constantly changing and shrinking, Rong Mingshi licked his lips slightly.

Two knives have been drawn by him on the transparent energy stone. The power of the two knives combined should be doubled compared to before, so he should have enough time...

Enough for him to get a kiss

So, Rong Mingshi stretched out his arm, licked his lips slightly, and said, "It's so hot."

This sound and action seemed to open the seal. A certain big black dragon who was sitting there stiffly stretched out his hand and clasped Rong Mingshi's shoulders, and hugged him with the quilt into his arms, and then he was extremely hot. A sly smile covered his lips.