Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World

Chapter 50: Little leopard in military uniform


This beautiful little leopard rolled on his back on the sofa, looked up at the small black dragon stone carving on the large chandelier in the living room, his thick claws covered his nose, his thick tail moved, and there was an impulse in his head for a while.

It's really been a long time since I carved a cute little black dragon!

The little leopard jumped up from the sofa and ran to the whole shelf of white-colored stones that Aojia had sent before. The variegated low-level energy stone was pulled all the way to the living room and moved to the table.

Rong Xiaobaozi climbed onto the table, squatted down, started the carving knife, and started to deal with the stone smoothly.

This is a small black dragon with more and more round and cute movements. The dragon's tail is curled and squatted on the ground. The wide dragon wings are carefully and cautiously wrapped around his chest, and the dragon belly and the dragon's belly are folded. Most of the dragon's claws are tightly covered.

The little black dragon's golden vertical pupils are very large and energetic, and he surveys his surroundings vigilantly and dignifiedly.

Rong Mingshi was quite calm about the shape of his cute little snow leopard that he carved.

Therefore, the large dragon wings of the little black dragon were not wrapping his own stomach, but a little snow leopard that tried to open the dragon wings and protruded out from the neck of the little black dragon.

What emerges from under the dragon's wings and the dragon's claws is a hairy leopard head with big blue eyes and thick leopard claws clawing at the edge of the dragon's wings, trying to stick out the whole head , but the little black dragon's round dragon claws were still pressed on top of the little snow leopard's head.

The dragon claws of the little black dragon are not firmly pressing on the little leopard's head, but the appearance of empty wanting to exert force but not willing to exert force, even the hairs on the little leopard's head are not overwhelmed...

At the same time, there is a vaguely bulging position on the dragon wing that the little black dragon is wrapped around in front of him. The shape is vague and a bit like a paw print. The traces of the little leopard's hind paws.

This small work looks simple from the outside. The two dragon wings block most of the bodies of the little black dragon and the little snow leopard, but the carving inside is actually very fine.

Rong Xiaobaozi carefully entered the carving knife and carved the movements of the little black dragon and the little snow leopard inside very finely.

Inside the dragon wings, the dragon claws of the little black dragon clasped the little leopard's belly.

As for the little leopard's two hind claws, one stepped on the bulging dragon claws of the little black dragon, while the other stepped on the dragon wings with the paw prints protruding outside.

This situation is a combination of last night, when his family was holding Longyi to wrap them both, and that day in the museum, he looked out a little curiously, and his big black dragon stretched out his hand to put him Press his head down to prevent him from watching the lively situation.

After completing this carving, Rong Xiaobaozi retracted his claws and tilted his head to look at the little black dragon standing steadily.

"very good."

Someone's voice suddenly sounded beside Rong Xiaobaozi.

He reached out and poked the thick paw of the little snow leopard that the little black dragon was holding.

Rong Xiaobaozi, who was staring at the little black dragon, felt for a moment that the little black dragon in front of him seemed to raise its dragon head, and his vigilant eyes seemed to be swept behind him sharply in the next moment.

… I see who is going to snatch my baby! I'll kill you with one breath of dragon breath!

"… "

Rong Little Leopard, who had too many brains, silently raised his thick claws and turned the little black dragon on the table in a direction, so that he gathered the little leopard to stare at the mural in the living room. Then, the thick claws were not too light or heavy. He poked the root of the little black dragon's tail, but the center of gravity of the little black dragon he carved was very stable, but it didn't sway at all.

Aojia laughed, sat down beside the little leopard, reached out and picked up the little leopard, put it on his thigh, rubbed his head, and held his thick paws, "Did you not go out for a day? Are you bored? ?"

Rong Xiaobaozi, who was used to staying at home in his previous life, shook his head, and didn't think there was anything wrong with staying at home.

Besides, he completed three carvings today and earned more than two million star coins.

This rides the speed of making money like a rocket!

"I'll take you out on vacation tomorrow?" Aojia said while kneading his thick paws.

Rong Xiaobaozi nodded, "Okay."

Although it's okay to stay at home, Rong Xiaobaozi is very happy to be able to go out with Daheilong.

Anyway, there is no class tomorrow, so it doesn't matter whether you go to the college or not.

After changing classes, there is no so-called sign-in limited Rong Xiaobaozi, and he has no consciousness at all.

The matter of theoretical knowledge learning has also been left behind.

At this time, the buyer exchange area of Rong Mingshi's online shop for high-end customized auctions became noisy. All buyers who believed in the owner's skills and were able to purchase high-end energy stones and customized auctions were all squatting here.

Of course, there are also some of them. Although they have no money, they like to watch the orcs carved by the shopkeeper.

—I’m not dazzled, right? Does the owner always open a new one after completing an order? Why hasn't it been opened yet

- None of the buyers who have successfully traded this time have displayed the finished product. Is it because the shopkeeper's level of carving high-end energy stones is not good enough

-Tsk, I have to question the level of the master of the shop owner again, and since I doubt it, hurry up! What presence are you looking for here!

- The owner is big, whisper, you have to distinguish the priority from the second, this side makes more money than the other side! You have already opened two low-level customizations, so it's time to open it here, right

- Am I the only one who has a feeling that the owner of the shop is probably... Forgot to open it

—Why, I suddenly feel that the above statement makes the most sense...

Rong Xiaobaozi was really busy carving the little black dragon, he forgot to log in to the online store to open the auction...

In addition, when Aojia went home at this time, what popped out of Rong Xiaobaozi's head was that he didn't know how many knives he could make on that transparent stone today...

As a result, the matter of high-end customization was completely forgotten...

Aojia took his little leopard to wash his hands and eat.

After the meal, Aojia temporarily received urgent military affairs and went to the study to deal with affairs. Rong Xiaobaozi sneaked into the bedroom and dug out his stone.

Rong Xiaobaozi squatted on the table in the bedroom, shook off the hair all over his body, and activated the tool with full energy.

Those feelings when carving the orange-yellow high-level energy stone had a considerable impact on Rong Xiaobaozi's use of the power in this transparent energy stone. This time the carving was very smooth, and his carving knife was more than before. At any time, a few stripes are continuously drawn, and almost the entire back line of the little snow leopard that is up to prey has been outlined!

When he was repelled by the power of the energy stone, Rong Xiaobaozi was also very used to it. Following the repelling power, he did a backflip and landed firmly on the bed beside the table.

Then, Rong Xiaobaozixing jumped up in a hurry, jumped on the table, raised his paws and swiped at the transparent stone with a back line.

This time, more abundant power spread through his hand, and his head stagnated for a while. Then, Guangguo's Rong Mingshi reached out and grabbed the thin quilt and wrapped his body, jumping. Like a worm, he jumped to Aojia's cloakroom.

Rong Mingshi took out the underwear from the drawer, grabbed the underwear and put it on quickly.

Hmmm... the panties inside slip down a bit...

Rong Mingshi stretched out his hand and pulled it, and put on Aojia's armed belt.

Rong Xiaobaozi took a picture in front of the three-dimensional mirror.

Although there is a little difference in stature, and his height is slightly shorter than Aojia, he is still handsome in military uniform!

The confident Rong Mingshi came out of the cloakroom, pulled up the sleeves of his clothes, and went all the way to Aojia's study.

There was a small sound in Aojia's room, as if he was still busy.

But after all, the time was a little short, so Rong Xiaobaozi tidied up his collar, reached out and knocked on the door of the study, "Aojia, can I go in?"

The smart door of the study opens automatically, which is obviously allowed.

Rong Xiaobaozi stepped forward and walked in.

The action of Marshal Heilong, who was giving the final order, suddenly stopped, and his deep eyes stared at the door.

His snow leopard was wearing his clothes and walked in so beautifully!

The slightly wide military uniform was rolled up a little by the little leopard, revealing half of the arms. The pants of the military uniform were a little longer and covered most of the feet, only the toes of Bai Shengsheng were exposed, stepping on the thick carpet. .

And although the button of the military uniform is buttoned to the top one, it still reveals a delicate and distinct collarbone, with a proud and sly smile on his handsome and clean face, his eyes are bright, and then, just like that on his desktop Stand in front of you.

The Marshal made a decisive decision, and before the little leopard had spoken, he turned off the ongoing video call.

The deputy commander-in-chief, whose screen suddenly went black, frowned in confusion, and quickly sent a text message to the marshal, "Sir, is there any trouble?"

Aojia's Adam's apple moved and replied neatly, "No, the previous suggestion was rejected."

"Yes, sir!"

The deputy commander looked at the message sent by the commander and narrowed his fox eyes slightly.

Although the voice just now was a little vague, he could still hear it. There was a clear-sounding orc speaking from the commander's side.

The most important thing is that the man called the officer by his first name... The relationship is great...

At this time, Ao Jia looked at the person opposite him with burning eyes, moved his Adam's apple slightly, stood up and stretched out his hand to wrap around the back of Rong Mingshi's neck, and kissed the person's warm and sweet lips.

Rong Mingshi put his arms on the table and approached obediently.

The little black dragon on the table was a little in the way. Just as he was about to stretch out his hand to push it away, he suddenly remembered that this little black dragon pretending to sleep with one eye open was placed here to cover up the table that he had scratched earlier...

So, Rong Mingshi had to change his movements, reached out and touched a small black dragon, and then accepted someone's kiss as if nothing had happened, accepting the familiar burning hot lips.

At the same time, he heard the familiar sound of dragon wings breaking through clothes.

It wasn't until Rong Mingshi's breath couldn't bear it that a certain big black dragon retreated slightly, and turned to stroking behind his ear, kissing the tip of his nose and the corner of his eyes, and said in a low and slightly hoarse voice, "I will take you to buy clothes tomorrow. "

"it is good."

Rong Mingshi nodded.

Then, Aojia lowered his head again, held his chin, and the hot breath invaded his mouth again.

At the same time, the dragon wings flapped slightly, driving the two of them to fly at the same time, and then slowly landed on the ground in front of the table, until the breath was short again, and they parted reluctantly.

Rong Mingshi grabbed Ao Jia's clothes and breathed steadily, then looked at the dragon wings behind Ao Jia, and finally asked a doubt in his heart.

"Aojia, I have finished carving the giant energy stone for you, why is your dragon wing still popping up?"

Does he need to carve more giant energy stones

Aojia looked down at the person in his arms, his snow leopard obviously didn't know about the special beast-shaped sign that the orcs would appear when they were in heat...

At the same time, a certain big black dragon realized for the first time that although he was in estrus this time, there was no trace of his mania on the verge of becoming mad and turning into a beast.

"Have you not seen it yet?"

No wonder there is no praise and no praise...