Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World

Chapter 9: Leopard's Power Stone


The rough stones are all rough stones, which are excavated from the veins by intelligent mining machines, and wait for the processing of energy stone screening machines and cutting machines in an open environment. There are various shapes and sizes, some as high as ten meters, and some Small, only the size of a fist, scattered in a disorderly manner.

Generally speaking, energy stones are mostly cut to a size that can be carried around, but some orcs will place taller energy stone statues in their homes for extra security.

The bigger the energy stone, the more other substances are mixed with it. Therefore, the only ones that can be made into tall statues are some middle-level and low-level stones.

In addition, Aojia's resource group will also export some uncut rough stones into the gambling stone market.

Although the current machinery and equipment can scan the existence of energy stones in the original stone, it cannot accurately determine the level of the energy stones in it.

There are no people on the empty rough quarry, and many processes here are handled by intelligent robots.

Abel stopped all the machines here, drove a hover car, and led their chief through the pile of stones on the ground.

The doctor is the busiest. He has to scan all the rough stones that pass by while Abel is driving the hover car, so he has been staring at the micro scanner.

Time passed little by little, Aojia held the little leopard's thick paws and squeezed it, and the barbs inside came out and retracted again and again.

And with the stone he likes, Rong Xiaobaozi, who is in a happy mood, doesn't think there is anything wrong with this person playing with his paws like this.

Abel, who was driving next to him, shook his hand and almost hit a huge rough stone next to him. Fortunately, this hovering car has an intelligent correction system, otherwise he would be embarrassed in front of the chief.

... The officer is teasing (mocking) the little leopard again!

At this moment, the doctor, who almost began to doubt his life, swept through countless rough stones with a scanner, and suddenly called out, "Abel, stop!"

Abel was stunned and pressed the stop button with a slap. His reaction was so excited that he smashed the parking button of the hover car into a hole. Abel immediately reached out to cover his embarrassment and said, " found it?"

The doctor nodded, carefully looked at the raw stone that was reacting on the micro-scanner, and pointed to their boss and the little leopard, "That's it."

Rong Xiaobaozi stood up from Aojia's arm and looked over at the window.

Hmm... standard granite, gray and white, the kind that can be used to carve stone lions, the kind of stone lions that are usually placed at the entrance of some hotels and clubs, but this stone seems to have been weathered and eroded by weathering. Mark of.

Abel's head was covered in black lines, and he turned to look at the doctor, "Are you sure it's this one? Although this stone was also obtained from the most central mining area of the energy stone vein, after testing, it has no value. The energy stone, or the energy stone is so fragmented that it is almost inseparable, and it has been thrown here for a long time."

Aojia narrowed his eyes slightly and followed the fur on the back of the standing little leopard, while looking at the stones outside.

The doctor coughed lightly. He was also a little unsure. He handed the micro-scanner to Aojia and said, "Sir, there is a little reaction in this stone."

The reaction was minimal, and if he hadn't been staring at it, he would have almost missed it.

Ao Jia took the scanner and glanced at it, and the tiny value was beating quietly, causing Ao Jia to unconsciously move the corner of his mouth.

As long as there is a response, it is good, at least it proves that there is still an energy stone suitable for the little leopard. Even if the energy stone in the giant boulder in front of you is very small, as long as there is a sample, you can pay special attention to mine mining in the future. There are better ones.

Abel had already parked the hover car at this time, and at the same time transferred the master who cut the rough stone.

Rong Xiaobaozi jumped down from Aojia's arms and circled around the huge gray stone. Although the doctor said there was a reaction, he didn't feel anything.

Until the cutting machine was in place, Aojia waved to the little leopard, and the little leopard rushed over briskly and squatted beside Aojia.

Ao Jia bent over slightly and picked up the little leopard with one hand.

The old master who was transferred by Abel saw that their general leader, Abel, was going to cut the waste rock that had been thrown here for a long time. He didn't say much, and directly activated the equipment.

However, when the old master was in a bit of trouble, he looked at Commander Abel in embarrassment.

Generally speaking, the rough cutting of energy stone is equipped with a preliminary scan, according to the data to cut at a fixed point, to save the energy stone inside.

But this is a piece of waste rock in front of me, the kind that has no reaction, how to cut it.

Abel rubbed his nose and said, "Master, just rub it little by little."

It's hard to find a suitable one, maybe it's very small, and it will be bad if it gets cut in half again.

The old master nodded, started the grinding program on the equipment, and began to grind the boulder. He saw that the stone several meters high turned into dust little by little. , soon only the size of one meter square was left, and there was still no energy stone.

The doctor sighed secretly, using the energy stone to appease the little leopard's mania is not going to work.

Abel has called for another hover vehicle to back up.

In his opinion, the chief likes this little leopard so much, if it doesn't work, they may really go to the mine.

At this moment, Ao Jia suddenly reached out and held down the equipment controller under the master's hand, pausing the grinder.

Rong Xiaobaozi, who was a little shriveled by the sound of the grinding machine, suddenly raised his head from his arm and looked at him with transparent eyes.

found it

Aojia nodded, and then firmly grasped the little leopard's two front paws with both hands, and sent him to the grinding machine.

Then Rong Xiaobaozi saw a small transparent stone stuck in the granite. It was like a cold spring emerging from the stone. It was transparent and beautiful, and it felt like it would flow out with a little poke.

The doctor and Abel were stunned, and they also looked under the grinder.

That cold spring-like transparent stone looked only the size of a thumb, something they had never seen before.

Currently, the energy stones used by orcs are colored and opaque.

Ao Jia motioned for the teacher to continue.

The master carefully controlled the grinder to clean up all the other miscellaneous stones around the transparent stone, and peeled off the transparent energy stone intact.

Aojia picked up the transparent energy stone that was only the size of a thumb. This stone was different in warmth from his usual energy stone. The tentacles were cool, but not cold. Although it was small, it was very pure and had no impurities in it.

Abel looked at it, suddenly opened his optical brain, projected a theoretical report in front of several people, and said, "Sir, this stone is a top-level energy stone that theoretically exists."

Abel stared at the stone excitedly. He really didn't expect such a top-level stone to be hidden in the waste rock they threw here for so long.

This little leopard who is always molested by their boss is really unusual... Did he suddenly discover something extraordinary

Aojia nodded, he didn't care whether he was the top or not, the point was whether it was suitable for the little leopard.

Aojia looked at the doctor, and the doctor immediately brought the scanner over, and then the subtle data became the same as the data of normal orcs.

"Sir, this should be it."

It's not easy, but I finally found it, and the doctor is very pleased.

However, Abel on the side was a little tangled after being excited, and said cautiously, "Sir, this stone may not be useful."

Aojia narrowed his eyes slightly.

Under the pressure of their boss, Abel pointed to the theoretical report on the transparent energy stone, and said helplessly, "This kind of stone is the most difficult to perceive, and no sculptor can activate the power in this energy stone."

A power stone that cannot be carved into a beast shape is useless against orc mania.

Only when the engraver can activate the power of the high-level energy stone exceeds 50%, it is possible to activate the power of the theoretically existing transparent energy stone. And as everyone knows, at present, it is very good for a master-level engraver to use 20% of the high-level energy stone, and 50% is unimaginable for the time being.

Although Rong Xiaobaozi didn't quite understand everything about the energy stone, he understood what Abel meant, and he comfortably stretched out his claws and patted Aojia's arm.

It's okay, there's always hope.

Unexpectedly, Aojia didn't take it seriously. He looked down at the little leopard, rubbed the little leopard's head, put the stone in his pocket without any regret, and then went up with the little leopard. Suspended car.

There is no master engraver, but there is still one master engraver.

Aojia is not worried about the carving of the so-called top-level energy stone.