O Pretends to be B For The Violent Admiral

Chapter 93: Admiral, Secretary, Meteor Shower


The Xingkou's stronghold was in the mine. Not only were they there, but they also captured the residents of Chonghua City as hostages and locked them in the mine. As a result, the actions of the imperial army were hindered. For example, the empire could not use artillery fire. Bombing or blocking mines, you can't act rashly, and Xingkou can take hostages at any time.

The imperial army was divided into two groups, one led by Luo Ran, Wang Qiuyang and Freeman assisted from the front, and the other was Lucas.

"The Imperial Army is attacking...!"

Xing Kou's battleship was also parked in the cave, and Fox Hunter frowned slightly as he looked at the red dots on the front and rear of the screen.

It can be seen that the team in the rear not only has a relatively small number of people, but also uses a hidden trail. If it wasn't for the fox hunting whimsical and meticulous, a detector was also installed on the difficult trail in the rear, and it would not have been discovered at all.

The front is a relatively regular army, walking the road of the mine.

Hunting Fox raised his eyebrows, touched his chin and said, "Is this trying to...

Using the army in the front as a guise, then surprise attack from the rear.

The adjutant beside Hunting Fox also nodded and said viciously: "Lucas loves to do this dirty trick!

In the last meteor shower, they suffered the loss of this sound.

The fox hunter's eyes dimmed slightly, and he sneered.

Of course the same mistake cannot be made twice.

Fox Hunter has almost never won against Lucas, and Xingkou can only take advantage of Lucas's lead to complete the plundering and bombing, but once he faces Lucas, there is no chance of winning.

Winning Lucas once, almost became a fox hunting obsession.

And the last time I managed to crush it with a meteor shower, it was still overshadowed by Lucas.

The fox hunter is always brooding.

So precious, the meteor shower that had been prepared for so long was only hit by the empty iron sheet. Instead, it was killed by Lucas and suffered heavy losses.

Hunting Fox clenched his fists tightly, and said with a gloomy expression: "Prepare to fight!"

Fox Hunter got on the battleship and took the Xingkou army to the rear.


Lucas was in the male lion, holding the direction bar to observe the opponent's camp.

He was right, and sure enough, the fox hunters had all the main force here.


With an order from Lucas, the entire elite team lined up in a circle.


boom -

It is a more fierce kaleidoscope than the last time, the artillery fire is more violent, and the number is also greater.

It seems to be more suitable in this small enclosed space, where the other party has nowhere to hide.

The stone wall was constantly vibrated by the fighting on both sides, and a lot of gravel and dust fell, and a buzzing echo could be heard.

The entire mine was illuminated by artillery fire.

Lucas didn’t bring many people, but they were all elite teams who had been trained and cooperated day and night. They could quickly follow Lucas’s instructions to change their positions, and kept using the kaleidoscope to fire at Xingkou, forcing Xingkou to be impossible. near.

Even if Lucas is the enemy of Fox Hunting, Fox Hunting has to admire Lucas' ability to predict at this moment, maintain the kaleidoscope formation with one person's strength, and at the same time attack and dodge firmly.


The fox hunter looked at the battle in front of him and realized something.

Lucas didn't come to reinforcements, and there was no hidden trevally army, it was really only their team.

Hunting Fox immediately grabbed the main battleship's wheat and shouted sharply, "Let me respond when you hear it from the front!"


The fox hunter turned pale.

For a time, Fox Hunt couldn't accept that he was tricked again.

The elites led by Lucas are actually the pretense to attract firepower

The real army is ahead

Lucas didn't make a sound, that huge army was indeed the real main force of the empire, and it was Fox Hunter who was trapped by himself.

Did Lucas just guess that he would think so, so he deliberately reversed it

Fox Hunt couldn't believe it.

As the main general, Lucas actually dared to entrust the army to another commander and hand over the situation to another person for control? And he used himself as bait

What is the origin of the commander in front


The fox hunter supported the podium, his face twisted.

what happened.

what happened.

How did he lose again.

The hostages have already been rescued by the army, and the stronghold has also been breached and occupied.

"Boss? Boss?" The adjutant asked worriedly: "What's wrong? Ahead..."

"To shut up."

The fox hunter looked terrified.

It's ok.

He also had one last meteor shower.

He prepared three times in total, the first time was a test in the city, and the second time was defeated by Lucas, but he still had a third chance.

After the eldest prince left the capital, he met with him once and asked Xingkou to protect him, on the condition that he could provide the materials to complete the third batch of meteor showers, which was his last card.

As a result, the third batch of meteor showers were driven out overnight.

Now it is also the last trump card of Hunting Fox.

"Do we need to go back?" the adjutant asked cautiously, "There seems to be an accident ahead."

"no need."

Can't be saved.

The only way to rescue now is to kill Lucas and make the imperial army in chaos.

The fox hunted fiercely at the male lion where Lucas was, like a hungry ghost watching its prey.

"Set fire!"

He didn't believe it anymore. Lucas only had such a team, could it be possible to turn the world upside down? Can't they be subdued

hum - hum -

The fox was stunned.

what sound

"Section... Section..."

Hunting Fox turned his head and saw that his adjutant suddenly had a ferocious face, squatting down with his head covered, looking very painful.

Not only the adjutant, but Foxhunter can see that many people outside also have such symptoms. The degree varies, but it has greatly affected the combat ability. There are even a few unstable aircraft that fall directly to the ground. .

Fox Hunter's eyes narrowed, and he saw that the Imperial Squad's mechas were all equipped with mental jammers, and the people in the mechas were wearing protective helmets.

… asshole!

Lucas admired Foxhunt's frantic appearance and was overjoyed.

Because of the arrogant attitude of the first prince, Xingkou may not know or despise the side effects of unk. After all, Xingkou's understanding and use of unk comes from the first prince.

Therefore, they did not expect that after injecting so many unks, the empire only needs to prepare countless mental jammers and turn on the sound waves to the maximum to destroy these insatiable people.

This is why Lucas dared to bring a team to challenge the army of Xingkou.

This is why Lucas discussed with the King of Falling Ice before and let the Xingkou mine and dig unk.

The unks excavated by Xingkou are too late to be put into aircraft or weapons, even if there is not much time, so their most extensive use must be to inject them directly into the human body, so that they can get more powerful combat power.

As everyone knows, how much damage is caused by unk injection into the human body, not to mention ao, beta overdose is hard to escape.

This is Xing Kou, the heart is not enough to swallow the elephant and was attacked.

Looking at the chaotic Xingkou in front of him, Hunting Fox gritted his teeth and said, "Take out my chasing wind!"

"Meteor shower is also ready to start!"

"Adjutant Wang, support x4y1 coordinates."

"Adjutant Freeman, please keep your position!"

Luo Ran stood in front of the console, without moving her eyes from the screen and window for even half a second, and issued instructions calmly.

The two adjutants already have countless combat experience, and they have been with Lucas for many years, so many times even without Luo Ran's orders, they can judge the situation on their own, reducing Luo Ran's burden.

As Lucas put it, he was really more of a "supervisor".

The dark imperial army entered directly from the main entrance of the mine, and the aircraft and mecha descended from the battle armor, removing obstacles along the way.

Luo Ran looked out the window and saw that the originally silent mine had turned into a sea of fire and purgatory.

The sight is full of fire, the plants in the mine are burning, the mecha is colliding with the mecha, trying to destroy the other party, and the aircraft is also greeting with artillery fire.

After the mental jammer was turned on, the many star bandits in front of him were no different from the zombies in the story movie, howling, waving weapons unconsciously, and rampaging.

Luo Ran also saw someone fall out of the mecha or aircraft, and someone was blasted into pieces directly with the aircraft.

One by one living people are gone so quickly, it seems to be easy to die here.

More and more instruments and stumps were piled up on the ground, and Luo Ran could smell the leaked gasoline through the high-pressure glass of the battleship.

Luo Ran frowned slightly.

He has done mental construction and established a spiritual connection with Lucas, and it is not the first time he has been in such a situation, so he can still accept it.

It will be over soon.

"Surrender! I surrender!"

"Please, turn it off! Turn it off!"

I don't know who started it first, but as soon as these words came out, it was as if the already fragile balloon was poked with a needle, and even all the star bandits didn't want to hit it.

Looking at Xingkou who was kneeling and raising his hand, Luo Ran sighed and asked the adjutant to take the person into custody.

After recovering Xingkou, Luo Ran and the brigade accelerated into the mine and joined Lucas.

Luo Ran contacted Zheng Lan, the only adjutant with Lucas.

"Adjutant Zheng! Please respond!"

"Zi...Zi, Admiral he and Hunting Fox...Zi, fell into the mine!"

Luo Ran's heart sank.


The army soon joined Zheng Lan and the others.

Lucas brought elites, but not many in number. In the face of several times as many star bandits, although at first he used kaleidoscopes and jammers to delay the time, but after a long time, it is still a little difficult, and the jammer was blown up. Several, the formation of the kaleidoscope has fewer people, and it is gradually unsustainable.

But after Luo Ran joined as reinforcements, the situation was immediately restored.

Zheng Lan got on Luo Ran's battleship and said: "Xing Kou frantically gathered fire on the admiral, even disregarding his life, the admiral fought Fox Hunting one-on-one in the artillery fire, and then was thrown into the mine by Guan Li. inside… !"

Zheng Lan pointed to a big hole not far away, bottomless, leading to a place deeper into the ground.

Luo Ran took a deep breath and said, "You come to command, I'll take the team down and keep in touch!"

Zheng Lan was about to refuse subconsciously, Luo Ran was a pregnant omega, how could she take the team to danger!

But Zheng Lan met Luo Ran's eyes and expression, and the commander's aura shocked him so much that he didn't know what to say for a while, but subconsciously gave a military salute and shouted, "Yes!"

The arrival of the army eased the burden of the elite team, the kaleidoscope formation was established again, and Luo Ran also led the team down the mine.

Zheng Lan directed Wang Qiuyang to intercept Xing Kou who also wanted to go down to rescue Fox Hunt and stop Luo Ran.

The artillery fire exploded behind Luo Ran, and Luo Ran rushed down without hesitation.


Luo Ran controlled the aircraft to avoid the sudden fire in front of him.

Not far away are the fighting lions and aircraft.

The black aircraft looked different from ordinary ones. A fighter with a shiny shell, the chasing wind was light and flexible, and it had the firepower of a lion. It was suitable for star bandits who had never received mecha training.

Luo Ran could see Fox Hunting the aircraft, aiming at the cabin and glass of the lion. After all, the rest of the lion was impeccably hard.

The male lion was also moving his limbs, trying to smash the aircraft in front of him.

One big and one small, you come and I go.

But when Fox Hunter saw Luo Ran, he knew the ending.


Luo Ran can come down, and the battle situation above has also been set.

Fox Hunter smiled and started a series of commands.

- Meteor shower is about to start

- Countdown to tens of seconds

"ten… "

The female voice of the system with no emotion and ups and downs began to broadcast the number.