Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 11


The spiritual power on the Sansheng Mountain cannot be condensed, and staying here for a long time is a very depressing and painful thing for the monks, like trapping a big fish in a puddle where the bottom can be seen. Sima Jiao has been here for five hundred years, and at this moment, he has finally escaped this cage completely and completely.

With the breaking of those chains and the shattering of the jade plaque, soaring spiritual energy poured out from the messy ruins below, and the dense and substantial spiritual energy enveloped the entire Sansheng Mountain like a fog, and instantly converged into a sea of clouds. . With such abundant spiritual energy, even a rookie like Liao Tingyan, who didn't know what cultivation is, would subconsciously start to absorb the spiritual energy pouring into his body, which made him feel more comfortable than the last time.

The few big men still alive in the field were rushed by this spiritual energy, and their faces were colorful and wonderful.

Sansheng Mountain was originally a spiritual mountain, and the spiritual energy is the most concentrated and pure. When Sima Jiao was imprisoned, some people tried their best to isolate the spiritual energy from the earth, and the spiritual energy was diverted to other parts of the Gengchen Immortal Mansion through the underground. , Who is enjoying these places, it is self-evident, now that Sima Jiao is out, I don't know how many people's interests in Gengchen Immortal Mansion will be destroyed.

However, this is not the most serious thing. The most serious thing is that Sima Jiao is completely out of trouble. As he said before, he will definitely not let them go. It's ridiculous that many people thought that Sima Jiao had been here for five hundred years, and he looked like a madman. Maybe when he came out, he would be very weak, and when they all started together, they were not afraid that he would not be able to control him.

More than half a month ago, the Sect Master wanted to temporarily appease him, and sent many people with different thoughts in to test him. Many people didn't care, and felt that the serious troubles of his confidants many years ago were not a cause for concern now, but now, look at this. Which is not enough to worry about, it is clearly something bad.

"Cizang Daoist, you see that the Three Sacred Mountains are now destroyed in this way. Why don't you move to Bailuya to live temporarily, and ask you to come back after the repair of the Three Sacred Mountains is completed?" A young man who looked young It was as if nothing had happened, people said.

The rest of the people secretly scolded him for being shameless. This person belonged to the head of the family and advocated appeasing and befriending Sima Jiao. At this time, he stood up to show his position and took himself out, so that the ancestors in front of him would not be different. Happy to kill a few more people, he can do such a thing.

Kill or cut, there must be a reaction, but Sima Jiao ignored them at all. He stared blankly at him holding Liao Tingyan in his arms.

In fact, they noticed the woman in the master's arms before, but at the moment of life and death, they didn't pay too much attention. Such a low level of cultivation, in the eyes of these people, is probably just an ant, and the ancestor is holding an ant in his hand. It's strange that ants can attract attention.

Only now, because of Sima Jiao's strange silence, the rest of the people unconsciously turned their eyes to the woman.

It seems... is one of the hundred female disciples sent in before, who is here? These 100 people are said to be selected from all the branches, but in fact, they have already been assigned places in each palace. If she can come in, it must be arranged by the big man of which palace, and there must be something different. Just a few people present, no one knows which force sent this person in, and he can live well until now.

They glanced at the ruins under their feet. At this time, of the hundred people who were sent in, this was the only one left alive. How could this person be able to let the cruel and murderous tyrant ancestor take him to protect him? Could it be that this ancestor fell in love with this female disciple? It was impossible, thinking of what happened at the beginning, they denied this speculation in their hearts.

If Sima Jiao could see any woman one day, it would be the sun coming out of the west, and it would be absolutely impossible for the cultivation world to marry the Demon Realm.

Liao Tingyan felt several scorching gazes, pretended not to feel it, and hugged his ancestor's waist stiffly, as if he had been pressed to pause.

"My waist... thin?" After a long time, Sima Jiao repeated this sentence.

This was a question, so Liao Tingyan, who was pretending to be dead, was forced to speak, "Yes, I think it might be because of being locked up for a long time and starving like this."

Sansheng Mountain has nothing to eat, isn't she hungry? When she is free, she will make up her mind that this ancestor is in prison and no one can deliver food. Although she made up her mind like this, she knew that this kind of thing could not be said, or she would die. Clear to clear, now the situation is inexorable, and the ancestors of BUFF open up when they say it, anytime, anywhere, it is impossible for people to communicate well. The feelings of the plastic bosses and employees she thought about changed suddenly.

"You are right." Sima Jiao said, "The pain I have suffered should be recovered one by one."

Liao Tingyan: "?" No, when did I say such a thing

Sima Jiao looked at the few survivors over there. Several people were not ordinary people. Seeing his expression, they subconsciously wanted to flee. However, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth had returned, and Sima Jiao was even more ferocious at this time. After a while, the only people alive were Sima Jiao and Liao Ting. Two geese.

No matter which faction it is, or whether they have malice towards Sima Jiao, it doesn't make any difference to Sima Jiao, as long as he wants to, he will kill. In this world, no one would really have good intentions towards him, especially those in Gengchen Immortal Mansion who knew all his secrets and past.

Liao Tingyan witnessed all this, her whole body trembled, and she subconsciously buried her face in Sima Jiao's chest. After doing this, she realized that what caused her fear was the person she was holding now. Seriously, if it weren't for the fact that she was still in the air, she would have let it go now.

She didn't let go, but Sima Jiao hugged her up instead, and the other hand slowly touched her back from her back, all the way to the back of her neck. Liao Tingyan didn't know what he was doing, but she felt a sense of crisis. She swore that this ancestor was thinking about breaking her neck. If she has hair on her body, it will definitely explode because of this touch.

Sima Jiao looked down at her, as if he was really thinking about something, a little distracted, and his hands couldn't help but stroke Liao Tingyan's back again. His light, slow and dangerous movements made Liao Tingyan's whole heart sway with his movements. He also followed his movements, and in Sima Jiao's eyes, when he touched it, Liao Tingyan breathed a sigh of relief, and when he let go, Liao Tingyan breathed a sigh of relief.

After going back and forth three times, Liao Tingyan stopped responding.

Damn it, if you want to kill it, kill it, it's too tiring to go back and forth like this.

Sima Jiao didn't kill her, he carried her back to the central tower that had collapsed in half. When he finally stepped on the ground, Liao Tingyan still felt the softness under his feet, the whole person panicked, and immediately took out a chair from the bag and sat on it.

Sima Jiao walked past her and stepped into the Bitan where the red lotus grew. He walked in and tore his wrist. The strands of red overflowed into the water, and strangely did not disperse, but condensed in the center.

Liao Tingyan sat there and watched for a long time, seeing that it was dawn, Sima Jiao did not respond. She saw the big black snake probing its brain in the dawn light, and the three of them were left alive. Liao Tingyan waved to the black snake, but the black snake did not dare to approach, and shrank his head back. .

Fine. Liao Tingyan hadn't slept all night and was terribly sleepy. Unfortunately, her couch was blown up and she had nowhere to rest. After thinking about it, she found cloth and rope, made a temporary hammock, and hung it on two pillars. In the middle, lie down by yourself.

Before falling asleep, Liao Tingyan saw that Sima Jiao's blood in Bitan grew out of the water into a red lotus, and a faint flame appeared on it. It turns out that the baby lotus grew out like this. Thinking about it this way, isn't this ancestor the biggest baby? Others need heaven and earth treasures to level up. He himself is a heaven and earth treasure.

Liao Tingyan fell asleep. Shortly after she fell asleep, the sun came out completely, and the red lotus and flames in the Bitan returned to their former state. Sima Jiao walked out of the Bitan covered in wetness. The water on his body evaporated out of thin air, and when he walked to Liao Tingyan's side, only a slight amount of moisture remained.

Sima Jiao's lips were much paler, and he lacked the fierceness of the past, and his whole person was only black and white, which was even more shocking. He leaned over to Liao Tingyan's side and lay down.

After Liao Tingyan woke up, she felt something was wrong. Her hammock was quite big, but it's a little cramped now.

The murderer master lay beside her, as if asleep. His head rested on her neck, and he gently breathed on her neck and collarbone. When she fell asleep, she pulled the robe and sleeves of this ancestor over her body. Because the hammock would pocket people inside, she was all in Sima Jiao's arms, and his long black hair had a few strands draped over her chest.

Liao Tingyan: No, I want to suffocate. What happened, I just took a nap, why was I slept.

She glanced out, and saw the big black snake coiled under the hammock, rolled into a big roll, and fell asleep.

The sun was shining outside, and the dark clouds that had been hovering over the central tower seemed to dissipate along with the broken seal. The warm sunlight shone directly into the ruins, and a white mist-like aura floated gently in the air. She turned her head to look at Bitan not far away, where a more beautiful red lotus was quietly blooming, and the flame full of swear words was as quiet as a chicken.

It was very quiet, Liao Tingyan didn't dare to move, just lay there for a while, and fell asleep again unconsciously.

There is nothing that cannot be faced, if there is, just sleep and talk about it.

The news from Sansheng Mountain caught the attention of all the bosses of Gengchen Immortal Mansion. Even those who were in retreat, who had been thinking about breaking through the barrier for many years and soaring, almost all came out.

There are as many as hundreds of families in Gengchen Immortal Mansion. The top families have always controlled several palaces and powerful branches. They have affiliated families under them, and they use the division of the head master Qianlu. As far as surnames are concerned, there are tens of thousands of disciples in this family. If you add all the branches and disciples with foreign surnames, the number is hundreds of thousands. The power of a family is already comparable to that of a medium-sized sect outside, and so many One can imagine how many different voices there are in the Gengchen Immortal Mansion composed of complex forces.

Regarding the last bloodline of the Fengshan family, this has been a difficult problem for many years, and it is still impossible to deal with it in a unified way.

Hundreds of disciples' soul lamps were almost completely extinguished overnight, and only one solitary was still burning. There are also more than a dozen outstanding people and powerful figures of various families who went to monitor and investigate the news, and they were all destroyed as well.

The head master Qianlu gathered the soul of a man and asked calmly: "Motto, what happened to you in Sansheng Mountain?"

Shi Geyan was the young man who came out on Sansheng Mountain to say good things to show his position. At this moment, his soul appeared and showed a wry smile, "Uncle, that Daojun Cizang is as cruel and bloodthirsty as you said. Those of us who inquired about the news in the past, regardless of whether there was a threat to him, were all killed by him. Fortunately, I haven't killed all of them yet, leaving me with a soul."

Shi Qianlu didn't have any accident, just pondered for a moment, and said, "There is a disciple's life lamp that has not been extinguished, do you know what happened?"

The teacher said: "This, in fact, I am also very surprised. There is a female disciple who seems to be very fond of Daoist Cizang and is protected by him."

Shi Qianlu finally showed some surprise, "Really?"

The teacher said: "It is true, not only me, but others have also seen it."

"There is such a thing." Shi Qianlu pondered for a moment, a smile appeared in his eyes, "Perhaps, this is an opportunity for us, not necessarily."