Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 19


Sima Jiao looked at Liao Tingyan, who was dying in her arms. There was a trace of blood on her mouth, and her whole body was shaking. Her always rosy cheeks were as pale as snow.

He put one hand on Liao Tingyan's abdomen, felt it carefully, and frowned gradually. He knew what it was. He saved her once last time, but that time he thought it had been completely resolved, but he didn't. Generally speaking, his blood should be able to suppress it, and even if it can't, the sun and moon youtan he eats later is enough to detoxify any poison, unless the thing in her body is not the devilish poison he thought.

Demon Domain's methods are not as vulnerable as he imagined. It's just, isn't she a demon spy

Sima Jiao raised his hand to pick her up and walked into the pool. After Liao Tingyan was put on the ground, she shrank into a ball in pain, and was forcibly opened by Sima Jiao. She couldn't open her eyes, she just felt like she was dying of pain.


Sima Jiao smashed the glass lamp next to him. After the transparent glass fragments were scattered, the pale yellow fluorescent light inside instantly turned into countless fireflies, flying around the hall. Sima Jiao didn't care about this, he raised his hand and pressed it on the broken glass, blocking Liao Tingyan's mouth with his bloody palm.

If a little fresh blood is not enough, give her more to drink. The flesh and blood of the Fengshan clan is the most powerful elixir in the world, especially the Fengshan bloodline that nourishes the fire of the mountain. The blood in his body is burned by the fire day and night. It is so pure that it can hardly be regarded as 'blood'. , but 'drug'. Even in the past when there were still many people in the Fengshan clan, it was the most precious.

In the past, he hadn't obtained the powerful ability to protect himself, so many people wanted his blood, but he would rather sprinkle it on the ground and give it to an ordinary little snake than to those people. Now, he gave Liao Tingyan so casually, not just a drop or two, if this 'generous' strength was known to the coveted Sect Master Qian Lu, it would probably hurt to death.

Liao Tingyan clenched her teeth in pain, Sima Jiao couldn't feed her with her mouth blocked, and a little golden blood flowed down the corner of her mouth into her neck and neck.

Sima Jiao simply stretched out his hand to squeeze her chin, and forcibly broke her jaw with his hand. What annoyed Sima the most was that he couldn't use too much force. If he didn't restrain his strength, he would have ripped off a person's chin in one fell swoop. In his lifetime, he only killed people and saved people several times, all because of her, which he felt strange to himself.

She managed to squeeze Liao Tingyan's mouth open, trying to put his finger in her mouth, but as soon as he let go, she began to struggle. A large mouthful of blood gagged her mouth and poured it all into her. After taking several sips, it may have been too much, and her pale face quickly turned rosy, even over the top, like the kind of red that was scalded by being thrown into hot water.

Sima Jiao: "..." Saving people is much harder than killing people.

He took out her small bag from Liao Tingyan's arms, pulled out a few pieces of Fengshan blood congealing flowers, and stuffed a brain into her mouth, pressing her chin to let her swallow it.

His blood was too much to bear, so he simply let her improve her cultivation, and it would be fine.

Sima Jiao's simple and rude operation not only completely wiped out the bone-eating poison in Liao Tingyan's body, but also allowed her to cultivate from the lowest Qi-refining stage to a skyrocketing level. Directly rushing to the Divine Transformation Stage in one fell swoop, she was one big realm and six small realms higher than her master, the real person Dongyang. A cultivator in the spirit-transforming stage, even in a place like Gengchen Immortal Mansion, her cultivation base can still be the master of a small vein of a branch.

While others practiced for three or four thousand years, she only spent three hours. Gengchen's immortal mansion has been established for so many years, and a lucky person like her is no more than one hand. After all, there are not many people like Sima Jiao who are willful and unscrupulous.

#Every time I faint and wake up, I will find that the progress bar has pulled a lot#

Liao Tingyan sat up from the couch, stunned. She found that there was an extra red flower in her consciousness, which looked very similar to the red lotus flower. With this small flower as the center, there was an extra large space in her body. She turned her head to the side, and found that her consciousness could pass through the hall and the wall, and when she saw the scene outside, she could feel the movements of many creatures around her, as if she had instantly become a clairvoyant, and she also had Shunfeng ears. , The body is light, and even feels that he can fly, can do many things, move mountains and fill the sea, but between backhands.

How did I swell so much? Liao Tingyan thought to herself, scratched her head, and looked down at the person lying beside her.

Sima Jiao was lying next to her, his face still pale, but his lips were no longer red. The color of his lips is usually red, but the redness faded only when he bleeds blood in the pond to raise lotus flowers. Now it looks very similar to that time, which probably represents anemia.

He looked very uncomfortable and put one hand on her stomach. Liao Tingyan licked his lips subconsciously when he saw the wound on that hand. She almost died of pain last night, but she didn't faint completely, and she felt vague about what had happened. It seems that she was saved by Sima Jiao, and now these strange feelings in her body are all given by him.

Liao Tingyan was silent for a long time, feeling complicated. She came to this world inexplicably, and it has always been a day by day, because she is here, just treating herself as a traveler. No matter how good or big this world is, it is not her home, and even this body is not hers, this identity She also has no sense of identity. She feels that she is here on vacation, and she will live and return to her own world sooner or later, so for so long, in this world of self-cultivation, she has not practiced seriously, even if she gets the flowers that Sima Jiao has to increase her cultivation. Try to eat.

But now that her cultivation base has skyrocketed, she has a real sense of being in a strange world.

She used to joke about Sima Jiao as her boss and stayed by his side honestly, but in fact, if she could choose, she would not follow him, because he was a dangerous person. very negative. According to the standards of modern society, he should be regarded as a big bad guy, but in this world, it is this big bad guy who saves her twice.

Liao Tingyan touched the cold hand on his stomach. The wounds above were random and completely untreated. For an ordinary cultivator, recovery from an injury like this is very fast, but on Sima Jiao, this injury does not mean any improvement.

"In this world, there are not many people who can hurt me, but my physique is special, and the injury is not easy to heal." Sima Jiao didn't know when he woke up.

Liao Tingyan: "..." What are you telling me about this weakness

The pressure suddenly became more and more intense, and it felt like I had entered a complete villain camp.

Sima Jiao: "Do you know how much blood you drank from me?"

Liao Tingyan covered her mouth. I didn't feel it before, but when I said that, I really drank human blood and vomited—

Sima Jiao: "If you dare to vomit, I will kill you."

Liao Tingyan: "Gudong—"

She didn't look very well, and she really didn't understand why human blood in the fantasy world could be used as medicine to cure diseases and save people. According to modern science, drinking human blood directly is useless. But the big devil of the fantasy world didn't talk to her about modern science, he sat up and approached her, and pressed Liao Tingyan's chin with his wounded hand: "Your cultivation has reached the level of a god, what's up, you want to kill me now Yet?"

Truth BUFF, open.

Liao Tingyan: "I don't want to."

Sima Jiao: "Do you still want to increase your cultivation?"

Liao Tingyan: "I don't want to." To be honest, he suddenly became such a powerful immortal cultivator.

Sima Jiao: "Want to leave me?"

Liao Tingyan: "I don't want to."

I don't want three consecutive.

Wait, no, why is the last answer no? Liao Tingyan stared at Sima Jiao in surprise, not wanting to be surprised by her last sentence. Could it be that... She has been eroded to such an extent by a rotten and depraved life

Sima Jiao was also stunned, let go of her chin, leaned on the pillow, his eyes were strange, "Are you here to seduce me with a beauty trick?"

Liao Tingyan was extremely straightforward: "No!"

Okay, I've made a name for myself. But what did I do to make him feel this way? Liao Tingyan asked herself, she really didn't want to sleep with him.

Sima Jiao: "That's good."

After saying this, he grabbed Liao Tingyan and hugged her as if he was holding a soft and warm pillow, closed his eyes, and prepared to rest.

No, ancestor, wait a moment, you said it wasn't for seduction, so you took me to sleep with such confidence? Then you ask this question has a ghost meaning

The meaning is that if he wants to sleep with him, Sima Jiao will choose to pinch her to death. Without that kind of mind, he would treat her as a pillow.

Liao Tingyan couldn't sleep, her spirits were a bit outrageous, she was lying like a pillow, her thoughts diverged. If it is an ordinary person in a daze, it is in a daze, but as a monk in the spirit transformation stage, her thinking diverges, and her consciousness runs out. It was a very strange world. Liao Tingyan could see the buildings, flowers and trees on the entire White Deer Cliff, and everything was visible in front of her eyes. When she saw the flying crane in the sky, she moved in her heart, and she was completely drawn to the past. It was as if she was standing beside the crane and could feel the wind in the air. In the blink of an eye, she came to the waterfall under the White Deer Cliff. See the orchid growing in the crevices of the waterfall pool, see the rainbow and splashing water droplets in the waterfall under the sun.

She saw the puppet man walking under the corridor of the palace, and saw the big black snake sleeping coiled on the pillar outside the palace. not.

Liao Tingyan seemed to have got a toy, and his consciousness went up and down on the White Deer Cliff to look back. She looked at it for a while, and felt that she wanted to go outside to take a look, and her consciousness spread out like a cloud.

Suddenly, she felt a chill on her cheeks and opened her eyes suddenly, and those consciousnesses that were flying around like the wind instantly returned to the cage.

Sima Jiao put his cool hands on her face, he still closed his eyes, and said, "Don't run around outside, Bailuya has me, and other people's senses don't dare to come over, so you can just shake the senses so casually, When you leave Bailu Cliff, there are not many people out there who are staring at them with their divine senses. As soon as you go out, you will look like a weak chicken. If you bump into any one, you will immediately become an idiot."

Consciousness? Was that just now? Liao Tingyan snorted obediently.

Since this skill can not be played, then play other. She lay there and looked at the glazed lantern floating beside her, blinked her eyes, and the glazed lamp floated along her will. She stretched out a hand to catch the glazed lamp, thinking excitedly, she would lie on the bed later. If you want to eat and take what you want, you don't have to get up to get it, and you will come over as soon as your mind moves!

She glanced at Sima Jiao next to her and saw that he didn't respond. She took out her small bag and took food from it. She put a lot of things in it, all of which were prepared by the puppet people. Although she wasn't hungry at the moment, she wanted to try out the secret skills of laziness.

Strings of fingernail-sized fruits like grapes were suspended in the air. Liao Tingyan asked them to be picked one by one from the stalk and sent to his mouth on his own initiative. She opened her mouth like a chick and waited for the little fruit to fall into her mouth. The little fruit was brought to her mouth, and suddenly moved to the side and brought to Sima Jiao's mouth.

Liao Tingyan was surprised when he was suddenly cut off halfway. Didn't this ancestor not eat

Sima Jiao bit the small fruit in his mouth and opened one eye to look at her, "You are a fake spirit transformation period, you can intercept it with just a single stop."