Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 20


Even laughing at me for stealing food from me, are you a primary school boy? Liao Tingyan thought to himself, you are a big boss, I want to call the character of the master, bullying the novice driver here, and even have the face to say it.

She used her ability again, groping to control the little fruits floating in the air. She has to eat one today!

It's a pity that the ancestors next to her were extremely bored, and they also got into trouble with her. Every time the fruit was about to fall into her mouth, she would open her mouth and be suddenly robbed. Sima Jiao ate her fruit and laughed at her with his eyes.

After six attempts, Liao Tingyan gave up. She had an idea and sent the fruit to Sima Jiao's mouth. With what she knew about this ancestor, he wouldn't want it if it was brought to his lips.

The fruit fell to Sima Jiao's mouth, and he ate it.

Liao Tingyan: "..." I guessed wrong and said goodbye.

"Master, do you like to eat this?" Liao Tingyan smirked.

Sima Jiao: "I don't like it, it's too sweet."

Don't like what the fuck you eat!

Liao Tingyan's thoughts moved, and dozens of fruits rushed to Sima Jiao's mouth. Eat, eat for my mother! Let you eat enough! As a result, before touching his lips, the fruits reflected and smeared her face.

Damn, so angry. She heard Sima Jiao suddenly burst out laughing next to her, and thought coldly in her heart, do you think I'm teasing you, lol.

She didn't want to deal with the elementary school boy, and continued to explore her abilities. She gathered a ball of water balls, trying to make them stick to her face like a mask to wash the juice off her face. She's not very skilled, carefully controlling the water mass, washing it back and forth across her face. This feeling is very refreshing, the face is cool and refreshing, and it is like a water film after washing my face.

Hey, in this case, next time you can use the gathered spiritual water to add some skin care products and let them cover your face, isn't it just a mask? Although the cultivation base is so high, it seems that there is no need for such a thing as a mask, but I still want to use it.

She tried to put a flowing water mask on her face, and Sima Jiao next to her raised her hand and lifted it up for her, "What are you doing?" Why do you press the water into such a layer on your face

Liao Tingyan backhandedly made another one for herself, "Put a mask on." She suddenly had an itchy hand and slapped Sima Jiao on his face.

Sima Jiao: "Huh?"

"What's the use of that."

"Keep your skin hydrated?" Liao Tingyan replied.

Sima Jiao felt that he couldn't understand what was going on in this person's mind. If you ask her now with the oath of the true word, it will probably be a strange answer.

Liao Tingyan saw his hand holding the water mask, the wound was still open. When she saw the wound, she felt a little uncomfortable, and was quiet for a while. After Sima Jiao closed her eyes again, she sneakily put her hands up, trying to cure it. She entered a spiritual power, and the mud cow went into the sea.

Well, give up.

But looking at it, it's too annoying. Even if the injury can't be cured, wouldn't it be okay to bandage it? She remembered the Band-Aid and decided to make a big one. The kit contains leaves of a plant that I brought in Qinggutian before. A senior brother who could not remember the name said that injuries from falls can be pasted, so wounds should also be pasted.

She took out the big leaf, cut it a little, stuck it on Sima Jiao's wound, and finally covered it with a thin layer of spiritual energy, wrapping the leaf and the wound, making a big Band-Aid for the fantasy world.

Suddenly I felt so powerful, and I could figure out countless ways to play by myself.

She closed her eyes, touched her consciousness outside the palace again, and tried to control it from a distance, but after a while, the bright red flowers on Bailuya Mountain floated in from outside the window, and Liao Tingyan reached out and grabbed it. She used her consciousness to control these red petals to squeeze out the juice, and she painted herself a red nail.

Liao Tingyan was playing with his new skills here, but he was worried outside because the ancestor of Bailuya was silent today.

"Master, Daojun Cizang didn't go to Yunyan Mountain Platform today. Could it be because yesterday's events made him unhappy?"

Shi Qianlu sat on his jade seat and closed his eyes for cultivation, and when he heard the question from his disciple, he waved his hand slightly: "If he is unhappy, he would have a seizure on the spot yesterday. Close the White Deer Cliff and go out."

Shi Zhenxu asked, "Master, is there really no way to spy on what's going on in the White Deer Cliff? So, we are very passive."

"Sima Jiao is very aggressive, and his territory will never allow any peeping. Do you think we didn't arrange for our eyes to enter Bailu Cliff, and there are no other palace veins, but you see, who succeeded, but it was given away in vain. Just some lives."

Shi Qianlu's body was full of spiritual energy, and as his breathing rose and fell, he spoke slowly and slowly, with some emotion in his tone: "Who would have thought that a little child who the seniors thought they could control would grow into a The appearance of Si, not only got rid of their control, but even turned back so many people, it is really terrifying qualifications and ferocity. A dying beast, don't mess with it."

Shi Zhenxu didn't say anything about it. As a junior of the Shi family, he knew a lot of things, and he also knew something about the turmoil that happened five hundred years ago. If it wasn't for that mistake, they wouldn't be so tied up now that they are facing this Daoist Cizang.

"Is there any news about the Liao Tingyan who asked you to investigate?" Shi Qianlu asked.

Shi Zhenxu bowed, "There are already some eyebrows, but it's just that we haven't found out who is behind her. Master, maybe we should wait until we find out her identity and grasp her handle before we can control it."

Shi Qianlu: "Zhenxu, you think it's bad. In her identity, even if she doesn't have a handle, it's easy to control, I don't care about the people behind her, the only thing I care about is Sima Jiao, and it is better to contact her quickly or not. Slow. Tomorrow, if Sima Jiao hasn't shown up yet, I will ask the real person of Dongyang to go to see him, first to test, and secondly to let him send us a letter."

Shi Zhenxu said: "Yes, my disciple understands."

Liao Tingyan was hugged and slept all day. When night came, Sima Jiao opened his eyes and sat barefoot by the bed for a while. Liao Tingyan looked at the way he rubbed his forehead and guessed that he might be suffering from a headache. She had suspected it when he was in Sansheng Mountain. He was absolutely sick. This sickness was not a curse, but an objective description.

She also felt that it was because his brain hurt too much that he didn't care about the wound on his hand at all. Maybe the pain of the wound on his hand was nothing compared to it.

He didn't seem to be in a good mood, so without saying a word, he stood up and walked to the pool in the temple. Seeing that he was about to soak in, Liao Tingyan looked at his hand and moved quietly. A spiritual energy wrapped around and wrapped around his wound.

Sima Jiao paused, raised his hand and looked at it. Liao Tingyan had wrapped his wound with a leaf called Baiyicao before, but the spiritual power that was covered now is used to isolate the water. He still didn't respond, and his whole body was immersed in the water.

Liao Tingyan waited for a while, but did not see any other reaction from him, and immediately jumped up and slipped out of the palace.

become free!

She jumped to the edge of the railing excitedly, looking at the height below and eager to try, why don't you try flying here? No, no, it's too high, let's try a lower place. She went to the side steps for a test flight, which was easier than she thought.

This body is lighter than ever before, and there is no fear in the heart of flying up as an ordinary person, but only feels relaxed.

Leaping forward gently, she floated in the air, turned her head to look at the palace on the White Deer Cliff, the gorgeous palace built on the mountain was lit with countless glazed lanterns, the undefeated flower trees swayed, and the setting sun shone like a wonderful sight. dreamland.

"How can I fly!" Liao Tingyan's eyes lit up, and she flew towards the highest part of the palace, standing on the top of the highest glazed pagoda, looking down at the mountains and rivers beyond Bailu Cliff.

In the distance, there is a city where families live in the Gengchen Immortal Mansion. The bright lights are somewhat similar to the night in the world where she lives, but the various mounts and beasts flying in the sky, as well as the meteor-like disciples of the Swordsman, make this world extraordinarily fantastic.

She sat there alone and looked at the sky, her cultivation base was high, and she could see far away. In other parts of the sky, there were many fairy beasts and birds flying past, and she also saw the sky building ships decorated with countless colorful silk flowers, and the flying carriages and horses with strange lanterns were hung.

The most bizarre is a small attic with a garden on three floors. It is supported by countless white geese. When flying in the air, there are colorful birds around the attic. singing and dancing.

What kind of sky flying pavilion is this? It's too much to enjoy. I'm envious. I want to go up and see it.

Only then did she realize that the sky was quite lively, but she didn't realize it before, because she was not cultivated enough to see so far, and also because the sky in Bailuya was very quiet, and no one dared to fly over it.

Now, she is the only one who dares to fly in the sky, and she has a cool feeling of fox fake tiger power.

She looked at the drop height below, ran two quick steps forward, and jumped down. With the whirring wind in her ears, she was swept up by the surging clouds that she stirred up. Liao Tingyan stepped on the illusory white smoke and flew to the waterfall below. She swept past the waterfall, stretched her arms across the water, and picked a flower on the cliff of the waterfall.

She can fly in the sky, step on the tops of trees, ride on the fast running white deer in the mountains, and catch the flying cranes, making them scream.

How can I be so happy to be a fairy!

Enough of playing, let's go down for a meal for a while. Although this cultivation base is no longer hungry, but I want to eat delicious food, no problem, so I still have to eat dinner.

The puppets brought her a lot of delicious food as usual, and... a flower note the same as yesterday.

Liao Tingyan's smiling face disappeared instantly, "Damn it, why are you here again!"

She suspected that her aunt's pain last night was related to the owner of this flower note. With a heavy heart, he opened the flower note, which read [Zi Shi, under the White Deer Cliff, next to Lan Yinghua. If not, your identity will be exposed, and you will not survive for three days.]

What strange identity do I have? Liao Tingyan is empty, it doesn't feel good, isn't she just an ordinary lucky goose? Why is there still an identity story setting? Generally speaking, this situation is mostly due to the villain doing things. Now she is thinking about whether the person who sent this flower note is the villain, or is she the villain herself

Just thinking about it, a hand suddenly stretched out behind her and took the flower paper in her hand.

It was Sima Jiao, he was holding the flower paper, and the flower paper scattered into petals in his hand.

Liao Tingyan looked at his difficult-to-talk face and felt inexplicably guilty, although she didn't know what she was guilty of.

"You go to the appointment." Sima Jiao said.