Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 21


Zi Shi, under the White Deer Cliff

This is on the edge of Bailu Cliff, a little bit inward, is the area covered by Sima Jiao's consciousness, no one dares to step in at will, and a little outside, a huge blue-yellow flower tree grows, and it no longer belongs to the site of Bailu Cliff. , also out of the range of Sima Jiao's consciousness.

Yuan Sheng waited under the tree with a sinking face. If today passed and Liao Tingyan was still in the future, he would consider dealing with this person directly. If the dog you keep can't bite the enemy, beware that she may come back to bite the owner.

Shasha's footsteps ranged from far to near, and the person who came didn't hide himself at all, there was only one person. Yuan Sheng came out of the shadows and looked at Liao Tingyan with a very bad tone and a strange yin and yang tone, "Let me wait, I have contacted me again and again and I don't want to see you, and I haven't even heard the slightest bit of news. Pan Gaozhi, it seems that you are ready to cut off with me?"

Liao Tingyan: What kind of excited speech is this after the boyfriend and girlfriend turned into resentment? It's just that the man found out that the woman had changed his mind. He didn't answer the phone and didn't reply. After finally meeting, the woman was late and was complained by the man, and he was ready to start arguing. , it's too real!

Grass, this guy is absolutely the original boyfriend has not run away!

She thought about the old ancestor who might have come to watch the play behind her, and she calmed down and said with a cold look: "We are over, don't come to me in the future."

Yuan Sheng's words were nothing but irony. He didn't expect that Liao Tingyan, a lackey, would really dare to ignore his master. He was furious and said sharply, "Don't forget, your life is still in your hands. My hand! The feeling of the bone-eating poison attacked yesterday, but it's okay!"

Liao Tingyan was also angry, and it really was such a mess! It's you who made my mother hurt for so long and almost died of pain! This kind of man who uses strange poison to control his girlfriend because of love and hate, the original owner is blind or has a broken mind to see him, even the murderer ancestor is better than him, and she will cut off the relationship for the original owner today Absolutely love!

"A trash like you who only uses means to control other people. No one wants to be with you. You dare to threaten me. It's shameless. Who's afraid of you? But basic swearing knowledge will always be there.

If she dares to speak like this, is she really not afraid of dying? Yuan Sheng was enraged by her, took out Liao Tingyan's accompanying bell, and crushed the second one without hesitation, ready to show her a little more. He sneered and prepared to see Liao Tingyan rolling on the ground in pain, but after a while, nothing happened, only the canopy of Lan Yinghua was rustling in the wind.

Liao Tingyan stood there, not even changing his expression. The atmosphere was cold and awkward.

what happened? Bell, why is this companion spirit useless? Yuan Sheng didn't feel bad until this time.

"How can you be okay, your bone-eating poison has been solved?!"

In fact, Liao Tingyan didn't know what was going on, but she knew that the problem must be solved by her ancestors last night, and she couldn't help sending Sima Jiao a good person card. Although she doesn't look like a good person, she is really a good person for her.

"How could you possibly solve this bone-eating poison... It must be Daoist Cizang! Is it Sima Jiao who solved it for you?" Yuan Sheng looked at her with a strange look in his eyes, full of disbelief, "Since he If he can solve the poison of bone erosion for you, it means that he already knows your identity, and he didn't kill you?!"

What is my identity? Liao Tingyan felt guilty, and said in her mouth: "Master doesn't care about my identity. He is wise, talented, and broad-minded. How can he care about these trivial matters with me." What he said was the same as the truth.

Yuan Sheng's look at her became more and more subtle, "I didn't expect you to have such an ability to coax him into disregarding his identity. I underestimated you."

Aw, this man talks a lot. That's right, your ex-girlfriend went to see the second spring, so mad at you, you idiot.

Liao Tingyan: "This is the end of the matter between us. You'd better not provoke me in the future."

Yuan Sheng was unwilling to suffer such a big loss. He cooperated with Moyu to insert Liao Tingyan'an into Gengchen Immortal Mansion, and then used his ability to arrange her into Sansheng Mountain. He spent so much effort and got nothing. , this woman used his hand to climb on the high branch, then kicked him away, didn't do anything for him, didn't say anything, and even played with him, such a cunning and scheming woman, once she becomes her identity It is more stable and will never let him go. He cannot leave such a big hidden danger.

"Sima Jiao doesn't care about your identity, do other people in Gengchen Immortal Mansion not care? If you are known by the head and other palace masters, you think Sima Jiao can still protect you, but now he can't protect himself, and his arrogance is only temporary. Do you really think that everything will be fine if you follow him?" Yuan Sheng said gloomily, "It's not that easy for you to get rid of me, if you don't obey my orders, you will only die more ugly in the future."

After all, she used to be from the Demon Realm. If something happened on his side, the Demon Realm wouldn't let this betrayal person easily.

Liao Tingyan only felt contempt, what kind of scumbag, the scumbags in the fantasy world and the modern scumbags are the same style, using means to control girlfriends, stalking, and threats are all like this.

Liao Tingyan: "Follow your orders? I'll follow your size. You can do whatever you want. What kind of identity do you want to talk about. Let's see who will believe you!" Identity!

Seeing her arrogant appearance without the coffin or tears, Yuan Sheng raised the only bell left, "Don't forget, your companion spirit is still in my hands, although it can't control you, as long as there is It's there, you can't justify your identity..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt that his hand was empty, and the bell reached Liao Tingyan's hand.

Yuan Sheng: "..."

Liao Tingyan: "…"

Seeing that what he said was so serious, it seemed to be something very important. Her first reaction was to grab it back quickly, but she didn't expect to get it so easily. Such an important thing, this man took it so casually, and he grabbed it as soon as he was robbed. Is he mentally retarded

Yuan Sheng's eyes were about to pop out. Liao Tingyan was so fast just now that he didn't notice her movements, but how could this be possible? How could he grab something from the late Nascent Soul cultivator? He realized that something was wrong, and he went to investigate carefully, only to find that Liao Tingyan's cultivation base could not be seen through by himself.

How is this possible, she was still in the qi refining period before yesterday!

Although the skills are not yet familiar, the experience bar is solid. Liao Tingyan also realizes that he is now higher than the opponent's level, and he is not afraid and wants to beat him.

"It's Sima Jiao again, he actually did this for you!" Yuan Sheng's eyes were bloodshot, as if he was about to die of anger from his own brain supply.

Yuan Sheng was so angry for a reason, thinking that he was also a darling of the heavens back then, but unfortunately, due to an accident, his cultivation regressed, from the God Transformation stage to the Nascent Soul stage, and he has eaten countless treasures over the years, but he has not been able to do it again. He had no further hope in this life, so he was disheartened and became more narrow-minded and jealous. Now, seeing Liao Tingyan, a dog that he had raised and was ready to bite, he took one step to the sky, and even surpassed himself. Not only jealous and angry, but also feeling severely humiliated.

"Damn you!" Yuan Sheng was so stimulated that a broad sword appeared in his hand and stabbed at her with red eyes.

Liao Tingyan, a salted fish, was forcibly turned over by Sima Jiao, and turned into a gold-plated salted fish king. Although the rank was there, Yuan Sheng started to act recklessly in her rage. She was still a little panicked, Yuan Sheng was too quick to tolerate. She thought about it, and subconsciously picked him up.

However, she felt that she hadn't touched Yuan Sheng at all, and the other party flew out far away with a puff, smashed into the trunk of the big blue blooming flower, rolled down again, and lay there miserably.

I... am I so good now? Did you feel nothing just now? Liao Tingyan looked at her hand and then at Yuan Sheng over there, shouldn't this man kill her

Sima Jiao, who was standing on the Lan Yinghua tree, put down his hands, looked at Liao Tingyan's silly appearance, and pinched the bridge of his nose. Sure enough, it was a fake Spirit Transformation stage, and even a Nascent Soul couldn't beat it. To arrange for such a demon spies to come in, this man is not a smart thing.

Yuan Sheng vomited blood, gritted his teeth fiercely and looked up at Liao Tingyan: "Do you think that if you kill me, your identity will not be exposed!"

Liao Tingyan was full of question marks, who did it first? Who is going to kill you? You figure it out.

Yuan Sheng: "I didn't expect that I would end up dying at the hands of a woman like you. I'm not reconciled!"

Liao Tingyan: No one wants to kill you, why are there so many dramas

She glanced at Yuan Sheng with unspeakable eyes, turned her head and left. Yuan Sheng was still vomiting blood, and when she saw her leaving, she shouted, "You... stop."

Liao Tingyan turned her head: "What else do you have to say, hurry up and say it all at once." It's really tiring to pretend to be someone else to break up with someone's ex-boyfriend in the middle of the night.

Yuan Sheng: "The reason why you betrayed me was because you fell in love with Sima Jiao! It's so ridiculous, a cold-blooded and sinful person like him will kill you sooner or later!"

I'm not! I do not have! Don't talk nonsense!

Liao Tingyan nervously looked to the left and right, not sure if the old ancestor was following, and was listening to the corner, what if he heard this and misunderstood that she liked him! She hurriedly interrupted Yuan Sheng: "Shut up, don't talk nonsense, you must be having a hard time thinking about so many messy things every day, I advise you to go see a doctor, take medicine, find a place to cultivate, don't think about it all day. It's easy to die prematurely."

After speaking, she hurried away.

Yuan Sheng spit out a mouthful of blood. Everything today was beyond his expectations. Why would Sima Jiao tolerate Liao Tingyan, a spy from the Demon Realm so much? Could it be that he was really bewitched by beauty? No, it's impossible, how could someone like him be easily fascinated by a woman, there must be something he doesn't know!

"You are the blood of the Yuan family?"

Yuan Shang was startled, looked up and saw Sima Jiao in black robe walking out from behind the tree.

"The family that once hated the Demon Domain the most, is now entangled with the Demon Domain. You are much more ridiculous than others."

He walked up to Yuan Sheng, saw the fear in his eyes, pointed at his forehead, closed his eyes for a moment, and said to himself, "So that's the case."

Yuan Sheng couldn't move or speak. He only felt that when the cold finger was on his forehead, his sea of consciousness and spiritual palace were instantly swept away by a hurricane, and his soul was turbulent. A sign of collapse. All his secrets were forcibly spied on.


Yuan Sheng's body fell to the ground, his entire head was shattered, the blood red splashed on the blue Yinghua, and the stench covered the fragrance of the flowers, making it disgusting.