Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 25


Although he felt that Sima Jiao's appearance of grabbing children's toys was very rogue, Liao Tingyan still obeyed his curiosity and leaned over to watch.

Sima Jiao looked at it for a while but was not interested. Seeing her whole otter leaning forward to look at it, after picking up a handful of hairs, he handed her what was in his hand. Liao Tingyan held the thing with both claws and researched, and found that what looked like an eye was actually a stone. As for why it glowed, she didn't know the principle, and the fantasy world could not be explained by science.

The strange creatures on the street as street lamps opened their mouths to eat small flying insects, and they chirp and chirp. Liao Tingyan wanted to go there and have a look, but Sima Jiao had no interest. He was patrolling the streets, not knowing what he was looking for.

Liao Tingyan tugged at the long hair on his cheeks and pointed to the light by the roadside.

Sima Jiao: "What's so good about that kind of thing?"

You grabbed a child's toy just now, why didn't you say that, what's so good about the toy? After Liao Tingyan finished slandering, she flew over to see it by herself. When he just flew to the lamp, one didn't pay attention and was almost licked by the big tongue sticking out from under the lamp. The otter in the air stopped urgently and flew backwards back to the shoulders of the ancestors.

Big tongue with a lot of saliva, don't look at it.

After walking down a street, Liao Tingyan heard his ancestor tut his tongue impatiently. Then, with a flash in front of him, he stood on the roof next to him, and in another flash, he came to the top of a high-rise building.

Liao Tingyan was acutely aware that his eyes were stopped at the brightest and loudest place, and after a few seconds, he flew towards the busiest street. After approaching there, Liao Tingyan's expression became more and more strange.

There are many flowers in that street, not only flowers, but also women's flowers. So it's a flower street.

This ancestor flew to this place for so long, just to go to prostitutes? ? ? Isn't he cold-hearted and kidney-deficiency? In the past, so many beautiful and lively beautiful women were indifferent when they were brought in front of him. Now, is it possible that he has changed his mind and wants to try the wild flowers outside? What an old slip-up script.

Sima Jiao turned his head and looked at Liao Tingyan for a while, then said with a sullen face, "If you say one more word, I will strangle you to death."

Liao Tingyan: What did I say? Did I say anything just now

"Master, do you... have the ability to read minds?" Liao Tingyan asked. He shouldn't have heard her thinking about his kidney deficiency.

Sima Jiao: "No."

He just can feel the real emotions in other people's hearts.

Liao Tingyan: "I didn't speak just now."

Sima Jiao: "You said it in your heart, and it's still noisy."

Liao Tingyan began to scold him in his heart.

Sima Jiao: "You are scolding me."

Liao Tingyan began to keep thinking about the male god she liked in her heart.

Sima Jiao started pinching her tail.

Liao Tingyan immediately stopped. No, he really didn't use mind reading? ?

She pulled her tail back and pointed to a place: "Look what that is!"

Sima Jiao looked over, hummed inexplicably, and flew over there. It was under a brightly lit attic, and a group of young men were having a wine pond and meat forest party, and the scene was unsightly. The moment Liao Tingyan saw it clearly, she subconsciously raised her paw to cover her eyes, but she quickly put it down again. What are you afraid of? It's not a modern society, and there is no eradication of pornography and non-violence. These discordant things will not be mosaiced. If you can see them, just watch them for a while and gain insights.

Sima Jiao didn't mean to go away either. He stood with his arms crossed and looked down, looking indifferent and disgusted, "Have you seen that person?"

Liao Tingyan looked in the direction he pointed, and suddenly felt a pain in his eyes, too hot.

"I see, it's a little small," she said.

Sima Jiao: "Who told you to look there."

Liao Tingyan: Oh, where do you want me to look

When they were talking, the oil-headed and pink-faced young man Sima Jiao was referring to raised his pants and left. His eyes were dark blue, his eyes were cloudy, and his cheeks were pale and thin—it was a kind of paleness that was different from Sima Jiao’s. Sima Jiao’s paleness looked at him. It makes people feel cold, and this man's white looks greasy. The moment he turned around, Liao Tingyan saw that there seemed to be a little red trace behind him.

Ah, is it for her to watch this

Sima Jiao followed, he followed, watching the young man swaying and laughing and flirting with the scantily clad young ladies and sisters around, and finally walked to a dressing room in the building to use the toilet. This kind of gold-selling cave is to go to the toilet. There are beautiful big sisters who help to take off their pants, and some of them come to have a haircut. To be honest, Liao Tingyan feels that he has ever watched the largest pornographic films. Not so big.

If she saw this scene alone, she would definitely be embarrassed, but lying on the shoulders of Sima Jiao, who opened the refrigerator, lightly felt the disgust and murderousness in him, she was very scared, and she could not feel any other feelings.

"Oh..." The son of kidney deficiency let out a comfortable sigh, pulled the big sister who was cleaning up for him, and dragged him out with a smile, "You're good, let's go, and I will go to the wine pool with you and continue to play." Big sister Eyes are so clear, they stick to him and twist, and the two of them talk rudely to each other.

Sima Jiao stepped forward and kicked them violently, knocking the pair of wild mandarin ducks to the ground. His strength did not subside, and the two fainted instantly. Sima Jiao walked up to the kidney deficiency man, grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up, and pulled the clothes off his back with his feet. This time, Liao Tingyan could clearly see a faint red mark on the shoulder blade on his back, like a flame.

When she saw the flame, she thought of the flame, so there was a high probability that this person had something to do with her ancestors.

Sima Jiao pressed the unconscious son's head with his hands and closed his eyes as if he was looking at something. After a while, he suddenly snorted coldly. The flames followed his hand and burned the hair of the unconscious son, wrapping him completely for three seconds. , a man burnt to a layer of ashes. With another wave of Sima Jiao's sleeve, not even the ashes were gone.

Liao Tingyan: "..." It seems that he is very angry.

Sima Jiao turned into the appearance of the Kidney Deficiency son who was killed by him.

Liao Tingyan: What did the ancestors do, pretending to be someone else and infiltrating the enemy

I thought he was a straight-ball attack type, but I didn't expect to be able to turn around.

Sima Jiao tucked Liao Tingyan into the placket, pressing it against his chest through a thin inner shirt. He strode out, and along the way, the young ladies who were leaning against the door and drinking on the brocade mat greeted him with a smile, "Young Master Yan~" and those who wanted to post it to flirt, all of them were covered by Sima Jiao's sleeves. The face, the hair bun makeup of other people was drawn in a mess. Sima Jiao walked through this Jinxiudui corridor, causing a lot of screams.

He didn't care about this, passing through the rooms and courtyards with laughter and laughter, and out of this gold-selling cave.

In the building in front, a servant saw him coming out and rushed forward to greet him, "Master, why are you leaving so early today?"

In addition to the servant, there is also a cultivator who has formed an elixir as a bodyguard. Here, such a configuration already indicates that his status is not low.

Sima Jiao used the face of the man with kidney deficiency and said, "Go back."

The original owner, Young Master Yan, should have a bad temper. When the servant saw him like this, he was used to shrinking his neck, and he didn't dare to say anything.

After Sima Jiao got into the car, he found that there were two beautiful young girls inside. They used to serve the young master Yan, but now they were familiar with the road and approached, and Sima Jiao called him back.

"Get off."

The two of them went down. Sima Jiao was leaning against the spacious carriage. He didn't know what to think. There was a faint crimson flame beating in his dark eyes. Liao Tingyan, who was staying in his jacket, moved her tail, stuck her head out to look at his unpredictable expression, and shrank back again.

I always feel that this ancestor is going to have a big vote.

Speaking of which, he had said from the beginning that he would kill everyone when he left Sansheng Mountain. He didn't make any big moves these days. She thought that after he came out, he found that the Gengchen Immortal Mansion was developing too fast and it was difficult to kill one million people, so she gave up. Now she thinks that he may have other plans.

Any plans have nothing to do with her, after all, she is just an innocent otter now.

This Yan Gongzi's home is one of the largest houses in the city. In a situation like his, it should be that someone in the family is a disciple in the Gengcheng Xianfu, or has other special status, so he can get such good treatment.

Sima Jiao pretended to be someone else's identity, and he had more cards than the original kidney deficiency son. He entered the gorgeous Yan Mansion and saw many people on the road. He didn't even blink his eyes and turned a blind eye.

Even when he saw the father of the Kidney Deficiency son, he didn't give one from the corner of his eye.

"Stop!" The middle-aged man blew his beard and glared at his attitude. "What are you like? You go to that kind of place to hang out, and you have a problem with your brain. You won't say hello when you see your father!"

Sima Jiao stopped and glanced at him.

He is like this, he doesn't need to say anything when mocking, just his eyes are enough to drive people crazy, Master Yan shakes his beard, "You are getting more and more outrageous! You are not allowed to go out any more, there are so many women in the family that you are not allowed to sleep. , I have to go outside to sleep with those women who can't have children, you stay at home for me, it's important to have more children!"

Sima Jiao raised his chin towards him: "Come with me."

Master Yan: "Niezi, that's how you talked to your father!"

Sima Jiao became impatient, and put one hand on his shoulder. Master Yan, who was originally full of anger, froze and followed him into the inner room. Sima Jiao let go of the chair he was sitting in the room and hooked his fingers at him.

Master Yan was full of fear, "Who, who are you, you are not my son!"

Sima Jiao laughed, "I am your ancestor."

Master Yan showed a humiliated look.

Liao Tingyan, a crowd of onlookers: The ancestors may be telling the truth.

Sima Jiao didn't talk nonsense, he asked Master Yan, "Where will you send the baby girl born three days ago?"

Master Yan didn't seem to want to answer, but he couldn't resist his ancestor's truth BUFF, and said a few words in a stiff voice: "Baifeng Mountain."

Sima Jiao: "Where is Baifeng Mountain?"

Master Yan: "I don't know, there will be messengers to meet us, we can't get close, we can only be outside."

Sima Jiao: "When will it be delivered?"

Master Yan: "Two days later."

Sima Jiao: "Very good, I will go with you when the time comes."

He asked some other questions, Liao Tingyan listened to it, pieced together pieces of information, plus her own guesses, she almost understood what her ancestors were doing.

He was looking for someone, not someone, but someone of a certain type, like Young Master Yan.

The Yan family has lived here for thousands of years, and their wealth comes from their blood. Every few generations, they occasionally give birth to people with atavistic bloodlines. The specific manifestation is that there are traces of flames behind their backs. Once such children appear, they will be sent to somewhere. Will stay, and the Yan family will get a lot of benefits at the same time. If the bloodline strength is very weak, like Young Master Yan, he can go back to his own home.

Small families like the Yan family live scattered around the Gengchen Immortal Mansion, controlled by a mysterious force, completely unnoticed.