Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 28


Liao Tingyan: Why can't you keep up with this big guy's ideas? And every time I wonder if I missed ten episodes of the plot, which would lead to this kind of inability to communicate normally.

Sima Jiao was still urging her to answer with his eyes, but Liao Tingyan couldn't pull out the question marks all over his head.

A man, saying he is willing to give his life to himself, this kind of thing should be very touching. If it is put in any romance novel, it should be the scene of the hero and heroine confessing, but this Sima Jiao boss , Just have the ability to say this as if it would kill someone.

Liao Tingyan had no experience in dealing with such a scene, and said after a while, "Hey?"

Sima Jiao glared at her: "Speak human words."

I'm an otter now, isn't that the voice.

Sima Jiao: "Do you want my life?" The truth is BUFF loaded!

Liao Tingyan blurted out: "No way."

Sima Jiao frowned and looked at her with a hint of anger: "Isn't this your task, although you don't want to kill me, but I die in your hands, after all, it's still good for you, what can you do? There is no motivation.”

Liao Tingyan was stunned, she hadn't fully figured out her own settings. But she is right about being self-motivated, she really doesn't have it. There are people in the world who work hard, and there are people who prefer an easy and ordinary life, she is just like that.

"That's right, my mission is not important, I don't want to kill people, I don't want your life, I think you are in a good state of mind now, and you don't look like someone who is about to die, otherwise I will find a way to find someone to show you, or eat Order some elixir, I think you can still be saved, don't give up treatment so casually." Liao Tingyan was still nervous, looking at the blood dripping from his body, and wanted him to see the doctor.

Sima Jiao: "You really don't want it?"

Liao Tingyan: "No."

Sima Jiao: "I gave you the last chance."

Liao Tingyan suddenly felt the hair on his back, and couldn't help but stretched out his claws and scratched, and heard Sima Jiao say, "In this case, you will die with me too."

Liao Tingyan: How did you come to this conclusion

"Are you really not taking some medicine?" Liao Tingyan couldn't take it anymore.

Just after speaking, Sima Jiao spat out a mouthful of blood in front of her. Liao Tingyan was shocked, and the first thought in his heart turned out to be: What a waste, this thing is super precious!

Sima Jiao moved his fingers, and the flames burned out of thin air, burning the puddle of blood that he spat out. Seeing Liao Tingyan staring at him, he even laughed and said to her, "When I die, my body will be burnt clean by these fires, and I won't leave any flesh and blood for them."

Cremation, then you are quite modern.

Sima Jiao waved to her, "Come here."

Liao Tingyan flew over and carefully stepped on his thigh. There's blood everywhere, which isn't a good landing. Sima Jiao looked down at her, with a weird expression and a slow tone: "I thought you would run, I want you to die, why don't you run."

First, Liao Tingyan felt that it was impossible for her to escape under the eyes of this ancestor, and secondly, she suspected that he was waiting for her to run on purpose. Although she hadn't been with him for a long time, she seemed to know his ghosts very well.

Sima Jiao: "Why don't you run." This was not a question, it was more like a sigh, as if he didn't understand.

Liao Tingyan felt that this person was really struggling, and she didn't know what she wanted her to do. He said that he was going to die, and now he was still thinking about her friend, but Liao Tingyan only thought that he should go to the doctor, and she really couldn't stand his bloody appearance.

"Master, you don't want to see the doctor, or you can change your clothes and take care of it?" Liao Tingyan doesn't know why she still has a calmness, as if the work task has reached the deadline and still has nothing to do. Fear, and even want to fish.

Sima Jiao touched the fur on her body with his hand, and touched the red color all over her body with his bloody hand, "It's going to be burned to ashes anyway, it doesn't matter what it looks like."

Liao Tingyan, who found that the hairs on his body were tangled together: This stinky pig's trotter is really too much.

Sima Jiao rubbed his otter and slumped on the ordinary chair, like an old man who had reached the end of his life and was ready to die peacefully. His anxiety gradually subsided, revealing a rare confusion and emptiness-although the movement of stroking the otter in his hand did not stop.

"Just like this, the expressions of those people must be very interesting. The Fengshan family has completely perished, and the roots of the Gengchen Immortal Mansion will also be broken. These prosperous flowers that have grown from flesh and blood will soon wither. The First Immortal Mansion will collapse and collapse within a hundred years." After Sima Jiao said this, he laughed happily, like a crazy neuropathy.

At this moment, a powerful coercion suddenly came from outside, and the mighty fell over this yard.

Sima Jiao's laughter stopped abruptly.

He looked out with a gloomy expression. Although there was a house as a barrier, his consciousness could already see the mighty crowd dozens of miles away. The head master Qianlu came over with a group of palace masters and elders, and after a few breaths Nei will come and surround him.

"Sima Jiao, it's hard to keep you today!" Before anyone arrived, the voice came first.

The good-natured and kind-hearted face of the master Qianlu, who was gentle, courteous, and thrifty in the past, could no longer be maintained at this moment, and everyone could see that he was extremely angry.

Can you not be angry, their teachers have worked hard for thousands of years, and they have done their best to build a Baifeng Mountain, just to completely hold the Gengchen Immortal Mansion in their hands and turn over to be the master, and no longer have to be held hostage by the Sima clan. When it is about to succeed, it falls short, and all the achievements of the millennium are gone, and no one can stand it.

And the worst situation has not happened yet. Sima Jiao, a madman, had blinded him before, and he came to Chen Cang in the dark. He directly attacked and destroyed the efforts of their Shi family. Putting out the fire completely is the worst. They have been standing at the top of the immortal world for too long, and being knocked down from the altar is more difficult for them to accept than death.

They must take Sima Jiao's life in their hands before that! No amount of casualties!

Sima Jiao sneered in the room, "You want my life, wishful thinking. With these things, you can't let me down." He stood up, not at all like the dying look that he couldn't move just now, but seemed to be ready to harvest life. the god of death.

Ancestor suddenly rekindled the fighting spirit to survive, ready to take away another wave before he died.

Didn't you just prepare to die peacefully just now? Now that someone else is coming to kill you, you will be killed immediately. Liao Tingyan felt a bit absurd. What kind of strange situation is this? Thank the enemy for arousing the desire to survive on our side

She became a pendant again and was led by Sima Jiao to stand on the roof. In order not to destroy the master's pretense that the villain was equipped with, Liao Tingyan, whose appearance was too cute, temporarily stayed in his shirt. Thanks for the petite figure of this otter, otherwise it would be impossible to hide.

Both sides were red-eyed, and the killing was only in two or three sentences.

Sima Jiao didn't care about it at all. Flames burned on his body, and the flames turned into a sea of fire. He was completely ready to die together. But Shi Qianlu and the others cherished their lives and refused to accompany him to death easily. They also planned to beat Sima Jiao half to death, not completely, so even though they were many, they were still constrained.

Liao Tingyan had seen Sima Jiao work with people before. She knew that Sima Jiao was very powerful and a super-super boss, but until this battle, she didn't understand how he went against the sky.

In addition to Shi Qianlu, the other party also came with many seniors who were cultivators. There were almost three hundred people. Liao Tingyan couldn't see through the cultivation of each person. Obviously, the cultivation of these people was better than hers in the spirit transformation stage. At least one big realm higher, maybe more than that.

This is the top boss of Gengcheng Xianfu who has almost exhausted half of it? It is estimated that except for those who stayed behind, everyone who could come came. After all, it was a matter of life and death. Liao Tingyan was speechless, feeling that she was going to explain it here today. She calculated her vacation dates and felt that she should be satisfied.

Sima Jiao killed two more people, laughing like a villain. Liao Tingyan knew how ugly those immortal bosses looked without looking at them.

"Don't get close to him! He will absorb the spiritual power and cultivation of others!" Shi Qianlu shouted loudly, causing everyone to spread out.

The sea of fire under Sima Jiao's feet spread even wider, and when everyone wanted to retreat, they forced them back.

"It's useless." Sima Jiao seemed to have become a flame in the sea of fire, and merged with the sea of fire, and even a strange flame shadow appeared behind him, which was the appearance of the rising fire of the Lingshan.

He was unceremoniously killing those who attacked him. Those people didn't want to kill him completely, so they still kept their hands at first, but slowly they realized that if they didn't use their own skills to suppress the bottom of the box, they would be able to keep their hands. Accidentally will be killed.

Although Shi Qianlu and everyone seemed to be in retreat, and there was nothing they could do about Sima Jiao, Liao Tingyan looked up and saw the blue veins on Sima Jiao's neck, which were very terrifying. The cracks were cracked open, like scorched earth, miserable and terrifying. Liao Tingyan felt blood slowly soaking through his shirt, almost staining her entire otter with blood.

Until now, Liao Tingyan only had a little real understanding - this ancestor seems to be at the end of the force, and his body is about to collapse.

Sima Jiao didn't seem to realize how bad his situation was. His eyes were red with blood, and he laughed in the eyes of everyone's fear or resentment. He waved his hands, and wherever the blood fell, there was a sea of fire.

They fight in the sky, the sea of fire spreads in the sky, the buildings on the ground are also melted by the heat, and from time to time, other people's attacks fall like meteors and fall into the city below. The people in the city screamed and fled, and the low-level monks were no different from ordinary mortals under this powerful deterrence. They also screamed and fled, trying to escape this city that had become a battlefield.

All the monks on the battlefield didn't care about these people. Although in the eyes of many mortals, the monks on the top were upright and kind-hearted gods who would protect them from evil monsters and monsters, but this was just a beautiful illusion of wishful thinking. In fact, these monks don't care about the lives of some people.

Liao Tingyan had a very accurate understanding of this point. So she is probably the calmest person on the battlefield, and she still has the mind to sort out the space opened up in her consciousness, while waiting for the war to end.

The war lasted longer than Liao Tingyan had imagined. The sky was dark and bright, bright and dark, and it was still not over. There was only a fire that seemed to never go out, and Sima Jiao, who devoured people like a demon.

Liao Tingyan curled up in his arms, took a nap, and woke up to find that his whole body was covered in his blood. The refrigerator that opened the door has now become a charcoal stove, not cold, but very hot.

For a moment, she wondered if the blood on this person had run out.

She couldn't help but stretched out her paws and touched Sima Jiao's stomach. The next moment she felt herself being held down by a wet, bloody hand.

"Are you afraid?" Sima Jiao said in a hoarse voice, "What are you afraid of? What you are really afraid of are those dogs on the opposite side."

Liao Tingyan didn't know what he was doing to vomit blood every time he pretended to say harsh words. She felt that it was not easy for him to hold on until now, and he should be dying.

She gently touched the ancestor's belly and said, "If it hurts too much, forget it. You're going to die anyway. There's no need to prolong your pain for them."