Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 42


Liao Tingyan pretended to be dead and acted like a spoiled child, finally coaxing the half-crazy ancestor to loosen it up.

He stared at her for a moment with that terrifying look, raised his brows indiscernibly, then leaned over and picked her up. Liao Tingyan knew that he was giving up on forcing herself to take revenge, and she relaxed, putting her hand on her stomach and taking a breath. The pain is real pain, not pretending.

In this world, maybe one day she was forced to a desperate situation, she would kill to protect herself, but in this situation, she would not listen if she held her hand and forced her to kill.

Of course, this is mainly because the person who is now forcing her should be considered a person with whom she has a relatively close relationship. She knows that the other party will not really hurt her, so she is not afraid and dares to act like a spoiled child.

Although the business is not skilled, it is useful anyway.

Sima Jiao picked up Liao Tingyan and walked to Chu Yue Hui, who became more and more frightened and cried, "Let me go! Don't kill me, I am the young palace lord of the Moon Palace, as long as you let me go, I will Mother will give you a lot of precious treasures, heaven-rank exercises, spiritual tools and spiritual pills, anything can be done!"

She was held in place by Sima Jiao, unable to move, she could only watch death come, and burst into tears. For many years, she has had a distinguished identity, lived a carefree life, and was held in the head by everyone. She never thought that she would be killed just because she had a temper and cleaned up a woman with a low status. disaster.

She still doesn't know who the two people in front of her are.

Sima Jiao didn't want to talk to her, he raised his foot indifferently and stepped on Chu Yuehui's face.

At the beginning of the month, she screamed and cried even more urgently: "If you kill me, you will be against the Palace of the Moon, and my mother will never let it go. As long as you let me go now, I will forgive everything and return it to you. Status and fame... Yong, Yong Lingchun, right? You plead for me, and I will ask my mother to help Yeyou Palace!"

Liao Tingyan buried her face in Sima Jiao's chest, not ready to watch the bloody scene.

She just didn't want to kill people. In fact, she didn't adapt to the laws of this world, but she didn't mean to interfere with other people's behavior with her own standards. Besides, she is now in the villain camp, how could she plead for the person who harmed her


It was like the sound of stepping on a watermelon, and a bit of sticky water.

Sima Jiao smashed Chu Yuehui's beautiful head with one foot, and even smashed the spirit that drifted out with her.

Liao Tingyan did not move, and was carried away from the Yuntai Palace by him. On the way, Liao Tingyan didn't raise his head to look around, because this place was full of bloody scenes, so take a closer look at the kind that might have nightmares at night.

The big black snake was outside, frowning at the corpses on the ground. I don't know how a snake behaves "sorrowly", in short, it faces the corpses, with its mouth wide open, hesitant.

It is in Sansheng Mountain and has been raised by Sima Jiao for a long time. It is a trash can. It is responsible for eating the corpse to keep the owner's living environment clean and tidy, so it has developed the habit of taking the initiative to swallow the corpse when it sees it.

It’s okay to have nothing else to eat before, but Liao Tingyan was fed so many delicious food, which is not as delicious as the corpse.

But don't eat it, it is afraid of the owner's temper. This delay was delayed until Sima Jiao brought people back.

When the big black snake saw the familiar and terrifying breath of the master, he immediately persuaded and opened his mouth to swallow the corpse.

When Sima Jiao saw it, he scolded: "Eat all the dirty things, shut up."

Big Black Snake: "..." You didn't say that before, Snake is so wronged.

But don't eat the corpses, be happy.

Liao Tingyan got his wish, took a bath and lay back on his soft big bed, feeling that the pain in his body was relieved a bit. Sima Jiao, who disappeared while she was taking a bath, came back. In such a short time, I don't know which treasure house he went to and came back with a lot of medicinal pills.

This big man entered the treasure house of Gengchen Immortal Mansion, like entering his own backyard, coming and going freely. Liao Tingyan ate the two white medicine pills he took out, and felt his body warm and Lei Ling with stagnant wounds. The force is dissolved and dissipated.

This is a wound left by cultivator Lei in the spirit-transforming period, because at the beginning of the month, he felt that she was disobedient, so cultivator Lei used a long whip of the thunder family. In order to make the little princess happy, that guy deliberately stabbed the exploding Lei Lingli into the wound. The pain was so painful that she almost succumbed to it.

Sima Jiao's hand pressed on her wound and moved slowly. His hands were cold, but with his movements, the remaining trace of the raging thunder spirit energy was also drawn out by him. The spirit veins felt much better, and once the medicinal power was relieved, the damaged parts began to be slowly repaired.

The blocked spiritual power also slowly flows, repairing the damage to the body on its own. Another serious injury was the abdomen, which was kicked out by an earth cultivator who was beside him at the beginning of the month.

That short, fat man was extremely painful to kick. If she didn't have a spiritual cultivation base, she would probably have been kicked by him and her stomach would explode, but now it's not much better. Her internal organs were injured, and her stomach was black and blue. , I don't know if the fat man used some special ability, it looked very scary, and it kept hurting.

When Sima Jiao lifted the clothes on her stomach and saw the wound, he looked ugly and said coldly, "It was too easy to deal with earlier. If I knew those things hurt you like this, they should have died even worse."

Liao Tingyan: "..." How could he die so miserably? Isn't the death of those dear friends not miserable enough? Not to mention other things, just that cultivator Lei, your old man poured thunder into his heavenly cap, and even the brain flower blew up other people's spiritual veins. It was broken, and the intestines were pulled out for a long time, which was used to strangle his brother.

"Ouch." I can't recall, I'm about to vomit.

Right now, Sima Jiao gently caressed her belly with the hands that were digging out her stomach, she felt hairy, afraid that he would give her a black tiger to dig her heart if he couldn't think of it. He was so angry before that he said he was going to kill her, and now he looks so angry, it's really possible to take a belly.

Moreover, he used to laugh when he tore her belly, but now when he touches her belly, his face is even uglier than when he tore out her belly.

Probably feeling her nervousness, Sima Jiao squinted his eyes, covered her stomach with his big hands, swiped his fingers along the edge of the wound, and leaned over to ask her, "Afraid?"

I feel that this is a problem where telling the truth will kill you. Since the truth is not buffed, it means that the ancestors allowed the use of lies to survive in desperation, so Liao Tingyan said: "Don't be afraid."

Sima Jiao: "You don't even know how to be afraid yet."

The tone of his voice was calm, terrifyingly calm. Liao Tingyan thought, I made the wrong choice? !

Sima Jiao held her face with one hand and touched the wound on her face, "You should be punished."

Liao Tingyan: "...???!" If I do something wrong, I will be punished

What punishment? Do you really want to dig your stomach? Stop it, it's not you who will help me heal after I finish it. Liao Tingyan covered her stomach nervously, but was stripped of her clothes.

For a while, Liao Tingyan's mood was a little complicated. You mean this 'punishment', you said it earlier, it made me so nervous.

Sima Jiao: "You don't seem to mean to struggle."

Liao Tingyan: "Ah? If you have this requirement, I'll try it."

She twisted perfunctorily and said, "Don't do this, stop."

The furious Sima Jiao was almost amused by her, but his face twisted, he held back and pinched her face, "Don't make me laugh."

Liao Tingyan: Who knows where your quirky laughter is, you are really hard to serve, do you know

Sima Jiao: "Don't struggle."

But when he lowered his head to kiss the scar on her stomach, Liao Tingyan couldn't help struggling.

"Your face is very red." Sima Jiao raised his head, rubbed her face with his thumb, and leaned over to kiss her.

This very ferocious man, his movements have a gentleness that is completely different from his character.

However, Liao Tingyan understood why he called this kind of thing a punishment.

"Does the woman of your Sima family have to suffer this kind of crime when you do this kind of thing!" Liao Tingyan couldn't help crying and shouted, grabbing Sima Jiao's neck and pinching his shoulders, pulling his hair.

The skin of her whole body was red, and it felt like a fire. She was uncomfortable and hit Sima Jiao's chin with her head, crying unconsciously: "I'm going to be burned to death!"

One of the reasons why Sima Shi is not uniting with outsiders is also because the Fengshan spirit blood in their bodies carries the aura of spirit fire, which will make foreigners feel very uncomfortable. Especially for the first time, it is never an exaggeration to say that it is a 'punishment'. If Liao Tingyan hadn't drank so much blood from a person like Sima Jiao who cultivated spiritual fire, he would definitely not be able to bear the burning feeling of spiritual fire today.

But this feeling is what Sima Jiao has endured day and night for many years.

"I didn't want to make you feel so uncomfortable, but you made me unhappy, so this time you have to suffer, you know." He kissed Liao Tingyan's red forehead and said in a hoarse voice.

Liao Tingyan strangled his neck uncomfortably, preparing to strangle him to death on himself, as if he didn't hear what he said.

Sima Jiao bit her face, and then licked the blood dripping from the wound, like some kind of adult beast comforting the injured cub, but unable to restrain his fierceness, he always wanted to inflict some pain on him. she.

He brushed away the broken hair on Liao Tingyan's cheek and pressed it against her face.

This is not the first time for Shenjiao, but it is the first time that Liao Tingyan gives him this super high-end game.

"Don't be afraid, with me here, no one can hurt you."

"Such pain will never happen again."

"Cry to me, don't bear it."

"Don't make me feel any more pain."

Sima Jiao Jieji will retaliate, he will kill all those who make him suffer, but Liao Tingyan also makes him suffer, but he can't kill her, he can only endure the pain she brings.

How infuriating.

"If there is a next time, I will kill you." Sima Jiao is a man who can make murder threats like love words.

Liao Tingyan shivered when he felt the true inner thoughts he conveyed in the fusion of spirit and soul. Boss, are you telling the truth

However, not only is he not afraid, but his nose is a little sore.

She remembered the 'sequelae' of divine sex that the teacher had talked about in the previous class. The better the relationship, the more you like each other's words, "It hurts in your body and pain in my heart" is not just a sentence, but a real existence. Otherwise, why would those Taoist companions who have been in love with each other for many years choose to end their lives after their lover dies.

Living together and dying together is not some kind of coercive mechanism, but a deep love and unwillingness to live alone.

Unconsciously, she became more and more reliant on Sima Jiao. This relationship influenced each other, and she didn't know whether she influenced Sima Jiao more or Sima Jiao influenced herself more.

Love grows and blooms in the heart, and every soul-soul fusion is a rain and dew, so it always blooms outside.

Liao Tingyan's Lingfu used to be a distant blue sky, and I don't know when there were large flowers. When Sima Jiao's spirit came to rest in her spiritual mansion, he liked to fall in that patch of flowers the most.

Sima Jiao's spiritual mansion was a piece of scorched earth, but I didn't know when, a pure land appeared. There was no red karmic fire, no dry and charred land, and a bunch of flowers grew, enjoying the only beam of sunlight.

After Liao Tingyan fell asleep, Sima Jiao touched the temperature of her forehead.

The inside of her body is changing. After this time, her body will be more special than ordinary monks. If she is injured in the future, she will recover quickly.

Interesting to say, the stronger the bloodline of the Sima family, the more difficult it is for the body to heal, but it has the ability to heal others' injuries quickly.

Sima Jiao took down the pheasant cage hanging outside, poured out the two pheasants, and turned them back into human shapes.

Brother and sister Yong Lingchun and Yong Shiqiu will return to their own identities and will not remember what happened during this time, and his and Liao Tingyan's tracks will be buried here.

They must get out of here.