Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 48


Sima Jiao made a new defensive magic weapon for Liao Tingyan. It was still based on Yingluo. It was a more beautiful necklace in Shi Yuxiang's treasury. Even if it is struck by lightning, it will not break.

In Sima Jiao's original words: If you encounter a cultivator like Shi Qianlu, you can't run away, lie down and let him fight, and the opponent will fight for half a day with all his strength to break the defense.

Liao Tingyan believed this. After all, this time, Sima Jiao had been working on this armor for half a month and changed it several times on and off. What he could spend so much time making was certainly amazing.

After hearing what he said, Liao Tingyan put on the necklace and asked, "What about after breaking the defense?"

Sima Jiao snorted, and Liao Tingyan saw his chin lifted slightly, and his fingers that were not fully healed rested on his chin, and said, "I will be there before that, you can continue to lie down."

The actual height of the ancestor who "stands up to the sky" is 188, and the remaining part of the sky is all built up by his confident aura.

However, he does have the capital of self-confidence. His comprehension is unbelievably high, his strength is so strong that he defies the sky, and he is the only one in heaven and earth, and he is also the number one person who deserves it.

He was the only one left in the Sima Clan. When the person was still locked in the Sansheng Mountain, he let all the big bosses stand guard. After he came out, he made such a big Gengchen Immortal Mansion turn his back on his back and retreated completely. The door is helpless, and it can also tear the thunder.

However, such a powerful man, how can he be so immature occasionally

When she fell asleep in the middle of the night, he painted out the faces of her little spirits, and painted the faces of strange people who could be called horror. He dared to say: "It looks more natural and beautiful."

Bah, when I woke up in the middle of the night and saw three unrecognizable little people standing beside the bed, life movies turned into horror movies in an instant!

Liao Tingyan doubted his aesthetics for a moment, but thinking that he chose himself, aesthetics must be no problem, so he is cheap.

"Come on, these are for you to play with. You can draw whatever you want. Don't waste my little two and three." Liao Tingyan gave him a dozen blank wooden figures. It was all carved out of wood by her when she had nothing to do before, and she carved a lot.

Sima Jiao didn't even look at the pieces of wood, he just pointed out, "I pointed out the little three you mentioned."

Liao Tingyan: "...Let's not discuss the issue of the mistress. Too much discussion will lead to quarrels."

Sima Jiao: "What do you mean?"

He added, "You're still arguing with me?"

Liao Tingyan: "Why don't I quarrel with you?" Couples usually quarrel, but now there is no quarrel, it's just that nothing happened.

Sima Jiao: "Then you quarrel with me and I'll take a look." His expression was the same as when he was curious about her scolding and asked her to scold him for a look.

Liao Tingyan: "...I can't find the atmosphere now, let's talk about it next time."

She just said it casually, she didn't expect this 'next time' would come so quickly.

During this time, they lived in Shi Yuxiang's Fenghua City. There were many Shi Yuxiang's little lovers in the city. They offered pillow seats every three to five times. Shi Yuxiang was having fun with these people, and their private life was very chaotic. Play.

Among them was her secret lover, a foreign son of the Mu family, who was also famous for being romantic. Every time he passed through Fenghua City, he would come over to hang out with Shi Yuxiang for a few days. This time he also came over. It happened that Liao Tingyan was taking a nap in Shi Yuxiang's garden. When he woke up, he found a strange man sitting beside him. He touched her face vaguely, and came over and said something. Dirty talk.

"I heard that you haven't been looking for anyone recently. Why, those people can't satisfy your lewd body?" The tone was familiar and proud, and she tried to rub her chest.

Liao Tingyan groaned and kicked him out, only to wake up completely. Usually Sima Jiao was by her side, and other people here would not come without permission, so she was not prepared at all. How did she know that this person never needed to be guarded here before, because he and Shi Yuxiang were having an affair, and he also had a wife with a similar family background in his family, who was very fierce.

Sima Jiao just left for a while, and it happened that he bumped into this gap.

"Hey... what are you doing!" Mu Gongzi was not as tall as her, and he screamed in pain after being kicked by her, sat up angrily and scolded.

His luck was really not very good, because at this time, Sima Jiao came back.

After what happened, Liao Tingyan felt a headache and nausea when he thought about it. Sima Jiao laughed at that time, pressed her hand firmly, and despite her refusal, forced her to crush the man's head.

Liao Tingyan remembered the feeling of the human head bursting under her hands.

She threw up at that time and retched for a long time on the side.

Sima Jiao didn't understand why she reacted so strongly, "It's just killing someone."

Liao Tingyan knew that he did not understand.

The worlds they were born into were different. Sima Jiao felt that it was okay to kill, just like she felt that she couldn't kill. Their concepts were all derived from the universal concepts of the world they lived in, and they probably couldn't recognize each other.

She understood that Sima Jiao was born in an environment where he would be killed if he didn't kill him, so she didn't comment on his murderousness, and only insisted on the idea of not killing himself if he was not forced into a desperate situation.

This time, Sima Jiao was not as angry as he was when he faced Chu Hui last time, so he didn't want to torture anyone. It was the attitude of killing a little bug he didn't like when he saw it. Yan Meng mixes in and people die.

Seeing Liao Tingyan's reaction, Sima Jiao sat beside him and raised his eyebrows, "I want you to do it yourself when he offends you. It's just a trivial matter. I've never seen such a big reaction to someone killing someone."

Although he knew that Liao Tingyan didn't like killing people, he only thought that she didn't like it, just like she didn't like to eat a kind of caramel that sticks to her teeth, but if she insisted on giving it to her, she just wrinkled her nose. I took a few sips of water and scolded him in my heart.

He was born in a demon cave, how could he know how difficult it is for a girl raised in a peaceful and prosperous age to accept that he killed someone. How could he understand that not liking killing people and not liking what to eat are completely different for Liao Tingyan.

Liao Tingyan didn't hear what he was saying at all. Her mind was still full of the brain powder that had just splattered on her hands, and she felt disgusted subconsciously, so she scrubbed her hands many times.

In her world, there are few people who kill people, and ordinary people have nothing to do with killing people. Even in wars, many soldiers suffered from mental illness because of killing people on the battlefield.

She retched for a long time, wiped her mouth, stood up and went straight into the room to find a place to lie down. Sima Jiao followed her into the room and saw her lying down with her back to him, in a gesture of refusing him to approach.

Liao Tingyan is very uncomfortable now, physically uncomfortable, and angry in her heart, so she doesn't want to care about others. If Sima Jiao was just the murderer, she wouldn't dare to be angry with him for this kind of thing, but he's not anymore, she regarded him as the closest person in the world, so she couldn't help being angry with him.

Sima Jiao went to break her arm, Liao Tingyan patted his hand off without turning his face, and said sullenly, "Don't talk to me, I don't want to talk to you now."

Sima Jiao didn't realize how serious the problem was. He stared at Liao Tingyan's back, puzzled, "What's wrong with you, just because I asked you to do it?"

Liao Tingyan was silent for a moment, then sighed and said, "You can't do this. I never stopped or forced you to do anything, so you can't do this to me either."

Sima Jiao is so big, and no one has ever told him that he can't... No, someone has said it, but he never cares. With him, there are only what he wants to do and what he doesn't want to do. There is nothing that can't be done. There is nothing in this world that he cannot do.

If it wasn't for Liao Tingyan in front of him, Sima Jiao wouldn't bother to say a word of nonsense, but now he kept his face calm for a moment, and still said: "I know you don't like killing people, you may not like it, but you can't, you have to kill, sooner or later. What's the difference."

Liao Tingyan was fascinated by the flower and bird patterns on the tent. She actually knew that she had thought that maybe one day, she would kill for the person behind her, but not now. This is casual, like a child's play to kill.

Just unhappy, I don't want to ignore him for the time being.

She was not happy, Sima Jiao was not happy either, he was never a good-natured person, and his attitude towards Liao Tingyan was caring and tolerant like he had never had in his life.

Sima Jiao turned around and went out.

Liao Tingyan ignored him. She slept and had a nightmare. When she woke up, she didn't even want to eat the usual two meals a day. She really lost her appetite. Little Dianling leaned over with a mallet and wanted to beat her back, but Liao Tingyan waved her hand and refused. The little black snake crawled over to play with her, but Liao Tingyan didn't move.

Sima Jiao stayed outside for three days, and returned after most of his anger. He didn't want to lose his temper at Liao Tingyan, but when he let out his anger, he was still irritable, as if he had returned to the state when he had not met Liao Tingyan at the beginning.

He walked in the long corridor of Shi Yuxiang's flower garden with a sullen face, the hem of his clothes and the swing of his long sleeves were full of hostility. When he was about to reach the door, he paused and went in anyway.

People are not there. He came out quickly and felt it, but he didn't feel her breath anywhere around him.

she left? Leaving him because of fear, because of such trivial matters

Sima Jiao waved his sleeves, and the entire Splendid Garden in the garden collapsed. He didn't even look at it, his lips were tight, and he was looking in one direction, covered in cold air. On that necklace, there was a technique that would allow him to track down people.

He chased all the way to the Yunhe River and saw that familiar figure.

Liao Tingyan was sitting there holding a fishing rod, fishing for flying rays. The flying ray is a kind of monster in this cloud river. It is usually difficult to catch. Sima Jiao saw that there were several flying rays in the big bucket placed next to her, and the bait she used to catch the flying rays was Those long worms caught in Thunder Valley before.

It turned out that she collected those long worms to catch flying rays. How did she know that the worms in the Thunder Valley could catch flying rays

Sima Jiao realized that she didn't want to run, and his anger dissipated a little. He stood under a tree not far away, staring at Liao Tingyan's back, with no intention of stepping forward.

He still didn't feel that he had done anything wrong, but he felt that Liao Tingyan was uncomfortable. It was the first time he felt this heavy heart from her after he knew her.

He just stood behind the tree and watched, watching Liao Tingyan catch the hard-to-catch flying ray, looking at her depressed face, dejectedly lighting a fire on the spot and roasting the flying ray.

The aroma of roasting was overflowing, but she didn't eat it herself, as if she thought of something and felt disgusting, glanced at her hand, took out two mouthfuls of water.

Sima Jiao felt very irritable, and peeled off a large piece of the bark from the tree next to him.

Liao Tingyan: "I don't want to eat it."

She said as if talking to herself, "You said before that you were going to Thunder Valley. I turned to a travel journal and said that the bugs in Thunder Valley can catch flying rays. The meat of the flying rays is delicious. I wanted to try it with you. ."

Sima Jiao: "..."

He walked over, sat opposite Liao Tingyan, took a bite of the roasted flying stingray, and ate the whole flying sting with expressionless face.

Liao Tingyan was still slumped, and handed it to him with a sad face. Sima Jiao didn't want to take it, but seeing her expression, he still reached out to take it.

Liao Tingyan: "You can't do this in the future."

Sima Jiao dropped the flying ray, "Are you angry with me for such a trivial matter?"

Liao Tingyan wiped away her tears and sobbed.

Sima Jiao picked up the flying ray that he had left behind, "...I see."

Sima Jiao: "I didn't scold you or beat you, I agreed."

Liao Tingyan burst into tears, "I have nightmares."

Sima Jiao couldn't eat it. He felt uncomfortable all over. He threw away the flying ray in his hand, hooked Liao Tingyan's neck with one hand and pulled her over. He wiped away her tears with his thumb, "Don't cry."

Liao Tingyan looked at the scar on his finger, blinked, and another tear fell into his palm. She leaned her face on Sima Jiao's palm and looked at him, "If there is anything else in the future, I said I don't want to do it, but I really don't want to do it. Don't force me."

Sima Jiao looked at her and pressed her forehead, "I see."

Speaking of this, his voice was lower again, a little annoyed, "Don't cry."

She pressed her lips to her eyes, a very unskilled soothing gesture.