Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 70


A day in Yancheng begins with the smell of various food emanating from the street outside Miyagi.

In recent years, there have been more and more gourmet shops and restaurants in Yancheng, and all of them are proud to be favored by Liao Tingyan.

Yancheng City Lord and Demon Lord Liao Tingyan, is a completely different Lord from the previous Demon Lord Sima Jiao. She has no unpredictable temper, nor is she irritable and irritable. In many cases, she is very easy to talk.

But no one dared to underestimate this easy-going demon master, as long as she still had the spirit fire, the fearsome spirit fire once owned by Sima Jiao, no one would dare to challenge her authority.

And Sima Jiao has been dead for so many years, some rumors have come out. For example, Sima Jiao died suddenly and inexplicably back then. Almost everyone felt that the existence at the top of the food chain would not die easily, unless the closest person around him attacked him, so there was a rumor that Liao Tingyan was In order to capture the spirit fire, Sima Jiao was killed.

This rumor has spread quite well. Before that, Liao Tingyan could also skillfully use that fire to kill a few demon generals with different intentions and troubles. Many people in the Demon Region were in awe of Liao Tingyan.

Such a ruthless and shrewd person, who can even rely on scheming to kill a woman who seized power from Sima Jiao, must not be underestimated.

Liao Tingyan, the woman who was considered to be the most shrewd and scheming in the Demon Domain, was soaking in the pond to cool off the heat, and said "I'm going to die" with a gloomy face.

Hongluo crossed a tree-lined road, turned around a human-high flower wall, and came to a semi-open-air Lingchi. When she saw Liao Tingyan soaking in the water, she stepped forward and leaned on the jade railing and called to her: "Have you had enough soaking today, do you want breakfast?"

"I want, I want to eat, wait for me to get off." Liao Tingyan struggled to climb out of the pool, dragging her long hair and nightdress soaked in water, her face white like a water ghost.

She changed her clothes behind the screen, combed her hair, and while applying lipstick, she complained: "I really took this fire, and it hurt me for another day."

Hongluo sat aside and sighed: "This is the price of having power."

Liao Tingyan angrily smashed the dresser, thinking of Sima Jiao who was in a corner that he didn't know where he was now, and even more angry.

Thinking back then, because Sima Jiao used his own blood and spirit fire too much, he casually merged with the new fire raised by the master, and collapsed his body, and then he had a whim to make himself into a candle, and wanted to burn his own. Flesh and soul, pass the refining fire to her.

Liao Tingyan was overheated by his angry brain at the time, so he took the initiative to seize his power, and then took the initiative to end the transmission of the spiritual fire, and in turn forced his soul, which had only been ignited a little, to be pulled from the extradition spiritual fire.

The fire was passed successfully in the end, but without most of Sima Jiao's spirit to guide him, he almost hurt Liao Tingyan to death. Although it didn't hurt every moment, it also left a sequela, that is, once a month, Liao Tingyan always had pain for a few days.

Except that there is no bleeding during this period, it is simply a standard aunt cycle.

She came to the realm of self-cultivation, and finally became a female monk without menstrual period. She thought that her aunt would leave forever, but unexpectedly, Sima Jiao, the big pig's hoof, gave her a new 'aunt period'. .

Over the past few years, Liao Tingyan has been in excruciating pain for a few days every month. Every time she floats in the water, she feels like a dead fish.

As for the soul of Sima Jiao, who was left behind by her sudden explosion, because it was killed by the big pig's hoof and used to refine the spirit fire, it became a little fragile. Liao Tingyan had no choice but to use the method of reincarnation, choosing a suitable pregnant woman to send him to reincarnate.

Back then, Sima Jiao entrusted Hongluo's soul to live, and Liao Tingyan watched the whole process, so she knew what to do.

It's just that there is still a problem with this soul care. If you want to succeed, it is best to entrust the child to a pregnant woman who is related by blood. But almost all the blood of the Sima family was killed by Sima Jiao himself.

The other is to select the carcass that can integrate with his soul to the greatest extent, just like Hongluo. At the beginning, Hongluo was able to quickly pick out a suitable body because Hongluo's spirit was not strong, and there were many people who were suitable for her. But changing Sima Jiao is different. Even if his soul is damaged, it is not suitable for any carcass.

Liao Tingyan couldn't find a suitable body for him at all. In desperation, he had to wrap his soul in a secret method and cast it out, so that he could automatically find a suitable body and body after sensing.

But because of this, Liao Tingyan couldn't find Sima Jiao at all, and he didn't know which corner of the world he was in. And I don't know where the pregnant person who gave birth to him is, so I didn't let the pregnant person eat the rejuvenation pill before giving birth to him. Without this external force to help back up his memory, he doesn't know how much he can remember by himself.

Almost seventeen years have passed, and Liao Tingyan has sent countless monks from the Demon Realm to find the whereabouts of Sima Jiao. This is a big project, and after 17 years of searching, I still can't find it. There used to be people with very thin Sima blood in Gengchen Immortal Mansion, and they were first screened by Liao Tingyan.

Then there are those very qualified children born in the gate faction, who have searched the Demon Realm and the Xiuxian Realm and couldn't find it. Her network is getting wider and wider, and Sima Jiao still has no news.

Hongluo knew about Liao Tingyan's heart disease, and seeing her look like this, she knew that she must have thought of Sima Jiao again.

"What's the hurry? Anyway, I can't hurry. It's been so many years, people must have been born long ago. If they don't find it, it means that he didn't remember it, or he was too far away to come back. Now we are all rummaging. Those remote rural corners of the mortal world are probably soon to be found." Hongluo comforted her as usual.

The scope of their search is getting wider and wider, and the search progress has reached the mortal world on the edge of the continent.

Liao Tingyan had a dream before, dreaming that Sima Jiao had become a black-faced farmer in the village. She also dreamed that Sima Jiao had become a beggar, wandering around and being bullied by other beggars. His temper was unbearable, and he had a physical conflict with others. In prison, there is no daylight.

… If this is the case, how can she find this ancestor? This is too sad.

Liao Tingyan and Hongluo went out to eat breakfast with the black snake and Xuelinghu who had just returned from playing outside.

Although Sima Jiao was embarrassing, as he said before he left, the things he left for her were her favorites. Therefore, in the years without him, her life was still very peaceful, and there was no shortage of people to accompany her. Anyway, all her distress and unhappiness were only due to the historical legacy of Sima Jiao.

When Liao Tingyan went to eat breakfast, she was warmly welcomed by all the restaurant owners. She was used to those earnest gazes and randomly chose a restaurant that she ate at most frequently. So these bosses were like concubines who were competing for favor. The selected boss welcomed them in proudly, while the rest sighed, or regained their strength and prepared to fight again tomorrow.

This is a show that Yancheng performs every day.

Liao Tingyan was halfway through eating here, and suddenly there was a commotion outside, and a demon cultivator who was busy came over and stopped at the door of the restaurant.

"The Demon Lord, the Demon Lord who was searching in the Southern Continent has sent the latest news." Demon Xiu came to Liao Tingyan with great excitement and saluted.

"Master Demon General said that this time it is definitely the one's child. Not only does the soul lamp you made react, but the very coincidental one is still the name of the past, and it is said that even the appearance is similar!"

Hearing this, Liao Tingyan shook his hand, and a crystal xiaolongbao with a thin skin and a large crystal-clear filling fell on the table.

"Grass," she couldn't help but scolded, suddenly stood up, "Take people, let's go!"

People are in the Hu Kingdom in the Southern Continent, and there is very little spiritual energy in the Southern Continent, so there are very few immortal sects nearby. Almost all of the world is mortal, and the immortals are there, almost becoming legendary existences, and ordinary people have never heard of it.

How did the ancestors really go to such a remote place

Liao Tingyan didn't care about anything else, and immediately set off with a rush of emotions. After arriving in the territory of Hu Kingdom, he remembered and asked in detail, "Where is the person, and what is his identity now?"

It was only when the demon cultivator who came to report the letter remembered, as if the Lord Demon General didn't say anything in detail in his letter.

"Forget it." Liao Tingyan waved his hand, "First, find a place nearby to stop and rest, and then summon the Demon General of the Qi clan to inquire."

In order to avoid causing panic in Huguo, a country of ordinary people, Liao Tingyan and his party disguised as ordinary people, rode an ordinary carriage, and entered the nearest county town.

It happened to be the Duanxia Festival in Hu Kingdom. The whole Liyang County was very lively, and there were people racing dragon boats on the river outside the city.

Liao Tingyan looked at the crowd and saw that almost everyone was holding wormwood in their hands, with calamus-like flowers on their heads, and colorful ropes tied on their hands, and immediately felt very cordial. It was just like the Dragon Boat Festival in the original world. I haven't seen anyone celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival in the Xiuxian world for many years, so I couldn't help but stop and take a look.

After only a few glances, she lowered the curtain of the car. Forget it, it's more important to find Sima Jiao first.

In a cruise ship by the lake, Wei Xianyu, the governor of Liyang County, bowed his waist, and said to the person in front of him with a careful tone: "Your Majesty, there are so many people here, you are rich and only brought so many guards, you can't stay here for a long time, To prevent accidents, let's go back to the court and rest early."

As he said that, he kept peeking at His Majesty's expression, for fear that his words would anger him.

Their majesty is named Sima Jiao. At the age of sixteen, everyone knows the name of cruelty. If the previous king had not left only this heir, he would not have been able to sit on the throne anyway. It is no wonder that several senior officials in the court secretly sighed, saying that this monarch has the appearance of subjugating the country, and he must be the monarch of the subjugated country.

This His Majesty did not like the affairs of state affairs, and suffered from a head disease since childhood. The courtiers were all killed by him.

Since ancient times, benevolent monarchs have been easily manipulated by courtiers, but instead they are the likes of delusional monarchs and tyrants. Going his own way and doing whatever he wants made the courtiers even more frightened.