Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 79


This winter was extremely cold. Several counties in the south had snowed several times since the beginning of winter. The weather was much colder than in previous years, making life difficult for the common people. dead people.

At first, it was just homeless beggars on the roadside, frozen like dark stones on the roadside, then some remote villages, poor shanty towns, frail old people and children... Because this cold wave came suddenly and died in a short time. There are too many people, and the officials below do not dare to report, forcibly bury the people who freeze to death, and do not allow anyone to leave their place of origin.

Therefore, this disaster was not clear to the capital of Yancheng at first. When the news could not be concealed and spread, the ministers hurried to the palace to find His Majesty to discuss, but found that His Majesty was not in the palace at all. He has always been like this, and he will leave as soon as he says it, but now it is more and more exaggerated, and he has not even spread any news.

There was only a little His Royal Highness in the palace now, sitting on the chair that Sima Jiao often sat on, staring at them innocently with his legs dangling.

Ministers: The country is going to subjugate! Definitely going to die!

They denounced and condemned His Majesty in their hearts, grieved again, and then got together to discuss how to face this once-in-a-century snow disaster. Anyway, His Majesty usually doesn't care about this, they can handle it themselves.

Then the problem came again. After all, not all officials are selfless, everyone has their own ideas, and they start to quarrel again.

They were arguing, but at this moment, His Majesty and the Concubine were in Nanming County, thousands of miles away, which was the 'disaster-affected area' where they were arguing endlessly.

Two days ago, Liao Tingyan was bored in the palace, and found that the King of Yancheng did not have the slightest sign of snow this winter. Instead, the cold weather in the south was overwhelming, and she suddenly wanted to see the snow. She was in the realm of immortal cultivation, and she hadn't seen heavy snow for many years, so she missed it a little, so after discussing it, she took His Majesty and flew to Nanming County to enjoy the snow in a flying spirit tool.

The white snow and lead-gray sky turned this graceful southern county into a snowy ridge. Although it was really beautiful, Liao Tingyan frowned after only a few glances.

Sometimes it's really not good if the cultivation is too high. Her perception ability is very strong, so strong that she can see the frozen corpse through the heavy snow layer, and the consciousness can be raised a little higher. Some undead resentment lingers.

Liao Tingyan lost the mood to enjoy the snow. The change in her expression caught Sima Jiao's attention. The two stood on a tower in Nanming County. Sima Jiao was wearing a black fox fur. His warm palm rubbed Liao Tingyan's face and wiped it off. A snowflake fell on her cheek.

"Why, isn't this snow pretty?"

"A lot of people died here." Liao Tingyan held his three fingers, a little embarrassed.

Sima Jiao showed no expression, "If that's the case, then go to a place where there are no dead people to watch the snow."

Liao Tingyan: "..." I forgot, this ancestor used to be a person who brought blood and blood with a single trick in the Xiuxian world, and he didn't care about that.

Liao Tingyan said again: "I feel uncomfortable seeing so many people die here."

Sima Jiao's brows moved, "Then deal with it."

Liao Tingyan thought for a moment, then looked up at the sky. Above the sky, something faintly flickered. She waved her hand suddenly, and the majestic aura shot straight into the sky, shaking away those icy snow clouds. The sky suddenly became much brighter, and a trace of the sun finally appeared in the place that had been gloomy for a month.

She heard the faint sound of thunder, but she didn't take it to heart, she just glanced at Sima Jiao. After she got the spirit fire, she could always hear thunder whenever she did something, but after she got the spirit fire, she was no longer afraid of thunder.

It was as if Sima Jiao gave her not only the spirit fire, but also a certain part of him, which made her less afraid of this world.

"It's not just Nanming County, the cold current goes all the way to the south. I'm now scattered once, and will gather again after a while." Liao Tingyan decided to bring the magic generals to work. After all, working alone is too tiring, and saving the world requires manpower.

She and Sima Jiao lived together in a manor in Fongjing Mountain, a suburb of Nanming County. The mountains and forests here were also covered with snow. The thick snow that had not yet melted shone in the sun, and the sky and the earth were clear. This scene made Liao Tingyan Feeling slightly better.

The demon generals who were previously stationed in the capital of Yancheng arrived and received their task - Qingxue disaster relief with a bewildered face.

Mo Xiu: "We... We are Mo Xiu."

The demon general Wei'e had a grim expression on his face: "Grandpa, I also remember that we are demon cultivators, but the demon master doesn't remember! Would you like to remind her?!"

Demon Xiu rolled his eyes: "Are we really going to save these mortals? With so many people dead, the Demon Lord must have ordered them casually, it's not as good as us—"

The demon general Wei'e instantly showed his loyal and patriotic eyebrows and big eyes, and raised his hand: "Come on, this person disobeyed the devil's order and tied him to the devil!"

Mo Xiu: "!!!"

The magic cultivator who tried to secretly make corpse refining materials was burned to death × 1

The demon generals and the honest demon cultivators went to the severely affected counties to disperse the cold current and artificially stop the snow. This is actually not difficult, but it is a bit trivial. After the demon generals who came back after finishing their work were approved by the demon master, they relaxed and left.

The Demon General Wei'e was the fastest one. He had seen the Demon Lord happen to meet Sima Jiao in the corridor when he was about to leave. During the time when the former Demon Lord ruled the Demon Domain, everyone felt terrified when they saw the flames, and Danger was the same. He had never seen such a powerful and brutal Demon Lord, and he almost scared him several times, even if he was a As a mortal, Wei E also subconsciously felt fear.

He couldn't help holding his breath and stood aside to wait for the ancestor to leave by himself. Anyway, he can't see me now, and the devil will be so comforting himself in his heart.


The demon general Wei E froze for a moment, and when he looked at his boss Ma Jiao, the hair on his back stood up for a moment. He saw me! see me!

After Sima Jiao left, he suddenly came back to his senses and remembered what he said just now - "Bring Xue to this place in Fongjing Mountain."

After saying that, I just walked over.

Wei E suddenly clapped his hands, hey! The former Demon Lord, he actually remembered my name! Suddenly I feel so honored and proud!

However, what does "bring the snow to Fongjing Mountain" mean, Fongjing Mountain is the top of this mountain, and the old man wants this mountain to snow heavily? The current Demon Lord wants the snow to stop, the former Demon Lord wants it to snow... Well, does he know too much, has something happened to him

When one of his subordinates heard this, he shook his head, "General, do you remember when the former Demon Lord was in the Demon Domain? He will give what the Dao Companion wants, even if he doesn't want it, he will find it for her as long as he likes it. Look at this. Isn't this method very familiar now? In my opinion, it is our current demon master who wants to see the snow, or the former demon master wants to see the snow with his fellow Taoist!"

Wei'e: "Tsk tsk, Taoist companions are too troublesome!"

Xiao Xiao complained, and then acted obediently, rushing the cold current and Xueyun to this desolate mountain forest, and artificially snowing the two masters in the villa.

Liao Tingyan was seeing Hongluo, and Hongluo would occasionally come to see her from Moyu, and by the way bring a lot of special products from Qinggutian to improve Liao Tingyan's life.

As soon as Hongluo came, she saw that she was turning around instructed by the magic generals. She didn't understand, "What are you doing, what are you doing when you are idle?" After all, she is still a native magician, and she does not understand Liao. The practice of stopping geese.

Liao Tingyan didn't say much, only said: "Maybe because I am a mortal after all."

Hongluo rolled her eyes: "Your cultivation base, you told me that you are a mortal?"

But no matter how high the cultivation level is, if the heart is a mortal, it is indeed a mortal. This may be the reason why she can watch the dead people fighting and fighting in the Demon Domain and the Cultivation World, but she can't stand the snow disaster in the mortal world.

Can accept the sacrifices in the turbulent life, but cannot see the disasters in the ordinary life. This is probably the psychology of all ordinary mortals.

Hongluo didn't want to talk to her about such trivial matters, "Forget it, you can do this trivial matter if you want, anyway, it's just ordinary people."

It was at this time that Liao Tingyan discovered that it was snowing outside. She was stunned for a moment, then closed her eyes for a moment, and her consciousness found that snow only existed in this mountain forest, in what she saw in front of her eyes.

The snow on the pine forest on the back mountain has not yet melted. After this heavy snowfall, the pure white world can probably be maintained for a long time.

Liao Tingyan opened the window wide and let the swirling snowflakes come in, taking away the warm atmosphere in the house. She came here to see the snow, and only one person knew that.

Hongluo was talking to her about Sima Jiao, "You've been with him for more than half a year. How much does he remember? Does he think of you? How are you now?" As Liao Tingyan's closest friend, she was always worried about herself friends have relationship problems.

She talked for a long time and found that Liao Tingyan didn't answer. She looked at the snow outside the window with a smile on her face.

Forget it, don't ask.

Her ears moved, and she suddenly said quickly, "I'm done, let's go first, see you next time." After speaking, she jumped out of the window and disappeared instantly.

As soon as Hongluo left, Sima Jiao walked in. He naturally sat behind Liao Tingyan and hugged her to watch the snow outside the window. Liao Tingyan habitually leaned against his arms, and with a slight movement of his fingers, the heater in the house began to emit heat, and the air around them became as warm as spring.

When it is snowing heavily, there is always extra silence between heaven and earth. Liao Tingyan wanted to ask Sima Jiao for a moment how much he remembered. The fact that he made this snow appear means that he does remember a lot.

However, Liao Tingyan didn't ask any questions after all, she just felt very at ease.

She had known for a long time that Sima Jiao would remember it sooner or later. After all, he was not a reincarnation, but a life-giving spirit.

If the reincarnation is to disassemble the parts of a computer and reinstall them separately on other computers, then the reincarnation is just a computer with the system reinstalled, or the kind of data backed up. Even if the pregnant woman who gave birth to him didn't take the Resurrection Pill, his memory would be recovered slowly, but Liao Tingyan didn't know how long this process would take.

If she really wanted to say it, it might be even more difficult for her to fully retrieve her own memory. Because Sima Jiao will naturally remember as long as he grows older, and she needs the pain of the soul every time to remember the memories that have been washed away.

Liao Tingyan has been "going with the flow" all her life. She squeezed Sima Jiao's hand, feeling the faint surging of spiritual energy in his body, and slowly closed her eyes sleepily.

let it go. Things in the world are getting more and more complicated.

The heavy snow in several counties in the south has stopped, and the only thing that has not stopped is the untouched Fongjing Mountain.

Sima Jiao and Liao Tingyan went for a walk in the pine forest of Houshan Mountain. A red umbrella was covered with snow and turned white. There was a path in the forest leading to a wild pavilion on the mountain. , treading snow to find a pavilion. Liao Tingyan rarely has such a willingness to climb mountains by herself. She usually stays in one place to 'hibernate'.

It is the so-called spring sleepiness, summer rest, autumn lack of hibernation, which is the living habit of all social animals. Even if Liao Tingyan has not been a social animal for many years, it has not changed.

The two were walking on the mountain path, Sima Jiao walked a little ahead, there was no umbrella covering his head, snow fell on his shoulders, Liao Tingyan was one step behind, she held an umbrella and covered the snow, the two of them Walking in tandem like this. Liao Tingyan turned the umbrella, and snow fell on Sima Jiao's fox fur, and he fell off with a shake.

He turned his head and raised his eyebrows, and continued to walk unhurriedly, ignoring her harassment.

The wild pavilion on the mountain was desolate and desolate. It was almost broken and was almost buried by snow. The two walked around and walked to a dead tree beside the pavilion. Sima Jiao stretched out his hand and shook it, and the snow on the dead branches fell on Liao Tingyan's head in an instant. She had just put away the umbrella she used to pretend.

Liao Tingyan: "…"

Before she could fight back, Sima Jiao broke off the dead branch that had shaken off the snow. His fingers tapped on the dead branch, and the dead branch quickly grew buds, and in the blink of an eye, several pink mountain peach blossoms opened.

This is a rejuvenation technique, a very common technique.

Liao Tingyan was silent for a moment, then took the branch of the mountain peach blossom that revealed pink in the snow.

Sima Jiao took her hand and went back.

"I know what you're afraid of, but as I said before, as long as I'm here, you don't have to be afraid of anything."

Liao Tingyan shook the out of season peach blossom and thought to herself: What am I to be afraid of, in this world, isn't the only thing I am afraid of is you

But her majesty is like this flower, it blooms as soon as she wants, and she can't help it.