Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 83: The Second Vampire


A three-story giant iron bus carrying 200 people was driving on the deserted forest road. Through the window, Liao Tingyan saw the tall cedar trees on both sides of the road, showing a dark green under the dim sky.

The air was humid, it had just rained not long ago, the water was steaming on the ground, and the white mist on the distant mountains covered the top of the mountain. Even if he was sitting in the car and there were so many people around, Liao Tingyan also felt the biting cold, the coolness was like He got into her thick coat like life and grabbed her limbs, especially her feet, so cold that she almost lost consciousness.

She glanced at the dejection and despair on the faces of the other people in the carriage. Out of the corner of her eyes, she suddenly saw a deer jumping out of the woods outside, and quickly turned to look. Sure enough, it was a small deer. Wild animals often pass by on such a forest road. She wanted to take a second look, but unfortunately the iron bus drove too fast, and soon the lively deer that was jumping on the dark road disappeared.

"You don't look like a blood eater, but you can still laugh at such a time." A man sitting in front of her turned to look at her at some point, and his tone was somewhat sarcastic, "Wait for your confession. Once you have blood, you will know what is going to happen to you."

Liao Tingyan subconsciously gave a social fake smile: "Well, okay, I see."

After she finished speaking, she felt that she had been a social animal for too long, and subconsciously wanted to say "yes" and "received", and she almost added "thank you" politely just now.

Wake up, you are no longer the social animal who worked overtime in 996 or even seven days a week. You are now just a poor adult who has traveled to a strange world and finally got a good night's sleep.

She crossed over yesterday and became this person called "Liao Tingyan", living in a messy five-square-meter canned small room, and her mobile phone also showed that she had a large amount of arrears and failed to pay it over time, and was hacked. List, must go to the blood bank for repayment - too much information, Liao Tingyan did not inherit the original owner's memory, full of question marks, and there is no diary manual in the room, just a suicide note, saying that the world is too dark and wants to throw into the arms of death and hope to do it in the next life. a rich man.

Liao Tingyan: "..." Emmmmmm, who doesn't want to be a rich man in the next life, but sister, you owe so much money now that it's hard for me to do it!

If you can't go back, what else can you do

Then this morning, she was taken away. The two staff members, a man and a woman, seemed to be the "civil servants" of this world, who were specially responsible for sending those who owed a large amount of money to the blood bank to pay off their debts.

Maybe it was the first time they saw that the person who was going to be sent to the blood bank did not panic, despair and struggle, and asked them a lot of basic questions like business consulting.

In short, through these two staff with a fairly good attitude, Liao Tingyan initially understood what was going on in this world.

This is the ninety-eighth district, also known as the blood clan district, ruled by the vampire archduke. Compared with the chaos and evil in the werewolf area in the 97th district, and the xenophobia in the 96th district's merman district, the blood clan area is generally more free and open, but there is one point, the characteristics here are related to the blood clan's diet. Ordinary people living in the ninety-eighth district donate blood voluntarily every year, and many poor people choose to sell blood if they can't live, and ordinary people will be asked to pay with blood if they can't get a loan here, or if they commit a serious crime .

Liao Tingyan: This is the real blood debt.

As for Liao Tingyan, she owes too much, which belongs to the most serious situation. Now she almost belongs to the private property of the blood clan, and she will be sent to the blood bank. The rest of her life is probably in that cage-like blood bank. Every day, blood is drawn to supply the vast number of vampire friends, and finally they become human and die. Usually, she can live for up to three years after entering the blood bank.

If Liao Tingyan wasn't afraid of pain and couldn't commit suicide, she would have chosen to die quickly.

Before she died, though, she wanted to see what the legendary vampire looked like. She came from the scientific world, and she has never seen the magical creatures in the fantasy world!

Before she saw the vampire, she first saw the blood bank where she would live in the future... How to say, a huge group of warehouses surrounded by dense forests, a large group of people wearing the same blue clothes, reminded her of places like livestock farms . She was placed in a "warehouse" with the carload of bereaved siblings, where she took a bath, changed clothes, and then ate.

Everyone didn't seem to have a good appetite. Only Liao Tingyan started to eat it. She didn't expect that there would be steak here. , the drink is milk. After eating for a while, she saw the person next to her looking at her and looked back strangely.

She hasn't eaten for a day, what's wrong with eating something? The dead-faced uncle who divided the meal looked at her bare plate, gave her another piece of roast pork liver, and refilled her with a glass of milk.

After she was full, she felt a little sleepy. Everyone was assigned to a cubicle. Liao Tingyan loosened the white sheets and quilts, and after making sure there was no odor, she lay down and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, someone pushed her awake, Liao Tingyan opened her eyes and saw that there were three people, one with a blood collection device, the other with dozens of tubes of blood, and the other with gold-rimmed glasses. A middle-aged man with the appearance of a deacon, standing outside watching like a supervisor.

Liao Tingyan saw that he had red eyes and slightly pointed ears.

Ah... is this a vampire? It doesn't look like anything special.

The brother who took the blood also had a dead face with no expression. He didn't say a word to her. He pulled her wrist, took a small tube of blood, and left quickly. Liao Tingyan pulled down his sleeves, turned over and continued to sleep.

If she died, she might go back to her original world and continue to work overtime, so she took advantage of this gap to make up for her sleep first, at least to relax her mind. She was too tired to work overtime before, and she changed the design plan. She almost died on the spot.

"Mr. Conan, this batch of new blood has been collected."

"Well, I smelled a few bloods that were not bad, but they died after being pumped a few times."

"Yes, sir!"

The middle-aged man who looked like a deacon took this batch of new blood and boarded a plane painted with a red rose badge. After a twenty-minute flight, they flew over the high mountain next to it and reached the Rose Manor on the other side of the mountain. Rose Manor is the manor of the ruler of the ninety-eighth district and the Grand Duke of the blood clan.

The blood bank across the mountain from the Rose Manor is the largest blood bank in the 98th District. There are some blood food that has been screened and the quality is above average. It is also called the back garden of Rose Manor.

In the strict ninety-eighth district, the only grand duke of the blood clan has all the blood-sucking rights in the territory, and the best quality blood in the blood bank belongs to him alone, so every time there is new blood in the blood bank, it will be sent to the same person. In front of the grand duke, let him choose... However, the grand duke of the blood race suffers from anemia and has not drank blood for many years, so this one has now become a formality.

The deacon in the inner garden of Rose Manor took over this batch of new blood. He took a sip and felt that the blood this time was slightly better than the last time. Just like humans are obsessed with fine wine, their blood clan has also been pursuing more delicious food all their lives. blood. According to his previous habit, he walked through the dark corridor, the spiraling underground stairs, and the tall gate of thorns.

In the depths of the ground, the Grand Duke of the Blood Race was in that dark wooden coffin.

"Grand Duke, this batch of new blood has been delivered." The deacon respectfully presented the blood samples with attractive breath, and counted them silently in his heart. He usually counts to ten seconds, and then the Grand Duke has no response, and then he can withdraw and let the other high-ranking blood clans choose one by one.

When he counted to five, he suddenly heard a slight movement. He couldn't restrain his horror, and turned his eyes to find that the Grand Duke had moved.

Pale hands rested on the edge of the pitch-black coffin, and a slender figure sat up from it, and the long black hair that seemed to be alive with water flowed as he got up.

The deacon was horrified and trembled unconsciously. He felt the suppressing power of his bloodline, his back became more and more curved, and he did not dare to look directly at the Grand Duke.

The figure was wrapped in black, like a shadow swept over silently, the deacon clearly saw that the white to transparent hand picked up a tube of bright red blood.

Deacon: "!" Grand Duke, Grand Duke actually has blood that he is willing to try

For so many years, the archduke who suffers from anemia, let alone the blood of ordinary humans, is the blood of those high-ranking vampires next to him in the vampire clan. Heartbroken for it.

The deacon was excited and looked up unconsciously - he saw a handsome and pale face, the archduke raised his head slightly, revealing the neck wrapped in the black shirt, he tasted the blood, the Adam's apple rolled, the bright red Lips are brighter.

Liao Tingyan ate the second meal of the blood bank, which had the same configuration as the previous meal. She thought while eating, wouldn't she eat this every day from now on? No matter how delicious it is, it is easy to get tired of eating it every day. But she thought about it, those farms generally only give animals the same kind of food, okay, it seems that it is impossible to want three meals a day with different meals.

She decided that if she still eats this in two days, she will ask the uncle who is in charge of the meal if he can change the feed... No, change the taste of the food.

She found that she was in a good mood compared to her other desperate friends. Maybe it's because she's used to it. When she was in her own world, she often felt that she was a cow, working diligently and working hard. When she came here, she was more like a pig, eating and waiting to die. It's hard to say which one. more unacceptable.

Unfortunately, before she had eaten here for three days, a plane flew over in a hurry that day, dozens of armed men and a dozen young ladies dressed as maids, led by three red-eyed deacons, rushed into her. In the small cubicle, she was transported on the plane.

Liao Tingyan: "???"

She was alone among a group of people who couldn't tell whether she was a human or a vampire, and she felt as if she had become fragile, because they were carrying her whole, and the deacon kept telling them seriously Handle it gently, being careful not to force the wound or anything.

She looked down from the wide-open door of the plane and saw wet fir trees shrouded in clouds and mist below, the sky was dark and the wind was howling.

So these people are definitely vampires! Is it something that people can do to open the cabin door and blow the cold air on a plane

She was shivering from the cold, and when she got off the plane, she was carried into a dark and lifeless manor in the posture of carrying an antique vase, and then she was taken over by another group of maids and sisters, who was wiped with water and cleaned with clean water. The products are marinated and delicious... Liao Tingyan seemed to hear the Chinese BGM on the tip of his tongue, which is the kind of BGM that is put when starting to cook the ingredients.

Are you going to eat me up? She tried to talk to the girls, but they ignored her.

Liao Tingyan: "I think I can wash my butt by myself."

Still no one pays attention to her.

When she was being slapped, she suddenly remembered that she used to wash her dog with her roommate. The big dog had struggled like this, maybe he had made such a cry, but she ignored it and brushed hard, probably Just retribution. Those who wash people are always being washed.

She was washed brightly by a group of young ladies, put on a thin silk nightdress, and was carried by these cold and violent maids to a room with a thick carpet.

They withdrew respectfully and silently, leaving Liao Tingyan standing barefoot in the empty room.

There was only one big bed in the room, with dark red curtains hanging at the four corners. It was very dark in the room, probably because the curtains were too thick and hung down. The dark red curtains and the dark patterns made the room look very weird.

But Liao Tingyan couldn't feel anything, she only felt that she was really cold to death. No one here was afraid of cold, and she didn't seem to think that others would be afraid of cold. Looking around and seeing that no one was coming, Liao Tingyan went straight to the big bed in the middle, pulled the quilt and lay in.

There is no way, only this big bed in this room has a quilt to keep warm.

She finally recovered, let out a long sigh, and after her eyes adjusted to the surrounding environment, she realized that there was actually another person in the room.

The man was sitting on a high-backed sofa in the corner, unable to see clearly, only a pair of red eyes stared at her in the dark.

Liao Tingyan: "Hey—" What a horrible ghost story.

She picked up the quilt and covered her head, just like she didn't dare to sleep after watching a horror movie when she was a child.

The room was quiet, Liao Tingyan thought to himself in the quilt, I must be dazzled, why didn't he respond to that vampire just now? Thinking like this, she quietly exposed her head and saw the pair of red eyes that were close at hand.

Getting too close, Liao Tingyan finally saw clearly what this vampire looked like—it looked like a Snow White.

Snow-white skin, ebony-like hair and eyes, red lips.

She looked at it, and suddenly felt unreasonably that her heartbeat was super fast.

His fingers were cold, his lips were cold, he didn't breathe, but the breath in his mouth seemed to contain cold frost. She was strangled by the throat, this vampire who she didn't know the name and identity was close to her, the tip of her nose and lips hovered around her neck, she couldn't move, her head was raised, and then, he buried his head on the side of her neck, snapped down—

It didn't hurt, just a little itchy, and Liao Tingyan was in a trance for a while. She only felt as if she had plunged into the snow in the pine forest. She could smell the coolness of the snow in her nose, and the cold fragrance of the pine trees, which was light and cold. , like a pine forest at night, the biting cold is mixed with a little night's tranquility.

She lost her mind for a long time, and when she regained her senses, she found that she was holding the vampire's head, her hands tightly grasping his hair behind his head, and he had stopped sucking blood and was still leaning against her neck, through the thin A layer of skin, gently sniffing the warm blood smell inside.

Liao Tingyan: "..." Uh, his hair is really good.

Snow White with excellent hair is the Grand Duke of the Blood Race, the owner of the Rose Manor, the ruler of the Ninety-Eighth District, and the man at the apex of the bloodline of the Blood Race.

He was always wearing a black shirt and trousers and a robe, and he came and went silently.

Inexplicably, she slept in that bed for a day, and when she woke up, her treatment changed again. A group of deacons and maids looked at her with complicated eyes, envy, jealousy, and awe. Liao Tingyan couldn't decode it.

She was not sent back to the blood bank, but it was said that she was favored by the Grand Duke and became his exclusive blood donor. The anorexic grand duke finally found food, and Liao Tingyan, a precious ration, received top-notch care. However, vampires really don't know how to take care of humans. They lack understanding of human beings. For example, they are too single when it comes to eating. Liao Tingyan doubts that if he eats like this for a long time, he will become constipated, so he asks to improve his meals.

"We are the descendants of the Grand Duke! We are the highest-ranking branch of the blood clan! We have lived here for generations and are the most loyal servants of the Grand Duke. We only serve him!" The little brothers and sisters were very proud and refused her request. .

Liao Tingyan: All right.

In the evening when Snow White came to her, Liao Tingyan tried to blow the wind on the pillow, "I want to eat some other food, just some snacks, is it okay?"

As the saying goes, a man who is full is best to talk. Snow White hugged her and hummed lazily, a little drunk in her voice, as if she was drunk.

Liao Tingyan was hugged by his neck and licked for a long time. Seeing how much he cherished what he drank, he almost made a small mouth to lick it for a while. He felt that it was too miserable for this brother to have been hungry for so many years. I ate it all at once.

Since she was that food, I wouldn't advise him to eat more.

The Grand Duke said a word, and Liao Tingyan saw a line of cooks coming to the manor the next day. They specially cooked for her. There were three meals a day plus afternoon tea and supper. She could also order dishes and menus. It is very thick and can only be spread out on the table. The food in each district has detailed descriptions and illustrations. Unbelievable, they even prepared Roujiamo and Mala Tang.

It's too humid and cold here. It's gloomy and no sunshine all the year round. Liao Tingyan can't stand the cold, so he asked the little brothers and sisters to discuss, "Can I get electricity here? Install an air conditioner or floor heating or something, it's too cold, I It's still cold in a lot of clothes."

They looked at her weirdly and almost screamed, "Where do you think this is! This is the ancient and mysterious Rose Garden! It's been like this for thousands of years!"

Liao Tingyan: "Then I and Bai Xue... and the Grand Duke?"

She saw "This shameless little goblin only knows that it's too abhorrent to act like a spoiled brat" on their faces, and then reluctantly built a fireplace for her to keep her warm.

Liao Tingyan: But I still really want electricity.

This group of people likes gloomy days and dim light, but she feels that if she spends a period of time here, her eyes will be nearsighted. This lighting environment is really bad.

So she secretly told Grand Duke Bai Xue again.

"Well, the electric light?" His voice was lazy, magnetic, and it tickles the ears.

"Yeah, have you seen the electric light? It's very bright, and there is an air conditioner. I think it's better to install a floor heater in the room, and I can walk barefoot. If there is floor heating, I don't need to wear such thick clothes here. ."

Hearing her say not to wear such thick clothes, the eldest duke, who was lying lazily beside him like a black cat, nodded, "Well, not bad." He couldn't smell her if it was too tightly wrapped.

Soon a construction team came over to install electricity, and a group of vampires looked at Liao Tingyan as if she had killed their parents and tarnished their innocence, but they could only bear the humiliation.

"You really dare! How can the Grand Duke, the Grand Duke condone you so much!"

Liao Tingyan didn't know either, but from the first time they met, the man had treated her very well, and he would nod his head for anything, which made her feel embarrassed. After all, her parents were not so used to her.

As we all know, human beings are greedy. Once they have one thing, they want to continue to ask for more. So after the installation of electricity in this Rose Manor, the network is covered. Liao Tingyan's room can be opened with heavy curtains and bright lights. Lamp, she can slump on the thick lazy sofa and hold a tablet to watch online dramas.

"I really want to drink milk tea."

Milk tea is delivered.

She drank a big cup of happy healthy milk tea before going to bed, the man hugged her and licked her neck, tasted a little blood, and said, "It's a little sweet."

Liao Tingyan: "Oh, then I won't add so much sugar to the milk tea next time."

"You can choose what you like."

Liao Tingyan touched his hair, "Then I'll drink some Coke next time, and let you taste the taste of Happy Fat House Water."

The man just laughed and sucked her scent deeply, greedily and obsessively. Sometimes Liao Tingyan felt that he was too good to her.

He may be reluctant to drink too much blood, but he is not satisfied. After licking his neck, he often starts licking other places, such as lips. After hugging and kissing this man for the first time, this kind of thing seemed to be taken for granted. Later, he even preferred to kiss her lips directly, and then bite her lips and lick the blood on it when he was entangled.

At first he just came at night and held her for a while.

Later, he would also appear during the day. When she was paralyzed and laughing, he sat deeply on a high-backed chair three meters away, staring at her with those red eyes. Bright, with shadows only in the corner where he sat. It looks pitiful, and wants to be occupied by the little kitten who has to observe secretly in the corner.

There is a large open space in the manor, and Liao Tingyan's room is facing the open space.

"There used to be a lot of red roses planted there, and that's how the name Rose Manor came from." The housekeeper who stayed in the manor for the longest time said, "But I've never seen the roses blooming in Rose Manor last time."

That night, the Grand Duke suddenly said to her, "Want to see roses?"

Liao Tingyan's eyes lit up, "Think!" Apart from the tall cedar trees, there are few other plants around here. It would be great if there were flowers in the garden!

She said that she thought that all the open spaces in the manor were planted with red roses, and when they bloomed, the bright red flowers were connected into pieces, and the fragrant flower fragrance filled the night, and the dreams of people were fragrant.

Liao Tingyan had a dream in the fragrance of roses. She dreamed that she had become a woman many years ago. She also lived in this manor. She said to the man in the dream: "These red roses can make Food?" Then she walked with him by the wall of red roses and kissed his red eyes.

The dream is continuous, in addition to this one, there is another, in that dream, she becomes another woman, but the time seems to be earlier, she always thinks that it is difficult to live without the Internet, the variety of food Very few, the Grand Duke asked her what the Internet was, and what she wanted to eat... Red Rose opened twice in her dreams.

Liao Tingyan ate a lot of food made of rose flowers, what kind of flower cake and flower camellia cake. The whole person she ate was full of rose flowers, and the man seemed to be a little bit unbearable. He hit her when he got close to her neck that night. A sneeze, Liao Tingyan laughed alive until midnight.

Slowly, all the vampires in the manor knew that the Grand Duke was bewitched by a human woman and obeyed her. A vampire who was dissatisfied with this tried to deal with Liao Tingyan, but was torn to pieces by the Grand Duke. The brutal scene made Liao Tingyan live more leisurely here, because no one dared to provoke her.

Later, she was too weak, and when she was about to die, she saw the man sitting in front of her and the large roses outside the window behind him.

"How did you recognize me?" she murmured.

"I'll recognize it," he said, leaning over and sucking the blood from her body.

The roses outside had withered overnight. The Grand Duke, holding the corpse that had lost all blood, walked along the gate of thorns in the promenade, and walked into the dark underground again.

Rose Manor has returned to silence again.

"I know, you will come back again." Maybe after a long time, but it will come back eventually.

(End of vampire stories)