Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 85: Extra four campuses


Liao Tingyan has a boyfriend, Sima Jiao from the second and first class of high school, but this relationship is unknown, it is a secret underground relationship.

Her boyfriend, Sima Jiao, is a big guy who surpasses many school bullies. He was legendary in the junior high school, and he is also famous in the high school. Speaking of school bullies, he is not like the class 9 who smoked and drank and caused trouble. He was a frequent visitor on the criticism list, but he was even more daunting than those so-called school bullies, and he retreated three feet.

Liao Tingyan is in Class 2 and 5 of Senior High School, which is not in the same building as Class 1. It is a U-shaped teaching building. Class 1 is on the left and Class 5 is on the right.

Liao Tingyan didn't see her secret boyfriend often at school. She saw her more often when she was at home during the holidays. Anyway, she often stayed with Sima Jiao for a whole day. Except sleeping at night, she had three meals a day with him—she I went in the name of studying, and the food on my boyfriend's side was so good that it was irresistible.

I don't know if it was because the food for nearly a year was so good, or because Sima Jiao's irritable cramming teaching method really worked, Liao Tingyan's grades improved a lot after his second year in high school. The teacher talked to her and wanted to transfer her to a class.

In view of the fact that this kind of operation was rare in the past, Liao Tingyan felt that it was very likely that Sima Jiao did it.

The boss is rich, powerful, and powerful. It is very simple to do this kind of thing, just choose a suitable time and reason. Liao Tingyan thought to himself, this is really hard for him.

Liao Tingyan is different from Sima Jiao, her family is ordinary, her grades are ordinary before she falls in love with the boss, her popularity is average, she belongs to the middle-class students in the class, even after graduation, the classmates have a high probability of forgetting her. The kind of classmate whose name is very unobtrusive.

She was suddenly transferred to the first class. Except for her deskmate and the front and rear tables, most of the others in the class were curious, wondering how her grades improved so quickly.

Liao Tingyan: ... because of love.

The first class is a key class, and the students in the class are all top-notch. Probably because of this reason, the class is always silent, and everyone speaks very quietly. After passing by and taking a few glances, I found that even during recess, it is much quieter than other classes.

However, when she really entered the first class, she realized that something was wrong. The students in the first class were lifeless, different from the relaxed class of the fifth class, and different from the release of the ninth class.

The first is to arrange seats. After the head teacher asked who would like to be at the same table with her, there was a long silence in the classroom, no one uttered a word.

Liao Tingyan: "..." Wow, is the Xueba class so cold

Liao Tingyan saw the window with the best light in the classroom, her boyfriend seemed to be sleeping there, and the space beside him was empty, so she found a step and went down, "Teacher, there is a space over there, I Sit over there."

As soon as these words came out, almost the whole class couldn't help but look up at her, their eyes were so complicated and strange that Liao Tingyan wondered if they knew that they were in a relationship with the boss.

"Teacher, let her sit on my side." A girl suddenly said.

Liao Tingyan glanced at her boyfriend who seemed to be asleep again, "Okay."

She sat next to the girl named Xiao Yu, and heard her new deskmate lowered her voice and warned her: "When you come to our class, be careful not to provoke him or disturb him."

Liao Tingyan: "He?" Not my boyfriend, right

Xiao Yu: "You used to be in class five, don't you know him?" She picked up a pen and wrote three words on the paper.

Liao Tingyan took a look and saw that "Sima Jiao" was indeed her boyfriend's name.

The girl at her front table also came over and pouted: "You are so bold, you want to sit at the same table with that person, when he wakes up and sees you, he will probably throw you out and provoke him, don't think about it One class is waiting."

Xiao Yu: "If you want to stay in the class for a long time, the most important thing is to be quiet. Don't be noisy when he sleeps, otherwise there will be an accident."

The seriousness of what they said made Liao Tingyan feel a little empty for a while. That, is she really talking about her boyfriend? To be honest, she had been in love with the boss for half a year, and she always thought that he had a good temper and was not a school bully at all. Didn't she expect a class of classmates to be so afraid of him

"What's wrong with him?" she asked in a low voice cooperatively.

Xiao Yu glanced at her, didn't speak, found a small note and wrote it to her, Liao Tingyan saw it read: It is said that someone quarreled in front of him before, and he was pinched by his neck and dropped on the third floor, his legs were all broken. Broken.

Liao Tingyan: The authenticity of such campus legends is generally unbelievable, right? perhaps.

After she finished reading, Xiao Yu took the note back and shredded it and put it in the garbage bag.

Liao Tingyan: Too exaggerated, is Sima Jiao some kind of sleeping dragon? need to be treated so carefully.

"Why do you think we are usually so quiet and don't say much when we talk? It's not because he is here. If we disturb him, he will lose his temper."

Liao Tingyan found out that her new classmates were neither xenophobic nor against her, they just frightened the sleeping dragon in the room. She also finally understood why every time she passed by a group of them, they were quiet. It turned out that it was not the stubbornness of the school tyrants, but the desire to survive.

Who would have thought that the students in the first class looked bright and beautiful, and the living environment was so bad. As a family member of the dragon, she was even a little ashamed.

After two classes quietly, Liao Tingyan and the new tablemates were not bad, including the girl at the front desk who always spoke with a bit of sarcasm, and the fat boy with glasses at the back table, especially at the same table, she was excellent at math. Well, Liao Tingyan won't ask her a question, and got a detailed and patient answer.

She remembered the way the dragon roared when Sima Jiao taught her, and she felt that the young lady was really awesome!

During the second class break, Big Sima propped up his head from the desk. Almost the moment he raised his head silently, the classroom became unusually quiet. Just as Liao Tingyan turned to look, she was dragged by the same table, and she said lowly and hastily, "Don't look!"

The frightened Liao Tingyan subconsciously looked down at the textbook like them, as quiet as a chicken.

Liao Tingyan: "..." No, why should I be afraid? I dared to throw pillows at my boyfriend's house, tug at his hair, and sleep on his back!

Sima Jiao seemed to be unable to sleep well, and walked out of the silent classroom in a state of irritability. A minute after he left the classroom, the entire classroom was full of turmoil, and everyone's voice finally returned to normal volume.

Liao Tingyan was taken aback by the contrast, but she was used to it at the same table: "Just wait until you get used to it, our class is normal."

That's really hard work for you, really.

Sima Jiao didn't come back in the third class. Before the fourth class, he walked into the classroom and came straight to Liao Tingyan's side. Liao Tingyan was doing a math problem when she noticed that the surroundings were suddenly quiet. When she looked up, she saw her boyfriend's expressionless little white face.

Sima Jiao: "Why are you here?"

Liao Tingyan: "I've already taken three classes here." You still pretend that you didn't make me transfer to class one

Sima Jiao frowned. He probably hadn't slept well last night, and there were bloodshot eyes in his eyes. He always couldn't sleep well, so his expression often seemed impatient.

Sima Jiao rubbed his forehead and began to collect the book on her desk.

Liao Tingyan heard his roommate and the front and back tables were breathing softly, and the back table even dragged the table in fright, making a noise.

Sima Jiao ignored this, walked towards him with her book, and threw her book on the empty table next to him. Liao Tingyan was not at all surprised that such a thing would happen, and walked over with the only pencil case left on the table, and smiled awkwardly at the stunned tablemate before leaving.

Oops, looks like it's about to be revealed.

Sima Jiao's table is very spacious, and his front and back tables have consciously reserved the maximum position for him.

Liao Tingyan felt that the eyes of the class 1 classmates seemed to be hanging on her body. She rubbed the rubber uncomfortably, and rubbed a bunch of debris out. After three minutes, Sima Jiao looked up and looked around, "What are you looking at?"

Everyone quickly bowed their heads.

Liao Tingyan threw away the eraser and squeezed his hand under the desk! Boss! You really look like a big villain who oppresses people!

The classmates of the second and first class of high school discovered a secret. The big guy in their class seemed to be in love with his new classmate.

To this end, they set up a special group. Except for Sima Jiao and Liao Tingyan, the remaining thirty-eight people in the class were in the group.

"I saw the boss took out a bottle of milk from the desk, inserted a straw, and put it on Liao Tingyan's table!!! Liao Tingyan even took it and drank it!!"

"When did the boss let things like milk go on his desk? I always suspected that there were dangerous items like knives or guns on his desk?!"

After a while, someone posted in the group, "Did Liao Tingyan touch the big guy's hair just now?"

"It seems, I saw it too."

"Oops, the boss woke her up."

"The boss took a look at her."

"Then nothing happened, the boss lay down and went back to sleep."

"Nothing happened??? I thought the new classmate was going to be beaten!"

"I just said they were definitely in a relationship, even the big guy wouldn't... Uh, can he really beat his girlfriend?"

"I'm not sure if it's a girlfriend, maybe it's his sister!"

Thirty-eight classmates observed secretly, and whenever there was a disturbance, a group of marmots screamed in the group, and the little movements that Liao Tingyan thought would not be detected were magnified by the microscope and exploded in the group.

During self-study in the evening, a group of people in class 1 study seriously on the surface, but secretly send notes frequently, and people in the group often swipe the screen.

Generally speaking, bosses rarely come to study at night, but today, he came, although he still slept there.

"She took out her earphones to listen to the song, and put a pair of earphones in the big guy's ear."

"Courage is commendable... The boss can endure this? Isn't he annoying when he makes a sound?"

"Tell me, is this a fake boss, is he pretending to be someone else? It's been a year, and I've never seen him with such a good temper!"

After a few days of bombings in the group of the first class of the second year of high school, it slowly regained its calm, but there are still people talking about the two from time to time. Since the day Liao Tingyan was transferred to their class, it seemed as if they had entered a new historical era. The classroom they had been silent for a whole year suddenly came to life.

In the beginning, Liao Tingyan was talking to the people next to her. She didn't deliberately lower her voice. Because of her leadership, everyone unknowingly stopped talking in a lower voice. Occasionally, there was a loud noise and the voice was too loud, which disturbed that person. Evil dragon boss, her tablemates will be responsible for appeasing.

For the first time, she found her holding the big guy's hand under the table and dangling it to appease him, and everyone was going crazy.

"The big guy's girlfriend can really do whatever he wants."

"I think she can have an honorable title, called the Brave, the Brave Dragon Quest."

"No, it's more appropriate to use a dragon knight."

"Fuck, Fatty, your thoughts are too filthy!"

"I think both of you have dirty minds."

When the first month's monthly test results came out, Liao Tingyan was unsurprisingly ranked last in the class. She herself had expected it for a long time. She was lying on the table with her report card. She used to have average grades. Although she was taught by her boyfriend for half a year, it was still a little difficult to rank at the top of the Xueba class.

"What are you doing with this expression, you didn't do well in the test, I didn't teach it well, what does it have to do with you." Sima Jiao squeezed the back of her neck, pulled her up, and said it as a matter of course.

Liao Tingyan looked at the classmates next to her, and found that they were all digging in the questions, as if they hadn't heard her boyfriend's words. She leaned closer to Sima Jiao and whispered, "I'm going to your home to supplement math or English this week? I didn't do well in both."

The classmates sitting in front of them quickly took out their mobile phones and typed in the group under the cover of their textbooks - "I just heard Liao Tingyan say that he will go to the boss's house on weekends!"

"Go home directly?! Do whatever you want, do whatever you want, say goodbye!"

"Hey... Is the big guy's puppy love so blatant? He thought the school was opened by his family... Oh sorry I forgot, it really belongs to his family."

In the afternoon, he was in class, and he was talking about the test papers. The math teacher came up to report the scores and criticized him by name. Liao Tingyan's lowest math score was the first to hit the math teacher's gunfire.

This math teacher is relatively young and has just graduated not long ago. It is said that he has a high degree of education and is a relative of the school leader's family. She has taught a class for a year, and her stern image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. She especially likes to insult students. The entire class, except Sima Jiao, scolded her severely. The score was lower than before, and she was wrong about the questions she had taught. , I said something in class. When she is in a bad mood, even if she is fine, she will sneer and sneer in class first. A girl who was transferred from the previous class just couldn't stand her scolding and changed classes crying.

Like Sima Jiao, she belongs to one of the two major psychological shadows of a class of students.

"Do you know how much the average score of the first class you dragged? How did you get to the first class? Let me tell you, it's best to go back when you came here. Look at what you took in the test, you What kind of math does this brain learn, or you will go back to primary school again?"

Liao Tingyan went up to get the test paper, and was ridiculed by the teacher, and the test paper was thrown directly at her feet.

She bent over to pick it up, and when she heard a loud noise behind her, Sima Jiao kicked over the table.

The next scene is called the most chaotic moment of the class. The irritable boss suddenly went into a frenzy. First, he stepped onto the podium and kicked the podium over, and then smashed all the test papers on the screaming math teacher, pointing at the classroom door. let her go.

The math teacher felt embarrassed, and screamed sternly: "That's how you talk to the teacher!"

Sima Jiao was too lazy to talk to her, he wanted to kick someone when he stepped forward, but was hugged by Liao Tingyan and dragged back: "Calm down, let's not hit people!"

His appearance was so scary, not to mention that the classmates below did not dare to stop him, even the math teacher was so frightened that his face turned pale. The only one who dared to approach the boss and was kicked out without him was Liao Tingyan. She was alone and alone, and she used all her strength to stop Sima Jiao from doing it.

But Sima Jiao didn't want to forget it, dragged her oil bottle, and kicked the table hard, "I told you to get out, you don't have to be this teacher anymore, go back and tell your uncle, your uncle doesn't need to continue. stay at school."

The math teacher's expression changed drastically, looking at him, the famous demon king, and seeing that no one in the entire class stood up to speak for her, and ran away crying angrily. Under the gazes of the classmates, Liao Tingyan hugged Sima Jiao's waist with a headache, dragged him away from the classroom, and went all the way downstairs.

The classroom was quiet for a while, and the remaining classmates looked at each other.

"Uh, where did the boss and the dragon knight exit?"

"I think, maybe it shouldn't be called the Dragon Knight. Was that the legendary 'Raging for the Crown and a Rage'? Otherwise, it's called King Zhou and Concubine Yang, right?"

"These two are not a pair, so shut up!"

"No, where did they go?"

"It seems to be a grove below." The classmates who were leaning on the window to look at it reported, "I think I saw them kissing!"

"Where is it! Let me take a look too!"

"Wow, is this smoothing?"

"Dog food, I'm a little overwhelmed."

The next day, the head teacher announced that their math teacher had been replaced by an old teacher with more than 20 years of teaching experience. He gave meticulous lectures. Although he was also a bit harsh, he did not like to curse.

When announcing the change of teacher, all the classmates stood up and applauded. Liao Tingyan found that everyone was looking at him, and his gratitude was beyond words.

Liao Tingyan: "..." I didn't do anything.

Sima Jiao frowned and raised his head amid the noise, and was immediately pushed back by Liao Tingyan, "You sleep, you sleep."

They run every morning. For Liao Tingyan, this is more annoying than math class. She runs very slowly and can breathe for a long time after one lap. Dead fish don't even want to move.

Sima Jiao never came to the class to run before, but when Liao Tingyan came, he also came, he didn't run in the queue, just next to Liao Tingyan, Liao Tingyan ran, he used the length of his legs to walk directly, While walking, he mocked his slow girlfriend, "You are slower than that lazy tortoise crawling."

Liao Tingyan: "I don't allow you to insult Turtle, Turtle is much faster than me."

The classmates who looked at the nose and the heart later learned that the turtle was a pet snake raised by the boss, and Liao Tingyan mentioned it as if he was talking about his son.

Although Sima Jiao would hit her inhumanly while she was running, Liao Tingyan was not angry with him at all. After running, she was too tired. On the ground, "I'm so tired."

She's probably acting like a spoiled child. Anyway, every time she does this, the boss will pick her up. It's not romantic at all, it's like holding a child. The girls in the first class whispered secretly, the boss is too straight, why not hold the princess!

Occasionally, the two would escape the morning exercise. The students who originally escaped the morning exercise would gather behind the grove to hide, but since the boss also took Liao Tingyan there, that place has become their exclusive place to hide from the exercise. When someone passed by, they saw the boss sitting by the wall and brushing his mobile phone. Liao Tingyan grabbed his hand and lay in his arms to rest. He was covered with the boss's school uniform, and the two stayed together quietly.

"You know, the boss will buy breakfast for his girlfriend."

"Impossible? I feel that if the boss doesn't eat, he doesn't go to the small shop, right?"

"I saw it today. He bought breakfast and a bunch of snacks. He definitely won't eat these himself. Of course, it's for his girlfriend."

Liao Tingyan tore a piece of chewing gum and chewed it, and found that the front table was staring at the chewing gum in her hand. She handed one over, "Do you want to eat?"

The front table trembled and took a piece of chewing gum, and frantically sent a message in the group: "Ah ah ah! I ate the snacks that the boss bought for his girlfriend!"

"Wow, I'm so envious, I want it too! The boss bought it, and I can keep it!"

"What a shame! Why didn't I sit next to my girlfriend!"

After a series of titles such as Brave, Dragon Knight, and Concubine Yang, everyone silently began to call Liao Tingyan their girlfriend.

Liao Tingyan noticed the gazes from all directions, and thought to herself, she really shouldn't eat snacks in the classroom. The eyes of all the classmates were so hot, she silently put the snacks back on the desk, forget it, restrain herself.

She looked at the exercise book in her hand, pouted for a long time and didn't calculate it, silently stuffed the paper and pen beside her. Sima Jiao was woken up by her, took the pen and paper, and threw it back to her.

Liao Tingyan: "Did I copy it?"

Sima Jiao: "Copy, and copy the exam as I did."

Liao Tingyan couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic: "Then I'll write it myself."

Sima Jiao: "I asked you to copy mine during the exam."

Liao Tingyan lowered her voice, "I'm so embarrassed... Don't say it so loudly! I was heard!"

Sima Jiao: "Hey."

The English practice papers are due in the evening, and Liao Tingyan still has two more to finish.

Liao Tingyan: "Help! Help me!"

Sima Jiao: "What to pay, not to pay."

Liao Tingyan: "I can't finish it! Jiao! Please provoke me!"

Sima Jiao made a noise for her, pulled her remaining two English papers, and took a pen to tick the options. His speed was very fast, and he finished it with a glance. Almost broke him.

Liao Tingyan: "You can't choose randomly!"

Sima Jiao: "You thought I was you."

Later, the test paper was sent out, and it turned out that one was correct.

The only thing in the class that was completely right was Liao Tingyan - Sima Jiao himself didn't write it at all.

Students who know the inside story: "Damn so envious!"

Gradually, the first class of classmates became accustomed to the way the boss is easy-going and obedient in front of his girlfriend. Compared with before, although he looked like a tiger, he used to be a tiger that really eats people. Now It's a paper tiger, and it's a little weird to think about the contrast.

"The boss just talked to me."

"Ah? He took the initiative to talk to you? What did he say?!"

"He took my hot water bottle."

"Oh, I see, it must be for my girlfriend."

When Liao Tingyan came, her aunt had a stomachache and was clattering with a hot water bottle. She glanced at the boyfriend next to her and rubbed over, "I really want to eat red bean ice."

Sima Jiao looked at her, "You want to die?"

Liao Tingyan: "Listen to me, although it's ice, red beans nourish blood..."

Sima Jiao looked at her.

Liao Tingyan: "Okay, then I won't eat it."

It looked very pitiful like that. After ten minutes of class, Sima Jiao looked at Liao Tingyan's drooping eyes, heard her feeble voice, got up and went out. I didn't dare to say it, just pretended I didn't see it. As a result, people went out for a while, and came back with a red bean ice.

In full view, let his tablemate take a bite.

Music teacher: "...Okay, students, let's enjoy a "Wedding March" today."

A class of students silently applauded the music teacher.

Later, when Sima Jiao and Liao Tingyan got married, all the classmates in the first class were invited to the scene. When they listened to the wedding march, they couldn't help but think of the afternoon in high school when there were cicadas and blue sky and white clouds.

"The eyes of the boss looking at his girlfriend are so gentle!" The girls in the front row whispered quietly at the same table as him.

(End of campus short story)

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