Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 9


Big Black Snake's mind was unclear, and he took Liao Tingyan to the boss's room and accidentally saw the boss taking a bath, almost overturning the car, which made Liao Tingyan wonder if the black snake colleague wanted to kill her new colleague with a knife.

But after a few days of observation, she came to the conclusion that the intelligence of this guy and the big baby dog raised by his former roommate were only equal. It unilaterally forgives its black car behavior, and still gives it some bamboo juice when it comes to beg for food.

Everyone knows that snacks at work are to be shared with colleagues.

In just three days, Liao Tingyan has become familiar with this new job. Her colleagues are easy to get along with, and her boss often doesn't show up. Although her work object likes to swear and spit fire, it is easy to solve. In general, she is not dissatisfied. What was dissatisfied was that the road to work was too difficult, and she wanted to die as she climbed the twenty-story stairs.

For three days, Liao Tingyan couldn't stand the stairs, so she had to think of a solution - she moved her bedding to the 22nd floor, and simply lived in the central tower, so that she didn't have to go upstairs and downstairs every day. .

Although she was a little afraid of that ancestor, but this kind of fear can be overcome and used to, and it will not work if she is tired, this can't be overcome.

On the first day of living on the 22nd floor, she was worried that her master would get angry and put herself on the wall as a mural, but the other party didn't care about her at all.

It was a new moon that night, and Liao Tingyan was lying on the bed watching the thin moon outside. The almost completely hidden moon appeared hazy and ambiguous in the clouds.

She arranged a place for herself to live in a corner of this floor, with great lighting and ventilation, as well as a good view. From the initial nervousness, she is now paralyzed in such a relaxed state, she is indifferent to the giant chains outside, and can admire the moon before going to bed. It can be seen that the potential of human beings is unlimited, and the adaptability is also first-class.

There was no wind this night, and even with the window open, she could feel the heat coming in from the window. Liao Tingyan was inexplicably uneasy, so after the time she used to fall asleep, she was still paralyzed there in a daze.

"Today is a new moon." The flame not far away suddenly spoke, and there was excitement in the child's voice, "The first new moon that Sansheng Mountain has seen in five hundred years."

Since this morning, the flame has changed from the swear words and threats in the past, and has become silent. Liao Tingyan watered it and found that the flame was smaller than usual. Now, she was attracted and found that the flame of the flame was even smaller. If the size of the flame is used to compare its state, then its current state must be very poor, but not only is it not afraid, but it is looking forward to listening to the sound .

What does it expect

Liao Tingyan suddenly felt a chill, a cold breath rushed in from outside the door, and then a dark figure appeared at the door. As he walked, the hot air that Liao Tingyan felt just now suddenly cooled down.

Why did the master come here at this time

Liao Tingyan went from a relaxed paralysis to a nervous paralysis, and even held his breath unconsciously. Sima Jiao, who walked in, had a gloomy and stern expression, but his bright red lips were hooked upwards.

Liao Tingyan had actually seen this ancestor appear in the middle of the night before, when the big black snake went to drink the bamboo juice to wake her up, she accidentally looked out the window and saw Sima Jiao twice. At that time, he was also so dark, walking alone on the white jade plain like a wandering soul. He walked down the Sansheng Mountain, stopped at a certain distance, and looked into the distance. The chains that imprisoned the central tower would rattle as he walked down the mountain, and after a while, he would turn around and walk back. The robes rolled up as he walked were like a black cloud.

At this time, Sima Jiao also felt that kind of depression. He walked directly to the flame, stretched out his hand, and picked up the flame.

The crimson flames spread silently all over his body, and then quickly merged into his body.

Looking at this unusual scene, Liao Tingyan slowly picked up the blanket he kicked aside before and covered himself. The air-conditioning is too sufficient, and it is still strangely cold now.

Not knowing if it was because of her actions, Sima Jiao looked at her sharply.

Liao Tingyan: "..." Look at me pretending to be dead Dafa.

A red flame mark appeared on Sima Jiao's forehead, which merged with a flame, still a gloomy temperament, as if raising his hand was about to kill a demon. Liao Tingyan stared at him with a pair of eyes, not daring to move.

Sima Jiao raised his hand.

Picked the flower that was alone in the pool.

Liao Tingyan: "..." That irritable Spark will definitely cry, wait, that pool of clear water is not the tears that Brother Huo Huo cried.

Sima Jiao took the red lotus, approached Liao Tingyan, and finally sat down on her couch.

Liao Tingyan only felt that the red lotus swiped on her face, and a faint fragrance penetrated into the tip of her nose, making her instantly refreshed and refreshed, as if she had drank three boxes of red bull.

"Do you know what this is?"

Sima Jiao, who was sitting on her couch, shook the beautiful red lotus.

Liao Tingyan found out that he had been hit by this man's mantra buff again, and couldn't help but honestly replied: "The red lotus flower."

Sima Jiao: "No, this is Fengshan Blood Congealing Flower."

He asked again, "Do you know what this thing is for?"

Liao Tingyan continued to answer any questions: "I know, a flower has been cultivated for thousands of years."

Sima Jiao casually played with the flower in his hand, "Yes, a petal has been cultivated for thousands of years. However, if I take it without my blood, even if I eat a little bit, it will explode into a blood flower."

Liao Tingyan broke down in a cold sweat. Thanks to the nature of salted fish, she didn't dare to use this thing there. If she used it, it would have turned into blood flowers flying all over the sky.

Sima Jiao looked at her with strange confusion in his eyes, and he asked again, "Do you want to kill me?"

You seem to have asked this question before. Do I look so murderous? Liao Tingyan paralyzed there and made a salted fish sound: "I don't want to."

Sima Jiao suddenly laughed and threw the big red lotus in his hand to her: "Give it to you."

Although it's a baby, I can't fucking use it! Liao Tingyan grabbed the flower, choked up in her heart. Isn't this stupid boss who gave her a box but didn't give her the key

Sima Jiao rested his chin in one hand and suddenly asked her, "Are you scolding me in your heart?"

Liao Tingyan: "Yes."

Ahhh the truth BUFF kills me!

Sima Jiao didn't raise his hand to give her a slap. He didn't know which tendon was wrong, so he laughed when he sat next to her.

Tonight's boss was too much to talk about. Liao Tingyan was frightened. She huddled under the blanket to observe secretly, and asked tremblingly, "You... What's the matter?"

Sima Jiao: "Do you think I'm a good talker today? Guess why I talk so well?"

Liao Tingyan found that the truth BUFF was gone, she thought carefully for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Because I'm dying?" Other than that, she didn't do what he thought.

Sima Jiao smiled strangely: "You guessed it right, really clever."

Liao Tingyan: "..." Oh hoo.

Sima Jiao suddenly raised a hand and waved it into the air. In the whistling wind, someone groaned in the void, not just one person, it seemed like there were several.

Liao Tingyan saw several graceful figures appear out of thin air and landed on the other side of the hall. Liao Tingyan had a little impression of their faces, as if they belonged to a hundred girl group. Are these sisters so sturdy? When she was still shivering in the shadow of her ancestors, they had already refused to accept it and did it.

Although it seems like it is now. Sima Jiao sat on Liao Tingyan's cushioned couch and didn't move, he just waved his hand.

"How come, doesn't it mean that he is the weakest at this time!" A young girl couldn't help saying.

"Don't back off, go up!" The leading girl rushed up with the aura of death. The three people who followed her looked at each other, their eyes were firm, and they drew out their spirit swords.

From Liao Tingyan's point of view, this scene is not tense, because the ancestor sitting next to him is even a little bit wandering, and he is quite bored and rubbing her fingers on her blanket. Liao Tingyan just blinked, and all the girls who were fierce and imposing slammed into one of the hard pillars and vomited several pools of blood.

Liao Tingyan silently covered her eyes with the red lotus flower in her hand.

She heard Sima Jiao say: "I have been trapped here for five hundred years, my cultivation base has been suppressed, and I have been tortured every day. Now this first new moon night is when I am the weakest. There is no chance."

It was the first time that Liao Tingyan felt that this ancestor either had a problem with his brain, or he was so arrogant and owed money to kill him. Just when she was muttering to herself, she suddenly felt a strong murderous aura that forced her out of thin air, making her breathless.

"Uncle, I have offended you." A woman in white appeared in the void, and she seemed to bow to Sima Jiao respectfully.

Liao Tingyan had seen this woman, and she seemed to be one of the 100-member women's group. She remembered that this woman was not very conspicuous, and she was not very senior when she came in. But now she listened to people calling Shizu and Shishu, and she understood that this elder sister in white was really of high rank, and she was actually the same generation as the head. The role of the same generation as the head, how should the cultivation base be more than fit, such a super talented person actually hides his identity and pretends to be a little disciple to sneak in

It seems that it is still to kill the master Sima Jiao, the situation of this group is really complicated.

"Although the uncle is the lifeblood of Gengchen's immortal mansion, but the uncle killed my master. I have to avenge this revenge. When the uncle is killed, I will go and apologize to the head." now.

It's said that you can't use spiritual power here, so you are still playing so exaggerated! Liao Tingyan was forced to bear the pressure because he was too close to Sima Jiao, and was involved in the battlefield innocently, and his heart was broken.

Sima Jiao waved his sleeves, and an invisible wind suddenly emerged from the flat ground, swirling and rolling up, smashing the thousands of sharp swords that stabbed, and shooting countless fragments in all directions.

The elder sister missed a hit, but her eyes glowed brightly, and she said happily, "Sure enough, your cultivation has been greatly damaged!"

The attack became even heavier, but Sima Jiao just sat there and resisted her attacks one by one, always with that half-smile, and somewhat gloomy and world-weary expression. Liao Tingyan was as quiet as a chicken the whole time, and didn't even dare to shout.


The woman in white flew out, thinking that she was seriously injured and could not get up again. At their cultivation level, they can call the wind and call the rain, move mountains and reclaim the sea, but here, in this special place, she is constrained a lot. Compared with her, Sima Jiao will only be restrained more, but she still can't even get close. The woman in white, who fell to one side and vomited blood, looked sad and resentful, full of unwillingness.

"You... In fact, your vitality was not seriously damaged, and you were not affected by the new moon. You deliberately led us to do it." The woman in white said in a hoarse voice, "I thought you didn't find us, but now it seems, You already knew that you did it on purpose. Have pity on me and be a pawn."

"You're wrong, I'm really hurting my vitality. Today is my weakest day. If you want to kill me, it's really a golden opportunity, but..." Sima Jiao smiled: "Even if I'm so weak, you guys are to me. Still too weak."

Liao Tingyan: Ancestor, boss, the corners of your mouth bleed when you said such cool lines.