Official Road

Chapter 10: Surprised by three shots?


Seeing that Liu Yihua seemed to be hesitating, the criminal said nervously: "Boy, I warned you not to play tricks with us! The gun in the elder brother's hand is not a vegetarian! If it weren't for your youth and honesty, I would have Just break your leg with one shot! Throw the weapon out quickly!"

Liu Yihua pretended to be very scared and made up his mind and said: "Brother, think about it... I am an armed policeman, can I not carry a weapon? The leader told me that I must wear a self-defense. But you have also seen that the two elder brothers are now influential men. , Look at the reporters on the TV station over there capturing the news... If I hand over my weapon so quickly, I will be finished. Brother, you can scare me a few words!"

Liu Yihua was stunned to find just now that a girl not far away was carrying a video camera and was shooting, and it turned out to be Cai Suyan! In the empty department store square, only Cai Suyan stood there alone, risking her life!

In an instant, Liu Yihua's heart was filled with an indescribable thing! This "sister" who was so afraid of criminals just now stood up regardless of life and death! The reason why she stood up was because she supported herself!

Criminal A proudly said: "I saw this woman interviewing a long time ago. I can't see her face clearly, but she is probably pretty! "Grandma", "Grandma", I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to be on TV today! By the way, let us scare you ? Haha, you kid is not stupid at all! As long as we threaten you, even if you put down your weapon, your leader won’t be able to say anything. Brother, scare you! Be louder!”

The second child responded, "Yes!"

"Bang" a gunshot... a bullet flew towards Liu Yihua!

"Wow..." The onlookers, public security personnel, and armed police soldiers around the scene were all surprised!

shot? Who fired the shot? Did Liu Yihua shoot the criminals, or did the criminals shoot Liu Yihua

Cai Zhenghua anxiously said: "What's going on?" Now Cai Zhenghua has to care about Liu Yihua, because his daughter Cai Suyan actually carries a camera to care about Liu Yihua. Cai Zhenghua doesn't know what Cai Suyan is thinking, but he knows that Cai Suyan must put Liu Yihua as relatives.

All the public security officers around were also ignorant, and no one could tell what happened to Cai Zhenghua.

Zhao Xiaofeng frowned and said, "It should be fine! If Liu Yihua shot, it is impossible to shoot only one shot! One shot cannot kill two criminals! The other criminal will definitely shoot Liu Yihua, so it is not a single gunshot." .”

Hearing Zhao Xiaofeng's analysis, Cai Zhenghua's brain gradually calmed down, and he said: "It is possible that the criminals deliberately shot to warn us. It seems that there has been a turning point in it. We don't know whether this turning point is good or bad. Only It's up to Liu Yihua to handle it flexibly!"

As soon as the camera turned, everyone didn't know what happened at the scene because of the blind spot just now! Only Cai Suyan, who was filming, saw the whole thing!

After Cai Suyan heard a gunshot, her brain exploded with a bang! I don't know anything in a short time! There is only a subconscious mind shouting: "Brother, you must be safe! I said, I will wait for you to come back!"

The reason why Cai Zhenghua dared to let Cai Suyan take the risk to come in to shoot was because Cai Zhenghua knew that the criminals had no reason to tear their face first! Cai Suyan is a lesbian and does not carry a weapon. Shooting from a long distance will not threaten criminals. If a sniper was in there, the criminals would shoot immediately, or hide in the department store altogether.

It took Cai Suyan a long time to react, she was pleasantly surprised to see Liu Yihua still standing there! Cai Suyan felt ecstatic in her heart!

The next thing she heard was a criminal yelling at the top of his lungs: "Damn it, don't dawdle! Get your weapons out!"

"Criminals want my brother to call out the weapon? What should I do? How can brother carry out the mission without the gun?" Cai Suyan, who was in ecstasy just now, now her heart is in her throat again.

Liu Yihua was really taken aback just now! He never imagined that criminals would scare him like this! A bullet just now hit the ground beside him, stirring up a cloud of dust.

After criminal B yelled, he whispered to Liu Yihua: "How about little brother, big brother is interesting!"

It's strange that now the two criminals suddenly feel that Liu Yihua is a good comrade! Could it be that Liu Yihua has a charm... that kills all men, women and children

Liu Yihua whispered: "Thank you brother, I won't be punished in this way! My parents still want me to be an officer in the army!"

Liu Yihua's expression of gratitude made the criminals feel that they had learned from Lei Feng to do good deeds! Then they watched Liu Yihua slowly take out a pistol from his pants pocket...

Although the two criminals basically relaxed their vigilance towards Liu Yihua, when they saw a pistol appearing in the hands of an armed police soldier, they subconsciously became nervous. The two of them hugged the female hostage tightly with their left hands to block them. On the chest, the pistol in the right hand closely watched Liu Yihua's every move!

Liu Yihua whispered: "Brother, don't worry, I have only been a soldier for a few months, and I haven't fired a rifle a few times, and I don't know how to use a pistol at all!"

The criminal watched Liu Yihua grab the barrel of the pistol, clumsy, and he really didn't know how to play with a pistol at first sight! Seeing Liu Yihua put the pistol on the ground... the criminal laughed at himself: "Damn it, I forgot that you are a new recruit! Only cadres in the army use pistols! If you didn't say it earlier, we would have made a false alarm!"

Liu Yihua smiled apologetically: "Brothers, I have already handed over the pistol. Take this fast food away as soon as possible. I can go back to work quickly."

Criminal A said: "I see you are a coward! I want to leave quickly! Don't worry, my brother is also a man of principle! People who shouldn't be killed will never shoot!"

Criminal B said: "Little brother, just to be safe, kick the pistol away! We won't make it difficult for you, don't kick us. After we get the fast food, you can pick up the pistol from the ground!"

Liu Yihua broke out in cold sweat! Damn, is the last chance lost? Unexpectedly, my series of performances still did not let the criminals completely relax their vigilance... Without guns, even Superman has no way to subdue the criminals! what to do

There is no choice now, if you hesitate a little this time, it will definitely be a disaster! I am absolutely dead!

Before he had time to think about it, Liu Yihua kicked the pistol far away. He knew that if the distance was not enough, the criminals would let him continue. Playing this kind of narrow-mindedness with such a cunning criminal is definitely presumptuous!

Cai Suyan in the distance saw Liu Yihua handing over the pistol and kicking the pistol far away through the long-focus camera... She closed her eyes in pain! Cai Suyan knew that Liu Yihua's mission failed this time! But fortunately, it seems that the criminals treat Liu Yihua relatively well, at least Liu Yihua is likely to return safely! As long as nothing happens to Liu Yihua, thank God! Compared with Liu Yihua's life, Cai Suyan now feels that her father's official position is not important!

Seeing Liu Yihua kicking the pistol away, Criminal B said, "Haha, yes! This is a smart man! Bring the lunch box!"

Just as Liu Yihua bent down to get the lunch box, criminal A suddenly said: "Wait a minute, you handed over the pistol so happily... Do you have another weapon on you? I don't want you to take off your clothes, just jump around a few times on the spot." !"

Liu Yihua is extremely shocked now! Where are these two criminals! These are simply two criminal experts! Psychologist! Criminal Genius! No wonder so many negotiators take turns to be able to "confuse" them!

Liu Yihua pretended to be inexplicable...but still jumped up and down a few times according to the criminal's request! And it's powerful!

Criminal B said: "Brother, you are too careful! This little brother is not easy, you still have to doubt him! See? If he still has a pistol, would he dare to jump around like this without any scruples? Then the pistol might go off!"

Liu Yihua's actions just now proved that he didn't have a pistol with the safety on and the bullets loaded! If so, Liu Yihua's movements would not be so big, and his expression would not be so calm! Even if Liu Yihua still has a pistol with an unsafe or unloaded pistol, so what? By the time Liu Yihua took out his pistol, opened the safety or loaded the bullet...he had been beaten to death dozens of times!

Criminal A said: "Be careful sailing for ten thousand years. Not only did we not find out the whereabouts of the boss this time, but we were surrounded by others. I think the police will agree to our conditions. The longer this matter drags on, The more beneficial it is for us! The public security side can’t stand the pressure!”

Liu Yihua's heart was moved when he heard "inquire about the news of the boss". It seems that the two vicious cases that happened in the past half month may be related!

Criminal A sighed and said, "Little brother, it's hard for you. Bring the fast food." After nearly five hours of confrontation, the criminal was already starving.

Just as Liu Yihua picked up the fast food and was about to stand up, criminal B suddenly said: "Wait a minute, little brother, open all the fast food and eat a little of everything!"

Criminal A smiled and said, "Brother, you can do it! Learn to be careful!"

Criminal B proudly said: "Brother told me to be careful sailing for thousands of years! You still have to make sure that nothing will go wrong! What if there is poison in it?"

Liu Yihua looked at the two criminals now, and felt a sense of prostration!

too talented! Why can't you be so talented

The other party is so thoughtful that it is scary! Originally, the experts planned to put a quick-acting anesthetic in it, but Liu Yihua denied it! No matter how powerful the narcotic "drug" is before the criminals are anesthetized, they all have a chance to kill the hostages! Besides, they have explosives besides pistols!

"Brother, I adore you!"

After Liu Yihua finished speaking, he opened the lunch box...while thinking about countermeasures. Opportunities are created by people. Do you have a chance this time

After understanding Liu Yihua's words, criminal B proudly said: "Little brother, you can worship us. But don't follow the example of big brother to walk on this road of no return! If there is an afterlife, big brother will definitely not do this!"

Liu Yihua smiled... He opened all the lunch boxes and started eating slowly! Don't mention it, this fast food tastes good! Comrade Liu Yihua seems to be more and more addicted to eating!

"Hey... little brother, that's enough! If you continue to eat, what will you eat? Believe you, forgive these police officers who dare not play tricks! I have guns, explosives, and dozens of hostages... what are you afraid of?" Hey, little brother, I think you are really interesting! If it is not inconvenient, you can also come in and play with the two beauties here! They are really beautiful!"

Liu Yihua gritted his teeth when he heard this! He looked at the two girls who were tied up by clothes in the distance, they were really beautiful!

Criminal A said: "Don't be wordy, eat quickly! If you are full, you will have strength, and you have to fuck 7 or 8 beauties! Otherwise, it won't be worth it if you die!"

Now the two criminals have forgotten any danger, and urged Liu Yihua to deliver the fast food as soon as possible!

Liu Yihua was hurriedly urged, he stacked 4 lunch boxes and 2 soup so-so, and walked carefully towards the criminals.

The lunch box was very high, as if blocking Liu Yihua's sight, he suddenly slipped his footsteps... his body shook...

Criminal B said: "Hey... little brother, slow down! Don't drop the fast food on the floor!"

Liu Yihua said embarrassedly: "Well, oil and water came out of the lunch box, and my hands are very slippery! I almost threw it away just now."

Criminal A said: "I'm starving to death! Well, be careful! If it falls, you will have to toss for a while! Hey... I told you to be careful!"

At this time, Liu Yihua staggered, and the two soups fell to the ground! Spilled all over the floor! The criminals couldn't help but follow the falling soup... They felt distressed! Angry!

"Damn it!" Criminal B cursed!

"Bang bang..." Two gunshots sounded, Criminal B raised his pistol and quickly put it down again!

Cai Suyan in the distance screamed... her body limply fell down!

Everyone at the scene was shocked again! So far, a total of 3 shots have been fired! Could it be-three shots and a surprise