Official Road

Chapter 111: A real master!


Liu Yihua's shocking performance really confused Li Xiaolong and those Singaporean soldiers! They still don't understand how Liu Yihua did it!

How did he change magazines while maintaining fire? No matter how fast you have to take off the magazine, and then replace it with a new magazine... it always takes time, right? Even a magician... I'm afraid I can't do it without two seconds! But how did Liu Yihua do it? Don't forget, after changing the magazine of the Bayi automatic rifle, you have to pull the bolt to load the bullet! It all takes 12 seconds!

Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan stunned people like Li Xiaolong when Liu Yihua came out... They were very happy!

Among the crowd at the scene, Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan saw clearly Liu Yihua's action of changing the magazine! Because the two of them had nothing to do just now and were watching the monitor of the military media at the scene, they clearly saw a series of dazzling movements of Liu Yihua from the monitor!

Of course Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan didn't know the practical significance of Liu Yihua's action! They just think that Liu Yihua's one-handed magazine change is very chic! Very cool!

Li Shanshan exclaimed: "It turns out that shooting a gun can be so handsome! Sister, do you think Yi Hua is the most handsome man in the world?"

Zhou Huijie stared intently at Liu Yihua and said infatuatedly, "I dare not say this. I just dare to say—Yihua is my favorite man in this world!"

"Me too." Li Shanshan immediately agreed. The two women held each other's hands and continued to be nympho.

Of course, changing magazines with one hand is not just for fanfare as Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan said! But to keep the firepower uninterrupted! This is of great practical significance!

Anyone who has played cs knows how fragile your heart will be when you change the magazine! You've probably been headshot by enemies a few times in that short span of time! Therefore, if a soldier can carry 10 magazines and 300 rounds of ammunition, while maintaining shooting accuracy, he can change the magazine with one hand to maintain uninterrupted firepower... How terrible would such a soldier be

Li Xiaolong thought for a long time, then shook his head and said: "It doesn't make sense! It's impossible! Yihua, tell me how you did it. Otherwise, I will suffocate to death! Also, as you said, this Bayi The automatic rifle is really a good gun!"

Liu Yihua continued to whet his appetite and said, "I've already told you that this is a military secret. Besides, your army is not equipped with such weapons. What's the use of them if you know them?" How could Liu Yihua let go of such a good bargaining opportunity? Liu Yihua will use this gun to completely conquer Li Xiaolong and all the Singaporean soldiers present!

Li Xiaolong stared: "Buy! Can't we buy it?"

Seeing that Li Xiaolong was in a hurry, Li Shanshan said: "Yihua, I don't think this is a military secret, so don't keep it a secret? Tell my brother how to change the magazine!" Now Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan are in a bad mood. It's so cool! Liu Yihua really did honor for them!

Liu Yihua can't be too frightened! Otherwise it is proud! So he said modestly: "It's actually very simple! Just now I used to keep the firepower to change the magazine... It can also be called: changing the magazine with one hand! It is said that this action was first used by our country's soldiers on the Vietnam battlefield. But due to This kind of "operation" will damage the firearms, so according to the formal requirements, such hype is not allowed! It's just that at critical times, the victory of the war and the safety of personnel are more important than firearms. At this time, you can change the ammunition with one hand Box this action."

After Liu Yihua finished speaking, Li Xiaolong said excitedly: "How to operate, can you demonstrate it?"

Liu Yihua smiled and said: "Of course it's no problem! Look carefully!" After Liu Yihua finished speaking, he took the Bayi-type automatic rifle and demonstrated the action in detail... However, this time Liu Yihua had to pull the bolt with his left hand after replacing the new magazine, so that Load and load!

The military media photographer felt that Liu Yihua's current action was different from the one just now! During the pull of the bolt, the firepower will definitely stop for 23 seconds! Just now Liu Yihua didn't pull the breech at all!

Li Xiaolong was obviously aware of this problem, and he said strangely: "Look, your action of pulling the bolt... the firepower will definitely be cut off! But you fired so many bullets just now, and the firepower didn't stop at all. It seems that you Is there any trick you don't want to teach us?"

Liu Yihua smiled wryly and said: "How could it be! This kind of weapon is conventional, and it's not a missile or an atomic bomb. Is it necessary for me to keep it a secret from you? Why don't you think about it yourself if I didn't pull the bolt?"

Li Xiaolong walked a few steps, and suddenly said in surprise: "I know! The reason why you don't pull the bolt is because you change the magazine when each magazine reaches 29 rounds! At this time, there is still a bullet in the chamber! Therefore The gap between the firepower and the pause is extremely small! This... the creativity is really incredible! Yihua, good brother! You are a genius!"

Li Xiaolong not only said this with his mouth... he also admired Liu Yihua and the People's Liberation Army in his heart! It seems that the People's Liberation Army of the mainland is called the best army in the world, which is well deserved!

Hearing Li Xiaolong's praise... Liu Yihua was quite proud. At least he wasn't ashamed! You must know that at this moment he represents the image of the People's Liberation Army!

When Li Xiaolong said this, the Singaporean soldiers around him suddenly realized it! Then they looked at Liu Yihua in shock again! Who is this? It's amazing! Counting the number of bullets while shooting? Is this possible? If this is on the battlefield, how is there a way to count bullets

But no matter what they think, it is the truth! If you change the magazine when there are 29 rounds of bullets, you really don’t need to pull the bolt! After 30 rounds, the bolt needs to be pulled to load the bullet. If there are less than 29 rounds, at least one bullet will be wasted in the magazine!

Then Liu Yihua made a few more demonstration moves... Then Li Xiaolong couldn't wait to experiment. After working for a while, Li Xiaolong suddenly said: "Yihua, does this single-handed magazine change work in actual combat? Will holding the gun with the right hand affect the shooting accuracy?"

This issue is also of concern to the Singaporean soldiers at the scene! After all, you don't need performances on the battlefield, you need real lethality!

Liu Yihua smiled and said: "I can demonstrate this to everyone! You set up a few targets and let you see the accuracy of shooting."

Li Xiaolong immediately said: "Okay! I'll go and set up the shooting range first!"

Ten minutes later, Liu Yihua stood quietly on the shooting range with a Type 81 automatic rifle in hand... Next, he will use a total of 10 bullets in 5 magazines to eliminate 10 enemies at distances ranging from 50 meters to 200 meters! Of course it is 10 targets!

At this time, more and more Singaporean soldiers were watching. The eyes of hundreds of soldiers in the audience were fixed on Liu Yihua...Looking at this mainland soldier who shocked them!

Liu Yihua took a deep breath, and smiled at Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan...Suddenly, he leaped forward and raised his gun before standing still with his right hand and shot-"Papa..." two shots, and then he rolled a few times on the ground...During this period Changed a magazine with one hand, and pulled the bolt... Then Liu Yihua sprinted for a certain distance in a snake-shaped cat waist, and then jumped forward... quickly hid behind a small mound of dirt, as if he didn't even lift his head, raised his hand Two more shots!

Veterans who have fought wars know: on the battlefield, bunkers are lifesavers! Even a small mound of dirt will be your savior! Many recruits always poked their heads because they were curious and couldn't bear the loneliness, so they died! Therefore, veterans have a lot of affection for trenches and mounds! They can hold their guns and squat in the trenches for a day, and they will not stick their heads out to be live targets for the enemy!

Obviously, Liu Yihua is very experienced in this area! So the series of running, pounce, crawling forward, looking for the best terrain and bunker just now... all of this is so perfect, so impeccable!

The officers and soldiers in Singapore opened their mouths in astonishment at this time... Liu Yihua is too tough! When shooting, the postures taken by soldiers of any country are similar!

But even if it is a simple action, Liu Yihua immediately has a feeling of crossing the battlefield when he performs it! Liu Yihua's movements are really fast and efficient! On the battlefield, with such skill and movement speed, unless the machine guns form a dense firepower network, there is no way for a single soldier to target him!

Li Xiaolong stared blankly at the small mound that Liu Yihua found... nodding repeatedly! Master, you can find the best terrain around you to cover yourself at such a fast speed, what a master!

After Liu Yihua fired four shots, without stopping at all, he immediately flew up and ran, and at the same time quickly changed a magazine... Everyone was stunned—disappeared suddenly, and then there were two more gunshots!

The undefended gallop just now was a bit surprising and unexpected! It feels like a sheep suddenly appeared in front of a group of big bad wolves with shotguns in their hands, running with all their strength... When the big gray wolf thought it was a blind eye and was still wondering if it was a sheep... the joy had suddenly disappeared up! And only the group of gray wolves who stamped their feet and beat their chest regretted not shooting in time were left! That's not to mention, before beaming and disappearing, he fired two shots and killed two big gray wolves! Now Big Big Wolf loses a lot of face!

When the Singaporean officers and soldiers were stupefied and sweating, Liu Yihua did not get up after firing the sixth shot—because Big Big Wolf was being teased just now! He must be gnashing his teeth and holding a shotgun now, waiting for the beaming to appear again!

But the beaming did not appear! Liu Yihua didn't stand up to run or crawl, but rolled quickly... This rolling speed made people smack their tongues! good! This is the "excellent" rolling mine technology! You can roll the mines away without seriously hurting yourself! During this period, Liu Yihua changed the magazine with one hand again!

When the big gray wolves were waiting in full battle with their shotguns and waiting for the beaming "papa..." two shots, the two gray wolves fell forever! The remaining Big Big Wolves were naturally taken aback, lying down one after another to avoid the bullets...

And at this moment, Xi Yangyang appeared swaggeringly again! This time he was still running in a straight line... When the big gray wolves reacted and wanted to look up to see the situation-sorry, it was two more "papa..." shots! game over!

During this process, Liu Yihua fired a total of 10 shots! Hit 10 targets! Changed the magazine 4 times! And he all shot with his right hand gun! It was a single-shot precision shot! The most important thing is that this process is very short. If you change the magazine according to the conventional method... Liu Yihua may have been "killed" long ago! It can be seen that even on the battlefield, it is very practical to change the magazine with one hand! Because you can change the magazine with one hand to maintain firepower while running and rolling!


Hundreds of Singapore officers and soldiers at the scene are now dumbfounded! If you encounter such a powerful soldier on the battlefield... what is your chance of surviving? Thinking of this, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

The five "masters" of the Singapore military are the ones who sweat the most today! They originally thought that they were one of the best in the Singapore army, and they had undergone rigorous training. Today, they must show off in front of Li Xiaolong and give Liu Yihua from the People's Liberation Army of the Mainland a big blow! In the end, it was Liu Yihua who gave them a big blow! And the slap is loud and I have to obey!

After Liu Yihua fired 10 shots, he got up... patted the dust on his body... with a calm look! Then smiled and gave Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan a victory sign! It's just that the 2 girls seem to be acting stupid now, and they don't respond.

After 3 minutes, the information was sent back: Except that Liu Yihua did not aim carefully in front of the mound, the two shots were 3 rings and 4 rings, and the others were all 58 rings!

The total score is 71 rings! It seems that changing the magazine with one hand and shooting with one hand can also achieve high precision!

There was a sound of air-conditioning in the audience... It felt like the temperature in the shooting range suddenly dropped several degrees! The farthest target is 200 meters, and the nearest is 50 meters. Even if you aim at it without moving, you may not dare to say that you will not miss the target! Liu Yihua also moved quickly, changed the magazine with one hand, and shot with a gun with one hand... He even scored 71 rings without missing the target! Shocking!

After a long time, Li Xiaolong applauded: "Good! This is the most elite fighter!"

Li Xiaolong applauded, and then the officers and soldiers in Singapore couldn't help applauding too! The applause at the scene became one piece... Everyone really admired Liu Yihua!

Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan came back to their senses at this time! Seeing Liu Yihua being so popular, they felt extremely sweet and proud in their hearts! They didn't expect that the man they loved was so powerful! It's really a blockbuster if it doesn't sing! One person's skill overwhelms the crowd!

Li Shanshan said incoherently: "Sister... made money... sent it... oh, I don't even know what to say! Thank God for sending us such an excellent and invincible man! Sister, I'm so happy that I want to cry!"

After Li Shanshan finished speaking, she turned around and hugged Zhou Huijie, she was so excited that she burst into tears. But this is crying with joy! Zhou Huijie was equally excited! She is now proud of her choice! At the beginning, Li Shanshan hesitated... It's not that Li Shanshan doesn't like Liu Yihua, but that two girls like the same man at the same time... This seems a bit unreasonable!

But Zhou Huijie thinks it doesn't matter! The three of them belong to a special fate and should be treated specially! So driven by Zhou Huijie, Li Shanshan also gave up her worries. In the end, the two of them stood firmly and unwaveringly with Liu Yihua... At this moment, Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan felt that their efforts had been rewarded! They have unintentionally discovered a huge treasure—Liu Yihua!

Li Xiaolong stepped forward and hugged Liu Yihua viciously and said happily: "Good job! Good brother... good brother-in-law... I am proud of you! Although we are soldiers from two countries... But the warm applause just now proved that your performance has conquered you. Us! Yihua, I have to say: You are—a real master!"