Official Road

Chapter 13: formally start work


"Liu Yihua, this is your office. This is the best desk we have here. Our bureau has limited funds, so that's all." A policewoman said to Liu Yihua with a smile. She is the small and exquisite policewoman who once accompanied Cai Suyan in the hospital with Liu Yihua.

Liu Yihua said politely: "Thank you, I think the conditions here are already very good, much better than our armed police force."

The petite policewoman was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's true. The army requires hardship and simplicity, but I forgot about that! I was afraid you would be dissatisfied just now, but you are Director Cai's special assistant. I dare not neglect you. "The petite policewoman breathed a sigh of relief. Now it seems that Liu Yihua is more talkative, and it will be much easier for everyone to work together in the future. Liu Yihua's current status is very special. If he offends him, as long as he says a word to Cai Zhenghua, those people will be in trouble.

Liu Yihua saw that the policewoman flattered herself so much, and guessed the reason in her heart. The Public Security Bureau and the army are really different! No matter how intriguing in the army, there are still more straightforward ones. It seems that in this kind of place in the future, we must learn to play tricks and intrigue.

Liu Yihua gave a wry smile and said, "Thank you! I'm new here, and I need more guidance from you seniors in the future. To be honest, I don't know what this special assistant to the director of the Public Security Bureau does." Liu Yihua said When he spoke, he was very sincere and low-key. He just wanted to convey some kindness to his colleagues around him.

The petite policewoman said: "This... we don't know. Because you didn't have this position before. I think Director Cai will arrange your job. Hehe, my name is Huang Yueling. If you need my help in the future, Just say it."

Liu Yihua thanked Huang Yueling very politely, and then sat in a chair in a daze. Looking at the desk in front of him, looking at the folders and various stationery on the desk... Liu Yihua, who just finished junior high school, smiled wryly.

If I didn't travel back, I must be dumbfounded now! How can a junior high school student be a special assistant to the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau? In Liu Yihua's heart, this special assistant is like the assistant to the general manager in the future history.

Picking up a textbook from the public security department, Liu Yihua flipped through it, and said to himself: "Fortunately, in the past, I was finally admitted to the military academy! His grades are still top-notch! Otherwise, he will make a fool of himself in the future! "

"Hello, Chief...Hello, Chief..." A voice of greetings interrupted Liu Yihua's thoughts, and he looked up to see Cai Zhenghua, Director of the Public Security Bureau of Hanjiang City, walking in. His expression was very serious, when someone greeted him, Cai Zhenghua just hummed lightly, as if nodding his head.

"Hello, Director!" Liu Yihua got up and gave a military salute!

The expression on Cai Zhenghua's face immediately melted into a smile like a glacier: "Xiao Liu, are you coming to work today? How is it, the comrades in the office have handled everything for you?"

Cai Zhenghua's attitude towards Liu Yihua made the police next to him very envious! Some public security personnel who didn't pay much attention to Liu Yihua before, now immediately made up their minds to approach Liu Yihua.

"Report to the chief, the comrades in the office are very nice, they have arranged everything for me." Liu Yihua's words made the small and exquisite female policeman breathe a sigh of relief.

Cai Zhenghua nodded and said, "Not bad! Come to my office."

"Yes!" Liu Yihua followed Cai Zhenghua into the office. When the door of the chief's office was closed, the public security officers in the big office outside immediately began to whisper!

"Hey... Huang Yueling, it seems that you have a good relationship with the director's special assistant? Be honest, do you have any problems between the two of you?" Several colleagues joked.

Huang Yueling's face became tense and said: "Hush your voice! Don't talk nonsense! What is the relationship between me and Liu Yihua... Liu Yihua has a girlfriend! You can't slander him." Everyone saw Huang Yueling nervous It looks a little strange. Can Huang Yueling not be nervous? She knew that the relationship between Director Cai's daughter Cai Suyan and Liu Yihua seemed to be very complicated, and that kind of relationship could not be ruled out. Huang Yueling is one of the few people who knows the relationship between Cai Suyan and Cai Zhenghua. Think about it, if Cai Suyan suspects that she is robbing her boyfriend... then the problem will be big!

Under the constant questioning of colleagues, Huang Yueling and Liu Yihua are ordinary friends, and the relationship is of course very ordinary.

In Cai Zhenghua's office, seeing Liu Yihua's seriousness and restraint, Cai Zhenghua said with a smile: "Xiao Liu, there will be no one in the future, so you can relax a bit. This is not an army, and it is too troublesome to call for reports every day. Sit down quickly."

Liu Yihua smiled and sat down slowly, still maintaining the straight posture of a soldier. This is all getting used to.

Cai Zhenghua saw that although Liu Yihua was relaxed, he still behaved well, and his favor for him increased a lot. If it is an ordinary young man, it is inevitable that he will be a little publicized for his extraordinary achievements. But looking at Liu Yihua's appearance, he didn't look complacent at all.

After pondering for a while, Cai Zhenghua said, "Xiao Liu, I'm not afraid to say that this special assistant to the Public Security Bureau was set up under a clever name. According to the formal organizational structure, there is no such position at all." After Cai Zhenghua finished speaking, he paused.

Liu Yihua immediately replied wittily: "Thank you for your concern, director. From now on, I will work hard under the instructions of the director! I will live up to the expectations of the director!"

Cai Zhenghua smiled with satisfaction: "Well, Xiao Liu is still very promising! In this don't actually have any specific work right now. From now on, you can just follow me."

Liu Yihua knew that Cai Zhenghua completely regarded him as one of his own, and Cai Zhenghua benefited from his meritorious deeds. Cai Zhenghua wanted to repay him.

But Liu Yihua doesn't want to do nothing and follow the director's back every day, so he must have some work to do, right

After hesitating for a while, Liu Yihua said, "Director, my driving skills are pretty good, or I will drive for you from now on."

Cai Zhenghua was taken aback and said, "Oh, the special assistant to the director and a part-time driver? This... Since Xiao Liu thinks it's okay, then I'll make you feel wronged."

Seeing that Cai Zhenghua agreed, Liu Yihua said again: "Boss, I can not only work as a part-time driver, but I can also do general secretary work. Although my education level is not high, my composition is better! Recording and sorting out some materials is absolutely impossible. question!"

Cai Zhenghua's eyes lit up and he said in surprise: "In front of me, dare to say that your composition is better, which proves that you have real materials! According to your character, you will never brag! That's too Well, I'm going out from now on, just take you alone! Haha..." Cai Zhenghua laughed heartily.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Huang Yueling came in and said that people from the Complaints and Calls Section of the city government had come to visit.

"Director Cai, today we are here to beg you from the Letters and Calls Section!" Chen Dazhao from the Letters and Calls Section walked in and said.

Cai Zhenghua said with a smile: "Oh, it's about setting up a special group to deal with the problems of petitioners, right? I think this is inappropriate!"