Official Road

Chapter 14: Something happened to the Petition Team!


When Liu Yihua saw that Cai Zhenghua was going to talk to the leader of the Letters and Visits Section, he got up and said, "Director, I'm going out first." Under normal circumstances, when the leader is talking about something, the subordinate should take the initiative to resign. This is basic common sense.

"Xiao Liu, take a notebook and record it." Cai Zhenghua said.

Liu Yihua was taken aback: "Okay."

Looking at the back of Liu Yihua leaving, Chen Dazhao of the Letters and Visits Section shrank his pupils. Thoughtful.

Next, Huang Yueling quickly poured tea for the two leaders. When she saw Liu Yihua go out to get a notebook and return to sit again, Huang Yueling didn't dare to neglect, and immediately poured Liu Yihua a cup of tea.

Huang Yueling's action can be said to be very risky, even gambling! According to common sense, how can Liu Yihua drink tea in front of the director general? But after Huang Yueling's brain was running at high speed, she decisively poured tea to Liu Yihua, which made Cai Zhenghua and Liu Yihua look at her with admiration.

Huang Yueling's action made Chen Dazhao of the Letters and Visits Section immediately pay attention to Liu Yihua! Who is Cai Zhenghua? People who are in the limelight recently and want to improve sooner or later! He would value a young public security officer so much, which shows how amazing this young man is!

Chen Dazhao didn't think that Huang Yueling's tea pouring action just now was her own initiative! Without Cai Zhenhua's acquiescence, would Huang Yueling dare to do this

After Huang Yueling left, Liu Yihua opened his notebook and was ready to record. In fact, Liu Yihua didn't know that Cai Zhenghua didn't want to be alone with Chen Dazhao. Chen Dazhao from the Letters and Visits Section is a well-known old moji... Being entangled by him, sticking to your body like chewing gum makes you very uncomfortable.

Seeing Cai Zhenghua looking down at the oolong tea in the teacup with a calm expression, Chen Dazhao knew that Cai Zhenghua could not be expected to speak up about this matter. Li Mufeng, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, personally confessed that he must cooperate well with Guo Chunnian, and asked Cai Zhenghua to agree to set up a public security team to deal with petitioning incidents. This task must be completed!

"That... Director Cai, look, before I could say anything carefully, you just refused... Do you want me to finish my sentence?" Comrade Chen Dazhao's aggrieved expression made Cai Zhenghua immediately get goosebumps .

Liu Yihua pretended to hold a pen, but in fact he didn't know what to say.

Cai Zhenghua took a sip of tea, spat out a small piece of tea, and said with a wry smile: "Who doesn't know that you, Chen Dazhao, will die when you open your mouth? Tell me, which department of the Hanjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal "Government" doesn't have a headache when it sees you? With your eloquence, dead people can talk about it, but you still can't handle the petition work? Then again, you, Chen Dazhao, can't handle it, and the police officers in our Public Security Bureau are all dead dull, and they can't help you at all! Therefore, when Secretary Guo of the Political and Legal Committee told me about this matter last night, I thought it was inappropriate."

Seeing that Cai Zhenghua had no room for negotiation, Chen Dazhao turned his eyes and repeated his old tricks, and began to complain: "I said Director Cai, the petition work is very complicated, and I can't solve it just by talking about it! Look at our Petition Section. Responsibilities: To deal with letters from the masses, visits, mails, etc. and daily petition matters, but also to ensure smooth channels for letters and visits. This is easier said than done! There is no problem in handling letters and other materials, but it is necessary to ensure smooth channels for petitioners I have a headache!"

When Chen Dazhao said this, he picked up the teacup, and took the opportunity of drinking tea to roll his eyes and observe Cai Zhenghua from the corner of his eyes. But to his disappointment, Comrade Cai Zhenghua was holding an unknown document and looking at it carefully.

Chen Dazhao had long seen that the document in Cai Zhenghua's hand didn't have many words! After reading the material in one minute, more than ten minutes later, Cai Zhenghua still couldn't put it down. Instead, the young policeman next to him was writing and drawing in his notebook with a pen, not knowing what to record.

Gritting his teeth, Chen Dazhao continued to complain: "Director Cai, I'm really suffering from both sides now! According to the requirements of the petition work, we must ensure that the channels for petitioners are unblocked! But, can this be done? If the channels are unblocked, who They all come to the municipal government, so why does the municipal government want our Petition Section? If the channels are not smooth, the petitioners will leapfrog petitions! They will go to the province or even the central government! In that case, we will also He was severely criticized! Director Cai, it’s hard for brothers! No, the leaders of the municipal party committee are concerned about the petition work, and suggested that the public security department cooperate with our petition department to do a good job in the petition work in Hanjiang City... I think we must not disappoint the municipal party committee and the "government" Hope?"

Chen Dazhao first complained, then spoke out of the serious consequences if he did not do a good job in petitioning, and finally raised the banner of the municipal party committee and the "government".

Cai Zhenhua coughed and finally spoke: "Xiao Liu, take a good record, and study it later. Lao Chen, have you finished your sentence? Well... I have to go to the sub-bureau to check the work today. Let's talk about this matter later!"


Chen Dazhao fainted! I can talk all kinds of things in exchange for such a statement from Cai Zhenghua? Chen Dazhao felt very depressed!

Cai Zhenghua got up and said, "Old Chen, if you have anything to say, please talk to my assistant Liu Yihua, he will record the key points."

Only now did Chen Dazhao realize that the young policeman beside him turned out to be Cai Zhenghua's assistant, named Liu Yihua. Looking carefully at Liu Yihua, Chen Dazhao suddenly remembered that this is the young man who rescued the hostages

Seeing Chen Dazhao's gaze on him, Liu Yihua smiled and nodded to Chen Dazhao.

At this time, the door rang, and a person walked in, almost bumping into Cai Zhenghua who was just about to leave.

Cai Zhenghua frowned, and just wanted to reprimand the subordinate who came in without knocking, when he suddenly discovered that this person turned out to be Guo Chunnian, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.

A smile appeared on Guo Chunnian's face: "Ah, Lao Cai, are you very busy? Has the public security team that cooperates with the petitioning department finished its research? You can see how much the municipal government attaches importance to it. Comrade Chen Dazhao from the petitioning department came to negotiate in person... We have no reason not to do this well!"

After all, Guo Chunnian is the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. If he decides something, Cai Zhenghua can't stand it! After all, Cai Zhenhua does not belong to the Hanjiang Public Security Bureau alone! There are several deputy directors in the bureau and Guo Chunnian, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, have a complicated relationship.

"Hehe, Secretary Guo. Shall we study how to cooperate with the work of letters and visits? In a hurry, we can't find comrades who are familiar with the work of letters and visits! If I arrange a group casually, I'm afraid it will be a disservice!" Cai Zhenghua now You know, the establishment of this group should be inevitable! The reason why Cai Zhenghua rejected Chen Dazhao outright just now was because he couldn't figure out what the other party was playing! Cai Zhenghua wanted to report this matter to Mayor Chen Rongsheng before discussing it.

Seeing Guo Chunnian's arrival, Cai Zhenghua's attitude changed. Chen Dazhao stepped forward and added in time: "Director Cai, it's okay if you're not familiar with the work of letters and visits! We can find some relevant information for this working group, and then arrange for someone who is familiar with the work of letters and visits." With a comrade to cooperate, nothing will go wrong!"

Chen Dazhao knew that now he had to go all out to attack Guo Chunnian inside and out, and let Cai Zhenghua submit.

Cai Zhenghua thought about it in his head and said, "Otherwise, let's hold a meeting to discuss it. I'll go out and notify the bureau leaders to open a party committee."

Guo Chunnian patted Cai Zhenghua on the shoulder affectionately and said, "Okay! Comrade Chen Dazhao and I will attend the meeting together."

Cai Zhenghua frowned, nodded and walked out. He now needs to talk to Mayor Chen Rongsheng immediately. This matter seemed to be brought up by Li Mufeng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. Cai Zhenghua did not dare to be careless about anything Li Mufeng raised, because these things might be detrimental to Mayor Chen Rongsheng!

After Cai Zhenghua walked out of the office, Huang Yueling came in and poured a cup of tea for Guo Chunnian, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and filled Zhang Dazhao's cup with boiling water. And Liu Yihua didn't take a sip of the cup of tea, and he couldn't drink tea casually in front of the leader. It's also an understatement.

At this time, Liu Yihua had already greeted Guo Chunnian. He was now a public security officer, and it was impossible to turn a blind eye to the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.

What surprised Liu Yihua was that Guo Chunnian, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, was very enthusiastic about him! This kind of enthusiasm is beyond the normal range, which makes Liu Yihua feel very insecure.

"Xiao Liu, you are a celebrity in Hanjiang City recently! Now many people worship you as a hero! One of my relatives is the principal of a school, and she really wants to invite you to give a report to the students. This face, You can give it to me."

For Guo Chunnian's inexplicable invitation, Liu Yihua felt that it was really inexplicable! Report to school? Is this thing so simple? Is there any purpose behind it

Seeing Liu Yihua's hesitation, Guo Chunnian continued, "What's the matter? You can't be so airy, right? Director Cai, don't worry, he won't object!"

"Where, as long as Secretary Guo orders, I will definitely do it well! Just now I just felt that what I did was not worth making a report." Liu Yihua must now express his position. If a secretary of the Political and Legal Committee orders a small Isn't this an international joke

"That's right! I'll let you know the exact time! Now that I'm out for a meeting, Director Cai must be ready!" Guo Chunnian is very proud now! A small public security officer like Liu Yihua should be able to pull him over if he gives him a little favor! As for the establishment of the working group... Cai Zhenghua will be in trouble!

When Liu Yihua saw the sinister look in Guo Chunnian's eyes before he turned and left... his heart skipped a beat! What's the meaning? will something happen

The Public Security Bureau of Hanjiang City finally set up a working group for letters and visits to cooperate with the letter and visits section to do a good job in the letter and visit work.

After a few days of familiarization, Liu Yihua gradually adapted to the work of the special assistant of the Public Security Bureau. For the past few days, Cai Suyan has been visiting Liu Yihua's brother every day. Now Liu Yihua basically recognizes Cai Suyan's younger sister, but that's all! Liu Yihua didn't have other ideas, and it seemed that Cai Suyan didn't either, which made Liu Yihua feel relieved a lot.

In the past few days, Liu Yihua has been thinking about the sinister look in Guo Chunnian's eyes... After thinking about it, Liu Yihua decided to tell Cai Zhenghua at noon today. Maybe Cai Zhenghua would think of something.

After listening to Liu Yihua's report, Cai Zhenghua pondered for a while and said, "Xiao Liu, since you didn't tell me about this matter a few days later, it proves that you have thought of something in the past few days, so let's talk about it."

Liu Yihua didn't hesitate, and said directly: "Director, I think it might be about the complaint work group? Complaint work can be big or small, if people with ulterior motives get hold of will be quite detrimental to the director. "

Cai Zhenghua looked at Liu Yihua in shock! When he reported to the mayor Chen Rongsheng that day, Chen Rongsheng also expressed his concerns in this regard. But this matter was proposed by Li Mufeng, coupled with the strong approval of the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Chen Rongsheng still asked Cai Zhenghua to set up this group, just to let Cai Zhenghua be careful.

Cai Zhenghua always felt that something was going to happen these days, and now that Liu Yihua said it, his heart skipped a beat... Could it be a matter of the working group

Shaking his head, Cai Zhenghua said: "What excuses do they have, the ordinary little things don't matter at all! Even if they want to make a big deal out of a molehill, can they make things difficult for me?"

Seeing that Cai Zhenghua was so confident and seemed to be on guard, Liu Yihua felt a little relieved. Since Cai Zhenghua regards himself as a confidant, it is enough for him to remind him. Can you still teach the chief of the Public Security Bureau how to work

At this time, the office door was suddenly pushed open! Huang Yueling stumbled and ran in and said in a panic: "The bureau... the director... it's not good! Something big happened to the letter and visit working group!"