Official Road

Chapter 2: Armed Police Rescue Police Flower!


"The secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and the director are here...Hurry up and greet them." A leader of the Hanjiang Public Security Bureau greeted everyone in a low voice.

This greeting interrupted the confrontation between Liu Yihua and Cai Suyan! Cai Suyan wiped away her tears, glared at Liu Yihua viciously, and quickly took the microphone to prepare for the interview.

Liu Yihua stepped forward and followed Cai Suyan closely. At critical moments, life is the most important thing, and Liu Yihua can't care about etiquette.

Cai Suyan whispered fiercely: "What are you doing so close to me? You want to be on TV? Stay away from me!" After Cai Suyan finished speaking, she found that the guy named Liu Yihua was completely indifferent, still following her closely, and at the same time his face was still Cai Suyan felt a little amused by "showing" the appearance of facing a formidable enemy!

"Comrades have worked hard!"

The secretary of the Hanjiang Municipal Legal Committee and the director of the Hanjiang Public Security Bureau inspected and expressed condolences to the public security officers and armed police who were carrying out the interrogation task with a smile, and delivered some routine speeches. Liu Yihua didn't listen to a word of these words, he is now concentrating on protecting Cai Suyan.

Cai Suyan smiled and went forward to interview the secretary of the Hanjiang Municipal Legal Committee and the director of the Public Security Bureau, and jokingly asked the director of the Public Security Bureau to inspect a car in person to show off the glorious image of the leader.

It seems that the director of the Hanjiang City Public Security Bureau treated Cai Suyan well, and finally agreed to her request, and was going to check a car himself.

In order to cooperate with the director's actions, the public security in the middle of the road has already stopped dozens of vehicles, and the director of the public security bureau went to the first vehicle to conduct interrogation.

Cai Suyan was laughed at by the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and the director of the Public Security Bureau just now for her fully armed attire, which made her very depressed! Feeling that her long hair was uncomfortable in the helmet, she wanted to take off the helmet. Anyway, with so many people now, and the leader present, that Liu Yihua dare not do anything, right

Thinking of this, Cai Suyan felt amused. Could it be that she was afraid of a recruit from the countryside? After laughing at herself, she raised her hand and was about to take off the helmet when she felt a shock in her head, which was so strong that it made her dizzy and tinnitus. That kind of vibration is only when metal collides. The only metal on Liu Yihua's body is a pistol.

It took a long time before Cai Suyan thawed out and looked back at that hateful Liu Yihua in astonishment! He actually hit himself on the head with the butt of a pistol in front of so many people, regardless of the on-site cameras and the leaders of the Public Security Bureau? This... is he crazy

Seeing Cai Suyan's fire-breathing gaze, Liu Yihua snorted coldly, loaded the pistol, and looked around nervously.

Hearing the sound of a bullet being loaded, Cai Suyan's heart tightened! She is a policeman, of course she has practiced shooting, looking at Liu Yihua and Cai Suyan with a serious expression, she immediately became cute! She was really afraid that Liu Yihua would go crazy and shoot herself! Thinking of this, Cai Suyan immediately rushed towards her with a breath of death, making her heart beat wildly! A terrible premonition hit my heart!

"Comrade armed policeman, what are you doing? How can you hit someone with a pistol?" The director of the Hanjiang Public Security Bureau said with a dark face. He turned to a leader of the armed police detachment and said, "This is your soldier? It's outrageous! You want to..."

"Bang bang..." Two gunshots sounded suddenly!

Cai Suyan screamed and fell down!

"Bang bang..." Two more shots! Seeing Cai Suyan suddenly shot and fell to the ground, Liu Yihua went crazy for an instant! Immediately raised his gun and fired two shots at a car that wanted to punch the card! Then Liu Yihua rushed over and kicked half of the closed car window, stretched out his hand and dragged out a guy covered in blood, shouting: "I'll kill you alive today!"

Liu Yihua is extremely angry now! It's really hard to guard against. I was so careful that I still didn't find the criminals! This made Liu Yihua feel a serious sense of loss that his achievements fell short! At the same time, it is also mixed with great grief and regret!

I don't know why, but I feel very sad when Cai Suyan was shot by Liu Yihua! So he dragging out this half-dead guy now is a crazy fuck!

Zhang Kai, who reacted quickly, looked at Liu Yihua's crazy movements and shouted: "Liu Yihua, calm down! The others immediately block the scene!" Liu Yihua's shooting to stop the crime just now complied with the regulations, but if the criminals were not shot dead on the spot, but were killed by Liu Yihua Killing... the nature is different.

The crazy Liu Yihua woke up slowly after being hugged by Zhang Kai, and then he looked at the twitching guy on the ground. This is the most wanted murderer in the whole country, right? By the way, doesn't Cai Suyan have a helmet and body armor? Maybe it's okay

When Cai Suyan fell to the ground just now, Liu Yihua thought that history was repeating itself again, that Cai Suyan had died! Only now I remember that history has changed in my own hands, at least I put Cai Suyan in a bulletproof vest and a helmet!

"Xiaoyan... Xiaoyan, how are you? Ah... you must be safe..." The director of the Hanjiang City Public Security Bureau reacted and rushed to Cai Suyan's side and shouted frantically.

"Director, this place is too dangerous, please leave immediately! Secretary Guo of the Political and Legal Committee has left..." A leader of the Municipal Public Security Bureau hurried forward to "behave".

"Get out!" The director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau was suddenly furious! After shouting, he turned his attention to Cai Suyan again. He looked devastated.

"She's fine!" A seemingly calm but trembling voice sounded.

The director of the Public Security Bureau subconsciously turned around and asked, "All right? Who are you?"

Liu Yihua tried his best to calm down and said: "I am the armed police soldier who was criticized by you for hitting someone's helmet with a pistol! The helmet I hit just now saved Cai Suyan's life, and the pistol I used to hit the helmet killed the criminal."

Liu Yihua was also very worried about Cai Suyan's safety at the beginning, but he was relieved when he found that there was no blood on Cai Suyan's body. This proves that the body armor and helmet on Cai Suyan played a role.

At this moment, Cai Suyan had come to her senses. The criminals fired two shots just now, and one bullet hit the helmet on her head, which made her dizzy! A bullet hit the body armor on her body, just in the chest, which made her a breast augmentation very painful! But Cai Suyan finally understood a fact - someone shot her just now! But she is alive! The reason she was alive was because he forced herself to wear a helmet and body armor!

What about him? Cai Suyan suddenly felt a burst of loneliness and fear! She wanted to rely on him immediately, as if only he could bring her a sense of security now!

Thinking of this, Cai Suyan's eyes flowed, and finally saw Liu Yihua! Then her heart became hot... Liu Yihua nodded to her, with a trace of comfort and concern in his eyes, which made Cai Suyan feel safe and warm all of a sudden!

The director of the Public Security Bureau said puzzledly: "Oh, it's you. You said she's fine? The other party shot! That's not a firecracker!" When he said this, he suddenly felt Cai Suyan pull him and said: "I'm fine. , the helmet and body armor saved me."

"Ah..." The head of the Public Security Bureau was overjoyed! Hurry up and look down carefully, and then talk to Cai Suyan. Finally he saw a bullet hole on the helmet and the body armor, which he is now extremely grateful for.

"He put it on for me!" Cai Suyan pointed to Liu Yihua and said. She is in a very complicated mood now, the little armed policeman who was so hateful just now has grown up in her heart.

"It was forcibly put on for me, which means he forcibly dragged my life back!" Cai Suyan added. Cai Suyan, who had just narrowly escaped death, is now feeling uneasy, and has an obvious sense of dependence on Liu Yihua.

The director of the Hanjiang City Public Security Bureau helped Cai Suyan up and excitedly stepped forward to hold Liu Yihua's hand and said, "Young man, well done! What's your name? I want to give you credit!"