Official Road

Chapter 27: The eight-character name will get the director!


At night, Liu Yihua and Cai Zhenghua, director of Nanyue Provincial Radio and Television Department and director of Nanyue Provincial Television Station Liu Yuansheng's home.

"Director, you have to decide this matter for me! I didn't expect Xiao Wang to come to Hanjiang TV station and still keep his old grudges. He tricked me into Hanjiang City... If it wasn't for the comrades from the Hanjiang City Public Security Bureau to tell me the truth , I have been kept in the dark! That would be a strange injustice through the ages!" The provincial TV reporter who was beaten the most at this time ran over from the hospital to complain to Liu Yuansheng regardless of his arm injury! At the same time, I brought Liu Yihua and Cai Zhenghua to visit.

For a long time, Liu Yuansheng had been reading with his head down, frowning and writing a few words from time to time, as if he was studying some profound knowledge! Because he held a very large dictionary in his hand! Thicker than a brick!

"Director...I..." The TV reporter who was beaten was a little embarrassed at this moment! Just now when he found out that he was framed by Xiao Wang of Hanjiang TV station, he immediately became furious! Turn all your anger to Xiao Wang! When Cai Zhenghua promised to fix that Hanjiang TV reporter Xiao Wang well...and demote or expel the team leader and team members of the Hanjiang City Public Security Bureau Letters and Calls Working Group who beat him, the beaten reporter was moved! In this way, everyone is familiar with it, so he patted his chest and took Liu Yihua and Cai Zhenghua to Liu Yuansheng's house to resolve the problem. He didn't expect Director Liu, who had always been nice to him, to neglect him, which made him feel very humiliated!

Liu Yuansheng closed the Brick Dictionary, squinted at Cai Zhenghua and Liu Yihua, and then hummed to the reporter: "It's worthless. A few days ago, I hated that Hanjiang City Public Security Bureau so much! How could it be completely lost in a blink of an eye?" Changed? I know about you. You all go back, the things that have been decided on my side will never change!"

"Director... You see, the comrades of Hanjiang City have been here for many days. They really apologized to us sincerely, and dealt with the assailant severely... I will not pursue it now. Director, look..." The reason why the beaten reporter changed so quickly was because Hanjiang City had given him a lot of benefits.

Liu Yuansheng looked at the reporter and sneered, "You don't understand what's going on here, so don't meddle in it. Let's all go, I'm very busy."

After speaking, Liu Yuansheng picked up the big brick dictionary and continued to study! It seems that there is really a golden house and Yan Ruyu in it!

Liu Yihua had already seen that it was a "Kangxi Dictionary"! Looking at Liu Yuansheng's writing and drawing on paper, Liu Yihua seems to understand something. A mysterious and weird smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Liu Yihua's smile, Cai Zhenghua felt a little baffled. Does Liu Yihua have any new discoveries? Or is there any trick? But now it seems that even if the reporters of the TV station do not pursue the responsibility, there will be no change in Liu Yuansheng's side. In other words, the pressure of the Organization Department of the Central Committee on the Southern Guangdong Provincial Party Committee will remain unchanged! In that case, it is still impossible for Cai Zhenghua to resume his post!

The atmosphere in the living room is a bit awkward! Liu Yuansheng seemed to regard Cai Zhenghua, Liu Yihua and others as air! ignore it! Don't ask! Not even a cup of tea!

The reporter from the provincial TV station who was beaten gave a wry smile, looked at Cai Zhenghua and Liu Yihua, and said, "Director, then I'll leave first."

Liu Yuansheng's wife went to open the door, the TV reporter nodded and walked out... But Liu Yuansheng's wife did not close the door, she looked at Cai Zhenghua and Liu Yihua, which meant: "Are you still leaving?"

Cai Zhenghua sighed, and said, "Director Liu, we are leaving! Please believe in the sincerity of our Hanjiang City!" Liu Yuansheng did not even lift his head, but was still reading the Kangxi dictionary.

Cai Zhenghua smiled wryly, pulled Liu Yihua, and walked towards the door.

Liu Yihua had just come up with a coup... At this time, a middle-aged man walked in hurriedly outside the door and said, "Dad, have you decided on the child's name? How can I do without a name after I'm about to register?"

Liu Yuansheng raised his head and taught a lesson: "What's the hurry! I heard from the master that my grandson's horoscope seems to lack some water... I need to make up for the name! I'm looking for the word with 'water, rain'. The child's name is the one in his life. It's a big deal, don't be careless!"

The middle-aged man said weakly: "Dad, can you do it? Will you?"

Liu Yuansheng continued to look down at the Kangxi dictionary and muttered, "You little bastard..."

The middle-aged man was speechless for a while.

At this time, Liu Yuansheng's wife coughed impatiently... Cai Zhenghua took Liu Yihua and left! Cai Zhenghua is also a person with strong self-esteem, and he can be regarded as a member of a big family in the capital. It's just that Mr. Cai said that if they can't reach the level of the main hall, he won't make a move! Otherwise, a director of the radio and television department should be able to handle it!

"The name...isn't so obvious!" When Liu Yihua stepped out of Liu Yuansheng's house, he threw down an inexplicable and inscrutable sentence. This sentence is an imitation of Zhou Xingchi's sentence: "The ball... is not kicked like this!"

Cai Zhenghua was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Liu Yihua in confusion. Liu Yihua whispered: "Director, don't worry! We must take it down!"

"Wait a minute, young man, what did you just say?" Liu Yuansheng raised his head in astonishment. How could this young man speak so loudly

Liu Yihua turned around and said calmly: "Director Liu, I said that's not how the name came about!"

"Oh... the young man speaks wildly! Do you know how to name it? Do you know what dictionary this is?" Liu Yuansheng said disdainfully.

Liu Yihua curled his lips and said, "A Kangxi dictionary, what's so great about it?"

Liu Yuansheng said in surprise: "You know the Kangxi dictionary? Are you fooled?"

""Kangxi Dictionary", during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, was edited by Zhang Yushu, a scholar of Wenhuadian University and the Minister of the Ministry of Households, and Chen Tingjing, a lecturer of Jingyan, a scholar of Wenyuange and Minister of the Ministry of Officials! Refer to "Zihui" and "Zhengzitong" in the Ming Dynasty Written in two books, it is a set of detailed Chinese dictionaries written in the fifty-fifth year of Emperor Kangxi, and it has been reprinted until now." Liu Yihua is calm and indifferent.

Liu Yuansheng stood up all of a sudden! When he realized that he had lost his composure, he sat down again and said in shock: "It's amazing! Today's young people don't need to say whether they can understand the Kangxi dictionary, but even if they can understand it, they don't know its magic! It is said that the Kangxi dictionary is very good for naming. , what does the little brother have to teach you in this regard?"

Liu Yihua has risen from a young man, a young man to a little brother!

"That's right! Modern name learning is based on the number of strokes in the Kangxi dictionary! Therefore, to think of a good name, the Kangxi dictionary is an essential tool!" Liu Yihua looked very confident, with wisdom shining in his eyes, making the surrounding People feel his mystery.

"Oh, little brother, please sit down. Serve tea!" Liu Yuansheng shouted.

"I'm going to pour tea!" The middle-aged man immediately got up to pour tea. He was Liu Yuansheng's son. He also recently had a son and wanted to come up with a good name. Now it seems that Liu Yihua has real talent and learning, and he immediately became enthusiastic.

Cai Zhenghua finally got his seat now! "Grandma" "Grandma" has worked hard for many days in public relations in the entire Hanjiang City to no avail! Liu Yihua exchanged a few words for seats and tea... This made Cai Zhenghua full of emotion!

Liu Yuansheng saw that Liu Yihua was still very "egg-like" after sitting down, quite like a master, and he valued Liu Yihua even more in his heart.

Liu Yihua knows that now he is going to show his true level! Relying on trickery and abduction will definitely not be able to scare Liu Yuansheng! He pondered for a while and said, "Director Liu, I see you are looking for words like 'water, rain', does your grandson lack water?"

Liu Yuansheng's son immediately interrupted: "Yes, master, my son is said to be short of water in the horoscope. But we don't understand the specific meaning of the horoscope, we just know the general idea."

Liu Yuansheng said: "There is a master who read the horoscope, and he said that the lack of water in the horoscope can be made up for in the name. I have worked hard to come up with a good name these days."

Liu Yihua smiled and said: "Director Liu, the study of names is not based on radicals! It is based on five-character mathematics! What is five-character

Heaven grid, personality grid, ground grid, outer grid, total grid! "

Liu Yuansheng's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "I seem to have heard about it. But I know very little about this technique. Can you explain a little bit, little brother?" Liu Yihua's advanced theory just now was very mysterious and shocking, and now Liu Yuansheng is very fond of Liu Yihua It's really impressive.

Liu Yihua took a sip of tea and frowned... Liu Yuansheng immediately said with a stern face: "Good tea!"

Liu Yuansheng's son immediately ran to Liu Yuansheng's study and carefully took out a box of top-quality oolong tea.

Cai Zhenghua felt that this scene was seriously unreal! After all, who asks whom to do things

"Tiange—is the surname left by the ancestors. For example, Director Liu's surname is Liu, so your grandson's surname is also Liu! This is basically unchangeable. Of course, its mathematical theory has little influence on a person's life.

Personality—also known as nominative, is the center of the whole name, implying the fate of a person's life

Dige—also known as Qianyun, implying the fate of people before middle age

Waige - implying a person's social ability, wisdom, etc.

Zongge—also known as Houyun, implying people’s fortune from middle age to old age”

Liu Yihua explained while talking, and after finishing speaking, he picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, saying: "Good tea!"

Liu Yuansheng was freed from hard thinking and meditation, and smiled at Liu Yihua: "Little brother, it seems that you have a lot of research on this technique, can you elaborate on the theory of five grids?"

Liu Yihua said: "Okay. There are a total of 81 numerology in Wuge Mathematics, that is, 81 numbers are used to judge the quality of a person's name. This explanation is very boring. Let's explain it based on my name as an example.

My name is: Liu Yihua. Analyze whether the name is good or bad.

1. Tiange calculation method - if it is a double surname, directly add up the strokes of the surname. Such as 'Sima' Tiange is 5+10=15. If it is a single surname, add another number to the strokes of the name. For example, the Tiange of our surname 'Liu' is 15+1=16. 16 cloudy earth represents luck: richness and virtue, peace and honor, wealth and officials, success and fame. Belongs to Daji.

2. Personality calculation method - surname + first name. 'Liu Yihua', Liu 15+ Yi 18=33 personality. 33 Yanghuo represents luck: the rising sun rises to the sky, the phoenix meets the phoenix, is famous all over the world, and prospers to the extreme. This number is not suitable for women. Good luck.

3. Geographical calculation method - the first character of the name + the second character of the name. Yi 18+Hua 14=32 ground grid. If my name is: 'Liu Yi', this is a surname + a given name. Geographic calculation is 'name+1'. Yi 18+1=19 squares. 32. The luck expressed by Yinmu: good luck and hope, the nobles get help, the wealth is rich, and the prosperity is paramount. Good luck.

4. Calculation method of outer grid - sky grid + earth grid - personality = outer grid. Liu Yihua, Tiange 16 + Dige 32-Personality 33 = Outer Ge 15. The luck represented by 15 Yangtu: happiness and longevity, wealth and honor, self-cultivation and magnanimity, and high morality. Good luck.

5. The calculation method of the total grid - surname + first name. It is the total number of strokes of the total surname and first name. Liu Yihua, Liu 15+ Yi 18+ Hua 14=47 total grid. 47 The luck expressed by Yangjin: the image of flowers blooming, everything goes well, auspicious and auspicious, gifted with happiness. Good luck. "

Liu Yihua said while writing and drawing on paper... Liu Yuansheng and his son basically understood everything.

Liu Yuansheng was puzzled again: "Little brother, what yin and yang did you say just now... are numbers divided into yin and yang?"

Liu Yihua said with a smile: "Numbers are not only divided into Yin and Yang, but also divided into five elements.

Numeral yin and yang—1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 are yang; 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 are yin.

Number five elements: 1—Yang wood, 2—Yin wood; 3—Yang fire, 4—Yin fire; 5—Yang earth, 6—Yin earth; 7—Yang metal, 8—Yin metal; 9, Yang water, 10, **. "

Liu Yuansheng's son touched his head and said, "It's amazing. There is a mystery to this."

Liu Yuansheng said with emotion: "Little brother knows so much! It seems that you can't pretend to understand if you don't understand! Fortunately, I have my little brother to guide me today. Otherwise, I will name it randomly, and I will miss my good grandson."

Seeing that Liu Yuansheng valued Liu Yihua so much, Liu Yuansheng's wife quickly brought some fruits, candies, melon seeds... and said politely: "Master, you have worked hard, eat something, please don't be polite. Director Cai, don't sit stupidly, let's eat together. Come on. , drink tea."

Cai Zhenghua hurriedly expressed his thanks...but he was grateful to Liu Yihua in his heart! This guy is really his lucky general! Looking at the current situation, as long as Liu Yihua gets the name of Liu Yuansheng's grandson, then his affairs may turn around! Thinking of how many times in a row Liu Yihua either saved his daughter or helped him a lot, Cai Zhenghua suddenly lost his mind! I thought about my daughters Cai Suyan and Liu Yihua... Hey, but my wife objected! On the other hand, it seems that they are really brothers and sisters, and there is no such meaning.

They were too polite, so Liu Yihua and Cai Zhenghua had to eat and drink for a while, so the atmosphere became much more harmonious.

Liu Yuansheng said: "I was neglecting you just now, and I still looked at Haihan. Director Cai, the matter of yours is now being contested by the higher authorities... It is difficult for me to take it back now. In fact, you are a scapegoat for this matter! I think you know it too."

Cai Zhenghua hurriedly said: "Director Liu, I understand a little bit. But I can't figure out one thing - is the relationship between Director Liu and the governor good? The governor is obviously using your side to make a big fuss about this matter! "

Liu Yuansheng held a cup of tea and remained motionless... He sighed for a long time and said, "You can't be used as a gun. You can see through this, and you guessed it was the governor... That's amazing!"

Cai Zhenghua pointed to Liu Yihua: "Director Liu has won the award. It was Liu Yihua who saw through and pointed me out. Liu Yihua was also aware of the conspiracy of the TV reporter being beaten... How dare I have the audacity to come to see you without these two things?"

Liu Yuansheng looked at Liu Yihua in surprise and said, "Well done! The little brother is really talented! Not only is he proficient in horoscopes, names and other unique skills... He is also very insightful about officialdom struggles... I really admire it! So, I will call my brother right now. Call, some people want to use our Liu family? Wrong calculation!"

Liu Yuansheng seemed impatient, so he immediately got up and went into the study to make a phone call.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Yihua continued to explain the five-grid mathematics to Liu Yuansheng's son, explaining the meaning of 81 numbers. In the previous history, Liu Yihua gave hundreds of names to the children of friends and relatives, and he knew the meaning of Wuge Mathematics fluently.

But Liu Yuansheng's son said that he really wanted a daughter... Can you give his son a name that sounds feminine but looks masculine? For this idea... Liu Yihua is a little speechless! But he still promised to try his best.

Not long after, Liu Yuansheng came out after calling. His complexion was not very good, and he looked disappointed. He said helplessly: "Just now my younger brother also asked me if I was being used as a gun? I still insisted. But my younger brother said: Now the kite is flying too high...he is not sure to take it back. So, Mr. Cai, you still have to deal with that matter." to wait."

"It's okay, let it be. Thank you Director Liu for your concern." Cai Zhenghua's heart tightened when he heard Liu Yuansheng's words... It seems that such an incident has caused a struggle between different factions in the capital. He is still very honored!

Liu Yuansheng added: "Actually, you have been looking for me these past few days... I am still touched! Don't look at me ignoring you just now, in fact, I am grateful for your visit and found out the truth about the beating of the TV reporter. So, Even if you left just now, I don't want to hold on to it. At least the reporters won't make a fuss, and the videotape won't be broadcast."

Cai Zhenghua quickly thanked him! I sigh in my heart that hard work pays off! The past few days have not been in vain! However, if it were not for Liu Yihua's idea and persistence, it is estimated that Cai Zhenghua would have returned to Hanjiang City long ago! Naturally lost the current opportunity.

After a pause, Liu Yuansheng said with a smile: "Hehe, Director Cai, don't worry! With someone like Liu Yihua planning for you, I think you have a bright future! Of course, little brother Liu Yihua has a great future!"

Cai Zhenghua thanked him repeatedly, with a very sweet smile on his face... Liu Yihua said politely: "Director Liu, what kind of talent am I? You are flattering me! Let's not talk about this, it is important to name your grandson!"

Liu Yuansheng smiled and said, "That's troublesome!" Liu Yihua showed his strength just now, and Liu Yuansheng also reciprocated by taking the initiative to ask about Cai Zhenghua's affairs. Naturally, it was Liu Yihua's turn to continue to repay Liu Yuansheng.

Liu Yihua said: "What did you just say called five grids! How to calculate the five mathematical principles! The rest are the good and bad of the 81 mathematical principles. Let me classify them:

1. The most auspicious numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 45 , 47, 48, 52, 57, 61, 63, 65, 67, 68, 81.

2. Auspicious numbers: 6, 17, 26, 27, 29, 30, 38, 49, 51, 55, 58, 71, 73, 75.

3. Mathematics that can be an official: 3, 13, 16, 21, 23, 29, 31, 37, 39, 41, 45, 47.

When naming, just choose according to these mathematics. "

Liu Yihua wrote down all these numbers at this time, and Liu Yuansheng understood it at a glance.

Liu Yuansheng said happily: "You have been taught! Little brother, how should I name my grandson?" Liu Yuansheng now has no doubts about the level of Liu Yihua's naming.

Liu Yihua smiled and said: "That requires your grandson's horoscope! Look at the restraint of the five elements!" Liu Yihua said more casually. As for whether Liu Yuansheng is at ease to give him his grandson's horoscope, it depends on what Liu Yuansheng thinks.

Liu Yuansheng became cautious when he heard this! Although he now recognizes Liu Yihua's talent and learning, one's birth date cannot be revealed casually! This Liu Yihua in front of it credible