Official Road

Chapter 28: Master level!


The eight characters are the eight characters of the heavenly stems and earthly branches found out from the calendar. Also known as the Four Pillars - Year Pillar, Month Pillar, Day Pillar, and Hour Pillar. The ancients believed that the time of a person's birth coincides with certain laws of the world and nature, and studying the horoscope can predict or judge a person's fate in advance.

Of course, many people think that since studying horoscopes can avoid disasters, then studying horoscopes can also set blame or attack others! Therefore, generally speaking, a person's birthday horoscope will not be easily revealed!

In the previous history, the birth dates registered by many officials were false! It is to prevent people from being attacked after they know the horoscope. Many ordinary people who don't know about this point think that officials deliberately change their age in order to retire later.

Of course, late retirement is one reason, and hiding the horoscope is an important reason! This false horoscope can pick a day that is beneficial to your real horoscope! For example, if there is a lack of water in the horoscope, find a day with more water and use it as a fake birthday.

The importance of the horoscope to a person can be seen!

After Liu Yihua uttered the eight characters, he drank tea slowly. Anyway, Jiang Taigong's fishing volunteers took the bait!

Liu Yuansheng hesitated for a moment, and immediately made up his mind! Liu Yihua and the others have something to ask of themselves now, so they probably won't play tricks. Besides, through Liu Yihua's temperament and momentum, Liu Yuansheng also believes that Liu Yihua is a good comrade!

"Get the horoscope approved by the master." Liu Yuansheng said to his son.

Liu Yuansheng's son immediately ran in to get the red stickers. The horoscope for others is usually written on red paper. Of course, modern people don't care about it.

After the red post was brought, Liu Yuansheng took it and had an idea: "Little brother, my grandson was born on August 13, 1987. I have a perpetual calendar here." Liu Yuansheng wants to test Liu Yihua, if Liu Yihua can't even arrange the eight characters correctly If you don't even know the five elements, forget it. Don't delay your grandson's future.

Of course Liu Yihua knew what Liu Yuansheng meant. He reached for a piece of red paper without the perpetual calendar, picked up a pen and wrote while saying: "August 13, 1983 is the lunar calendar... June nineteenth!

Guisun's horoscope should be:

Year Pillar: Ding Mao—Five Elements: Fire, Wood—Wounding Officials, Robbing Wealth

Moon Pillar: Wushen - Five Elements: Earth, Metal - Partial Wealth, Seven Kills

Sun Lord: Jiawu—Five Elements: Wood, Fire—Sun Lord, Wounded Official

Hour Pillar: Yi Chou - Five Elements: Wood, Earth - Robbery and Prosperity

These are all basic information, Director Liu, please compare it with that master's to see if there is any mistake! After all, when people are negligent, the horoscope is related to the fate of your grandson's life, so it is better to find a few more people to look at it. "After Liu Yihua finished speaking, he sighed in his heart that he was lucky! Unless you are a real master of Bazi, you must use the perpetual calendar! Liu Yihua can also not use the perpetual calendar, but you have to pinch your fingers for a long time, which is out of style! Fortunately, Liu Yihua studied 8 a few days ago The luck of the month, let's see why he traveled through time, so now he can tell the horoscope of every day in August without using the perpetual calendar.

After Liu Yihua finished speaking, Liu Yuansheng took Liu Yihua's horoscope and took a look... His eyes immediately widened like eggs! How can this be! The master in the temple even took out a perpetual calendar when he was arranging the horoscope! Liu Yihua actually did it at his fingertips, and it was accurate! What level is this! Definitely a super master!

Surprised, Liu Yuansheng handed the two red stickers to Liu Yihua and said: "This is too complicated, and we can't understand it. You are a master, see if there are any omissions or mistakes." Liu Yihua just said that two people read the horoscope "safe and accurate" One point"... actually expressed dissatisfaction with Liu Yuansheng's temptation. Liu Yuansheng now calls Liu Yihua "Master" to express his apology and recognition and respect for Liu Yihua.

"Where is it... I don't dare to be a master. But Director Liu trusts me, I will live up to it, study hard and give your grandson a good name!" Liu Yihua reached out to take the two red stickers, his face was very red! Damn, a master came? But I do have a lot of research on Bazi, Yijing gossip, Fengshui, face, palmistry... so I can be called a master!

Liu Yuansheng smiled and said, "About the horoscope, can Master explain a thing or two?"

Liu Yihua smiled and said: "Okay. I will explain it in detail. But the master will never dare to be a master! Even a little brother is not appropriate... If Director Liu has no objection, I will call you uncle."

Liu Yuansheng was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "Okay! Let's call him uncle! Hehe, if I can have a nephew like you, I will be happy!"

Next to him, Liu Yuansheng's wife and son smiled happily. With such a "master" relationship, I will have a bottom line in my heart in the future!

Liu Yihua explained in detail: "Bazi horoscopes began in the Tang Dynasty. Li Xu in the Tang Dynasty used the year as the main factor, and took the four pillars of year, month, day, and hour to push his fate. The restraint of the five elements and the confluence of Xing and Chong are the key points of fortune-telling. Today's horoscope fortune-telling is all based on Ziping method, so the horoscope is also called "Ziping technique".

Heavenly Stems—A, B, C, D, E, He, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui. Ten heavenly stems.

Earthly Branches—Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai). Twelve Earthly Branches!

The celestial stems and earthly branches are combined into sixty Jiazi... The horoscope is to study the restraint of the five elements of the celestial stems and earthly branches... "

Liu Yihua talked eloquently for dozens of minutes... After he finished speaking, Liu Yuansheng and others somewhat understood.

Next, Liu Yihua carefully looked at the horoscope approved by the master in the temple, and felt that the other party just clicked, reporting good news but not bad news, maybe he was asking for money. The same horoscope, if you say that this is bad or that is bad, and you can’t find a way to resolve it (basically can’t resolve it)... Then do you still expect people to give you a big red envelope

With a smile, Liu Yihua commented: "For the sake of red envelopes, this master reports good news but not bad news! Uncle, do you want to know the true fate of your grandson, oh, my little nephew?" Just now Liu Yihua called Liu Yuansheng's wife and son Aunt, brother. It's not an exaggeration to call him little nephew now.

Liu Yuansheng said solemnly: "Yihua, but it's okay to say so." Regarding Liu Yihua's "little nephew"... Liu Yuansheng is very happy! If it is an ordinary person, it must be flattering! But Liu Yihua is a "master"! Not only did Liu Yuansheng not feel that Liu Yihua was snobbish, but he felt that he had more face! There is a master to check, the name must be no problem!

Now Liu Yihua's messing around has turned into naming and fortune-telling his "little nephew"! How did this trick come about? Cai Zhenghua drank his tea mechanically... He was a little numb to all this! At the beginning, I was almost kicked out of the house by others, and I couldn't even get a glass of water... I was a master just now... Now I'm an uncle or nephew? Is there still justice and justice in this world

Liu Yihua took a sip of tea and picked up a pen to start speaking: "My little nephew will have a great future! He is suitable to be a military officer! Such as: political and legal system, military leadership, etc. Moreover, uncles and aunts can rest assured that you are guaranteed to have great-grandchildren! The descendants of the Liu family will surely prosper Prosperity!" Liu Yihua first came up with a general summary! First cheer up Liu Yuansheng and the others.

Liu Yuansheng, his wife and son immediately beamed.