Official Road

Chapter 54: The head of the police station


When Liu Yihua saw Cai Zhenghua just now, he was only thinking about how to report to work, and he didn't pay attention to how Cai Suyan called him. But it seems that Cai Suyan called Cai Zhenghua "Dad"... This is quite surprising to Liu Yihua. Surprised, he subconsciously asked Cai Zhenghua if he was Cai Suyan's father.

Of course, Cai Suyan didn't want to reveal her identity. Seeing Liu Yihua's surprised look... quickly explained: "Oh, brother, you heard it wrong just now! It's not my father's 'dad', it's my uncle's 'bo'... Cai The chief is my uncle! I didn't tell you before."

Liu Yihua said suspiciously: "Oh, so it is like this..." Liu Yihua said in his heart that this seemed a bit too coincidental.

Cai Zhenghua smiled and said: "Yihua, Cai Suyan is indeed my niece. I didn't tell you before because I was afraid that you would have too many thoughts."

Liu Yihua hurriedly said: "It's okay, Director Cai, I will not be affected by these relationships. Cai Suyan is still my sister, and you are still my leader."

Cai Zhenghua nodded and said, "How was the operation last night? Is there any major situation?" Cai Zhenghua already knew that the Security Division of the Public Security Bureau inspected the main entertainment venues in Hanjiang City last night and arrested many girls. Liu Zhenhua actually called away the six young ladies by himself.

Liu Zhenhua looked at Cai Suyan and said, "Director Cai, a lot of things really happened last night. Originally, I wanted to call you in the morning to report to you. Now that I meet you here, let me explain in detail." Liu Yihua paused after speaking. one time.

Cai Zhenghua said: "No matter what you have to say, Cai Suyan is not an outsider."

Liu Yihua was relieved. Although Cai Suyan was his younger sister, if Cai Zhenghua was worried about Cai Suyan, he would have no way to report to Cai Zhenghua.

Liu Yihua sorted out his thoughts and said: "Last night, Huang Jianxiong, the chief of the security department, and I led a team to carry out the investigation mission. However, two accidents happened during the investigation of the Hongjing Hotel."

Cai Zhenghua frowned: "Two unexpected situations? Let's talk about it." Cai Zhenghua knew Liu Yihua was young, but he was very calm in doing things. The situation that can surprise Liu Yihua should not be a trivial matter.

Liu Yihua said: "The first unexpected situation is... Li Dayue, the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, was naked with a girl in a hotel room... and we happened to see it."

Cai Zhenghua was drinking tea just now, and almost spit out the tea! Cai Suyan was also a little stunned! Because the security department acted separately last night, the policewoman Xiaowen of the security department did not know the situation of the Hongjing Hotel, so she did not tell Cai Suyan.

Cai Zhenghua wiped his mouth and said solemnly: "How did you handle it?" Cai Zhenghua is really worried now! It would be difficult if Liu Yihua turned Li Dayue's matter into an iron case! Things in the officialdom need to pay attention to some rules.

Liu Yihua said: "It's like this. At that time, we had two cameras shooting, and they both captured the scene... Later, I took out both video tapes and handed them to Director Li Dayue, and then we went out without saying anything. "

Cai Zhenghua stared blankly at Liu Yihua... and exclaimed, "Good! Well done!"

Cai Suyan next to her was not convinced: "What's so good! People like Li Dayue... they should be arrested!" Cai Suyan also knew that Li Dayue was her father's main competitor.

Cai Zhenghua shook his head and said: "Little girl, what do you know? Yihua is very smart in doing this! This is called surrendering without fighting! If we use the video tape as evidence, we can definitely deal with Li Dayue! But then the municipal party secretary Li Mufeng will be very angry Besides, if you are in a hurry to jump over the wall, you can't "force" Li Dayue too much!

If Yihua handled it like this, Li Dayue would definitely resign himself. We eliminated a deputy director of the Public Security Bureau and a competitor without bloodshed. Isn't that brilliant? "

Cai Suyan thought about it for a while and smiled: "It seems to make sense! Brother, you are like the legendary Zhuge Liang, right? Resourceful?"

Liu Yihua smiled wryly and said, "With my level, how dare I compare with Zhuge Liang? Well, don't make trouble, I will continue to report to Director Cai.

The second accident is more serious! A woman jumped off the building! "

Both Cai Zhenghua and Cai Suyan were taken aback: "Ah, such a serious thing happened! How is that woman? Please tell me the specific process."

Liu Yihua said: "Director Cai, don't worry! That woman is very lucky, and her body was only slightly injured. The key point is that there is a leading cadre from the following county in the woman's room... a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Chaohai County. Zheng Liman."

Liu Yihua then told Cai Zhenghua in detail about the whole jumping off... and the process of recovering Zheng Liman.

Cai Zhenghua knew that Zheng Liman would come to seek refuge with him today, so he said happily: "Okay! Yihua has done a very good job!" Zheng Liman's refuge is still very important to Cai Zhenghua.

Cai Suyan muttered: "These two things may have been done very well, but I think the ladies in the back have done very badly by Comrade Liu Yihua!"

Liu Yihua smiled wryly, and only told Cai Zhenghua and Cai Suyan about the platoon leader Zhang Kai and his girlfriend Li Lihong in detail.

When Cai Suyan saw Liu Yihua's expression remained unchanged, she knew that Liu Zhenhua was not lying! She quickly pulled Liu Yihua and said: "Let's go brother! If you don't tell me earlier, I think those girls must be very pitiful! Let's go visit them now!"

Cai Zhenghua smiled when he saw Cai Suyan pulling Liu Yihua away in a hurry... Then he said with emotion: "This Liu Yihua is really a rare talent! It seems that a major adjustment is needed in the bureau."

Cai Zhenghua resumed his duties a week later.

Li Dayue, deputy director of the Hanjiang City Public Security Bureau, was transferred away. The former Public Security Bureau Letters and Visits Working Group was disbanded, and some members were fired.

Although Cai Zhenghua resumed his position as the director of the Public Security Bureau, it is still very difficult for him to go further to become the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee because of the lingering aftermath of the beating of the reporter last time! Another political and legal committee secretary, Guo Chunnian, and his wife's bitter trick played a certain role.

After Cai Zhenghua's matter was calmed down, Cai Suyan once again entered Hanjiang TV Station with her head held high. The reporter from Hanjiang City TV station who framed the provincial TV station has been fired! The director of Hanjiang TV Station has received an order from the director of the provincial TV station, and will pay full attention to Comrade Cai Suyan.

The position of Liu Yihua, the special assistant to the director, is basically getting stronger and stronger now! Many people know that Liu Yihua is not a simple character! It is said that Li Dayue, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, was kidnapped by Liu Yihua.

After lunch at noon that day, Cai Zhenghua called Liu Yihua into the office and said: "Yihua, you have been with me for a while, and I think your ability to handle affairs is very good. But you need further training. Now the position of director of the bonded zone police station There is a vacancy, I want you to concurrently serve as the deputy director of the bonded area police station. Take charge of the work in the station... Do you think you have confidence?"

Liu Yihua was surprised and said: "Director, I don't seem to be old enough or qualified enough... Under such circumstances, can I be the deputy director of the bonded zone police station?"