Official Road

Chapter 67: The mayor was secretly photographed?


Liu Yihua ran out of the box, then looked around and did not find Cai Suyan, so he immediately ran out of the dance hall and chased after the hotel entrance!

Just after leaving the hotel entrance, Liu Yihua saw Cai Suyan get into a taxi and leave... Liu Yihua shouted loudly that the taxi didn't stop. Liu Yihua hurried to the parking lot of the hotel, and then chased after him in his own car.

The parking lot of the hotel is on the third basement level, so after all this trouble, she will definitely not be able to catch up with Cai Suyan, but Liu Yihua mainly wants to see if Cai Suyan can return home safely. Judging by what happened tonight, it may take some time to get Cai Suyan's forgiveness in the future. In fact, Liu Yihua is not worried that Cai Suyan will really become strangers with him forever... Liu Yihua feels that he and Cai Suyan may not be able to break their fate in this life! Whether it is sibling fate or other fate.

Driving downstairs to Cai Suyan's house, Liu Yihua just saw a taxi about to turn around... Liu Yihua jumped down the driveway: "I'm from the Public Security Bureau, where did you come from just now? What kind of guests are in the car?"

The taxi driver looked at the police car behind Liu Yihua and said nervously: "Comrade Public Security, I... I didn't do anything bad... Oh, I just came from the International Hotel, and a girl was pulled into the car, and that girl was crying all the time. ...but that's none of my business."

Liu Yihua waved his hand and said, "Okay, it's all right. You can go."

The taxi driver turned his head in fear, slammed on the accelerator and rushed out staggeringly.

Now that Liu Yihua has confirmed that Cai Suyan has returned home, he is relieved. Of course I can't catch up at this late hour, and besides, I don't know which floor Cai Suyan's house is on.

Liu Yihua sighed and was about to leave when he suddenly saw Cai Zhenghua hurrying down the stairs!

Seeing that Liu Yihua was unhappy, Cai Zhenghua said, "Yihua, what's going on? Did you bully Xiaoyan?" Cai Zhenghua just received an emergency call from Mayor Chen Rongsheng and asked him to go there immediately. As soon as he went out, he saw Cai Suyan returning home crying and heartbroken... Cai Zhenghua asked her what was wrong, but Cai Suyan didn't say anything!

Chen Rongsheng's situation was very urgent... so Cai Zhenghua called his wife to take care of Cai Suyan, and hurried downstairs. When I saw Liu Yihua downstairs... Cai Zhenghua knew that his daughter Cai Suyan's crying must have something to do with Liu Yihua!

Seeing Cai Zhenghua's serious inquiry, Liu Yihua knew that it was best not to hide this matter... He said: "Director Cai, this matter is more complicated. The main reason is that Secretary Guo of the Political and Legal Committee wants to frame me."

Cai Zhenghua didn't have time to listen to Liu Yihua's explanation... But after hearing Guo Chunnian, Cai Zhenghua frowned and said, "Get in the car! Go to the mayor."

On the road, Liu Yihua told Cai Zhenghua what happened tonight while driving.

Cai Zhenghua knew about Liu Yihua and Guo Chunnian going to the International Hotel for dinner tonight! Can Liu Yihua not report something like this to Cai Zhenghua? But Cai Zhenghua didn't expect Guo Chunnian to arrange such a beauty trick and a divorce trick! If it weren't for Cai Zhenghua's deep belief in Liu Yihua... Guo Chunnian's plan would have succeeded!

Guo Chunnian certainly didn't know that in Cai Zhenghua's eyes, Liu Yihua was a tried and tested... absolutely trustworthy! If Guo Chunnian knew that Liu Yihua had such a place in Cai Zhenghua's heart... then Guo Chunnian would not have worked so hard! In Guo Chunnian's eyes, Liu Yihua's trust by Cai Zhenghua is nothing more than Liu Yihua's saving Cai Zhenghua's daughter Cai Suyan! But if Cai Suyan hates Liu Yihua... Will Cai Zhenghua still believe in Liu Yihua

After listening to Liu Yihua's narration, Cai Zhenghua shook his head and said: "It's really despicable! If we hadn't fought side by side in the provincial capital, you would have helped me wholeheartedly... This time Guo Chunnian's plots would have succeeded! Guo Chunnian wanted to poach you away! Cut off my left and right arms He didn't even think about it, what is our relationship

But it is very simple for him to frame you, why would he take such pains? He also sent his sister-in-law... This is too expensive! If you want to frame you, when you are "messing" with those female students... Wouldn't it be fine for someone to come in and arrest you or take pictures? "Cai Zhenghua said "taking pictures"... his face suddenly became ugly.

Liu Yihua was puzzled and said: "This is what I have never figured out! Why did Guo Chunnian win me over? He even flattered me a little bit! I am such a small person, it seems that he is not worth it?"

Cai Zhenghua thought hard and couldn't figure it out... But he said seriously: "Although this is Guo Chunnian's plan, your restraint is too weak, right? How could you 'mess' with girls so easily?"

Liu Yihua blushed and said: "Director...I am also very puzzled about this! But I found that those girls are very abnormal! I suspect that there is something wrong with the drinks! I bought some drinks while going to the bathroom, and I was going to the city. Check it out."

Cai Zhenghua nodded... suddenly said: "A big event happened tonight! If this event fails, the officialdom in Hanjiang City will be shaken! You wait for me downstairs with the mayor, maybe I have to go out at any time."

Hearing what Cai Zhenghua said, Liu Yihua didn't ask any questions. The event that Cai Zhenghua mentioned must be extraordinary. If Cai Zhenghua doesn't say anything, Liu Yihua's identity cannot be asked.

But Liu Yihua suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said, "Director, I forgot to tell you a detail. When we were having dinner at the International Hotel, a man came over in a panic and said something to Guo Chunnian... I saw Guo Chunnian was very shocked! Then, he went out with that person in a hurry." Liu Yihua said this detail now because he felt that the thing that made Guo Chunnian anxious might be the big thing that Cai Zhenghua said! Guo Chunnian and Cai Zhenghua are rivals, Liu Yihua said that Guo Chunnian's move may be beneficial to Cai Zhenghua.

Sure enough, Cai Zhenghua said nervously, "What time? What did you hear?"

Liu Yihua saw Cai Zhenghua attaching great importance to it and said: "The time... is about 9 o'clock in the evening? It's almost that time. Their voices are very low, and I only heard two words: 'photo'."

"Ah..." Cai Zhenghua actually exclaimed. Then his face immediately became quite ugly.

"Director..." Liu Yihua was about to speak, but stopped again! Obviously this situation is very important to Cai Zhenghua! You can't ask yourself such an important thing.

Cai Zhenghua was stunned for a while, and said seriously to Liu Yihua: "I have complete trust in you! A big event happened tonight! Mayor Chen Rongsheng's private life... was secretly photographed! These photos have just passed into the hands of Mayor Chen .I'm going to go and see this now."


Now it was Liu Yihua's turn to be shocked! Depend on! The mayor's private life... Was someone afraid? Now the officialdom of the Hanjiang Special Economic Zone is about to be shaken!