Official Road

Chapter 79: I object!


On the Dynasty Princess, when the fairy sister raised the scissors high... when the blood splattered... when the tragedy happened... the whole Dynasty Princess was silent!

Sister Shenxian stared blankly at the scissors in her hand, with surprise on her face... She didn't know what happened just now! Just when the scissors in her hand were about to pierce her eyes... a gunshot broke the silence in the hall!

Gunshots... screams... blood... shocked everyone in the hall! We all know that the criminals who hijacked them had guns... But when the criminals actually shot, when someone was shot and blood flowed from the gun... For the hundreds of people in the hall, this shock and impact was undoubtedly huge !

It turned out that just now... a few men couldn't bear it anymore! There are a few men whose blood is rising and they are already ready to move! They want to fight hard to see if they can change the fate of their own people and save the sisters on board! Although I know this is a fantasy... But there are some things that men have to do!

When she saw the fairy sister holding up the scissors... a man finally couldn't help but rushed out! He yelled "No"... and then bravely rushed to the robbers beside him! Push this robber to the ground and choke him hard!

The robber who reacted next to him immediately shot this heroic man in the thigh! The man screamed and rolled on the floor of the hall with his hands on his thighs... blood kept gurgling out!

After the fairy sister and the tall beauty figured out the truth of the matter... suddenly felt a little lucky! If this heroic man hadn't appeared, they might have been disfigured by now! It's just that Sister Shenxian knows that the escape this time is only temporary! This vicious gangster in front of him will not let himself go!

After looking around for a week, the fairy sister... gently pulled the tall beauty...then the two of them walked towards the bar counter gently!

The tall beauty hiding in the bar trembled and cuddled up to Sister Shenxian... Sister Shenxian sighed: "We will be discovered soon! Our fate cannot be changed! Unless there is a great hero!"

In the meeting room of Hanjiang Air Force Base, a meeting about the Dynasty Princess cruise ship is being held.

After Cai Zhenghua introduced the situation of the criminal group that hijacked the Royal Princess and the conditions of the robbers... Team Leader Wang of the special team cut to the chase and said, "I want to hear Hanjiang City's opinion on how to handle this matter."

Li Mufeng hesitated for a while and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Now the robbers have proposed three conditions... We just studied it and think that we will not agree to any of them!" Li Mufeng knew that the special operations team might compromise a little... But then It's a special team thing! As the secretary of the Hanjiang Municipal Party Committee, Li Mufeng felt that he must stick to his principles no matter what!

Mayor Chen Rongsheng then stated: "Our municipal party committee and the city's "government" agree! We will never compromise with the criminals!"

Team Leader Wang listened to Li Mufeng and Chen Rongsheng's words and pondered: "This is your Hanjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government's handling opinion? What is the difference between this and no handling? We want to solve the problem! You are shouting slogans here , Empty determination... can it solve the problem?" Team leader Wang meant to solve the problem no matter what! If the criminals don't change the conditions... well, maybe even a compromise will solve the problem!

Li Mufeng has now figured out the intention of the special team... He calmed down and said, "These robbers are simply too arrogant! First, hand over the three criminals captured by the Hanjiang Public Security Bureau... Understandable! But the second article handed over Comrade Liu Yihua and the third article handed over Comrade Cai Suyan... This is absolutely intolerable to us! Anyway, this is our opinion in Hanjiang City. Provincial Party Secretary Zhu Jingnian will be here later! We The Hanjiang Municipal Party Committee and City "Government" are ultimately led by the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial "Government"!"

Li Mufeng was actually telling Team Leader Wang: "This is the opinion of the Hanjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government... If you are not satisfied, you can talk to the provincial Party Secretary."

Team Leader Wang obviously saw what Li Mufeng meant... He frowned and said, "There are very important people on the Royal Princess! Some of them are related to the security and unity of our country... So this matter needs to be handled specially! We The team initially decided to temporarily hand over the three criminals, and then let Comrade Liu Yihua take charge of the handover task!"

After Team Leader Wang finished speaking... the meeting room was quiet! Putting Liu Yihua in charge of handing over the task... Wouldn't it be the same as sending Liu Yihua to the Royal Princess? Wouldn't it be equivalent to accepting the robber's second condition in disguise? Fortunately, there is no Cai Suyan!

The main leaders of Hanjiang City are all silent now! no way! Obviously the decision of the task force is the final decision!

"I object!" the particularly beautiful female soldier in the special operations team said suddenly!

Everyone in the venue, including the special team, stared blankly at this mysterious female soldier!