Official Road

Chapter 9: Life and death choice!


After Cai Zhenghua made up his mind to attack by force, he felt relieved. In this situation, success or failure depends on God's will! And now it is Liu Yihua who represents God's will!

Guo Chunnian, secretary of the Hanjiang Municipal Law Committee, laughed when he saw Cai Zhenghua's decision to take a strong attack. The criminals this time are obviously veterans. If the hostages could be rescued so easily, the public security and armed police would have done it long ago! Now it seems that it is basically a fantasy to rescue all the hostages inside completely without any delay! As long as even one hostage is harmed, coupled with the "vigorous reporting" by Huang Youdao, head of the Propaganda Department, I am afraid that Cai Zhenghua, the director of the Public Security Bureau, will not be stable, let alone the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. Then he, the secretary of the political and legal committee, is impenetrable.

Of course Guo Chunnian still hopes to see Liu Yihua succeed! Because the bigger picture matters! The struggle for power and profit is carried out while ensuring the overall situation! If Liu Yihuan can successfully complete the task and ask Huang Youdao, head of the Propaganda Department, to find ways to promote it, his glorious image can also be magnified! Thinking about whether he can advance, attack, retreat or defend, Guo Chunnian is proud of himself.

Liu Yihua studied the position of the pistol, and after much deliberation, the best way was to put the pistol in the pocket of his trousers. Unless a pistol can be conjured out of thin air like a myth or a magician, it is almost impossible not to be discovered by criminals! How to kill or injure the criminal without the pistol being discovered is the biggest problem Liu Yihua faces! Whether Liu Yihua lives or dies depends on this!

Trying to pretend to be relaxed, Liu Yihua made all the preparations, turned around and said, "Report to the director, the public security officer Liu Yihua is ready, please give instructions!"

Seeing Liu Yihua's solemn military salute, Cai Zhenghua returned a military salute and said in a deep voice: "Start to rescue the hostages! Try to complete the task!" Looking at the concerned eyes of his daughter Cai Suyan, Cai Zhenghua added: "What can't be done, find a way protect yourself!"

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Cai Zhenghua's last words really moved Liu Yihua. What Cai Zhenghua meant was that if there is really no way to rescue the hostages, let Liu Yihua find a way to retreat! What kind of concern is this? This kind of concern should not come from the mouth of a police chief, because the current situation does not allow Cai Zhenghua to say such ambiguous words.

A scholar dies for his confidant... Although Liu Yihua knows that Cai Zhenghua's future is not good, and he will definitely be implicated if he follows him, at this moment Liu Yihua still decides to follow Cai Zhenghua closely in the future, and to fight for him!

Zhao Xiaofeng, captain of the Armed Police Detachment, pulled Liu Yihua to his side, and said some issues that should be paid attention to. Finally, Zhao Xiaofeng said: "Liu Yihua, although you are seconded to work in the Public Security Bureau, you are still an armed police soldier! Don't embarrass our armed police force! Yes, Director Cai Zhenghua is giving it a go! He has pinned all his hopes on you! If he doesn’t succeed, it’s hard to guarantee his position as Director... Come on!”

Although Liu Yihua guessed in his heart that Cai Zhenghua's situation was not good, but when Zhao Xiaofeng told the real situation of Cai Zhenghua clearly, Liu Yihua still felt that his pressure had obviously increased! This time, he didn't speak loudly to Zhao Xiaofeng, but whispered, "Don't worry, captain, I, the special assistant to the director of the Public Security Bureau, is still waiting to take office!"

Zhao Xiaofeng sighed, and then whispered: "Try to keep alive, then you and Director Cai will be more credited! Of course, if you are not sure, you will kill the criminals!" These words belong to those in their own circle.

Liu Yihua nodded, seeing that everything was ready, he carried the lunch box, separated from the crowd and walked towards the scene without hesitation.

Cai Suyan was suddenly very nervous, and now she regretted encouraging Liu Yihua to take risks, in case... Cai Suyan didn't even dare to think about it! Now my mind is very "chaotic", this kind of situation has never happened before.

Liu Yihua took a few steps, looked back at Cai Suyan and said, "Be strong forever!"

Cai Suyan felt what Liu Yihua meant, he meant that if something happened to him, she had to overcome her psychological barriers and stay strong!

Cai Suyan's heart beat violently and said tremblingly, "I will! Be careful, brother, I'll wait for you."

When Liu Yihua heard this, his heart throbbed. He suddenly found that his life and safety were related to a young girl... This feeling has never been felt before.

Gritting his teeth, Liu Yihua moved forward firmly! He walked very slowly because the pistol was in his trouser pocket, the safety was on, and the bullets were loaded... If you move too much, it is easy to go off.

The negotiator had already withdrawn at this time, and the scene was deadly silent.

"Stop, what are you doing?" A criminal shouted nervously pointing at Liu Yihua with a pistol in his right hand. He was holding a girl tightly with his left hand. place.

Criminals are very cunning! You can only see them by walking in the place they choose, so there is no way for any sniper rifle to aim directly at it!

"Give you... fast food." Liu Yihua waved the black plastic bag and said, but his voice was a little "shaky".

"Fast food? Damn, don't try to lie to us! Are the plastic bags of fast food black? What's inside, open it and have a look!" Another criminal waved a pistol and shouted hoarsely.

Liu Yihua secretly lamented the cunning of criminals! He slowly opened the black plastic bag, took out the 4 lunch boxes and 2 soups inside and arranged them.

The criminal suddenly said: "What is your identity? Armed police? Why do you need the armed police to deliver fast food?"

Liu Yihua had already considered that if he was wearing plain clothes, the criminals would be even more disturbed! If you put on the uniform of the armed police in an aboveboard manner, you will achieve unexpected results.

Liu Yihua said helplessly: "Brother, the pistols you are holding... how dare you come over like a normal fast food delivery?"

Criminal A proudly said: "That's true! It seems that you are relatively honest, and you are telling the truth. Are you not afraid?"

Liu Yihua pretended to be aggrieved and helpless and said: "Brother, look at my age... I have only been in the army for a few months. The leader said that you can only rest assured if you send a recruit... I really don't want to come, you hurry up and get the fast food Take it away, I'll finish the task quickly so I can make a deal."

The two criminals breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the public security and armed police had no intention of provoking them, let alone attacking and rescuing the hostages. Can Fart Boy rescue the hostages? That would be a joke.

"You must have a weapon on you! Don't play tricks in front of me, put the weapon on the ground slowly." Although the criminals completely relaxed their vigilance against Liu Yihua, they had to eliminate any trace of danger!

Liu Yihua broke out in a cold sweat! what to do? Say you don't have any weapons? Will criminals believe it? If you have any hesitation, the criminals who just let down their vigilance will completely rebound and become highly nervous and vigilant! At that time, it is impossible to rescue the hostages! And it is very likely that I will be "randomly" shot to death by angry criminals!

For the first time in his life, Liu Yihua felt the crisis of death! Any action you take next will be related to your life and death! This is - a choice between life and death!