Official Road

Chapter 98: I want to eat big fish and big meat!


When Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan heard that Liu Yihua wanted them to do something... their hearts were pounding! Could it be that thing? This... people will be shy!

Seeing the expressions of Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan, Liu Yihua knew that they got it wrong... He laughed and said: "This matter... is not the kind of thing you imagined! Of course, without the kind of thing you imagined as the basis... it is impossible to have the kind of thing you want later. What you did... What exactly is this thing... Do you understand?"

"Puchi"... Both Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan laughed!

Liu Yihua also smiled, and he patted the side of the bed over there... Li Shanshan understood, and sat beside Liu Yihua, blushing like Zhou Huijie and beating heartbeat.

These two days, Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan did not miss Liu Yihua's hospital bed, but they were the two girls who took the initiative! And it was different just now! Just now Liu Yihua took the initiative to let Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan go... What does this mean? This represents another breakthrough in the relationship between Liu Yihua and them!

Liu Yihua said: "Do you think I was joking just now? But, that's not a joke! Let's not talk about what we are going to do, let's talk about the... relationship or trust between the three of us! Without these as the basis... I want to What you do is impossible!"

Speaking of trust... Zhou Huijie said: "Yi Hua, just now you said thank you for my trust in you... I feel a little baffled... Tell me from the bottom of my heart: Shanshan and I absolutely trust you... It's just that you don't trust us, right? ? Didn’t you just let me lose money to prove my heart? Now I have proved that you are the most important thing in my eyes! Money is nothing to me! Now, are you satisfied?”

Liu Yihua opened his mouth and wanted to explain something, but felt that there was no way to explain... Sighing, Liu Yihua said: "It's a test! But although it proves that I am more important than money... But it can be seen that you are very unwilling! This proves that for you Money is just as important!"

Zhou Huijie was a little panicked, and immediately retorted: "No! Absolutely not like that! I just thought that you just wanted to prove whether I was sincere to you... and you wasted so much money for no reason! I think it's a waste! How do you know , If the money is donated, how many people in need can be helped!"

Liu Yihua looked at the sincere and caring Zhou Huijie... He shook her hand tightly and said: "Huijie, you will understand what happened today in a few days! I just predicted that the Hong Kong stock market will fall sharply on the 18th... If my The prediction is verified, and you are going to realize a plan for me. This plan will be carefully studied later... "

Li Shanshan saw Liu Yihua and Zhou Huijie's affection... so she took Liu Yihua's other hand angrily and said, "Yihua, why don't you test me? I can give up everything for you! You see how unfair it is now." ... a pair of Zhou Huijie's sisters are so affectionate, they put them in the cold's not fair!" Li Shanshan burst into tears after speaking! Of course, there are more spoof elements in it!

Liu Yihua smiled wryly: "I explained everything just now! I'm not trying to test you! The three of us must have feelings and trust each other... in order to do something big! Now you know that my tongue twister was not a joke, right?"

Zhou Huijie squeezed Liu Yihua's hand and said: "Understood! Don't worry, I think the three of us have a very good relationship... Needless to say, trust... We are all your girlfriends and a family. It is impossible to harm you So, if you have any plans, just tell me.”

Liu Yihua sat up all of a sudden and said: "Okay! From now on, you should raise funds immediately! You need cash! Cash out everything! Especially the funds in the stock market must be withdrawn as much as possible! It's the same sentence-don't ask why! Because you Trust me! This is the first step of the plan... Then all the funds are ready... Buy the US stock market on the 19th... I know this is gambling! If the stock market goes up on the 19th... you may go bankrupt! If it really falls... Then you'll be rich! It's as simple as that."

After Liu Yihua finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan with burning eyes... After a long time, Zhou Huijie said: "Okay, I'll call! Let our family send a financial team over immediately!"

Li Shanshan said: "Yihua, how much money do you need? Don't worry, I can get as much as you want!"

Liu Yihua waved his hand: "Just for fun... Just make a few tens of billions! Of course, to prove your trust in me, it can exceed hundreds of billions! To prove that you love me... Hehe, trillions is not impossible! Haha, I am Just kidding... Of course you don't have trillions... So, don't say I 'love me'... I'm afraid of these two words!"

Li Shanshan and Zhou Huijie looked at each other...the two said fiercely: "We just want to say I 'love you'!"

Liu Yihua fell asleep...waving his hands and said, "Come and talk to me after you become trillionaires! My love is very valuable! Well, you guys hurry up and get ready. I'm going to bed. I'm so tired!"

Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan knew that Liu Yihua was really tired! They sat silently beside Liu Yihua's bed... until Liu Yihua really fell asleep, they covered Liu Yihua with a quilt, and the two gritted their teeth to carry out Liu Yihua's plan! Anyway, the big deal is going bankrupt... But Yihua must not be disappointed! Without Yihua... Do they still have a way to spend the money in this world

When Liu Yihua woke up, he found that it was completely dark.

I looked up and saw two little nurses sitting there talking quietly. They spoke English, but Liu Yihua could still fully understand them. In the previous history, Liu Yihua often did business with foreigners, and English was an essential tool.

Liu Yihua felt that his body had basically recovered... and his glory was also glowing... After lying down for an unknown number of days, his body was sore and numb! He sat up and stretched... He said in English: "What time is it? Is there any food?" Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan didn't have much food for Liu Yihua during the day today! Because Liu Yihua hasn't eaten for several days, he can't eat too much at once. But now after a long sleep... Liu Yihua feels that his body functions have recovered, and he must have a big meal!

"Ah... sir, you're awake... I'll call the doctor!" A little nurse ran out immediately.

Another little nurse immediately came over and put on Liu Yihua's coat, and said, "I'll call Miss Li now, she will come over later."

Liu Yihua said: "Thank you!"

Holding the phone, the little nurse exclaimed, "Sir, I heard that you are from mainland China...but your English is really good."

Liu Yihua smiled. Although my English is very good, my pronunciation still smells like green onions and garlic! The little nurse was just complimenting herself!

It didn't take long, the little nurse finished the call, quickly helped Liu Yihua to lie down, and then whispered: "Sir, Miss Li's family will come over later, Miss Li asked you... that... to act more serious." Obviously. The little nurse is relatively simple and doesn't know how to lie.

Liu Yihua smiled wryly and nodded, "I see. Thank you."

The little nurse blushed and hurriedly cleaned up the room, and then called a lot of doctors and nurses, which showed that the hospital attached great importance to Liu Yihua.

Liu Yihua "touched" his forehead, thinking that this face project seems to be not only particular about our country, but Singapore is also very particular about it! Judging from the posture in the hospital, Li Shanshan's family is very powerful!

Not long after, a series of footsteps sounded in the corridor... Led by Li Shanshan, a young officer and a middle-aged couple walked in.

Liu Yihua immediately pretended to be extremely weak... and the doctors in the hospital immediately became extremely busy!

Seeing Liu Yihua's weak appearance... Li Shanshan couldn't help laughing! She quietly walked to Liu Yihua's side and whispered, "Yihua, are you feeling better? My brother and parents are here to see you."

Liu Yihua opened his eyes... and smiled.

Li Shanshan's brother immediately stepped forward and took Liu Yihua's hand affectionately and said, "Thank you! Thank you for saving my sister... You... are really a hero! I am also a soldier, and I want to learn from you!"

Liu Yihua was a little dizzy looking at the major general rank shining on Li Shanshan's brother's shoulder! Damn, what did you learn from a major general in Singapore and a small soldier of the armed police in mainland China

Seeing Liu Yihua in a daze... Li Shanshan's brother sighed and backed away. He thought that Liu Yihua's body had not fully recovered. There may be mental issues as well.

At this time, Li Shanshan's parents came forward to express their cordial condolences to Comrade Liu Yihua...Liu Yihua found that Li Shanshan's father seemed very familiar...but for a while Liu Yihua couldn't remember where he had seen this person before.

The director of the hospital and several "government" officials followed Li Shanshan's father and introduced Liu Yihua's condition in a low voice.

The entire visit lasted 20 minutes, and then Li Shanshan's family left, and of course Li Shanshan stayed.

Li Shanshan waved her hand... All the doctors and nurses in the ward went out.

Liu Yihuateng sat up and smiled wryly, "Hey, it's really painful to pretend to be sick! Why do you want me to pretend to be sick?"

Li Shanshan pouted and said, "Idiot, if you get better so soon... I can't find a fair reason to be with you! Besides, I really want to take care of you. Come on, I'll make soup for you... Hehe , Sister, you came just in time! The two of us are already fed!"

Zhou Huijie, who just walked into the ward in a hurry, said with a smile, "Okay! I'll wash my hands... start right away!"

Liu Yihua suddenly said loudly: "No! I don't want to eat these..."

Zhou Huijie and Li Shanshan asked strangely, "Then what do you want to eat?"

Liu Yihua suddenly jumped up from the illness: "I am in good health now! I want to go out to eat! I want to eat big fish and meat!"