Old Lover

Chapter 11: eleven



He injured his hand, and Shen Yan couldn't work, so Qin Xuan could only call another part-time worker to clean up.

Shen Yan wanted to leave and go home, but Qin Xuan said, "Now you have one hand, you have to dress, clean, cook, take a bath, go to the toilet..."

The more Shen Yan listened, the more inaccurate it became, and he hurriedly interrupted him: "What's the matter with going to the toilet? My body structure has mutated to the point where I can solve physiological problems with my hands?"

…I imagined the picture, it was disgusting.

Qin Xuan looked at him like an idiot, and said leisurely, "I can help you put on your pants."

Shen Yan: "...No need to thank you."

Qin Xuan: "If your hair gets stuck in the zipper, I can cut it for you."

Shen Yan blushed slightly and said angrily, "Get out of here, I'll cut you a knife first!"

The result of the negotiation was that Shen Yan stayed behind as a rice worm.

Shen Yan bought a hot water bottle that his furry hands could insert. After he took a bath, he hugged his "concubine" and got into the bed happily.

After a while, Qin Xuan came out of the shower, lifted the quilt and sat in.

Qin Xuan glanced at the hot water bottle, "I remember I turned on the heater."

Shen Yan said: "You don't understand. This glossy fur, warm body... When I put my hand into its interior, I could feel it reluctantly grabbed my hand and couldn't even pull it out. ."

Qin Xuan's eyebrows twitched, and he said lightly, "You just like it."

Qin Xuan has only seen Shen Yan as a person who can describe a person who is so vulgar with a hot water bottle.

After reading the daily bedtime story routinely, Shen Yan yawned and closed the book, "Have you been insomnia lately?" on.

Qin Xuan closed his eyes and responded lazily, "It's okay, there is improvement."

Shen Yan asked, "What's the situation with the improvement?"

Qin Xuan thought for a while, "Sleep time is getting longer."

Shen Yan could only comfort him that he would have a good night's sleep.

Qin Xuan suddenly said: "If you let me hold me to sleep, maybe I will fall asleep."

Shen Yan: "..."

The house suddenly became quiet.

Shen Yan looked at Qin Xuan's calm face inquiringly, "There's something... I didn't want to ask, but now, do I have to ask you."

Qin Xuan didn't speak, and seemed to answer by default.

The intact hand clenched slightly, Shen Yan's Adam's apple rolled up and down, "Do you want to soak me?"

Qin Xuan quietly opened his eyes and turned his head to look at him.

Shen Yan tried his best to resist the urge to turn his head away and looked at him persistently.

After a long while, Qin Xuan said softly, "Yes."

Shen Yan clenched his jaw and maintained his expression. He couldn't describe his mood, joy and daze came together, knocking him down, almost making him breathless.

Qin Xuan looked at him calmly, "Don't be under pressure, I won't do anything to you."

Shen Yan held it back for a while, and finally swallowed the sentence "what you do to me seems to be your disadvantage", he took a deep breath, and asked with a stern face, "then didn't you dislike me before?"

Qin Xuan thought for a moment, "I like it, but I don't know. I only found out after you left for a while."

Shen Yan: "..." Human nature is inherently cheap.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, but I still have changes." After a long silence, Shen Yan said, "If you want to find the shadow of my past in me, I'm afraid..."

Qin Xuan said: "I know, not only have you changed, but I have also changed."

"So we just start over."


Shen Yan didn't expect him to be so straightforward, and was stunned for a while.

Qin Xuan's tone and expression were as calm as he was saying, "I bought a chicken today to prepare soup for soup." The hand in the bed tapped on his leg, obviously his heart was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.


He is happy. Even if he doesn't love this person as he did at the beginning, he still has feelings for Qin Xuan in his heart, and what he can't get is always the best, so Shen Yan is somewhat obsessed with it. Bai Yueguang now offered to start over, which was enough for Shen Yan to set off fireworks in his heart.

However, when he fell to the ground and the bleak ending was still in sight, Shen Yan did not dare to easily step into the same person's pit again and again.

In a moment of sadness and joy, Shen Yan didn't know what was going on, and burst out laughing.

Shen Yan laughed "hahahaha" like a fool for a long time, wiped the corners of his eyes, and thought that he had to take care of someone's mood.

Qin Xuan's expression was very calm, and he could not tell whether he was angry or angry, but Shen Yan felt a little fuzzy in his heart.

When he smiled, the atmosphere just now disappeared.

Shen Yan said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I suddenly thought of a joke."

Qin Xuan said "Oh" expressionlessly, "Tell me too?"

Shen Yan: "..."

Shen Yan maintained a smiling face and said slowly: "Okay, I'll tell you, once upon a time, there was a person, he... Hahahahahaha I'm sorry... Hahahahahaha, it's so funny, hahahaha... He said... Heha Hahahahahaha…”

Qin Xuan: "..."

Although he was a little disappointed, Qin Xuan was not surprised by this result. He wanted to take it slow, slowly let Shen Yan change his mind about him, and fall in love with him again, but he didn't expect Shen Yan to ask this question so straightforwardly, and he didn't want to hide it.

"I'll give you time, Yan." Qin Xuan changed his words and called him by his nickname, "You didn't reject me, I still have a chance."

As soon as Shen Yan's exaggerated movements stopped, he held the hot water bottle, rubbed his cheeks, and said with a smile, "I just bought my beloved concubine, and I have no plans to separate for the time being. It's not impossible for you to be the principal, but …”

Putting down the hot water bottle, Shen Yan leaned over and looked at him. He licked the corner of his lower lip, his eyes twitched on Qin Xuan's lips, gradually downward, looking at the position of his crotch maliciously, but unfortunately it was blocked by the quilt.

Qin Xuan's throat tightened, "What are you doing?"

Shen Yan got into his quilt, stretched out his hand and grabbed it with a smile, "You want to be my principal, anyway, you have to be tough, right? Remember why we broke up?"

Qin Xuan touched the back of his neck and smiled, "You think I can't do it?"

Shen Yan raised his eyebrows and said: "I can count the number of times you and I have done it with both hands. Every time you come back from socializing and drink too much, you do it with me, and every time you shoot in seconds, how can I seduce you when you are awake? You won't be hard, before I go..."

It sounds like it really doesn't work.

With reason and evidence, Qin Xuan himself almost believed it.

However, Shen Yan stopped talking, and thought absentmindedly, it's not impossible, it's just that Qin Xuan has no sexual interest in him.

On the night he left five years ago, Shen Yan tied Qin Xuan to the bed, cried and kissed him, stroked him, how to tease him, Qin Xuan was indifferent. He finally broke down and burst into tears: "Brother...Brother...you...you didn't lift it."

Actually, what Shen Yan wanted to say at that time was, brother, do you really hate me that much

Qin Xuan only adapts to his "younger brother" status, but has never been able to adapt to his "lover" status.

Although Shen Yan had resentment, he never blamed him. After all, in the beginning, he was wrong, he was too greedy.

He came back to his senses and found that the things in his hands were hard.

Shen Yan looked at him, inexplicably: "I admit that I was fed by you before, but I have never changed, right? I didn't expect that you are still a figure control, if I lose weight, you will be hard, you said earlier, I Lose weight early."

Qin Xuan didn't answer, he pressed his neck and kissed him, turned over and pressed him under him.