Omni Genius

Chapter 116: Protection fees


early morning.

As usual, Qin Fang got up early and went out for early exercise with Fang Dacheng. By the way, he practiced the simple ancient boxing technique that Fang Dacheng taught him a few times to practice his proficiency.

Qin Fang didn't tell anyone about the fight last night, mainly because he didn't want everyone to worry about him, but it did make Qin Fang realize that this set of boxing techniques was really useful.

In other words, some of the routines of this boxing technique are really useful in fighting. If not for this, Qin Fang would not have easily defeated those three guys yesterday.

"Hey, Fourth Brother, why do I feel like you have become a different person today? You can even fight with me for many more rounds!"

Not only that, when Qin Fang and Fang Dacheng had a routine sparring match, Fang Dacheng immediately felt that Qin Fang was not simple anymore. In the past, even yesterday morning, Fang Dacheng could easily defeat Qin Fang, and I don’t think it takes much effort.

But today, they fought hard for more than thirty moves, and Fang Dacheng finally caught Qin Fang's flaw and knocked Qin Fang down. The pressure was obviously increased a lot.

"Hehe, Sister Xiao Ning trained me alone yesterday, and I gained some experience!"

Others didn't know the reason, but Qin Fang naturally knew it. After being promoted to level 2, all attributes increased to 10, including strength, agility, etc., doubled. The gap with Fang Dacheng changed from level 2 to level 1. Of course it's a huge improvement.

Fang Dacheng just smiled when he heard this and did not go into details.

Last night was the first time he saw Ning Yumo, but he could also feel that Ning Yumo seemed to be stronger than him, and he still had good fighting skills, so it was not surprising that Qin Fang made such progress.

"By the way, fourth child, when you sent Sister Xiao Ning back last night, Tang Feifei asked us to tell you that your class will have a freshman mobilization meeting this afternoon, so you must not miss it!"

After the two of them finished their morning exercise, Qin Fang was going to go to the noodle shop in Lanyuan as usual and prepare some fresh sauce. Fang Dacheng took a few steps and then remembered it and reminded him.

"Oh, I got it! I won't forget it..."

Qin Fang nodded. When he came back last night, he met his classmates and heard them talk about it. Naturally, he would not forget it.

Military training is officially over, and Qin Fang is about to start real college life. Unfortunately, none of the brothers in the dormitory are in the same class as him. Only Xiao Nan is in the same department and major as him, but they are not in the same class.

Of course, what surprised Qin Fang was that there were six classes in this year's economics and management major, but Qin Fang, Tang Feifei, and Li Feng were actually assigned to the same class again. It was not clear whether they were destined to be destined to be together, or whether they were just enemies.

This freshman mobilization meeting is nothing more than introducing classmates to get to know each other before the formal class starts, and at the same time electing some temporary class cadres. Qin Fang has never cared much about these, and is a standard nomination party and hand-raising party.

Fang Feixue Noodle House has changed a lot now. The three stores are connected together to form a large-scale operation. Although it is a little smaller, there are still many features here.

Porridge, soup dumplings, and all kinds of noodles are almost all available, but what the guests really praise is the excellent sauce here. Many guests even come here just for the sauce. No matter what they eat, they have to order it. I won't eat it until I have dipping sauce.

It is also true that what is lost the most every day in the store is not the various ingredients, but the fragrant and delicious sauce. Even if Qin Fang prepares the quantity three to five days in advance, it will basically run out in less than two days. .

"Boss, you are here!"

When Qin Fang rushed to the store, both the shopkeeper and the waiter called him very politely.

They all know that although this store is well-known in Lanyuan, it has only been open for more than half a month. The boss is a young man who has not yet reached his twenties. The entire store has invested dozens of dollars. Well, although this scale is not comparable to those hotels, as far as snack bars are concerned, it is already considered to be one of the best.

Several young waiters in the store had also imagined that this young boss would like them so that they could become the boss's wife. However, after they met Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue, the two legendary boss's wives, they suddenly became more interested. I gave up this idea.

Fang Feixue is now in charge of Uncle Fang, the same Uncle Fang whom Qin Fang met earlier who made secret soup dumplings. His soup dumpling stall has been handed over to his son and daughter-in-law to take care of, and Qin Fang owes him a bit. , so he was hired as the shopkeeper, and he was paid a considerable salary every month.

As usual, Qin Fang came to the store and didn't check the accounts. He didn't care about these things. Xiao Nan had already found a special person to take charge of the store's accounts. He only needed to collect money.

If it were someone else, Qin Fang might be a little worried about whether his money would be hacked, but Xiao Nan... A meal can cost the store two months of income, would he care about this little money

"Uncle Fang, what's wrong? Why are you hesitating?"

Just when Qin Fang was about to go to the kitchen behind to make sauce, he noticed that Uncle Fang was hesitant to speak, so he couldn't help but ask strangely.

"boss… "

"Uncle Fang, we are old friends. Don't call me boss like that. Just call me Xiao Qin as before! If you have any difficulties, just tell me and I will help you if I can!"

Qin Fang immediately interrupted calling Uncle Fang, feeling that this would only make the relationship between the two people further apart. Now that he is worth millions, he has more confidence to say this.

"Well... someone came to collect protection fees and asked us to pay 5,000 yuan a month! At first I refused to give it, and they said they would destroy the store, which scared away the customers. I had no choice but to give them 2,000 yuan. , they said they would come to collect another three thousand yuan in two days!"

Uncle Fang hesitated for a moment, but he also knew that he couldn't handle the matter anymore, so he had no choice but to tell Qin Fang the truth.

"Protection fees?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Fang's originally good mood suddenly turned cold.

In fact, he has also heard about this kind of protection fee. It is also called security management fee. It is usually aimed at merchants with stores. By paying a certain fee every month, you can guarantee that they will not come this month. Harassment.

But if you don't pay, it's hard to tell. There are people who smash the store, find faults, and even throw excrement and paint. The average merchant can't fight them. They can only grit their teeth and pay the money, unless they don't intend to. Do this business.

Qin Fang's store hasn't been open for a long time, so the gangsters who collected protection fees haven't targeted it yet. Now that the store is bigger and the business is so good, it's hard not to pay attention.

"I know, Uncle Fang! When they come next time, you can call me and tell me. If he presses hard, you can give them the money first..."

Qin Fang also understands Uncle Fang's difficulty. Although he manages the store, he is not the boss. He uses the store's funds at will. When the accounts are checked at the end of the month, he will not be able to explain clearly. But he couldn't afford to offend those who collected protection fees. If he let them do something extraordinary, he would feel even more sorry for Qin Fang's trust.

So after much hesitation, he decided to explain to Qin Fang to prevent any major changes in the matter.

"Yeah, I got it!"

Uncle Fang nodded, feeling relieved with Qin Fang's words.

Qin Fang continued to go to the kitchen at the back to make sauce, but at the same time he was still thinking about this matter in his heart, "It seems that Brother Hu said last time that this area of University City is Brother Dong's land. Collect protection fees... Hehehe , how much you take from me, you have to spit it out to me twice as much!"

After having a drink with Brother Hu and the others, although the relationship is not that close, we also learned some things on the road. For example, Brother Hu and the others have stopped doing things like collecting protection fees. They are all running entertainment centers. , bathing centers, KTV nightclubs, bars, etc., the money can come in much faster than collecting protection fees.

And most of the people who actually do this are some unscrupulous little gangsters. A few or a dozen of them are entangled together and use some tricks to force the merchants to submit.

Qin Fang's matter is really nothing, and it can probably be settled with just one phone call.

This is Li Dong's territory. These gangsters wouldn't dare to go against Li Dong after eating the food. So Qin Fang told them to eat as much as they wanted and then spit it back twice as much. That was definitely not a lie.

Because of this, Qin Fangcai was not in a hurry and concentrated on making the sauce that could be used for several days. Then he greeted Uncle Fang and left the store directly to the bank.

"Mom, I put a sum of money into your card, so you don't have to work in the factory anymore. It's too hard! Well, the money came from the right place. Remember what I told you last time. I opened it with my classmates. Is it about a store? You can make tens of thousands of dollars in income every month, and the dividends alone are more than 50,000... Mom, don’t worry, your son can make money on his own. You can spend the money, you don’t have to save it for me. of… "

I transferred a sum of 50,000 yuan to my mother's card and called to inform her. The mother and son had a brief chat before hanging up the phone.

It's not that Qin Fang is reluctant to give all the money to his mother, it's just that the amount of money is too big, and what Qin's mother hates most is Qin Fang's participation in gambling, so Qin Fang doesn't dare to tell her what he earned from gambling on stones. I had to use this store as an excuse and planned to send some money back every month, which was much safer.

Although Qin Fang said he became rich overnight, what he cared about the most was his mother who had struggled to bring him up. Now that he was rich, he would naturally be the first to be filial.

In addition, Qin Fang also applied for several other cards, all of which were anonymous. Each card contained 10,000 yuan. These were red envelopes that Qin Fang planned to give to the brothers in the dormitory.

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The amount of money should not be too much or too little, otherwise it would easily cause disagreements and resentment among the brothers in the dormitory. Qin Fang thought about it last night and decided to limit it to this number.