Omni Genius

Chapter 133: Master of the pass


"Fourth, that's fine! You pretend to be the same, and you can hit the ball better than me..."

When Qin Fang was brushing up on his proficiency, he saw Xiao Nan coming over with sweat all over his face. He watched Qin Fang shoot for a while, and his hit rate was not low. He immediately looked at him with contempt.

"I really just learned it, Feifei and Muxue can both prove it..."

Qin Fang could only smile bitterly at such contemptuous looks, and had no choice but to let two women testify.

"Don't mention it, these two beauties are yours. I can't fight them both with just one mouth. You must be cruel!" It's a pity that Xiao Nan didn't pay attention to this problem at all, but half-tugged and half-tugged Qin. Fang walked over to the venue where the competition was taking place and said, "Please stand in for me for a while. I really can't stand it anymore. I can't stand it anymore..."

"I've just learned how to dribble and shoot. I can't play games..."

Qin Fang's shooting rate is still very high if he just stands there and shoots because he knows his own business, but once he is interfered with, his shooting rate will plummet.

"It's okay, there is always a first time for everyone! How will you know if you are not good if you don't give it a try?"

Xiao Nan actually had something to say, so Qin Fang couldn't find a reason to refuse, and the two women following him kept cheering Qin Fang up.

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"Okay, let me try..."

Qin Fang had no choice but to agree. Since he had learned how to play basketball and might face Li Feng one day, it would be good to adapt to the game in advance. At least he would not be cramming for the time, which would be really bad. .

"Fourth, you came just in time, let's change..."

When Qin Fang came over, Xi Xiaojun was also exhausted, and Shen Yang and Fang Dacheng were the only two people left on the field.

Even though Fang Dacheng came from the mountains, he is really good at basketball. At least he is much better than Qin Fang, a rookie. He is relatively good at dribbling, layups, steals, and mid-range shots. The only disadvantage is his size. He is the shortest in the dormitory, only 1.7 meters tall.

Shen Yang is a tall man of over 1.9 meters, and Qin Fang is also 1.78 meters tall. He has a slight advantage over his opponents in terms of height. Coupled with Fang Dacheng's skills, this combination is actually quite good. Of course, the premise is that Qin Fang can Just fight in a decent manner.

The rules of three-on-three are very simple. Each group has three people, five balls or ten points. Whichever side gets five balls or ten points first, the other group will be automatically eliminated, and the next group will come up and continue playing. The same rules... in sequence cycle.

Before Qin Fang joined, the combination of Shen Yang and Fang Dacheng was already pretty good. Although the remaining ones, whether Xiao Nan, Xi Xiaojun, or Gao Ming, were not very good, they still won four consecutive victories. Then he was eliminated for one round and came back to play a few more games. The three benches all announced that they were exhausted, and then Qin Fang was pulled over to make up for it.

"Fourth, your main task is to pass the ball to me and the boss. If there is an opening, you can also shoot by yourself..." The tactical arrangement before the game is very simple, considering that Shen Yang and Fang Dacheng are both veterans, and It feels good in the hand, so it’s natural to make such an arrangement.

The game started. The opponent served first. Shen Yang got close to the inside and forced the opponent's center. Fang Dacheng defended the outside players. Qin Fang also looked at the remaining player of the opponent in a decent way, but he didn't know it. How to defend, just stand in front of him and stare, without even a decent defensive posture.

The opponent started to attack. Fang Dacheng's defense was very good. The player was unable to take action. He wanted to hang the inside but found that Shen Yang was tall and had a high chance of being intercepted. As soon as he swung the ball in his hand, he immediately moved towards the Qin Fang guard. The player passed the ball over, but Qin Fang gave him the feeling that he was not defending, and his vigilance was much lower.

The player subconsciously caught the ball, but when his finger was about to touch the ball, a hand suddenly blocked him and took the orange basketball away, "Boss..."

Qin Fang remembered his task, which was to pass the ball. The moment he got the basketball, he immediately threw it out, targeting Fang Dacheng who was closer to the outside.

Fang Dacheng didn't expect Qin Fang to successfully steal the ball, but when he heard the sound, he stretched out his hand gently, and the basketball came into his hands, and then he made a jump shot from outside the three-point line.

Swish~~ There was a crisp sound, the ball was scored! Got three points.


"here you go!"

The three people immediately high-fived each other to celebrate, and encouraged each other that this goal was really a good start, quite clean and neat.

Even after Qin Fang stole the ball and Fang Dacheng made a successful jump shot, the opponent's players had not recovered yet. It all happened so fast that they were unexpected.

After exchanging ball rights, this time it was Qin Fang's turn to serve. Shen Yang and Fang Dacheng quickly found their positions. The other players also stepped forward to defend. The one remaining to defend Qin Fang was the one from the previous one. The one guarding Lun Qinfang seemed very nervous at this time.

"I'm so sorry for breaking your ball just now..."

Qin Fang said to the opponent sheepishly while patting the ball.

"It's nothing, it's just like this on the court. Hey, where's your ball?"

The opponent's player was a little surprised as to how Qin Fang could say such stupid things, but he was surprised to find that the ball in Qin Fang's hand was gone.

Whoa~~ But behind him, inside center Shen Yang hit the ball into the basket and easily scored two points.

Another attack that was almost to the extreme.

"Oh my god, this kid is really good at passing the ball. Every pass is accurate!"

"Good luck! This guy looks like a newbie, so he's probably blind!"

"Tch, if you say you can still hide it when shooting, have you ever seen that you can hide it like this when passing a ball?"

It is said that the eyes of the crowd are sharp. Although he only passed two balls, many people saw that Qin Fang's two passes were of high quality, with very accurate position and force. His teammates only needed a gentle move. You can reach the ball with your hand, but the opponent's defender just can't steal it.

"Haha, come on, Fourth, kill them!"

"Come on Qin Fang, come on Qin Fang!"

The brothers who were resting in the audience originally thought that Qin Fang, a super bench, would lose miserably. Unexpectedly, in less than a minute, his side had already easily scored two goals and scored five points. They were immediately stunned. He shouted at the top of his lungs.

As for the two beauties, it goes without saying that they found two empty mineral water bottles from nowhere. While cheering for Qin Fang, they slapped the mineral water bottles against each other to make a crisp sound.

"Fuck, we can't go on like this, Lao Wu keeps an eye on that guy, his pass is too accurate!"

"Understood, I won't let him take action this time!"

Compared with Qin Fang's cheering and cheering, the opponent's face was a bit ugly. He was half penetrated in one minute. This was too embarrassing. If he continued like this, he would be beaten at 0:10 in two minutes. I'm afraid it will take a long time to lose face before people gradually forget about it.

Sure enough, after the restart, the ball was in the opponent's hands, and all three of them seemed extremely nervous, especially the persistent one who had his eyes fixed on Qin Fang, who was defending against him. The snap of the racket.

Whoa~~ This kid made a fake move and crossed his hands to dribble, tricking Qin Fang into intercepting in another direction, while he changed hands and passed the ball to his teammate.


But just when he thought the pass was successful, Qin Fang suddenly swung his body, made a flying save very common for goalkeepers in football, and then slapped the flying basketball.

The direction of the basketball's flight immediately changed, from the opponent's player very inside to Fang Dacheng outside the three-point line. At this time, the opponent's defensive player Fang Dacheng had already entered the three-point line and was about to help his team score, but he failed. Fang Dacheng was accidentally missed.

Fang Dacheng was still the same. With a slight lift of his arm, the basketball seemed to be automatically delivered to his hand. Both the position and the strength were very suitable. Fang Dacheng took the ball smoothly and immediately three Take a jump shot.

Swish~~Another extremely beautiful hollow three-pointer.

It was less than 2 minutes before the start, and Qin Fang and the others were already leading their opponents 8:0. The next goal was still Qin Fang's possession. As long as they scored a random goal, they could easily eliminate their opponents. .

"This kid is so brutal. His steals and wonderful passes are amazing..."

The onlookers also started talking. They had been watching football here for a long time, and many of them had even played several games. However, Qin Fang's three shots still made them feel bright. At the same time, I also feel stressed.

The last ball was still the same, but this time it was Fang Dacheng who served from the center line and threw it to Qin Fang. The three opponents pressed hard to defend, guarding Shen Yang and Fang Dacheng to death. Qin Fang himself He was also hated by the opponent, a player who was gnashing his teeth, and was almost ready to defend Qin Fang.

"You think I can't pass the ball like this?"

Qin Fang took a look and saw that this kid's defensive moves were a bit big, blocking almost all his passing routes. However, Qin Fang not only did not feel anxious at all, but instead smiled and said to his opponent.

"I won't be fooled by you again..."

But the opponent has obviously learned the lesson from the last time and did not talk nonsense to Qin Fang. Instead, he kept staring at the ball in Qin Fang's hand.

But is this really useful

The answer is obviously, no!

Qin Fang stepped back slightly, and then threw the basketball in his hand directly. It looked like he was going to shoot directly. In fact, Qin Fang was standing almost on the edge of the center line. Such a long-range shot, Generally speaking, even if he stands there without interference, he may not be able to hit the target, let alone Qin Fang who was interfered by the opponent.

But actually... this is just a pass!

"Well done!"

Seeing the ball being thrown high, from Shen Yang's perspective, it was obvious that the ball would fall down before it could reach the backboard. Shen Yang immediately blocked his opponent, jumped up slightly, and then smoothly One wave.

Swish~~The ball was scored again, and the time was almost two minutes. The Qin Fang pair easily slaughtered their opponents 10:0 and won.

The biggest contributor to this game was undoubtedly Qin Fang, who scored four times with his four wonderful passes.

"Qin Fang, can't you tell? He plays basketball well. Are you interested in competing..."

Villains always like to appear when decent people are celebrating their achievements, like now, for example... Li Feng, appears!