Omni Genius

Chapter 139: Make guns


Qin Fang didn't tell anyone about his purchase of the factory. The only person who knew about it was Shu Qiang. As for whether Li Dong knew about it, Qin Fang didn't care that much. I believe that in the territory of University City, Li Dong wanted to It is not difficult to know something.

The owner of the sawmill took the money and left, and Qin Fang spent another sum of money to repair the walls and gates of the factory, and tidy up and clean the yard and warehouse.

However, Qin Fang didn't let anyone take away the few machines inside, and the boss didn't care about them for a long time. He couldn't make much money selling scrap metal anyway, so he simply took it easy and left them all to Qin Fang. This would suit Qin Fang's wishes and save him from having to think of ways to keep these machines.

In addition, Qin Fang also had a small room welded with a steel frame in the warehouse, with a bed and some simple facilities placed in it, so that Qin Fang would have a small room outside the school. It's his own little nest.

"Fang Fang, what have you been busy with recently? Why can't I find you after class? It's been a week and you haven't spent much time with me..."

However, after having this small nest, Qin Fang rarely appeared in front of others during his rest time. Others didn't care. After all, everyone had their own things to do, but Tang Feifei, his prospective girlfriend, was angry. , finally caught Qin Fang who was about to go out, and said angrily.

"Oh, my aunt, am I busy? By the way, how did you go about the thing I asked you to do last time?" Qin Fang doesn't want to expose his little nest just yet. There are some things that cannot be shown in front of others, otherwise it will be too easy to cause trouble, so when Tang Feifei wanted to ask, she quickly changed the subject.

"What's the matter? Oh, you're talking about the battery, I have records every day..."

Tang Feifei didn't think of it at first, but she quickly realized it. While talking, she took out a piece of paper from her small bag with a list on it.

For example, "the battery is full on a certain day and time of a certain month", "discharge one bar on a certain day and time of a certain month", "discharge two bars", "the battery is used up", etc. Tang Feifei indeed has relatively accurate records. You can see Qin Fang couldn't help but feel sad, feeling sad for this silly girl Tang Feifei.

Almost involuntarily, Qin Fang reached out and held Tang Feifei in his arms, resting her little head on her chin. Qin Fangfang kissed Tang Feifei's hair gently.

Such an action was touched by Qin Fang from the bottom of his heart, but it was the most intimate action between the two of them so far. Tang Feifei's face couldn't help but blush, and she struggled slightly, but in the end she still lay on Qin Fang's chest, quietly. Quietly listening to Qin Fang's heartbeat.

It wasn't until... Xiao Muxue suddenly appeared that she broke away a little embarrassedly.

"You two, you two, can't help but make out on the road. Isn't this too impatient?"

Xiao Muxue said to Tang Feifei with a smile, while her eyes flashed across Qin Fang's face, concealing some pain, while Qin Fang looked embarrassed.

"You are so impatient! I want you to laugh at me, I want you to laugh at me..."

Tang Feifei said with a blush on her face, and then reached out to scratch Xiao Muxue's body. The two beauties immediately started to make a fuss. Two pairs of little white rabbits jumped inside the clothes, which made Qin Fang dizzy, especially Xiao Muxue. Muxue's pair were quite full, and when they trembled, they gave people a thrilling feeling. Qin Fang even felt a fire coming from below through the top door.

Qin Fang didn't dare to watch anymore. He was a little worried that he would continue to watch. The reaction below was too intense. It was indecent to watch in public, and it was easy for him to be despised by the two beauties. He simply lowered his head and looked carefully at what Tang Feifei had recorded. piece of paper.

In fact, Qin Fang himself had a rough record, but it was not as detailed as Tang Feifei's. After comparing and summarizing the two, Qin Fang found that when the original battery was fully charged, it could generally last a little more than two days, even if If you do nothing, you can barely hold on for three days at most.

However, since Qin Fang made improvements, Tang Feifei has only charged twice in nearly half a month, and so far, the actual battery life of the two batteries has reached three days, which is close to Four days.

This is certainly related to activating the one-third of the storage capacity reserved by the battery manufacturer, but even adding these is equivalent to increasing the battery life by nearly a day, an increase of a full 30%.

What is the concept of 30%? If the battery life of each battery can be extended by 30% under the same consumption, it is equivalent to saving 30% of energy loss.

Energy is conserved. The same function is used, that is, under almost the same consumption, 30% more battery life is achieved, which is equivalent to squeezing out 30% of the energy loss between energy conversion, and completely What a great achievement it will be to turn useless work that does not produce any value into useful work now.

Of course, Qin Fang's battery improvement plan was only tested on a few batteries. Although he was confident in the authenticity of this technology, without definite experimental data to support it, even if he had such technology , and it is impossible to build a factory immediately for production.

"Okay, you two continue playing. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first..."

After being held back by two women for a while, Qin Fang knew that danger could come at any time. He did not dare to be careless, so he had to be prepared to protect himself before the danger came. As for the love between his children, he could only Let’s put it aside for now.

"Wait a minute, if you don't make things clear today, you won't be able to escape from my Wuzhishan..."

But Tang Feifei grabbed Qin Fang and expressed her dissatisfaction.

"What are you talking about? Didn't you see that I have already taken this from you? Now that I finally have a clue, I just want to get it out as soon as possible. If my train of thought suddenly stops one day, it will probably be in vain... "

Qin Fang would not involve Tang Feifei at this time, so he immediately said very seriously.

"Ah! That's it...then let's put the big things first, go and do your work! However, if you get it done, you have to notify me as soon as possible!"

Tang Feifei is relatively simple. When Qin Fang bluffed, she immediately took it seriously. Although she was a little reluctant, she still knew that Qin Fang should put his career first, and she could not become a stumbling block for Qin Fang, so she immediately compromised with Qin Fang. .

"Feifei, let's go play by ourselves and ignore this bad guy..."

Xiao Muxue on the side was obviously on Qin Fang's side, talking as if Qin Fang was broken, but in fact she was helping to persuade Tang Feifei in disguise.

"Well, ignore this bad guy!"

Tang Feifei felt much better now that she had reached this level. She just made a brief explanation and left with Xiao Muxue. He didn't even ask why Qin Fang had to go outside the school to do research.

After this week of sorting and adding, Qin Fang's small laboratory has completely changed. Except for the bed, which is relatively neat, the rest of the room is already filled with various parts, tools, and equipment.

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The sawing machines outside have been dismantled by Qin Fang, and many parts have been removed. However, the old machine tool has also changed greatly now, and most of the rust has been removed. All the bearings are lubricated, and Qin Fang can even use him to make some parts that don't require very high precision.

Right now, there are still some unfinished semi-finished workpieces lying on the machine tool, and there are some iron filings on the ground that have not been cleaned up.

In the corner of Qin Fang's cabin, there are some parts that have begun to take shape, and many of them have been polished many times, and they look like they are semi-finished products.

The shapes are also various, and you can’t tell what they are used for. Only a few parts are special. If you are an ordnance fan and come to Qin Fang’s laboratory, you will see these relatively primitive parts. , will definitely exclaim and scream.

There was no other reason. Qin Fang was not improving batteries at all, but building guns.

Yes, Qin Fang is indeed making guns, and what he makes are not ordinary guns or imitation guns, but guns with quite powerful lethality.

In order to protect himself, Qin Fang even went to the extent of taking revenge. Especially when he knew that the person Li Feng sent this time was a well-known desperado, Qin Fang became quite vigilant.

He is currently only at level 2. He is basically no match for a level 3 gangster. If the opponent had more people, he would definitely die. However, Li Feng has the ability to send such people to deal with him.

Forced to the point of being helpless, Qin Fang had no choice but to make this decision. When he was dismantling and assembling guns in the military camp, a technology about gun manufacturing popped up in his head, and this was another technology brought by the repair skills. .

Qin Fang always felt that it was useless. After all, making and possessing guns was illegal. If he was discovered, he would be jailed.

If he hadn't been forced to this point this time, Qin Fang would not have thought of doing this.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Fang secretly bought this place, and then secretly used the extremely simple conditions here to manufacture the required firearm parts. As of today, it is basically completed and only needs to assemble these parts. The whole thing was completed, and assembling the gun was really just a piece of cake for Qin Fang.

As for the bullets, Qin Fang also made them briefly. They may not be as good as real bullets, but the technology used is more advanced. Even if they are crudely made, their power is quite objective.